Drexel Public Safety Community Notification Guide

Once Drexel Public Safety (DPS) determines that a community notification is required, DPS management will collaborate to determine the content of the message and activate some or all of the systems described below to communicate the threat to all or part of the University community.

Public Safety Advisory

Crime Alert (Timely Warning)

Emergency Notification (Alert)

A Public Safety Advisory will be evaluated for situations that do not require a Timely Warning Notice or Emergency Notification, but nevertheless present an important opportunity to share safety- or security-related information with the campus community. Circumstances that may give rise to such advisories include: when crimes occur within the Clery campus boundary line but on private property that is not Clery-reportable; off-campus crimes (Clery or non-Clery crimes) occurring in a location in which a high concentration of students or employees may be found; or other safety- or security-related situations that are prudent to share with members of the campus community to apprise them of the circumstances and encourage them to remain steadfast in observing, reporting, and intervening, as appropriate, to promote safety.

A Timely Warning Notice will be distributed for all Clery crimes that occur on or within the Drexel Clery Geography (i.e., reportable On-campus, Non-campus, and Public Property locations), that are:

  • 1)  Reported to Campus Security Authorities or Local Police Agencies; and
  • 2)  Considered by the institution to represent a serious or continuing threat to the campus community.

An Emergency Notification will be issued for all confirmed instances of an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees on campus (unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency). An “immediate” threat as used here includes an immediate or pending threat.


Examples include but are not limited to: the occurrence of a crime (or pattern of crimes) on or off campus that does not require a Timely Warning Notice such as a string of bike thefts or incidents of vandalism; or other safety-related incidents such as a snow or ice storm, sinkhole, water main incident, power outage, flooding, or road closure.

Examples include but are not limited to: homicide, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, domestic violence, dating violence, hate crimes and stalking.

Examples include but are not limited to: active threat, terrorism, violent civil disturbance, violent crime on or close to campus (weapon displayed or discharged), explosion, hazardous materials incident, bomb threat, a significant weather- related incident such as a tornado or earthquake, or any previous examples in the “Public Safety Alert” or “Crime Alert” categories that pose an immediate threat or require the evacuation or suspension of operations on campus.

Method of Notification
Method of Notification
Method of Notification

These notifications will be sent through email and posted to the Public Safety website.

These notifications will be sent to the entire Drexel community as required, through e-mail and posted to the Public Safety website.

These notifications will be sent through text message and require at least one follow-up notification as an all- clear or updates about continuing steps to be taken.
NOTE: All other means of communication may be used as well (e-mail, webpage, Drexel Guardian).