Students with Public Safety escort

Walking and Medical Escorts

Walking Escorts

Upon request, Public Safety security officers provide walking escorts for Drexel students, faculty and professional staff within our patrol boundaries: 30th to 36th streets and Chestnut to Spring Garden streets. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information and to request a walking escort:

  • Call Public Safety at 215.895.2222;
  • Use one of the many building and blue-light emergency phones located across campus; or
  • Ask any Public Safety officer on patrol or inside a building.

As a result of a partnership with the University City District, escorts are also provided by University City District Ambassadors from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. between 30th Street and 42nd Street from Wallace Street to Woodland Avenue and from 42nd Street to 50th Street from Market Street to Woodland Avenue. To request a walking escort from University City District, call 215.387.3942.

In Center City, walking escorts are available at the New College Building by calling 267.584.4160 (escorts are provided by Allied security officers).

Additionally, Drexel University Real Estate and Facilities provides free campus bus service (using your Drexel DragonCard ID to board), a safe and secure way to travel between locations on and off campus.

Medical Escorts

The Department of Public Safety provides medical escorts for non-life-threatening medical conditions to University-approved hospitals, emergency rooms and healthcare centers. Medical escorts are currently provided to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Presbyterian Hospital. Some destinations may not be available from all campuses.

For more information or to request a medical escort, call 215.895.2222.