Purchasing Card

Procurement Card

Procurement Services offers the Purchasing Card (P-Card) to approved members of the Drexel community to make certain business purchases, including those related to travel. P-Cardholders must use the P-Card responsibly and in a manner consistent with the University's mission, ethical practices, policies, applicable laws and regulations.

Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to both JPMorgan at 1.800.270.7760 (please provide the last four digits of your University ID number in lieu of your Social Security number) and the P-Card Administrator at TandE@drexel.edu or 215.895.2876.

Apply for a P-Card

If it has been determined that you need a P-Card for University business, please complete a P-Card application. The P-Card application is accessible online through the Employee tab in DrexelOne. Review the PDFs below for instructions.

The Department Card

Department Cards allow greater visibility to departmental spending, customized spend controls through approval processes set by the department, a reduced number of cards which may be targets of fraud, and a centralized P-Card purchasing and reconciliation process for each department, all of which result in reduced institutional and departmental risk. Department cards have the capacity to handle reoccurring charges, professional dues, and memberships, and other authorized P-Card purchases, including travel arrangements. For more information, please contact the P-Card Team (TandE@drexel.edu).

The Travel Card

Procurement Services also offers a specialized P-Card called a Travel Card to individuals who only have a need for a P-Card for travel use (such as conferences, lodging and business travel meal expense). The Travel Card will follow the P-Card policy and guidelines and is tailored to meet the needs of business travelers with appropriate limits. Current P-Card holders will continue utilize their P-Cards for goods and services, and travel-related purchases per usual. The P-Card team will monitor card activity and make recommendations to departments based on necessity.

Please direct questions about application status to TandE@drexel.edu.

Attend P-Card Training and Receive Your Card

Approved P-Card applicants will be contacted to schedule a mandatory training session, where they will receive their P-Card. P-Cardholders will also be required to complete an annual online refresher training via Career Pathway (accessed under the Employee tab of DrexelOne), as well as any additional trainings required by Procurement Services.

Once you receive your card, you must activate it. Safeguard your card from theft or loss.

Use Your Card

The P-Card must only be used for allowable business purchases. Inappropriate use of the P-Card will result in disciplinary action. Please consult the P-Card Guidelines for detailed lists of Allowable and Prohibited Purchases.

Credit Limits

Extended Leave, Transfer or Termination

Billing Address

Reconciliation and Transaction Allocation

All P-Card transactions must be reconciled monthly by the Cardholder through the JP Morgan PaymentNet website and include detailed transaction notes with supporting purchase documentation. Please consult the P-Card Policy and Guidelines for additional details.

Reconciliation Due Dates

JP Morgan PaymentNet

Please note: To prevent unknowingly doing business with a vendor that may be suspended or debarred, P-Card transactions are not allowed to automatically default to a grant fund. Transactions can be manually reconciled to grant funds where appropriate during the monthly reconciliation process.

Administrator Responsibilities

With the privilege of a P-Card comes certain responsibilities. A list of responsibilities for the Cardholder, Expense Approver, Budget Owner, and P-Card Administrator are outlined in the P-Card Policy.

Procurement Services P-Card Administrators are responsible for the overall stewardship of the P-Card process. Please direct your questions about P-Card to TandE@drexel.edu or 215.895.2876. Procurement Services will conduct regular, random audits of Cardholders as identified in the P-Card Guidelines.


Violations of the P-Card Policy and/or Guidelines may result in suspension or cancellation of P-Card privileges, and/or other disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. Specific consequences for P-Card misuse or non-compliance are outlined in the P-Card Guidelines.