Concur Travel and Expense

Concur Travel and Expense (T&E) system is a comprehensive web-based tool that integrates travel request and expense reporting with a complete travel booking solution.

Concur has 3 Modules:

  • Request — Standardizes and automates the pre-approval process.
  • Travel — Concur Travel should be used to book airfare and make rental car and hotel reservations through the University’s TMC, World Travel, either by using the online booking tool or booking directly with a WT agent.
  • Expense — Replaces the paper Travel Expense Reimbursement form to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses, and to reconcile any university prepaid transactions expense on a P-Card.

The Concur Mobile app helps you manage receipts, expenses and travel from your mobile device.

The Drexel University Travel & Expense Guide is available on the Concur homepage under "Company Notes." It is also available as a PDF on the Procurement Services website. Procurement Services has also created a FAQ guide below based on the questions received during Concur demos and training sessions and will continually update this resource.

If you have any questions, please contact

Travel & Expense Guide [PDF]

Frequently Asked Questions

Profile & Access

Receipts & Documentation

Cost Centers & Allocations

Travel Requests


Delegates, Approvers, Financials Admins
