POSTPONED: 2020 Supplier Expo & Merchant Fair

March 17, 2020

UPDATE: To protect the well-being of the Drexel community in the face of COVID-19, we are limiting all non-critical events and officially notifying our business partners in regards to the postponement of the Drexel Supplier Expo for Wednesday, April 22, 2020. We are targeting to reschedule the Expo to sometime in the early Fall 2020, and will communicate this information once a date is secured. Registration payments received will automatically be applied to the newly scheduled date. If you should have questions or concerns, please email

Procurement Services and Business Services will host the 2020 Supplier Expo & Merchant Fair on Wednesday, April 22, at Behrakis Grand Hall in Creese Student Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is open to all members of the University community – participating suppliers will have the opportunity to provide information and samples to faculty, professional staff and students.

In addition, we will have information sessions available throughout the day offering insight into hot topics for P-Card, Travel, Sourcing, Business Support, Accounts Payable, Tax, and more. Registration for these sessions will be open closer to the event, but a preview of the offerings is provided below. We look forward to seeing you there!

Accounts Payable Sessions:
What Is a Check Request?
A Day in the Life of an Invoice
Paperless Invoice Processing in the Digital Mail Room

Disbursements and Surplus Services Sessions:
Surplus and Drexel Computer Recycling

Procurement Analysis Sessions:
Procurement Analytics: Benefits, Uses and Examples

Procurement Support Sessions:
General Overview of Smart Source and Profiles
Smart Source Dashboard Overview
Supplier Registration: Do’s and Don’ts

Strategic Sourcing Sessions:
Multi-Year Purchase Orders and Blanket Orders

Supplier Inclusion Sessions:
Benefits, Impacts, and Success Stories of Supplier Inclusion

Travel & P-Card Sessions:
Step Into the Travel Portal
Travel Expense Reimbursement Report 101
P-Card Overview - Tools for Success: Using Automated Reports
From Reconciliation to Report: A Live Demo