Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine Donates Microscopes to Albright College

February 13, 2024

By August Ryan

Last semester, the College of Medicine’s Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Professional Studies donated more than 60 microscopes and over 100 boxes of histology slides to the Total Experience Learning (TExpL) program at Albright College in Reading, Pa. TExpL instructors have already begun taking the compound microscopes to Reading School District classrooms to introduce fourth grade students to a new scientific tool.

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine Donates Microscopes to Albright College

Knowing the supplies were going unused at Drexel, Keith Kalbach, department administrator at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, helped colleagues figure out how to put the slides and microscopes to better use. A former adjunct professor in the Pathologists’ Assistant program pointed the Kalbach toward Albright and TExpL.

“Instead of these materials going to waste, they will be used for their proper purpose,” Kalbach said. “I think it’s a great opportunity for students at Albright to get the equipment to accomplish their educational goals, and I’m glad we were able to assist.”

This spring, TExpL will hold two more microscope workshops for Reading students. Led by Ivan Bub, MD, a retired family medicine physician and avid photographer, students will learn to use microscopes to combine science and art.

Dr. Bub is teaching cross-polarized light photomicrography, in which one uses a microscope and camera attachment to photograph and study crystal formations that cannot be seen with the naked eye. During the workshop, students get to see the true structures of materials like vitamin C, sulfur and artificial sweeteners.

College of Medicine Donates Microscopes to Albright College. Histology slide samples for study by students.

Like the students participating in TExpL, Dr. Bub developed his interests in art and science prior to high school. He is excited to pass his skills with a camera and a microscope on to Reading School District students using the donated materials.

“This is an extremely generous donation. The microscopes and histology slides from Drexel University College of Medicine are wonderful assets,” he said. “They will benefit countless students in the schools and TExpL programs, for which we are so grateful.”

Students from the first session responded positively to Dr. Bub’s lesson, with one fourth grader calling the workshop “the best day ever.”

Kayla Gordon, Albright College’s director of pre-college and summer programs, took note of the way exposing young learners to professional-level tools helped spark their excitement for the workshop.

“I am so grateful for the generous donation, which has allowed these students to feel like true scientists, while simultaneously introducing them to an industry-level tool,” Gordon said.