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Haven Behavioral Hospital Academic Medical Campus Affiliation

August 29, 2024

Haven Behavioral Hospital in West Chester, Pa., is now an academic medical campus for Drexel University College of Medicine.

Haven Behavioral Hospital

Drexel medical students have the option to select Haven Behavioral Hospital for their required third-year psychiatry clerkship and fourth-year psychiatry electives. Two physicians with extensive clinical and academic experience in psychiatry, Dr. Joseph Garbely and Dr. Charles Stanfa, have been appointed to the faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine.

Haven Behavioral Hospital offers specialized behavioral health services for high-acuity and complex-need patient populations within Pennsylvania. Haven is a 72-bed inpatient facility that specializes in assistance to adults who are struggling with mental health crises. The hospital’s services include both inpatient psychiatric care and an Outpatient Wellness Center.

The College of Medicine is pleased to announce this affiliation with Haven Behavioral Hospital. This collaboration will provide our medical students with the opportunity to train with experienced physicians in an outstanding clinical facility for the care of mental health and substance use disorders.