Commencement 2013 Is Here!

May 15, 2013

Graduating students at the College of Medicine are eagerly anticipating May 17 when they will finally have their diplomas in hand

Commencement 2013 is finally here! The years of dedicated studying, clinical rotations, research, papers and exams will culminate in a two-hour ceremony at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, 260 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, on Friday, May 17.


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Line Up

The ceremony will begin promptly at 9 a.m. Graduating students should report by 8 a.m. to the Kimmel Center's Perelman Theater, located on the first floor, directly inside the Broad Street entrance. All graduates will be individually recognized.

By the Numbers

A total of 478 students will receive degrees during commencement. The degree breakdown is as follows:

  • 269 doctor of medicine degrees including:
    • 4 joint MD/PhD (doctor of philosophy)
    • 4 joint MD/MBA (master of business administration)
    • 4 joint MD/MPH (master of public health)
  • 15 PhD degrees
  • 194 master's degrees

Honorary Degree Recipients

This year's Commencement speaker will be Donald F. Schwarz, MD, MPH, Philadelphia's health commissioner and deputy mayor for health and opportunity. Before entering government, he was vice chairman of the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and deputy physician-in-chief at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He will receive an honorary degree.

An honorary degree will also be conferred upon Herbert Lotman, founder and former CEO of Keystone Foods, who co-founded the Macula Vision Research Foundation and serves on its board, along with those of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, The Children's Cancer Research Foundation of Philadelphia, and Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Learn more about the ceremony including information about tickets, photos, academic regalia and much more.

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