Nanoelectronics for 2020 and Beyond Program Solicitation

November 29, 2010

The NSF, through its Directorates for Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Computer & Information Science & Engineering, together with the semiconductor industry’s Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI), have issued a call for research and education activities on Nanoelectronics for 2020 and Beyond (NEB).

The goal is to advance the forefront of computation, information processing, sensor technologies, and communications infrastructure beyond the physical and conceptual limitations of current technologies. The program is intended to support proposals by interdisciplinary teams of investigators exploring innovative research concepts in nanoelectronics involving fundamental challenges from novel materials, chemistry, and logic devices, to circuit designs and systems architectures, algorithms, and perhaps entirely new paradigms of computation, sensing, and processing of information. Proposals may also address additional challenges arising from increasing functionality through heterogeneous integration of novel devices and technologies. Proposals should discuss effective ways in which education of the workforce and broadening participation are integrated within the proposed research activities.

Proposals must involve interdisciplinary collaborations by three or more investigators and address aspects of at least two of the research themes:

1. Exploring New Chemistries and Materials for Nanoelectronics
2. Exploring Alternative State Variables and Heterogeneous Integration for Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems
3. Exploring Novel Paradigms of Computing

Since Drexel may submit only TWO such proposals, which are due at the NSF on January 19, we will have an internal competition for any investigative teams who wish to respond to this call. Faculty who are interested in such submission should submit a three-page proposal to no later than 5 p.m., Friday, Dec 17.

The proposal must include NSF-style biosketches of the investigative team; these, the title page, and reference pages are not included in the 3 page limit. Font may be no smaller than Arial 11 point. No budget is required at this time. The entire application must be a single PDF, with the principal investigator’s name in the title. The subject line of the email must include the acronym NEB.