Drexel Mini-Med Summer Camp Inspires Teens to Become Doctors

July 22, 2010

The fifth annual Drexel University College of Medicine Mini-Med Summer Camp® is in progress now through August 6. Campers meet daily at the College’s Center City campus to interact with Drexel University College of Medicine physicians, fellows and residents in specialties like surgery, emergency medicine and critical care.

This highly competitive summer learning experience is for high school students entering their junior or senior year and interested in a career in medicine. Every year there are more than 70 applications and only 24 students are accepted. Not only do this year’s campers come from all over the Pennsylvania region as well as other states such as Minnesota, Colorado, and California, but for the first time, there are two from outside the country: Colombia and Italy.

The students go on rounds with physicians at Hahnemann University Hospital and observe outpatient office visits. Every day is different as campers experience life in the ER, see what goes on inside the operating room and present their own cases while observing firsthand the doctor/patient relationship. For some, like Jason Epstein, this experience means more than just something unique and fun to do during summer break.

Mini Medical School

And it’s not just the campers who enjoy the experience. “Each summer we have an exceptional group and are always thrilled when we can make a difference in the teens’ lives,” says David Stein, MD, associate professor of surgery and director of the Drexel University College of Medicine Mini-Medical School Program. “We are proud of Jason and excited to see him follow his dream of becoming a doctor.”

Epstein also has Mini-Med to thank for giving him the confidence and drive to persist when things got tough. “When I do badly on a test, and want to give up, I think about that summer and why I still want to keep at it.”

For Jason Epstein, the summer may not pass quite so quickly. He will not receive his MCAT scores for about two months. He hopes to bring things full circle by returning to Drexel University College of Medicine to get his medical degree, but he will go wherever the next leg of his journey takes him: “I don't care how far I have to travel. I don't care how long I have to wait. My dream is my dream and I am going to get there.”