Gates Foundation Accepting Proposals for Round 6

August 27, 2010

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is now accepting grant proposals for Round 6 of Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative to encourage innovative and unconventional global health solutions. Applicants can be at any experience level, in any discipline, and from any organization, including colleges and universities, government laboratories, research institutions, non-profit organizations and for profit companies.

Grant proposals are being accepted online until November 2, 2010, on the following topics:

  • The Poliovirus Endgame: Create Ways to Accelerate, Sustain and Monitor Eradication
  • Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies
  • Design New Approaches to Cure HIV Infection
  • Create New Technologies to improve the Health of Mothers and Newborns
  • Create Low-Cost Cell Phone-Based Applications for Priority Global Health Diseases

Initial grants will be US $100,000 each, and projects showing promise will have the opportunity to receive additional funding of up to US $1 million. Full descriptions of the new topics and application instructions are available at:

We are looking forward to receiving innovative ideas from around the world and from all disciplines. If you have a great idea, apply. If you know someone else who may have a great idea, please forward this message.

Thank you for your commitment to solving the world's greatest health challenges.