Holiday Book Drive

January 15, 2009

Drexel University College of Medicine students continue the tradition of collecting books for every child enrolled at Mifflin Elementary School in East Falls. On December 9, all 321 Mifflin students will bring new books home for the holidays thanks to Drexel medical students.

Santa (Denis DePace, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy) and his elves (a group of 10 second-year medical students) will hand deliver books to the youngest students (pre-k to 3rd graders) and drop off books to the older students (4th to 8th graders).

The books were donated by the Drexel University College of Medicine family – students, faculty, and staff. Some local bookstores participate by offering discounts on books purchased for the drive.

“We leave it up to the people who donate these books to decide what are ‘good reads’ and what their favorite stories are to pass along to the kids,” says Jennifer Andreozzi, a second-year medical student. “We’re looking forward to the reaction of the children and appreciate the opportunity to support the community while promoting early education.”

Drexel medical students have organized this holiday book drive for the past five years.