Chairman Manuel N. Stamatakis to Receive Heart of Philadelphia Award

December 10, 2009

The American Heart Association (AHA) has announced that Manuel N. Stamatakis, chairman of Drexel University College of Medicine, will receive the coveted 2010 Heart of Philadelphia award at the annual Heart Ball gala on Saturday, February 20 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown.

More than 700 philanthropists and community and medical leaders are expected to attend the black tie event that will not only raise money for heart disease research and education in the Delaware Valley, but will honor those who are committed to the mission of reducing disability and death from cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Stamatakis’ dedication to the community earned him this award, putting him in the company of people like Joseph F. Coradino, William P. Hankowsky, Joseph H. Jacovini, Anne F. Hamilton and the late Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis, PhD.

In addition to his work as chairman of Drexel University College of Medicine, Stamatakis is president and CEO of Capital Management Enterprises. He is also chairman of Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation, chairman of the Philadelphia Shipyard Development Corporation and chairman of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Investment Authority Advisory Board. His past assignments include appointments by former Governor Tom Ridge to chair the IMPACCT (Improve Management Performance and Cost Control Task Force) Commission and to chair the board of the Delaware River Port Authority and PATCO. Stamatakis also currently serves on the boards of Drexel University, the Philadelphia Zoo and the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The Heart Ball will feature both live and silent auctions, as well as a performance from Slippery, one of the city’s hottest bands. Heart Ball co-chairs for 2009-2010 are Karen Dougherty Buchholz, Comcast Corporation, and Carl M. Buchholz, Blank Rome LLP. Sponsors for the gala include Bravo Health, AstraZeneca, Drexel University College of Medicine, Hahnemann University Hospital, Comcast Corporation, Bank of New York Mellon, and Dilworth Paxon, LLC.