Victor Lidz

Victor Lidz, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Department: Psychiatry


  • PhD - Harvard University
  • AB - Harvard College

Dr. Lidz is a professor emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine.


Rationality in the Social Sciences; The Schumpeter-Parsons Seminar 1939-40 and Current Perspectives
Editors: Helmut Staubmann and Victor Lidz
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018
With editors' introduction: "The Harvard Rationality Seminar"
Also includes Victor Lidz, "Conceptualizing Rational Action" 

Values of American Society
Authors: Talcott Parsons and Winston White; editors: Victor Lidz and Helmut Staubmann
Manuscripts from the American Society Project, Volume I
Vienna and Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2017
With an introduction by the editors

"Talcott Parsons"
Victor Lidz
In George Ritzer and Jeff Stepnitsky, eds. New Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Oxford: Blackwell, (2011)

Actor, Situation and Normative Pattern; An Essay in the Theory of Action
Author: Talcott Parsons; editors: Victor Lidz and Helmut Staubmann
Vienna and Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2010
With a preface by Victor Lidz and introduction by the editors

"The Functional Theory of Religion"
Victor Lidz
In New Companion in the Sociology of Religion, edited by Bryan S. Turner. Oxford: Blackwell, (2010)

"Civil Religion: On the Emergence, Development, and Importance of the Concept"
Victor Lidz
Sociologica (2010: no. 3, 19 pp.)

"Social Control in Doctor-Patient Relationships; Similarities and Differences Across Medical Specialties"
Victor Lidz
In James Chriss, ed. Social Control: Informal, Legal, and Medical. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Press, (2010)

"Heroic Action and Its Discontents: Safe Horizon's Response to 9/11"
Renee C. Fox, Victor Lidz, Helen E. Sheehan, Barrett P. Brenton, and Heike Thiel de Bocanegra
Society (2009) 46:308-318.

"Definition of the Situation as a Generalized Symbolic Medium"
Victor Lidz
In Chris Hart, editor. A Collection of Essays in Honour of Talcott Parsons. London: Midrash Publications,(2009)

"Learning from Disappointing Outcomes: An Evaluation of Pre-Vocational Interventions for Methadone Maintenance Patients, Substance Use and Misuse"
Victor Lidz, Diane M. Sorrentino, Lenore Robison, and Scott Bunce
Special Issue on Contemporary Vocational Rehabilitation for Substance Users (Guest editors, Stephen Magura and Graham L Staines) vol. 39, 13-14, 2287-2308, 2004

"Adolescents with Psychopathic Characteristics in a Substance Abusing Cohort: Treatment Process and Outcomes"
Melanie L. O'Neill, Victor Lidz, and Kirk Heilbrun
Law and Human Behavior, 27(3): 299-313, 2003

"Predictors and correlates of psychopathic characteristics in substance abusing adjudicated adolescents"
Melanie L. O'Neill, Victor Lidz, and Kirk Heilbrun
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2, 35-45, 2003

"Treating Substance Abusing Adolescents on Probation"
Victor Lidz, Robert Thompson, Randolph Alexander, David Festinger, and Melanie O'Neill
Proceedings: 1999 ONDCP International Technology Symposium: Section on Diversion/Drugs in Prison: pp. 21-32.

"Change in Drug Using Networks of Injection Drug Users During Methadone Treatment: A Snowball Recruitment Study"
J.C.E.W. Willems, M. Y. Iguchi, V. Lidz, and D.A. Bux.
Substance Use and Misuse, 32 (11): 1539-54, 1997

"A Qualitative Analysis of Case Management for Injection Drug Users and Sex Partners Contacted through Street Outreach"
Victor Lidz and Martin Y. Iguchi
G.L. Albrecht, ed. Advances in Medical Sociology, VI: Case and Care Management., pp. 231-268, 1996

"Interpreting HIV Seroprevalence Data from a Street-Based Outreach Program"
M.Y. Iguchi, D.A. Bux, V. Lidz, H. Kushner, J. French, and J.J. Platt
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 7: 491-499, 1994

"Starting Up Treatment Demonstration Projects: Organizational Lessons From A School of Hard Knocks"
Victor Lidz, Martin Y. Iguchi, Richard J. Lamb, and Jerome J. Platt.
In B. W. Fletcher, J. A. Inciardi, and A.M. Horten, eds. Drug Abuse Treatment, The Implementation of Innovative Approaches. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 161-180, 1994

"Participation in an Outreach-Based Coupon Distribution Program for Free Methadone Detoxification"
D. A. Bux, M.Y. Iguchi, V. Lidz, R.C. Baxter, and J. J. Platt.
Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44 (11): 1066-1072, 1993

"Influence and Solidarity: Defining a Conceptual Core for Sociology"
Victor Lidz
In Bryan S. Turner and Roland Robertson, eds. Talcott Parsons: Sociologist of Modernity, London: Sage Publications, 108-136,1991

"The Sense of Identity in Jewish-Christian Families"
Victor Lidz
Qualitative Sociology, 14 (1): 1991

"Conceptions of Value-Relevance and the Theory of Action"
Victor Lidz
Sociological Inquiry, 51 (3&4), 371-408, 1982

"The Gift of Life and Its Reciprocation"
Talcott Parsons, Renee C. Fox, and Victor Lidz
Social Research, 39: 367-415, 1972

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

Department of Psychiatry
1427 Vine Street
8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.4982