Pravin Taneja

Pravin Taneja, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatric Anesthesia

Department: Pediatrics

Specialties: Anesthesiology, Pediatrics


  • M.D., Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
  • D.Orth., K.J. Somaiya Medical College & Research Center, Bombay, India
  • MBBS, Dr. Panjabrao Dshmukh Memorial Medical College, Amravati University, India

Dr. Pravin Taneja is an attending anesthesiologist at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. He is board certified in anesthesiology and holds a diploma in orthopedic surgery from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Bombay, India.


  • Society of Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA)
  • Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA)
  • Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD)


Clinical Services

Pediatric anesthesiology


  • General Surgery - University of Maryland Medical Systems
  • P.D.M. Medical College & Hospital, Amravati, India


  • Anesthesiology - Jagjivanram Hospital, Bombay
  • General Surgery - Holy Family Hospital, Bombay
  • Orthopedic Surgery - K.J. Somaiya Hospital & Research Center, Bombay
  • Orthopedic Surgery - K.B. Bhabha Municipal Hospital, Bombay
  • Anesthesiology - Temple University Hospital


  • Pediatric Anesthesiology - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Affiliated Hospitals

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Dr. Taneja is an assistant professor of pediatric anesthesiology at Drexel University College of Medicine. He serves as a preceptor for rotating fellows from critical care units, emergency departments, pediatrics and dental departments. He also teaches on topics in clinical anesthesia to SRNAs, EMTs and transport nurses.

He lectures to anesthesiology residents and general medical students on topics such as general pediatric anesthesia, caudal epidural blocks, management of malignant hyperthermia and preoperative anxiety. He also lectures fellows on anesthesiology topics including anesthesiology for scoliosis, malignant hyperthermia and pain management in injured children.

Dr. Taneja is the course director and a curriculum developer for second and third year pediatric anesthesiology residents and fellows. He is a facilitator at the monthly journal club conference for anesthesiology residents and fellows.


Dr. Taneja is involved in a number of current research projects, including:

"Predicting Perioperative Opioid Adverse Effects and Personalizing Analgesia in Children: A Multicenter Pharmacogenetic Study"
Sadhasivam S; Principle Investigator: Taneja PA
IRB approved prospective research study to begin at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in October 2010.

“Pulmonary Stenosis masked by diagnosis of persistent primary pulmonary hypertension – Case report”
Taneja PA, Schwartz R, Mesia I, Donatelli L
In submission, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children ,Philadelphia, PA, May 2010.

“Intra-operative Monitoring and Management of Blood Glucose levels.”
Taneja PA, Schwartz R. 
In process of submission. St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA, December 2009.

“Prospective trial of Dexmeditomidine as a sedative in pediatric cardiac catheterization”
Co-Investigator: Taneja PA
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. IRB approved, December 2009.

“Bilateral Nephrectomy in an infant with Deny Drash syndrome – A case report"
Taneja PA, Bent D
In submission for publication. St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, November 2009.

“Defective Univent Tube pilot balloon – A case report"
Taneja PA, Levine B
In submission for publication. Temple University Hospital, August 2007.


Book Chapters

Taneja P, Rastogi M
In the textbook Pharmacology in Anesthesia Practice, Oxford University Press USA. (In Progress) 2010.

“Sedative, Hypnotics and Anesthetics Agents”
Yang C, Taneja PA, Davis PJ
In the textbook Handbook of Pediatric Cardiovascular Drugs, pp 280 – 317, 2007.


“New Onset Prolonged QTc leading to torsade de pointes in a child with acute liver disease”
Mohamed Rehman, M.D., Michael Serwacki, M.D., R. Lee Vogel, M.D., Harshad Gurnaney, MBBS, MPH., Pravin Taneja, M.D.
Pediatric Anesthesia, Submitted for publication, 2010.

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children is a primary academic campus of Drexel University College of Medicine. Its physicians are non-compensated members of the teaching faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine and its clinical practices are independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

Department of Anesthesiology
St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
160 East Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134