Noreen Robertson

Noreen Robertson, DMD

Associate Vice Dean for Research


  • DMD - Temple University School of Dentistry (1990)
  • BA - West Chester University (1980)

Postgraduate Training / Additional Certifications

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship - Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University (1995)

Noreen Robertson, DMD, is a research assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, and the associate vice dean for research at Drexel University College of Medicine. She has significant experience with participating in, fostering and leading the development of multi-disciplinary research projects and has successfully orchestrated the concerted efforts of collaborators from different disciplines and geographical locations to achieve our common goal. The Office of the Vice Dean for Research serves to support clinical and basic research activities, works with departments and interdisciplinary programs to develop and implement research, facilitates translational research and promotes mentoring to advance the training of physicians/scientists. We are committed to bridging the superb clinical expertise and world-class research and educational capabilities of the medical school to enhance our progressive, high-quality medical education, scientific research and patient care.

Research Interests

Cancer and inflammatory disease


Dr. Robertson’s research experience has been centered in the area of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormone receptors, apoptosis, signal transduction, gene regulation and molecular profiling analysis in cancer and inflammatory disease. She was funded by NIH for mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis; the American Lung Association for translational research in the regulation of airways inflammation in asthma, with a focus on eosinophil biology, using allergen challenge models in humans; and the National Science Foundation (Dr. Michele Marcolongo, PI) for modeling mechanisms for uterine implantation of the embryo and as co-investigator (Dr. Huneke, PI) on the NIH grant COM received to renovate the animal facility in New College Building.


"Modeling L-Selectin Mediated Attachment Strength during Embryo Implantation"
Jost, M., Barbee, K., Rothstein, D., Robertson, N., Berkowitz, K. and Marcolongo M.
Gender Medicine: The Journal for the Study of Sex & Gender Differences 9(1): S95-S96, 2012

"Real-time monitoring of the membrane-binding and insertion properties of the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin anthrolysin O from Bacillus anthracis"
Cocklin, S., M. Jost, Robertson, N. M., Weeks, S. D., Weber, H. W., Young, E., Seal, S., Zhang, C, Mosser, E., Loll, P. J., Saunders, A. J., Rest, R. F. and Chaiken, I. M.
Journal of Molecular Recognition. 19:354-362, 2006

"Inhibition of TRAIL-induced apoptosis by IL-8 is mediated by the p38-MAPK pathway in OVCAR3 cells"
Abdoulahi, T., Robertson, N.M., Abdoulahi, A. and Litwack, G.,
Apoptosis 10:1383-93, 2005

"Cytokine Recognition by Human Interleukin-5 Receptor"
Ishino, T., Robertson, N. M., and Chaiken, I.M.
Vitamins and Hormones, Academic Press, N.Y., 71, pp 321-344, 2005

"Evaluation of glucocorticoid sensitivity in 697 pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells after overexpression or silencing of MAP kinase phosphatase-1"
Abrams, M., Robertson, N.M., Yoon, K. and Wickstrom, E.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 131; 347-354, 2005

"TRAIL in the airways"
Robertson, N. M., Rosemiller, M., Lindemeyer, R. G., Steplewski, A., Zangrilli, J. G. and Litwack, G.
Vitamins and Hormones, Academic Press, N.Y., 67: 149-167, 2004

"Inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis by targeting the major splice variants of BIM mRNA with small interfering RNA and short hairpin RNA"
Abrams, M., Robertson, N.M., Yoon, K. and Wickstrom, E.
J. Biol. Chem. 279: 55809-55817, 2004

"Identification of Interleukin-8 as an inhibitor of TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)- induced cell death in ovarian cancer cells, OVCAR3"
Abdoulahi, T., Robertson, N.M., Abdoulahi, A. and Litwack, G.
Cancer Research, 63: 4521-4526. 2003

"Role of apical caspases and glucocorticoid receptor-regulated genes in glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis of pre-B leukemic cells"
Planey, S.L. Abrams, M., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
Cancer Research, 63: 172-178, 2003

"Inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in 697 pre-B lymphocytes by the mineralocorticoid receptor N-terminal domain"
Planey,. S.L., Derfoul, A., Steplewski, A., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
J. Biol. Chem. 277:42188-42196, 2002

"Differential expression of TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and TRAIL receptors in allergic asthmatics following segmental antigen challenge: evidence for a role of TRAIL in eosinophil survival"
Robertson, N.M., Zangrilli, J.G., Steplewski, A., Hastie, A., Lindemeyer, R.G., Planeta, M.A., Smith, M.K., Innocent, N., Musani, A., Pascual, R., Peters, S. and Litwack, G.
J. Immunol. 169: 5986-5996, 2002

"The N- terminal domain of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) modulates inhibition of both mineralocorticoid and the glucocorticoid receptor mediated transactivation from the native Na/K ATPase B1 target gene promoter"
Derfoul, A., Robertson, N.M., Hall, D.L., and Litwack G.
Endocrine, 13:287-295, 2000

"Effect of IL-5, glucocorticoid, and Fas ligation on bcl-2 homologue expression and caspase activation in circulating human eosinophils"
Zangrilli, J., Robertson, N., Shetty, A., Wu, J., Hastie, A., Fish, J.E., Litwack G. and Peters, S.P.
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 120:12-21, 2000

"Phosphorylation of the insect immunophilin FKBP46 by the Spodoptera frugiperda homolog of casein kinase II"
Steplewski, A., Ebel, W., Planey, S.L., Alnemri, E., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack G.
Gene, 246:169-178, 2000

"Identification of a mineralocorticoid/glucocorticoid response element in the human Na/K ATPase alpha 1 gene promoter"
Kolla, V., Roberston, N.M. and Litwack, G.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 266:5-14, 1999

"Identification of the human Na/K ATPase human ß1 gene promoter by mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors"
Derfoul, A., Robertson, N.M., Alnemri, E.,S., Lingrel, J.L., Hall, D.J., and Litwack, G.
J. Biol. Chem. 273:20702-20711. 1998

"Baculovirus p35 inhibits the glucocorticoid-mediated pathway of cell death"
Robertson, N.M., Zangrilli, J., Fernandes-Alnemri, T., Friesen, P.D., Litwack, G. and Alnemri, E.S.
Cancer Research, 57:43-47, 1997

"The unliganded mineralocorticoid receptor is associated with the heat shock proteins 70 and 90 and the immunophilin FKBP-52"
Bruner, K.L., Derfoul, A., Robertson, N.M., Guerriero, G., Fernandes-Alnemri, T., Alnemri, E.S. and Litwack, G.
Receptors and Signal Transduction 7:85-98, 1997

"The Ced-3/interleukin 1ß converting enzyme-like homolog Mch6 and the lamin-cleaving enzyme Mch2 are substrates for the apoptotic mediator CPP32"
Srinivasula, S.M., Fernandes-Alnemri, T., Zangrilli, J., Robertson, N.M., Armstrong, R.C., Wang, L., Trapani, J.A., Tomaselli, K.J., Litwack, G. and Alnemri, E.S.
J. Biol. Chem., 271:27099-27106, 1996

"Modulator inhibits nuclear translocation of the glucocorticoid receptor and inhibits glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in the human leukemic cell line CEM C-7"
Robertson N.M., Bodine, P.V.N., Hsu, T.-C., Alnemri, E.S. and Litwack G.
Cancer Research, 55:548-5556, 1995

"FKBP46, a novel Sf9 insect cell nuclear immunophilin that forms a protein kinase complex"
Alnemri, E.S., Fernandes-Alnemri, T., Robertson, N.M., Pomerenke, K., Dudley, K., DuBois, G.C. and Litwack, G.
J. Biol. Chem., 269:30828-30834, 1994

"Efficacy of pyridoxal treatment in controlling the growth of melanomas in cell culture and an animal pilot study"
Maksymowych, A.B., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
Anticancer Research, 13:1925-1938, 1993

"Demonstration of nuclear translocation of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) using an anti-MR antibody and confocal laser scanning microscopy"
Robertson, N., Schulman, G., Karnik S., Alnemri, E.S. and Litwack, G.
Molecular Endocrinology, 7:1226-1239, 1993

"Overexpressed full length human BCL-2 extends the survival of baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells"
Alnemri, E.S., Robertson, N.M., Fernandes, T.F., Croce, C.M., and Litwack, G.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 89:7295-7299, 1992

"Overexpression and characterization of the human mineralocorticoid receptor"
Alnemri, E.S., Maksymowych, A.B., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
J. Biol. Chem., 266:18072-18081, 1991

"Vitamin B6 and other inhibitors of glucocorticoid receptor function and cell death of B16 Melanoma cells"
Litwack, G., Robertson, N.M., Maksymowych, A.B. and Herlyn, M.,
In: Vitamins and Minerals in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, Jacobs, M.M., ed., CRC Press, 19:30-37, 1991

"Characterization and purification of a functional rat glucocorticoid receptor overexpressed in a baculovirus system"
Alnemri, E.S., Maksymowych, A.B., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
J. Biol. Chem., 266:3925-3936, 1991

"Glucocorticoid receptor monoclonal antibodies define the biological action of RU 38486 in intact B16 melanoma cells"
Lindemeyer, S., Robertson, N., and Litwack, G.
Cancer Res. 50: 7985-7991, 1990

"Characterization of a monoclonal antibody that probes the functional domains of the glucocorticoid receptor"
Robertson, N.M., Kusmik, W., Grove, B., Miller-Diener, A., Webb, M.L. and Litwack, G.
Biochem. J., 246: 55-65, 1987

"Evidence for an association of a ribonucleic acid with the unactivated glucocorticoid receptor"
Webb, M.L., Schmidt, T.J., Robertson, N.M. and Litwack, G.
Biochem., Biophys. Res. Commun., 140: 204-211, 1986

Contact Information

Office of the Vice Dean for Research
Mail Stop 400
245 N. 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215.762.4889
Fax: 215.762.8972