Nicole Fleischer

Nicole Fleischer, PsyD

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychiatry


  • PsyD - Clinical Psychology, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • MS - Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Chestnut Hill College
  • BA - Psychology, Penn State University

Postgraduate Training / Additional Certifications

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Nicole Fleischer, PsyD, is a pediatric psychologist in Philadelphia, Pa. and is licensed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She provides behavioral health assessment, intervention, and consultation of children and adolescents with chronic illness and mental health concerns.

Clinical Services

Behavioral support for children and adolescents with chronic illness, Psychology consult, assessment and intervention services in pediatric primary care, Bariatric pre-surgery mental health evaluations


  • Psychology – Cherokee Health Systems, Knoxville Tennessee


  • Postdoctoral, Behavioral Medicine - Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey

Affiliated Hospitals

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Nicole Fleischer, PsyD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine and the training director of the Psychology Residency program at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.


“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children and Adolescents with Internalizing Disorders”
Calloway, A., Fleischer, N., Creed, T. A.
In Wenzel, A (Ed.) Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association (2021)

“Issues in Differential Diagnosis: Considering Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”
Fleischer, N. J., Radner, J., Spandorfer, J., Kendall, P. C.
In E. Storch, D. McKay (Eds.) Handbook of child and adolescent anxiety disorders (2nd ed.). Manuscript submitted for publication. (2020)

“Anxiety Disorders”
Fleischer, N. J., Crawford, M. E., Kendall, P. C.
In E. A. Youngstrom, M. J. Prinstein, E. J., Mash, R. A. Barkley (Eds.) Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (5th ed.). Guilford Press. (2020)

“But what will the results be?: Learning to tolerate uncertainty is associated with treatment-produced gains.”
Palitz, S. A., Rifkin, L. S., Norris, L. A., Knepley, M., Fleischer, N. J., Steinberg, L., Kendall., P. C.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 68, 102146 (2019)


“Anti-racism Efforts in Pediatric Psychology: Implementation of Training, Community, and Clinical Activism Efforts of the Anti-racism Workgroup” [Pre-Conference Workshop]
Fleischer, N., Germone, M., Fritz, S., Hahn, A., Santos, M., Getzoff, E., Shneider, C., Mulchan, S., Russell, C.
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, Ariz. (April 2022)

“Advocacy for Pediatric Psychologists: Special Considerations for Middle Eastern/North African Populations” [Conference Presentation]
Fleischer, N., Khaghani, L., Ahmadi, S.
Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, Ariz. (April 2022)

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children is a primary academic campus of Drexel University College of Medicine. Its physicians are non-compensated members of the teaching faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine and its clinical practices are independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
160 East Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215.427.4376
Fax: 215.427.5555