Lindsay A. Martin

Lindsay A. Martin, PhD, LPC, NCC

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychiatry


  • PhD in Human Services - Capella University
  • MA in Counseling Psychology - Immaculata University

Lindsay Martin, PhD, is experienced in the assessment and treatment of clients with mental health and substance abuse concerns in the outpatient, inpatient and crisis service environments.

Lindsay Martin, PhD, LPC, NCC, is an assistant professor in the Division of Behavioral Healthcare Education within the Department of Psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Dr. Martin focuses on providing relevant and practical instruction on a variety of topics related to substance abuse, mental illness and trauma. Acknowledging that clinicians are the primary tool in quality service delivery, she is passionate about improving and maintaining wellness among behavioral healthcare professionals and emphasizes the importance of self-care practices in everyday life.


“Putting YOU First”
2017 National Emergency Number Association Conference and Expo
San Antonio, Texas, June 7, 2017

“Putting YOU First”
2017 Navigator Conference: International Academies of Emergency Dispatch
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 13, 2017

“The Role of Technology in Suicide Prevention”
2016 Higher Education Suicide Prevention Conference
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 7, 2016

Contact Information

Behavioral Healthcare Education
4641 Roosevelt Boulevard
Scattergood Building
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Phone: 215.762.4764
Fax: 215.289.2165