Kishore Bagga

Kishore Bagga, PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies


  • PhD - University of Wales (1998)
  • BSc (with honors) - University of Surrey (1994)

Awards & Honors

  • Ray Taylor Award for Undergraduate Research (2009)
  • Lindback Foundation Junior Faculty Research Award (2006)
  • MRSC category designation from the Royal Society of Chemistry (2003)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • Executive Committee Member at Large, Royal Society of Chemistry-USA Section (Since 2007)
  • Past-Chair of Mid-West Nebraska Section of the American Chemical Society

Kishore Bagga, PhD, is an associate professor at Drexel University College of Medicine. He places an emphasis on trying to explain why things happen the way they do.

Current Courses:

  • General Chemistry I and II
  • Organic Chemistry I and II
  • Advanced Topics in Chemistry I and II
  • Toxicology


Dr. Bagga has mentored undergraduates and graduate students who have delved into various chemistry projects culminating in poster presentations along with published articles in various peer-reviewed journals. The current work in his laboratory is investigating the presence of potential pesticides in a variety of tropical fruits.

He has served as a reviewer for the Journal of Chemical Education since 2008, The Chemical Educator since 2005, and various textbooks.

Contact Information

Academic Office

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
60 N. 36th Street
Health Sciences Bldg., Rm. 10W23
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 267.359.2319