John Clarke

John Clarke, MD, FACS

Emeritus Professor

Department: Surgery


  • MD - University of Pennsylvania


  • Surgery - Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital


  • Surgery - St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (1972-1975)
  • Surgery - Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital (1969-1970)

Dr. Clarke is an emeritus professor in the Department of Surgery. He spent 31 years as a trauma surgeon, emergency and acute care general surgeon, and surgical interventionist until he retired from clinical practice in 2007.


John Clarke, MD, FACS currently has a research contract to analyze and publish on the 250,000 medical errors that are reported to the state of Pennsylvania each year from all 240 hospitals in the state.

He is the clinical director for patient safety and quality initiatives for ECRI Institute and the clinical director of the Patient Safety Authority. He is also currently a member of the National Quality Forum (NQF) Common Formats Expert Panel, assisting with review and feedback on the AHRQ Common Formats for PSOs, and the NQF Patient Safety Measures’ Complications Endorsement Maintenance Steering Committee.

Dr. Clarke is also a consultant on the World Health Organization World Alliance for Patient Safety Hi 5s Project on Correct Site Surgery. He serves on the editorial boards for the American Journal of Medical Quality and the American Journal of Surgery.

He was a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Patient Safety Data Standards that issued the report Patient Safety: Achieving a New Standard for Care, the basis of the national Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005.


  • Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics
  • Executive Director, Philadelphia Academy of Surgery
  • President, International Society of Surgery - United States Chapter

In the Media

Contact Information

Department of Surgery
245 N. 15th Street
Mail Stop 413
Philadelphia, PA 19102