Ignacio Valencia

Ignacio Valencia, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Specialties: Pediatrics, Sleep Medicine, Pediatric Neurology


  • MD - Rosario University, San Jose's Hospital, Bogota, Colombia

Ignacio Valencia, MD, is an attending neurologist at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. He is board certified in pediatric neurology and sleep medicine.

Clinical Services

Sleep disorders, Pediatric neurology, Neurology


  • Rosario University, San Jose's Hospital, Bogota, Colombia
  • Hahnemann University Hospital


  • St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
  • Harvard Medical School, Children's Hospital of Boston

Affiliated Hospitals

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Dr. Valencia is a professor of pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine. He received a 2012 Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching.

In the Media

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children is a primary academic campus of Drexel University College of Medicine. Its physicians are non-compensated members of the teaching faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine and its clinical practices are independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
160 East Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215.427.5000
Fax: 215.427.5555