Donna Sudak

Donna Sudak, MD

Professor and Vice Chair for Education

Department: Psychiatry

Specialties: Psychiatry


  • MD - Medical College of Pennsylvania
  • BS - Ursinus College

Awards & Honors

  • Aaron T. Beck Institute for Cognitive Studies Award for Excellence, Assumption College (2018)
  • June Klinghoffer Award for Clinical Teaching, DUCOM (2020)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • ACGME Psychiatry Review Committee (July 2021)
  • President, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Programs (2018 – 2019)

Donna Sudak, MD, is director of the psychotherapy training program and is board certified in psychiatry, with special expertise in both psychopharmacological treatments and cognitive behavioral treatments.

Referrals for supervision accepted at 215.219.6640.

Clinical Services

Psychiatric evaluation, Psychiatric treatments, Psychotherapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Donna Sudak, MD, is professor and vice chair for education in the Department of Psychiatry, and previously served as interim program director for the Adult Psychiatry Residency. She began a one-year term as president of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Programs in 2018. Sudak serves on the ACGME Review Committee for Psychiatry.



"Can We Talk? The Role of Organized Psychiatry in Addressing Structural Racism to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion in Psychiatric Workforce Development"
Sudak D and Stewart A
Academic Psychiatry, 45 (1): 89-92 (February 2021)

"Psychiatry Program Directors’ Perspective towards Pregnancy and Parenthood in Residency Training: A National Survey"
Leandre F, Sudak D and Ginory A
Academic Psychiatry. In Press

"The Burden of Leadership: A Survey of Burnout Among Psychiatry Program Directors"
De Golia S, Houston L, Madaan V, Zalpuri I, Welton R, Bernstein C, Sengupta S, Chaudhry M and Sudak D
Academic Psychiatry. Submitted (December 2021)

"When the Supervisor Needs a Supervisor: A Case-Based Guide for Developing Psychotherapy Supervisors"
Murray A, Frank A, Sudak D, Topor D and Ruble A
Academic Psychiatry. Submitted (December 2021)

"Can We Talk? The Role of Organized Psychiatry in Addressing Structural Racism to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion in Psychiatric Workforce Development"
Sudak, D., Stewart, A.
Academic Psychiatry, 45 (1): 89-92, February 2021

"Training Psychiatrists to Achieve Mental Health Equity"
Sudak, D., DeJong, S., Bailey, B., Rohrbaugh, R.
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 43(3): 555-568, September 2020

"Mass Shootings and the News Media: What Can Psychiatrists Do?"
Majeed, H. M., Sudak, D. M., Beresin, E.
Academic Psychiatry, April 2019

"Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Chronic Pain: Evidence, Rationale, and Advantages"
Majeed, H. M., Ali, A. H., Sudak, D. M.
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. March 2019; 54(2):140-149

"Are you dreaming? CBT for Insomnia"
Sudak, D., Liwski, K., Pelekanos, M.
Directions in Psychiatry, 38 (4): 277-294, December 2018

"Reducing suicide risk: the role of psychotherapy"
Sudak, D., Rajalakshmi, A.K.
Psychiatric Times. November 2018; 35: 12-13

"Integrating Brief CBT interventions during psychopharmacology visits"
Sudak, D., Taormina, S.
Current Psychiatry. 2018; 17(2): e3-e4

"Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: Evidence and Applications"
Majeed, H. M., Ali, A. H., Sudak, D. M.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 32: 79 – 83, 2018

"International Medical Graduates and American Psychiatry: The Past, Present, and Future"
Majeed, H. M., Ali, A. H., Sudak, D. M.
Academic Psychiatry, 41 (6): 841-851, December 2017

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain—One Solution To The Opiate Epidemic"
Majeed, M.H., Sudak, D.
J Psychiatric Practice, (6): 404-414, November 2017

"Psychotherapeutic Strategies to Enhance Medication Adherence"
Sudak, D., Ayub, S.
Psychiatric Times, 34 (9): 22-23, September 2017

Sudak, D.M.
Directions in Psychiatry, 37 (1): 53 – 67, July 2017

"Psychotherapy. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy"
Sudak, D.M., Majeed, M.H., Stanfa, C.
In: Black, D.W., Editor. Scientific American Psychiatry (online). Hamilton, ON: Decker Intellectual Properties; July 2017. DOI: 10.2310/7800.13059. Available at

"Preparing Psychiatry Residents to Become Supervisees"
Crocker, E., Sudak, D.
Down-to-Earth Column. Academic Psychiatry, 41(1):35-39, February 2017

"Innovative Psychotherapy Curriculum"
Sudak, D.
Literary Resources Column. Academic Psychiatry, 40: 550-551, 2016

"The AADPRT Position on Resident Duty Hours in the Learning and Working Environment"
Boland, R.J., Walasek, A., Bentman, A., DeJong, S., Travis, M., Sudak, D., Brenner, A., Varley, C.
Academic Psychiatry, 40: 637-641, 2016

Book Chapters

"Cognitive Behavior Therapy Supervision"
Sudak D and Reiser R
In Wenzel, A. (Ed.) APA Handbook of CBT. Washington, DC. American Psychological Press. (2021)

"Mentoring and Supervision"
Sudak D and DeGolia S
In Sudak DM, Ed., Handbook of Psychiatric Education. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (2021)

Section Editor and Introduction: Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Sudak D and Bhatt-Mackin S
(In Press) Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Second Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Supervision"
Sudak D and Royter E
(In Press) In Kennedy K, Welton R and Yeomans F. Supervising Individual Psychotherapy. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

"Training Psychiatrists to Achieve Mental Health Equity"
Sudak DM, DeJong SM, Bailey B and Rohrbaugh RM
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Volume 43, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 555-568

Section Editor and Introduction: Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Sudak, D., Bhatt-Mackin, S.
Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Second Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (In Press)

Mentoring and Supervision
Sudak, D., DeGolia, S.
In Sudak, D.M., Ed., Handbook of Psychiatric Education. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (2021)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Supervision
Sudak, D., Reiser, R.
In Wenzel, A. (Ed.) APA Handbook of CBT. Washington, DC. American Psychological Press. (2021)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Supervision: Enhancing Learning and Promoting Expertise
Sudak, D.
In De Golia, S. G., Corcoran, K. (Eds.) Supervision in Psychiatric Practice. Washington DC. American Psychiatric Press. (2019)

Training Evidence-Based Practitioners: Recommendations for the Improvement of Instructional Design and Delivery
Sudak, D., Codd, R.T.
In Dimidjian, S. (Ed.) Evidence Based Practice in Action. New York: Guilford. (2019)

Sudak, D., & Prado, D.
In C. J. Garay (Ed.), Terapia cognitivo-conductual y farmacoterapia. Una guía para combinar tratamientos en salud mental (pp. 43 - 53). Buenos Aires: Librería Akadia Editorial. ISBN: 978-987-570-284-4. (2016)



Handbook of Psychiatric Education
Sudak DM, Editor. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (2021)

Handbook of Psychiatric Education
Sudak, D.M., Editor
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (2021)

Teaching and Supervising CBT
Sudak, D.M., Codd, R.T., Ludgate, J., Reiser, R.J., Milne, D., Sokol, L., Fox, M.
Manuscript in preparation, Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, anticipated publication 2015

CBT and Medication – An Evidence Based Approach
Sudak, D.M.
Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2011

High-Yield Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Brief Sessions: An Illustrated Guide
Wright, J.H., Sudak, D.M., Turkington, D., Thase, M.
Washington, DC: APPI Press, 2010

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Clinicians
Sudak D
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2006

Book Reviews

The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy, Schore, A.N.
Sudak, Donna M.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 74 (9):e867, 2013

Essential Psychopathology and its Treatment, 3rd Edition, Ward, N.G., Kilgus, M.,  Eds.
Sudak, Donna M.
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199 (12): 991, December 2011

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Severe Mental Illness: An Illustrated Guide, Wright, J.S., Kingdon, D.,Turkington, D., Basco, R.
Sudak, Donna M.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 72:3, 420-421, March 2011

Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders, Clark DA, Beck AT
Sudak, Donna M.
Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 16:4, 281-2, July 2010

Comprehensive Textbook of AIDS Psychiatry, Cohen MA, Gorman JM (Editors)
Sudak, Donna M.
, 49:4, August 2008


"Female and Male Medical Students – Comparison of Perceived Stress, Coping Style and Distress:  Implications for Treatment"
*Russo, J., Miller, D.M., Vitaliano, P.P. and Carr, J.E.

"The Trial-Based Thought Record, a new cognitive therapy strategy to change core beliefs in social phobia"
*deOliveira, I.R., Powell, V., Pereira, C., DeAlmeida, C., Grangeon, M.C., Caldas, M., Bonfim, T., Castro, M., Galvao, A., Moraes, R., Wenzel, A., Sudak, D.

"Initial Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire"
*deOliveira, I.R., Osorio, F.L., Sudak, D., Abreu, J.N., Crippa, J., Powell, V., Landerio, F.M., Wenzel, A.

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.