Dilip Ramchandani

Dilip Ramchandani, MD

Emeritus Professor

Department: Psychiatry

Specialties: Psychiatry


  • MD - University of Delhi, India (1975)
  • University of Delhi, India (1968)

Other Languages Spoken

Hindi, Sindhi

During his time as a clinician, Dilip Ramchandani, MD, was board certified in adult psychiatry with added qualifications in psychosomatic medicine. He was a general psychiatrist and his primary areas of expertise were psychiatric education and the history of psychiatry.

Dr. Ramchandani is no longer in clinical practice.


  • Internal Medicine - D.C. General Hospital (1976)


  • Psychiatry - University of Virginia Hospital (1979)

Dilip Ramchandani, MD, is an emeritus professor of psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine. He participates in teaching and administrative activities in the residency and medical student education programs.


Recent Publications

"Anxiolytics (I): The Meprobamate Discovery and the Beginning of the Anxiolytic Era"
Ramchandani D
In History of Psychopharmacology, Volume 2, Lopez-Munoz F, Alamo C, Domino EF (eds.), NPP Books, 221-230, 2014

"Subspecialty exposure in a psychiatry clerkship does not improve student performance in the subject examination"
Retamero C, Ramchandani D
Academic Psychiatry 37:179-181, 2013

"The downside of teaching psychopathology with film"
Ramchandani D
Academic Psychiatry 36: 154-155, 2012

"'Watchful Waiting' not an answer" (Letter to the Editor)
Ramchandani D
Psychiatric News, 47(5):27, 2012

"Grading Medical Students in a Psychiatry Clerkship – Correlation with the NBME Subject Examination Scores and Its Implications"
Ramchandani D
Academic Psychiatry 35: 322-324, 2011

"More about Current Psychiatric Education and Practice" (Letter to the Editor)
Ramchandani D
Academic Medicine, 86:11, p 1330-1331, 2011

"What Really Counts in a Psychiatry Clerkship - Books, Bedside or Behavior?"
Ramchandani D
Teaching and Learning in Medicine 22(2), 156-163, 2010

"Usefulness of Psychiatric Grand Rounds for Medical Student Education"
Ramchandani D
Academic Psychiatry 33: 149 – 151, 2009

"'End-of-Third Year' OSCE: Boon or Bane?"
Ramchandani D
Academic Psychiatry; 32(3):173-176, 2008

Book review: 26/11 Mumbai Attacked, edited by Baweja H.
Ramchandani D
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 8:2, p 189-190, 2011

Book Review: Uprooted Minds: Surviving the Politics of Terror in the Americas, by Hollander NC
Ramchandani D
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) 2012

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

Department of Psychiatry
4641 Roosevelt Boulevard
Friends Hospital, Scattergood Building
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Phone: 215.831.6927
Fax: 215.831.6382