Christopher M. Owens

Christopher M. Owens, MA, LPC


Department: Psychiatry


  • MA in Community Counseling - Ball State Univesrity
  • BS in Psychology - Virginia Commonwealth University

Postgraduate Training / Additional Certifications

  • Licensed Professional Counselor – State of Pennsylvania

Christopher M. Owens, MA, LPC, has focused his clinical practice on child/family therapy and substance use disorders. He is a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania.

Christopher M. Owens, MA, LPC, is an instructor in the Division of Behavioral Healthcare Education within Drexel's Department of Psychiatry. He provides continuing education to behavioral healthcare providers, with areas of teaching interest including psychopathology, trauma, substance use disorders, motivational interviewing and ethics. He also serves as BHE's manager of technology and online education, maintaining online archives of recorded trainings for continuing and resident education.

He is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Pennsylvania. In 2018, he served as co-chair of the Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association Conference "Fueling the Future."

Selected Recent Course Development

  • January 2018: The Helper’s Guide to Understanding Misophonia (online course)
  • August 2017: The BHE Toolkit 3: Specific Practices for the Art of Helping People with Histories of Trauma
  • July 2017: More Than Dope: Opioid Use in Pennsylvania
  • March 2017: Motivational Interviewing: Embracing the Spirit, Introducing Core Skills
  • August 2016 - Heroin: Beyond the Counseling Session (online course)
  • July 2016: Exploring Ethical Issues in Substance Use Treatment: Abstinence-Only vs. Harm Reduction (online course)
  • September 2015: Boys Don’t Cry: Examining Trauma in Men


"Understanding Your SHALTS"
 In S Hayes and JJ Brout, Exploring Misophonia: An Anthology of Perspectives from Sufferers and Professionals. (pp. 122-131), Amazon (2017)

"IT vs. ME"
Misophonia International Magazine, Issue 4 (2016)

"The Continuum and Impairment"
Misophonia International Magazine, Issue 3 (2016)

"Understanding Your SHALTS"
Misophonia International Magazine, Issue 2 (2016)

I LOVE HOT WINGS! Lose Weight, Your Way
Amazon ebook (2016)

"Your Triggers, Your Remedies" (2016)


Recent Conference Presentations

"I Love Hot Wings! Multiple Pathways to Change"
Philadelphia Alliance Sixteenth Annual Conference for Direct Service Professionals, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (April 20, 2018)

"The Pessimist’s Guide to Helping: Why Do We Even Bother?"
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (June 26, 2017)

"Back to the Old School: Male Gender Schemas"
Philadelphia Alliance Fifteenth Annual Conference for Direct Service Professionals, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (April 28, 2017)

"Ethics, Duties, and Boundaries"
PA Forensics Conference, Grantville, Pennsylvania (December 1, 2016)

"Pain Don’t Hurt: Examining Trauma in Men"
Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania (September 27, 2016)

"MUST…HAVE…COFFEE! Examining Caffeine Use Disorder"
Philadelphia Alliance Thirteenth Annual Conference for Direct Service Professionals, Philadelphia, Pennslyvania (April 24, 2015)

"What’s Up Docs? Are We Too Focused on Pathology?"
MAX Conference, Langhorne, Pennsylvania (March 26, 2015)

Recent Course Development

February 2018: DSM-5 Substance Use Disorders: Diagnosis Meets Real World Presentation (online course)

January 2018: The Helper’s Guide to Understanding Misophonia (online course)

August 2017: The BHE Toolkit 3: Specific Practices for the Art of Helping People with Histories of Trauma

July 2017: More Than Dope: Opioid Use in Pennsylvania

June 2017: And Now for Something Completely Different: The BHE Triple Play

March 2017: The Spirit of Motivational Interviewing: Embracing the Spirit, Introducing Core Skills

September 2016: Pain Don’t Hurt: Examining Trauma in Men (online course)

August 2016 - Heroin: Beyond the Counseling Session (online course)

August 2016: Examining Substance Use Disorders: A Workshop for Mental Health Providers

July 2016: Exploring Ethical Issues in Substance Use Treatment: Abstinence-Only vs. Harm Reduction (online course)

September 2015: Boys Don’t Cry: Examining Trauma in Men

August 2015: Co-occurring Disorders: Ethics and Boundaries for Effective Practice

September 2014: The BHE Toolkit 2: Specific Practices for the Art of Helping People with Anxiety

July 2014: DSM-5: People, Personality, and Pathos: An Overview of Personality Disorders

July 2014: Ethical Treatment and Substance Use Disorders: The Black, the White, and the Gray

July 2014: DSM-5 Substance Use Disorders: Symptoms and Diagnostic Features

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

Behavioral Healthcare Education
4641 Roosevelt Boulevard
Scattergood Building
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Phone: 215.831.4790
Fax: 215.289.2165