Carolyn O'Connor

Carolyn O'Connor, MD


Department: Medicine

Specialties: Rheumatology


  • MD - Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons (1978)

Memberships / Professional Affiliations

  • Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology
  • Medical Advisory Board for the Lupus Foundation

Dr. Carolyn O'Connor provided organizational leadership for the rheumatology practice. Her years of experience with complex cases of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and osteoporosis has benefited those that she treats tremendously.

Dr. O'Connor has appeared in several documentaries on the cable television show Mystery Diagnosis and was featured on the Discovery Channel in 2006 for systemic lupus erythematosus and also in 2007 for pernicious anemia.


  • Insight and Advice about Osteoporosis
    Listen | Download
    (April 1, 2009)

Clinical Services

Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus


  • Internal Medicine - New York Hospital (Cornell Medical Center)


  • Internal Medicine - New York Hospital (Cornell Medical Center)


  • Rheumatology - Boston University Arthritis Center

Carolyn O'Connor, MD, is a professor emerita of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology, and she served associate director of the Rheumatology Fellowship program.


Dr.O'Connor has published many original research papers, case reports, reviews, book chapters and abstracts, and has made numerous poster and oral presentations at scientific meetings worldwide. She published her first book, Osteoporosis for Dummies, in 2005. Osteoporosis for Dummies was reviewed by


"Lipoma arborecens as an unusual cause of recurrent effusion in knee OA: sonographic and arthroscopic appearance"
Checa A, O’Connor CR
J Clin Rheumatol;16:102-103, 2010

"Retrospective study of patients admitted with fragility fracture at Abington Memorial Hospital: Evaluation of the diagnostic process and treatment of metabolic bone disease"
Singh V, O’Connor C, Franklin M
DrexelMed J; 3;38-44, 2009

* This physician's clinical practice is independent of Drexel University.