Brigid Garvin

Brigid Garvin, PhD, BCBA

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Department: Psychiatry


  • PhD – Temple University
  • MEd – Temple University
  • BA – Georgetown University

Postgraduate Training / Additional Certifications

  • Licensed psychologist
  • Board certified behavior analyst
  • Nationally certified school psychologist

Other Languages Spoken


Dr. Garvin provides assessment, consultation and behavioral and psychotherapeutic treatment across outpatient, primary and specialty care settings at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Her clinical practice focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and related mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression. Dr. Garvin is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Dr. Garvin is also passionate about supporting equitable access to mental/behavioral health care for immigrant communities and proudly volunteers clinical services within the Philadelphia immigrant community in her free time.

Clinical Services

Assessment and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders, Assessment and treatment of pediatric behavioral, mood and anxiety disorders, Consultation within primary and specialty care settings

Affiliated Hospitals

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Brigid Garvin, PhD, BCBA is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Dr. Garvin is a psychologist at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and is a licensed psychologist, board certified behavior analyst and nationally certified school psychologist. Dr. Garvin participates in direct psychology resident supervision as part of the St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Psychology Doctoral Internship Program, along with precepting pediatric residents, fellows and medical students. Dr. Garvin’s clinical and research interests include the differential diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders; early autism evaluation in primary care; the dissemination of evidenced based behavioral interventions; student, resident, and fellow education in behavioral health; and the integration of evidenced based assessment, consultation and intervention services within health care settings.


“Differentiating ASD Symptoms in Children with a History of Traumatic Experiences”
Kerns, C., Saqui, S., Garvin, B.
In Stavropoulos, K. & McPartland, J., Differential Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Oxford University Press (2022)

“Examining shortened versions of the Social Responsiveness Scale for use in autism spectrum disorder prediction and as a quantitative trait measure: Results from a validation study of 3–5 year old children”
Lyall, K., Rando, J., Toroni, B., Ezeh, T., Constantino, J. N., Croen, L. A., Garvin, B,... & program collaborators for Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes
JCPP Advances (2022)

“Effect of a Combination of Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10 and Alpha-Lipoic Acid (MitoCocktail) on Mitochondrial Function and Neurobehavioral Performance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Legido, A., Goldenthal, M.J., Garvin, B., Damle, S., Corrigan, K., Connell, J., Thao, D., Valencia, I., Melvin, J., Khurana, D., Grant, M., Newschaffer, C
Neurology 90 (15 Supplement) P3.313 (2018)

“Partnering with teachers in the delivery of a classroom-based universal socioemotional intervention program in urban elementary schools”
Ratkalkar, M., Ding, K., Clarke, M., Morrison, M., Thames, J., Elmished, L., Garvin, B., Boyer, J., Daly, B.
Report on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Youth (2017)

“Evaluation of a Bilingual Student with a History of Language Delay: Differentiating between a Language Impairment and Second Language Learning”
Garvin, B.
In Mather, N. & Jaffe, L.E., Comprehensive Evaluations: Case Reports for Psychologists; Diagnosticians, and Special Educators. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2010)

“Screen Time Reduction and Focus on Social Engagement in ASD: A Pilot Study”
Heffler, K.F., Frome, L.R., Garvin, B., Bungert, L.M., & Bennett, D.S.
Pediatrics International


“Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Care Coordination: What is the role of the Medical Home?”
Todorow, C., Thompson, E., Kim, J., Garvin, B., Hamner, T., Robins, D., Connell, J., Turchi, R.
Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland (April 27-30, 2019)

“Exploring Differences in the Factor Structure of the ADOS-2 by Gender”
Garvin, B., Bungert, L., Sondergeld, T.A., Connell, J.E.
Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada (May 2, 2019)

“Gender Differences in an Early Intervention ASD Sample”
Bungert, L., Garvin, B., Connell, J., Scott, E.
Poster accepted at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual conference in Washington, DC (November 17, 2018)

“Reliability and Validity of the Autism Spectrum Addendum to the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS / ASA)”
Kerns, C.M., Renno, P., Crawford, E., Mercado, R., Garvin, B., Danial, J., Kendall, P.C., Wood, J., Storch, E.A.
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Baltimore, MD (2016)

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children is a primary academic campus of Drexel University College of Medicine. Its physicians are non-compensated members of the teaching faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine and its clinical practices are independent of Drexel University.

Contact Information

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
160 East Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215.427.3996
Fax: 215.427.5555