Anita Gaurnier-Hausser

Anita Gaurnier-Hausser, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies


  • Ph.D., Biology, Temple University (2007)
  • B.A., English, Classical Studies, University of Rochester (1997)

Dr. Anita Gaurnier-Hausser earned a PhD in biology from Temple University in 2007. She recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine where she investigated the use of privately-owned dogs with B-cell lymphoma as a clinically relevant model system in which to study the corresponding human disease. She now holds the title of assistant professor and currently teaches Scientific Writing and Scientific Communication courses.

Awards and Honors

  • Sanjeev Kumar Memorial Lecture Award for Best Presentation at 9th Annual Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania (2010)
  • Erwin Margulies Award for Scientific Achievement in Thrombosis Research, Temple University Thrombosis Center (2007)
  • Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student Award, Temple University (2006)


  • Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

Professional Activities

  • Volunteer writer, Association for Women in Science (AWIS) newsletter (2010–present)

Previous Academic Appointments

  • Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Temple University (2003-2007)

Additional Education and Training

  • Fellow, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (2008–2011)


Selected Publications

"Evidence of an oncogenic gammaherpesvirus in domestic dogs"
Huang SH, Kozak PJ, Habineza-Ndikuyeze G, Meade C, Gaurnier-Hausser A, Paterl R, Robertson E, and Mason NJ
Virology, 427:107-17 (2012)

"NEMO-binding domain peptide inhibits constitutive NF-κB activity and reduces tumor burden in a canine model of relapsed, refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma"
Gaurnier-Hausser A, Patel R, Baldwin AS, May MJ, and Mason NJ
Clinical Cancer Research, 17:4661-71 (2011)

"The Immunomodulatory Role of Angiocidin, a Novel Angiogenesis Inhibitor"
Gaurnier-Hausser A and Tuszynski GP
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 15:1937-48 (2009)

"The Novel Angiogenic Inhibitor, Angiocidin, Induces Differentiation of Monocytes to Macrophages"
Gaurnier-Hausser A, Rothman VL, Dimitrov S, and Tuszynski GP
Can Res, 68:5905-14 (2008)

"Angiocidin Promotes Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Production and Antigen in Multiple Sclerosis"
Gaurnier-Hausser AL, Kremlev SG, Del Valle L, Perez-Liz G, Dimitrov S, and Tuszynski GP
Journal of Neuroimmunology, 194:132-42 (2008)

Contact Information

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
60 N. 36th Street
Health Sciences Bldg., Rm. 10W17
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 267.359.2326