James W. Moore

James W. Moore, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM

Director, Master of Science in Pathologists’ Assistant Program; Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine


  • MHS - Quinnipiac University, Pathologists’ Assistant (1982)
  • BA in Biology - Gettysburg College (1980)

James W. Moore, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM, is an assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and serves as director of the Master of Science in Pathologists' Assistant (PathA) program. He joined Drexel University College of Medicine in 2003 as co-director of the Pathologists’ Assistant (PathA) program. In addition to being program director, he participates in the didactic and clinical training of the PathA students at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Mr. Moore earned his bachelor of arts degree in biology from Gettsyburg College and his master of health science degree as a pathologists’ assistant from Quinnipiac University. Since 1982, he has worked as a pathologists’ assistant in the Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, York Hospital, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Reading Hospital and Medical Center, and A. I. DuPont Hospital for Children and Monmouth Medical Center.

Mr. Moore is currently a member of and has served as vice-president, president and chairman of the board of trustees for the American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants (AAPA). He currently certified as a pathologists' assistant by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification and is an active member of the American Society for Clinical Pathology. Mr. Moore is also an active member of the Association of Pathologists’ Assistant Training Programs (APATP). Beginning in 2016 and ending in 2019, Mr. Moore served a four-year term on the NAACLS board of directors.

In the Media


Original Papers:
Moore, James W.: Comparison of A,B,H antigen reactivity and the prognosis of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder.

Thesis presented in September, 1985 to fulfill the requirements for MHS degree.

McGowan, Karin L. and James W. Moore: Post-Mortem Print Cultures. Pending publication.

McGowan, Karin L. and James W. Moore: Post-Mortem Print Cultures. Abstract presented at American Society of Microbiology meeting, July, 1989. (presented by McGowan).

Presentations at National Scientific Meetings:
1984-Perinatal Autopsies and Congenital Heart Disease, 10th Annual Conference of the American Association of Pathologists' Assistants, September, 1984.

1990-Anatomy and Physiology of the Head and Neck, Pennsylvania Medical Record Association's Joint Conference for Tumor and Trauma Registrars on Head and Neck Cancer/Face and Neck Injuries, June, 1990

Contact Information

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
60 N. 36th Street
Health Sciences Bldg., Rm. 10W35
Philadelphia, PA 19104