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Global Health Education Student Experiences Hirotaka Nakagawa

Hirotaka with cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Ohki, at Jikei University Hospital, and his surgical team.

Hirotaka with cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Ohki, at Jikei University Hospital, and his surgical team.

Asahi Life Foundation, The Institute for Adult Diseases (Diabetic Clinic)
Summer 2017

"This summer, I stayed in Tokyo to learn about medicine in Japan. I worked at a Sum on the effect of education on the health outcomes for prediabetic patients. I also shadowed various physicians in the clinic (endocrinologist, GI, cardiologist) who provide care specifically for the diabetic patients.

"I also had an opportunity to shadow physicians at various departments at Jikei University Hospital (GI and Cardiovascular Surgery/Respiratory/Urology/Cardiology/Radiology). I spent about half a day to an entire day at each department over the 2 months. It was a great way to meet physicians and Japanese medical students, and really enjoyed the experience!"

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