Global Health Education Planning Your Experience

David Tomajan, Himalayan Health Exchange: Spiti Valley, Summer 2015

If you're interested in a global health experience, please review the following information to start your planning and to help guide your decisions. As you learn more about the various experiences available to you, there are many logistical considerations:

To ensure efficient planning, please adhere to the following process outlined by the Office of Global Health Education:

  1. Meet with the director of the Office of Global Health Education to discuss the global health elective application, requirements/considerations and approval process. The Office of Global Health Education will then guide you toward meeting the other steps of the approval process.
  2. Obtain approvals from the following offices:
    • Host institution (Drexel or outside organization)
    • Office of Global Health Education
    • Special Electives Committee
    • Drexel Office of Global Engagement
  3. Once you obtain approval from these four offices and register your trip with the Drexel Office of Study Abroad, you may finalize your travel arrangements.

Please note that you should not finalize travel arrangements until approved by all offices.

Again, we are delighted by your choice of extending your medical education globally; we look forward to creating an educational and safe opportunity for you now, and helping you extend your learning for the future.

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