Mission, Guiding Principles and Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Drexel University College of Medicine excels and innovates in education, research, and delivery of compassionate care in our culture of diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity.

Guiding Principles

  • Dedication to providing the highest quality biomedical education
  • Promotion of basic and translational research for the benefit of humanity
  • Devotion to our patients in providing quality, compassionate care
  • Acknowledgement that diversity of our faculty, professional staff, students, and trainees enables our mission
  • Growth and success of all who teach, learn, and work here
  • Commitment to our local and global communities
  • Collaboration with colleagues across the University and beyond
  • Attention to responsible stewardship of healthcare resources
  • Focus on our tradition of providing educational opportunity to those who might not otherwise have it
  • Excellence in all that we do

Vision Statement

Drexel University College of Medicine's strengths will be synergy and integration in the areas of biomedical research and education, technology, and clinical care. We will continue to build on our strong foundation of outstanding medical research, education, and compassionate care of our patients, bolstered by an exceptional, dedicated and diverse faculty, professional staff, and student body. Our emphasis on translational research, integrating the clinical and basic sciences, will significantly strengthen the College's and University's collective contribution to meeting the healthcare needs of society. Continued excellence in these areas will expand our national and international reputation as a medical school committed to the creation of new scientific knowledge and innovative pedagogy for the benefit of our patients, students and humanity.

Download Drexel University College of Medicine Strategic Plan 2020–2025

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