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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Staff Spotlights

Carmen Cruz-Adames

Carmen Cruz-Adames

Business Manager, Department of Pharmacology & Physiology

How long have you worked at the College of Medicine?

This December will mark my 20th anniversary of employment at the medical school.

What's your favorite part about working at Drexel?

What I've most enjoyed about my time working here is the people I've met whose journeys have led them through our department, particularly the students. It has been wonderful getting to know these individuals and seeing them complete their degrees and move on to their post-graduate work.

What do you like most about your colleagues?

It's actually the diversity, particularly within my department. When I first started here 20 years ago, the faculty was comprised of all Caucasian men. Today, females make up 40% of our department faculty (in fact, the current chair of the department is female) and 55% of our faculty are non-white. That diversity is also reflected in our students, postdocs and staff. It's wonderful to get to know so many interesting people from all over the globe with various backgrounds and experiences.

How would you describe the culture at Drexel?

Overall, I feel that the school promotes a positive and diverse culture. For example, my daughter is a high school junior and we are starting the college search. One of our criteria is diversity. This is important to me because I believe attending a culturally diverse school will provide her with a better education and experience. I'm happy to note that Drexel made our preliminary list due in part to both their student body as well as their faculty ranking above average in ethnic diversity. And I do believe this carries over to the medical school as well.

Do you think Drexel does a good job providing programs and support for diversity and inclusion?

Strictly speaking as a staff member, I don't think there is enough done to promote the programs which may be available to us. If there are groups or clubs available, we aren't learning about them. There has to be a better way to get the word out to everyone. I definitely believe more people would be interested and would participate if they were aware.

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