College Forward and Strategic Plan 2030 - Evolution, Investment, Return and Impact

College Forward 2030 Strategic Planning

The College of Medicine is entering into a phase of unprecedented opportunity, innovation and growth. Throughout 2025 and beyond, the College will navigate challenges and advancements in academic medicine, while aligning the institution’s resources effectively.

Together, the College community will build the next roadmap for the institution’s success — tactically over the three- to six-month period, beginning in January 2025, and strategically over the next five years.

Under the direction of a Leadership Advisory Oversight Group, four College Forward Task Forces have been formed to:

  • Outline short-term and long-term goals
  • Set forth priorities and strategies for the first quarter of 2025 and beyond in a phased framework to align with the next five-year Strategic Plan
  • Consider the College’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within the academic medicine landscape
  • Contribute to the roadmap for the College to navigate future challenges and advancements in academic medicine
  • Establish strategic goals with clear, measurable objectives that include timelines and performance metrics to track progress and assess success

The four College Forward Task Forces will solicit input from various stakeholders such as physicians, researchers, administrators, interdisciplinary collaborators, students and community members to ensure alignment with overall priorities. A space analysis working group has been established to study the use of College of Medicine research spaces and future needs.

Drexel students working in a lab.
Drexel MD Students in West Reading
Discovery Day


College Forward Task Force Missions

The College Forward Task Forces have been formed on the four mission pillars of Strategic Plan 2030. These are:


Data Informed Decisions

The final plan will be informed by a thorough analysis of internal performance data, market trends and external factors. College Forward Task Forces will work in collaboration leads within departments, programs and affiliate campuses that are identified in the plan, to align and implement strategic initiatives, as well as determine the tracking and measuring of progress.