Federal Work Study FAQs

Application & Eligibility

When should I begin the application process?

I don’t have a confirmed internship yet, should I wait to request FWS fund?

Can I still request FWS funding and apply for the program after March 1st priority deadline?

Can I cancel my FWS award if I end up finding a paid internship?

I plan to intern at a private law firm, would I be able to use my Federal Work Study award?

How can I confirm if an organization is FWS eligible?

Which FWS agreement should I use?

Who should sign the FWS Agreement?

If I work on campus at Drexel, will I need a FWS Agreement?

Can I begin to work if the FWS Agreement is pending and not fully executed by both internship organization and Drexel?

Hiring Process

Who hires, approves time sheets and pays me while I work at my off-campus internship?

If I have never been employed by Drexel before, what is the hiring process?

How long is the hiring process?

Can I begin to work if my new hire process is not completed?

Payment & Hours

How do I get paid?

How do I receive my payment?

How much can I expect to be paid during the summer?

Is my internship payment taxable?

What is the maximum number of hours I can work in a week?

Do I get paid for lunch?

Can I work on weekends or holidays?

Can I have more than one job?

What happens if I need to take time off or become sick?

Can I work for an off-campus organization and for a Professor as a Research Fellow at the same time?

What happens if I exhaust my FWS award?

How can I check my FWS Award balance?

My supervisor is not available to sign my paper time sheet, can my online time sheet still be approved?

Can I still get paid if I forget to submit my bi-weekly time sheet or do not submit by deadline?

Can I start early or extend my internship?