2011: Urban Spaces

Date: Feb 24, 2011
Time: All day conference
Venue: Behrakis Hall Grand Hall , Creese Student's center, 32nd and Chestnut Street.

Drexel University's 4th Annual Student Conference on Global Challenges addresses the enormous creative energy and capacity of the globe's urban spaces. Flows of people, capital, knowledge, information, and culture converge in cities and metropolitan corridors. These spaces, made of complex networks of human and material linkages, host both embedded centers of power and new challenges to existing political authority and territoriality; they are spaces in which extremes of wealth and poverty grow side-by-side, but also spaces of artistic creation, technological and scientific innovation, and human vitality. Urban spaces are at once hubs of transnational capital and global immigration, incubators of violence and disease, and hosts to creative solutions fostering social cooperation, sustainable infrastructure, and democratic engagement.

Students will address these challenges and opportunities through six different panels, including: global science, technology, and society; global health; global media; justice and human rights; global social and economic trends; and global business.