2012: Food

Date: March 2, 2012
Time: All day conference
Venue: Behrakis Hall Grand Hall , Creese Student's center, 32nd and Chestnut Street.

The Office of International Programs is pleased to announce its 5th Annual Student Conference on Global Challenges. It's a daylong conference with six student panels tackling the central theme of Food from various different interdisciplinary perspectives. This conference will also bring together students and community groups, as well as faculty, staff, alumni, and friends to address a wide range of issues related to this year's topic of FOOD.

FOOD –– it is crucial to our survival, integral to our culture, a determinant of our health, a focus of new technologies, and a commodity affecting GNP and political policy, driving conflict or cooperation in international relations. Whether abundant or scarce, it is part of the art, science, ethics, and labor of our daily lives. Drexel's 5th Student Conference on Global Challenges focusing this year on FOOD will engage students in wide-ranging discussions focused on the topic of food, including such issues as hunger; food science and nutrition; food distribution, marketing and sales; food arts and culture; food justice; food organizations and advocacy; and food policy.

Student panelists will generate their own panel presentations, posing questions to one another and the audience. Each panel will be facilitated by a faculty moderator. Panels are open to undergraduate and graduate students. This is a great opportunity for students to go beyond their own boundaries and use their knowledge, diverse cultural frameworks, and different disciplinary perspectives to think critically about one of the world's most pressing issues. The conference will be an ideal forum for sharing ideas, discussing trends, learning from one another, networking and collaboration.