2009: Energy and Environment

Date: February 20, 2009
Time: All day conference
Venue: Behrakis Hall Grand Hall , Creese Student's center, 32nd and Chestnut Street.

Some of the biggest global challenges that we face today have to do with providing people with clean, safe, efficient, and affordable energy and promoting sustainable development. With increasing global interdependence we need to tackle these challenges both locally and globally and from a variety of different perspectives – scientific, economic, political, social, and cultural.

With this is mind, Drexel University's Office of International Program ' s 2nd Annual Student Conference on Global Challenges will have the over-arching theme of "Energy and the Environment." The conference will bring together undergraduate and graduate student s to discuss these global challenges from wide rang e of perspectives through student panels on Global Media, Global Business Trends, Global Social and Economic Issues , Global Health, Global Science, Technology and Society , and Global Justice and Human Rights. The students will lead the panel discussions and faculty experts will moderate them . We see this conference as an ideal forum for sharing, discussing, learning, networking and collaboration and hope that it will produce new ideas and possible solutions to today's global challenges.