CIEE Amman
Code: ARAB 3021
Title: Arabic Writing
Credit: 3
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T280
Title: Arab Writing
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: COMM 3003
Title: Contemporary Arab Media
Credit: 3
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T280
Title: Contemporary Arab Media
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: ARAB 4011
Title: Modern Standard Arabic, Superior I
Credit: 6
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T280
Title: Modern Standard Arabic, Superior 1
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: ARAB 3005
Title: Advanced Topics in Arabic Conversation I
Credit: 4
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T280
Title: Advanced Topics in Arabic Conversation 1
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 10967
Title: Personnel Management
Credit: 3
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH1001
Title: What is History?
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: What is History?
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: CLIM 1001
Title: Introduction to Climate Change
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JPL100
Title: A Basic Introduction to Communicating in Japanese
Credit: 3
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topic 180
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP012
Title: J2: Japanese
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic 280
Credit: 12
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS2047
Title: World History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 163 + T180
Title: Themes in World Civilization III
Credit: 4 + .5 = 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1886.003700 001
Title: Sports Technology&Innovation
Credit: 3
Entertainment and Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 288
Title: eSport Entertainment Management
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41658
Title: Methods for experimental materials characterization
Credit: 5
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: 280
Title: Advanced Materials Lab
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL227G
Title: Security, Migration & Cultural Diversity in Europe
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: 2114
Title: Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch B1.1
German (GER)
Code: T280
Title: Oral Communication
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS0301
Title: Environmental Sustainability
Credit: 3
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI306L
Credit: 30
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: EN3143
Title: Literature in the Digital Age
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: CMM253G
Title: Global Advocacy
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Development of Cooperations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 321G
Title: NATO and Transatlantic Approaches to Security
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: International Organizations
Credit: 4.0
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP 012
Title: J2: Japanese
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic 280
Credit: 12
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP012
Title: J2: Japanese
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic 280
Credit: 12
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP012
Title: J2: Japanese
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topoic 280
Credit: 12
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: LIT222
Title: Contemporary English Literature I
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in FIction
Credit: 3
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Social Network Strategies
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Content and Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Design Thinking
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Design Thinking in Marketing
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Consumer Behavior
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3053
Title: Managing Social Media and Digital Work
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Sales and Negotiations
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 321
Title: Selling and Sales Management
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: BUS205
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Marketing/Business
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Brand Mangement
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Brand management
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Digital Media in Luxury & CRM
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21139
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21878
Title: Business Games
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Business Simulation course
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1467.000100
Title: Topics in Consumer and Global Market
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Topics in Global Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: W.BA.XX.2Cl
Title: Customer Insights
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ESCE_2A_M
Title: Marketing 2: From mass-marketing to sustainable consumption
Credit: 2
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 52159
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Business Management [English]
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: AI/ML in Management
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 52173
Title: New Trends in International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: International Marketing Trends
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: CAF-MM-01
Title: Product and Distribution Management
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2IB354
Title: Digital Marketing in the International Context
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Title: Branding and (Re)Positioning in International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: International Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 52160
Title: Consumer behaviour
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Consumer Behavior Strategies
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Oral Expression C1
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Title: Written Expression and Reading ComprehensionC1
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Language C1
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Title: Phonetics C1
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Code: REN 3502 RENS
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Credit: 2
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.303
Title: Critical Communication Studies
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 105
Title: Overview of Digital Media
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ANT220
Title: Anthropology of Japan
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ANT 202
Title: Anthropology of Religion
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 117
Title: Introduction to World Religions
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ANT202
Title: Anthropology of Religion
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 117
Title: Introduction to World Religions
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Society I
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: French Society I
Credit: 2
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Multilingual Education
Teacher Education (EDUC)
Code: 365
Title: Foundations in Instructing English Language Learners
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Multilingual Education
Teacher Education (EDUC)
Code: 365
Title: Foundations in Instructing English Language Learners
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 400
Title: Global marketing cases and practice
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: CAF-MM-01
Title: Product and Distribution Management
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Code: DAF01W24
Title: Module A1 German as a Foreign Language
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
University of Otago
Code: MAOR110
Title: Introduction to Conversational Māori
Credit: 18
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Intro to Conversational Maori
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: International Trade and Investment
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International trade
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Human Rights, NGOs and International Community
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 5
UP Comillas
Title: International Business Strategy
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Economics of Sustainability
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Economics: Sustainability
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Classical Spanish Art
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Classical Spanish Art
Credit: 6
Akita International University
Code: ECN240
Title: International Business
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: ENV100-1_F
Title: Environmental Science
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 169
Title: Environmental Science
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: FS1008
Title: Introduction to Visual Culture
Credit: 15
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 101
Title: Film History I: Emergence
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: Math3033
Title: Graph Theory
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 450
Title: Graph Theory
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ARE4014
Title: Archietecture Structural Design
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T280
Title: Structural Design Explorations
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ARE4109
Title: Architecture and Interaction
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Architecture
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 52159
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Business Management [English]
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: AI & ML in Business Management
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Understanding Globalization: Global issues in Historical Perspective
History (HIST)
Code: 303
Title: The Study of Global History
Credit: 4.5
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MUS102
Title: Music of Japan
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Music
Credit: 3.0
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: GES027
Title: New Media and Society in Everyday Life
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 240
Title: New technologies in communication
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Title: From Emigration to Immigration in Italy
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51928
Title: Critical Approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Network Society
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in CS
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: 360
Title: Italian Style
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Italian Style
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EF1005
Title: Doric and Scots Language: An Introduction to North-East Scots
Credit: 15
Linguistics (LING)
Code: LING
Title: Language and Society
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 52163
Title: Digital Business Modeling and Competitive Strategy
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MATH3015
Title: History of Mathematics
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 238
Title: History of Mathematics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH3414
Title: Analytic Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 323
Title: Partial Differential Equations
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: LIT 222
Title: Contemporary English Literature I
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts: Fairy Tales
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL1007
Title: Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 391
Title: Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: 2030
Title: Writing Environments: Literature, Nature, Culture
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 302
Title: Environmental Literature
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Code: 85117
Title: History of Arts in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Art History
Credit: 6
American University of Rome
Code: IS 220
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Global politics
Credit: 4.5
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Archaeology of the Body, Clothing, and Ornamentation
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ANT220
Title: Anthropology of Japan
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Gender, Sexuality, and Diversity: Past and Present
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: WGST
Title: Sex, Gender, Feminism: A Seminar in Feminist Theories
Credit: 3.0
CIEE Cape Town
Title: A season in protest in south africa and the us
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 260
Title: Power in Protest: Social Movements in Comparative Perspective
Credit: 4.0
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL2065
Title: Postcolonial Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 204
Title: Post-Colonial Literature
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH2340
Title: The Mathematics of Music
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Mathematics
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: GEH013
Title: H1: The World of Music
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MCC103
Title: Introduction to Cultural Studies
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ARC101
Title: Introduction to Eastern Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics-Lecture
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ARPH3050
Title: The Ethics of Food
Credit: 4
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: The Ethics of Food
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Principles of European Legal Order
Credit: 8
Criminal Justice (CJS)
Code: CJS 320
Title: Comparative Justice Systems
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ELEC3612
Title: Digital Media Engineering
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 121
Title: Introduction to Entertainment Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ELEC2240
Title: Transistors and Opoelectronic Devices
Credit: 20
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 431
Title: Modern Transistors
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ELEC3360
Title: RF and Microwave Engineering
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 482
Title: RF Transceiver Electronics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: ELEC3575
Title: Electric Power Systems
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 380
Title: Fundamentals of Power and Energy
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: CRIM1011
Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice
Credit: 6
Criminal Justice (CJS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Criminology & Justice Studies
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CLASS 1300
Title: The Greek World: an Introduction
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: History of Contemporary Italy
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MATH2080
Title: Further Linear Algebra
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: GES027
Title: New Media and Society in Everyday Life
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: DIGM
Title: Explorations in New Media
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LC3933
Title: Japanese Language Level 4
Credit: 3
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 201
Title: Japanese 201
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC2553
Title: Memory and Language
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 336
Title: Psychology of Language
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 15218
Title: DAFF 25A59 - From Maritime Security to Sea Studies
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 17608
Title: DAFF 25A99 - Small and Micro-states in Global Politics
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: EDU113
Title: International Perspectives on Education
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Code: GM-5-EXFPE-S1
Title: Final Project for Exchange Students
Credit: 30
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: I399
Title: Wind Tubine Magnet Suspension
Credit: 12
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0441.001100 006
Title: Advanced English: Exploring Film
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: [EE]-(FRA_B2 - Architecture de l'expression - Upper Intermediate)
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC1050
Title: Darwin, Germs and the Bomb
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 289
Title: History of Science: Enlightenment to Modernity
Credit: 2
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ASOC2010
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23239
Title: Legal Foundations of Global Society
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business lAw
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: 3017
Title: Calculus in the Complex Plane
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 322
Title: Complex Variables
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Code: 31055
Credit: 9
English (ENGL)
Code: 205
Title: American Literature I
Credit: 3
University of Otago
Code: RELS214
Title: Cults, Prophets, Apocalypse: Understanding New Religious Movements
Credit: 18
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of Otago
Code: RELS214
Title: Cults, Prophets, Apocalypse: Understanding New Religious Movements
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5024CIE_WC
Title: Cases in Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 285
Title: Organizational Development and Change for Corporate Entrepreneurs 3.0 Credits
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: BA-Eco-M17-F01
Title: Behavioral Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 365
Title: Behavioral Economics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: CAF-MFin-F06
Title: Quantitative and Computational Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Quantitative and Computational Finance
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2FIPT.XX
Title: Financial Instruments & Portfolio Theory
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ISC223
Title: Object-Oriented Method
Credit: 2
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30051
Title: Data Analytics and Artifical Intelligence for Business
Credit: 20
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: Special topics in Business Analytics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: TEU00011
Title: A World to Discover: Travel Memoirs and Memorabilia at Trinity
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN3578
Title: Travel Writing
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN3525
Title: English In Corporate and Professional Communication
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 308
Title: The Literature of Business
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 102.327 001
Title: Implication of Chinese Traditional Culture and The Contemporary China
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 303
Title: Art of China
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24208
Title: Art and Society
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 101
Title: History of Art I
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5024EPE_WC
Title: Economics and Politics of Europe
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5022ICN_WC
Title: Intercultural Awareness
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SS2033
Title: Research Methods for Behavioral Science
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 280
Title: Psychological Research
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 55029
Title: Spanish Language. Intermediate 2
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 202
Title: Intermediate Spanish
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB3044
Title: Introduction to Financial Markets
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Comparative health care systems
Health Services Administration (HSAD)
Code: 312
Title: Development of world health care
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Family, schools, and child development
Health Services Administration (HSAD)
Code: 342
Title: Children and health care
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: 3033
Title: Graph Theory
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 450
Title: Introduction to Graph Theory
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Sports Technology & Innovation
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 230
Title: Product Design Process Studio
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41733
Title: Metallurgy, Design and Manufacturing of Cast Components
Credit: 5
Product Design (PROD)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Product Design
Credit: 6
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: HST221
Title: History of Contemporary Japan
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN2322
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: WRIT
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 225
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41515
Title: Computational Multibody Dynamics
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics: Computational Multibody Dynamics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Mechanical Product Design
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 431
Title: Machine Design I
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 02003
Title: Computer Programming (Polytechnical Foundation)
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.306 002
Title: Managerial Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2108
Title: Literature in Our Lives
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.303
Title: Critical Communication Studies
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 200
Title: Current Events in Media and Communication
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Advanced Level "Selected Topics in General & Specific Sociology: Gender Inequality & Migration"
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 6
Sciences Po
Code: 15961
Title: Qualitative Methods Workshop
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 241
Title: Research Design: Qualitative Methods
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Global enironmental policy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 284
Title: Environmental Politics
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21896
Title: Forecasting Techniques
Credit: 5
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: Forecasting Techniques
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 22103
Title: Introduction to Game Theory
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: politics of religion
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to World Religions
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH1515
Title: Interest Rates and Cashflow Modelling
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 250
Title: Mathematics of Investment and Credit
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Nature photography, social media and environmental engagement
Photography (PHTO)
Code: T380
Title: Special topics in PHTO
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Photojournalism
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 236
Title: Photojournalism
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HY0001
Title: Ethics & Moral Reasoning
Credit: 1
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Philosophy
Credit: 1
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21130
Title: Economic Institutions and Markets
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON: Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21121
Title: International Economics and Business History
Credit: 9
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON: Economic History
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ESCE_2A_CAP2
Title: 2A]-(Capstone 2: International market entry strategy)
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multionational corporations
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LC2401
Title: French 1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 101
Title: French I
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: SOC3034
Title: Sociology of Marriage and Family
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 221
Title: Sociology of the Family
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: APA2021
Title: Virtual Space Study
Credit: 2
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Digital Media
Credit: 3.0
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ENG2075
Title: American Culture and Novel
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 205
Title: American Literature II
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Economics of Wine
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON Wine Economics
Credit: 4
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: HSS193
Title: Korean2 for undergraduate international students
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 102
Title: Korean II
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: From Rhodes to Mandela and From Apartheid to AIDS
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: 344
Title: History of the AIDS Pandemic
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: South African Literature and Film
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: AFAS
Title: Topics in Africana Arts
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2320
Title: Investments and Portfolio Analysis
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1314.004700
Title: Economics and Business Strategy
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: CS204
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL3101
Title: Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in Korea
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: FLM 316
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 255
Title: Contemporary Cinema
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.323
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Finance 301
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3335
Title: Current Issues in Asset Management and Private Banking Industry
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Current Issues in Asset Mgt and Private Banking
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3383
Title: Financial Regulations and Compliance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Financial Regulations and Compliance
Credit: 4
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: BTM354
Title: Production and Operations Management
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Leadership
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: CS230
Title: System Programming
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 283
Title: Systems Programming
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Contemporary Chalenges in Global Health
Health Services Administration (HSAD)
Code: 312
Title: HSAD 312
Credit: 3.0
CIEE Cape Town
Title: atlantic crossings
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: i199
Title: Supervised Independent Study
Credit: 3
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: BiS451
Title: Cognitive Neuroscience
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 312
Title: Cognitive Neuroscience
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.303 001
Title: Critical Communication Studies
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 200
Title: Communication Resources for Media Studies
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction to Political Sociology
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics- Introduction to Political Sociology
Credit: 4.0
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Directed Independent Research
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: I199
Title: Directed Independent Research
Credit: 3
Korean Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech (KAIST)
Code: BTM343
Title: Business Strategy
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Sports Technology & Innovation
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS4019
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Special TOpics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Politics of the Middle East and Africa
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics- Politics of the Middle East and Africa
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: CMM 253G
Title: Global Advocacy
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction to International Relations
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction into Political Sociology
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics- Introduction to Political Sociology
Credit: 4.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 114.323
Title: Buddhism in Korea
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 5.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 8753.596A
Title: Financial Development of World
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2190.000900
Title: Macroeconomics of the EU and Asia
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 331
Title: International Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 262G
Title: Social Entrepreneurship
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in International Business Social Entrpreneurship
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1338.005200
Title: Venture Formation and Investment
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.404 001
Title: American Poetry
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Readings in Poetry
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1236.001200 001
Title: English Literature and Mass Culture
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: English Literature and Popular Culture
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and other Arts
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Contemporary East Asian Culture and the Rediscovery of Classical Chinese Narrative
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 102.327 001
Title: Chinese Traditional Culture and Contemporary China
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 114.323 001
Title: Buddhism in Korea
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Contemporary East Asian Culture and the Rediscovery of Classical Chinese Narrative
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21878
Title: Business Games
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB Business Games
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21875
Title: Foreign Trade II
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21935
Title: Regulation and Competition Policy
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Global African Arts
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: 210
Title: Topics in Africana Arts
Credit: 3
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Global Civil Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Global Civil Rights
Credit: 4.0
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LT3216
Title: Chinese Linguistics
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T280
Title: CHIN T280
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 26465
Title: Modern Statistical Computing
Credit: 5
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Data Analytics
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21141
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 17603
Title: Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: An Economic History of Pre-Industrial Europe
Credit: 2
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: HST221
Title: History of Contemporary Japan
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Cape Town as Emerging Global City
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.00
CIEE Cape Town
Title: Intercultural Communication and Leadership
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21932
Title: Game Theory and Design of Institutions
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21142
Title: Strategic Management I
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Protests in Authoritarian Contexts
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Authoritarian Politics
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: Selected Topics in International Relations - Political Violence
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: SSpecial Topics in International Relations - Political Violence
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: Causes and Consequences of Armed Conflicts
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Political Science: Causes and Consequences of Armed Conflicts
Credit: 4.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Modern Korean Fiction
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Anglophone Culture
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41418
Title: Green fuels and power-to-x
Credit: 5
Electrical Engr Technology (EET)
Code: 320
Title: Renewable Energy Systems
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 47304
Title: ceramic science and engineering
Credit: 10
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: 345
Title: Processing of Ceramics
Credit: 4.50
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 47301
Title: Hydrogen energy and fuel cells
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 415
Title: Fuel Cell Engines
Credit: 3
Code: GM-5-S1-EC-EXFPE
Title: Final Project for Exchange Students
Credit: 30
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: MEM I399
Title: Final Project for Exchange Students
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 18754
Title: Global sociological debates
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Anthropology of Meditation
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL1189
Title: Contemporary Korean Studies
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2124
Title: The World through Languages
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: 4716
Title: Introduction to Educational Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 320
Title: Educational Psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LC2601
Title: Spanish 1
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 101
Title: SPAN 101
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL1117
Title: Introduction to Digital Photography
Credit: 2
Photography (PHTO)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Photography
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Financial Markets
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Two Koreas: Modern Korean History and Society ( )
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT2641
Title: Introduction to Business Analytics
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 160
Title: Business Analytics and Data Visualization
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3381
Title: Behavioural Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Behavioral Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3325
Title: Alternative Investments
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Alternative Investments
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Overview of the sport entertainment industry
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 110
Title: The Business of Sport
Credit: 4.0
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: HST221
Title: History of Contemporary Japan
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MCC104
Title: Language and Society
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic in Japan
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP016
Title: Japanese VI
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Japan
Credit: 12
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: JLP015
Title: J5: Japanese
Credit: 5
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: JAPN
Title: Japanese V
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: PHR109
Title: Introduction to the New Testament
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: GEX001
Title: Introduction to Christianity
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 4
International Christian University
Code: PHR240
Title: Religions in Japan
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: UI Design Programming
Interactive Digital Media (IDM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in IDM
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 301
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0546.000700 003
Title: Understanding Popular Art
Credit: 3
Entertainment and Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 420
Title: Arts, Culture and Society
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Retail & Distribution
Design and Merchandising (DSMR)
Code: 103
Title: Introduction to the Fashion Industry
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1154
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BMS 4003B
Title: Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
Credit: 2
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 2
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BMS 4007
Title: Pharmacology and Toxicology
Credit: 3
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314
Title: Pharmacology
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: PHY241
Title: Physics of Oscillations and Waves
Credit: 2
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MSE4178
Title: Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
Electrical Engr Technology (EET)
Code: 204
Title: Introduction to Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Title: INDG1002
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3.5
University of New South Wales
Code: Acct2511
Title: Financial Acct Fundamentals
Credit: 6
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Fin accounting foundation
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Doing Business in foreign markets
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MSE 3130
Title: Biomaterials
Credit: 3
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: 455
Title: Biomedical Materials
Credit: 3.0
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12701
Title: Introduction to Living systems
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T380
Title: Technical elective
Credit: 5
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Innovation and entrepreneurship
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Acteur en Français - Intermediate
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: 202
Title: French V
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MSE 4178
Title: Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: N/A
Title: Technical Elective/Track Course
Credit: 4.5
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS 1302
Title: Introduction to Computer Programming
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT 372
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and other Arts
Credit: 6
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT 307
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 6
CIEE Tokyo
Code: 337
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Selected Readings in Fiction
Credit: 6
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5000NDP_22
Title: Economics and Politics of Europe
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP3142
Title: Software Testing and QA
Credit: 6
Software Engineering (SE)
Code: 320
Title: Software Verif and Validation
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MCC211
Title: Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Linguistics (LING)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Linguistics
Credit: 3
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Leadership
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: SP493
Title: Environmentalism
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 284
Title: Environmental Politics
Credit: 4.0
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A13
Title: International Community and the Troubled Middle East
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics III
Credit: 4.0
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 25A29
Title: Comparative Social Policy in Europe
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics II
Credit: 4.0
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: DPS101
Title: Introduction to Development Studies
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21901
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ESCE Undergraduate International Business
Title: International Trade Practices
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Legal Environment of Business
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: ST
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ESCE_2A_DE
Title: Droit de l'entreprise 2 : L'individu dans l'organisation
Credit: 2
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 346
Title: Business Law 1
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1301
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 201
Title: Business Law I
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A73
Title: Afghanistan : A nation-state not meant to be ?
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23535
Title: Women's Literature
Credit: 5
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A06
Title: Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi : political sociology of culture in the principalities of the Persian Gulf
Credit: 5
Middle East & Northern African Studies (MENA)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1125
Title: Architecture and Space in Chinese Culture
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU5703
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE3032
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: CVEN1701
Title: Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in ENVE
Credit: 6
University of New South Wales
Code: CVEN3702
Title: Solid Wastes and Contaminant Transport
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 410
Title: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Credit: 6
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12134
Title: Environmental Microbiology
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T380
Title: Technical Elective
Credit: 6
Sciences Po
Code: ASOC 25A18
Title: Investigating the City
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 5
Sciences Po
Code: ASOC 25A17
Title: Global Social Policy
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 5
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Corporate Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Sustainable Development
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Business Practices
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: LIT106
Title: History of English Literature I
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: LIT117
Title: Modern Japanese Literature in English Translation
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: SOC205
Title: Intoduction to Japanese Society
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: SOC204
Title: International Migration and Ethnicity
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 62198
Title: Economics for engineers
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 371
Title: Engineering Economics and Professional Practice
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: LIT106
Title: History of English Literature I
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS2702
Title: Supply Chain and Logistics Design
Credit: 6
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28150
Title: Introduction to Process Control
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 464
Title: Process Dynamics and Control
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 17651
Title: State-building and Political Thought in the Middle East (1923-2023)
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: HST221
Title: History of Contemporary Japan
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics in History
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PLAN1008
Title: Planning Research: Techniques and Analysis
Credit: 6
Architectural Engineering (AE)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in AE
Credit: 6
Sciences Po
Code: 18755
Title: Introduction to Environmental Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 2017
Title: Real Analysis
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 401
Title: Elements of Modern Analysis
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: SOC102
Title: Principles of Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS2242
Title: The Politics of Climate Change
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 278
Title: Global Climate Change and Society
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC2400
Title: History of Psychiatry and Mental Illness
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 342
Title: Madness, Mental Health and Psychiatry in the Modern West
Credit: 2
University of Leeds
Code: HIST3710
Title: Nazism, Stalinism and the Rise of the Total State
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2.5
Sciences Po
Code: DSOC 25A20
Title: DSOC 25A20 - Sociology of culture
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 5
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3955
Title: Leadership in Organisations
Credit: 10
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: BEES1041
Title: Exploring the Natural World
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Environmental Science
Credit: 6
University of New South Wales
Code: PLAN1003
Title: Urban Society, History, Theory
Credit: 6
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Environmental Studies & Sustainability
Credit: 6
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL32154
Title: Prose Fiction Stylistics and the Mind
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC1618
Title: Psychology in the Media
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC2521
Title: Individual Differences
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC2554
Title: Perception, Action and Cognition
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 213
Title: Sensation and Perception
Credit: 3
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Business Ethics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business ethics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL3421
Title: Philosophy of Mind
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics: Philosophy of Reality
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1312.002200 001
Title: Media, Culture, and City
Credit: 3
Entertainment and Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 420
Title: Arts, Culture and Society
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28140
Title: Chemical Reaction Engineering (MSc)
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 362
Title: Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4473
Title: International Trade
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Title: GE2256
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS2243
Title: Waste and Society
Credit: 6
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 6
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS2818
Title: Australian Politics
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Political Science
Credit: 4.0
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AHST2510
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AHST3530
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2641.000900 001
Title: Women and Gender in Asia
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
Credit: 3.0
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2248
Title: Persuasion in Everyday Life
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T499
Title: ST: Persuasion in Everyday Life
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.048 003
Title: Understanding Asian Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 201
Title: Non-Western Philosophies
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1307.004100 001
Title: Anthropology of Korean Digital Cultures
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AANT3030
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Tokyo
Code: APOL3550
Credit: 4
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: PSCI
Title: Environmental Politics
Credit: 4.0
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1205
Title: Green Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2129
Title: Psychology for Young Professionals
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AART3080
Credit: 4
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T380
Title: Environmental Advocacy and Film
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Private Wealth Management
Finance (FIN)
Code: 450
Title: Personal Wealth Management
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Financial Markets
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
International University of Monaco (IUM)
Title: Financial Pricing
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 044.009 001
Title: Introduction to Modern Economy
Credit: 3
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 293
Title: Introduction to Money and the Media
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0441.001100 005
Title: Advanced English: Exploring Film
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 102
Title: Film History II: New Waves
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2752.001100
Title: Islamic Thought and Modern West Asia
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Universidad de Montevideo
Title: Pensamiento Social y Politico
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4.0
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41615
Title: Mechanical CAD
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: MGMT3416
Title: Storytelling: Global Business Communication
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Digital Storytelling
Credit: 3
CIEE Amman
Code: ARAB 2012
Title: Modern Standard Arabic, Intermediate II
Credit: 6
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: 202
Title: Arabic V
Credit: 6
Koc University
Code: LITR
Title: Intro to Literary Studies
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Selected readings in fiction
Credit: 3
Koc University
Code: MAVA 210
Title: Photography Basics
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AH 210
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 313
Title: 20th Century Modernism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AHFA 228
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: ARTH
Title: ARTH 200: Methodology of Art History
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Selected Topics in International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: 1029J
Title: COMP
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: 1029C
Title: COMP
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: 1029V
Title: COMP
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: POLI30020
Title: How to Win a Political Argument
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Political Science
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: The Politics of Humanitarian Aid
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: International Humanitarian Law/ Law of Armed Conflict
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 310
Title: Civilians in Armed Conflict
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Title: Public Opinion on Foreign and Security Policy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 250
Title: American Foreign Policy
Credit: 4.0
Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Title: International Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Economics--Research Project
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: 1154
Title: HUMA
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: PHTO
Title: Basic Photo
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: HART20024
Title: Art in Britain
Credit: 20
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Art History Special Topics Course
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PX2011
Title: An Introduction to space science and remote sensing
Credit: 15
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 231
Title: Introductory Astrophysics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2239
Title: Food: Culture, Science and Society
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30040
Title: Digital Economy
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Digital Economy
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20046
Title: Consumption and Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30051
Title: Data Analytics and Artifical Intelligence for Business
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: POLI20012
Title: Comparative and International Political Economy
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 1020
Title: Biology of Human Health
Credit: 3
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Bio of Human Health
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY245
Title: Physics of Materials
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: FD 361
Title: History of Costume I
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 335
Title: History of Costume I
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AH 301
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ARCL 100
Title: Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
University of Sydney
Code: IBUS1101
Title: Global Business
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: 202
Title: Aerostructures
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 426
Title: Aerospace Structures
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1036
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: ENGL3696
Title: Advanced Creative Writing
Credit: 6
Writing (WRIT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Writing
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS262G
Title: Social Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 270
Title: Social Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: HUM 203G
Title: Leadership and Personal Development
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1102
Title: Enjoyment of Classical Music
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 231
Title: European Classical Music History
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2101
Title: Enjoyment of Western Opera
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Strategic Brand Management
Credit: 4
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T480
Title: Entrepreneurship Elective
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 4
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T480
Title: Entrepreneurship Elective
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: FS4015
Credit: 30
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Gender, Representation & Film
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 227G
Title: Security, Migration, Cultural Diversity in Europe
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 305
Title: Social Dev: A Global Approach
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MATH 2421
Title: Probability
Credit: 4
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 205
Title: Statistical Inference I
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1180
Title: Financial Management and Decision-Making
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MATH 2411
Title: Applied Statistics
Credit: 4
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 3311
Title: Database Management Systems
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 343
Title: Database Design and Implementation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 4010
Title: Digital Business Strategy: Harnessing Platform, Crowd, and Machine
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MIS
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Strategic Management
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AT4538
Title: More Than Human
Credit: 30
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 63860
Title: System and Network Security
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 475
Title: Network Security
Credit: 3.0
American University of Rome
Title: Developmental Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI406C:
Credit: 30
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: 368
Title: Silences in African History
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21320
Title: Present and Future of European Integration
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Present and Future of European Integration
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: LAW2010
Title: Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 244
Title: The United Nations and Global Government
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 252
Title: Global Governance
Credit: 4.0
University of Sydney
Code: EDUH4052
Title: Learning in Outdoor Education
Credit: 6
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 6
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Climate and Climate Change
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 346
Title: Environmental Justice
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: 2001
Title: Sustainability and Society
Credit: 6
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 6
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM3028
Title: Engineering Materials
Credit: 15
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4.0
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: INT382G
Title: Internship
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB International Internship
Credit: 9
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: INT382G
Title: Internship
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB International Internship
Credit: 6
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2CFRM.XX
Title: Corporate Finance & Risk Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.3DA-WIN.XX
Title: Data Analytics
Credit: 6
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 331
Title: Intro Data Mining for Busn
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: 6110
Title: The Secret History of the Novel
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in world Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: 3430
Title: Environmental Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: 310
Title: Environmental Law
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: 3434
Title: International Human Rights Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Advanced Special Topics in Law
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: AT403A
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AT1502
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: 3101
Title: Popular Fiction and Culture
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Selected Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 02635
Title: Mathematical Software Programming
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 316
Title: Mathematical Application of Symbolic Software
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 01418
Title: Introduction to Partial Differential Equation
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 323
Title: Partial Differentiation
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 02159
Title: Operating System
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 370
Title: Operating Systems
Credit: 3.0
CIEE Tokyo
Code: EMGS5048
Title: Marketing Strategy 1
Credit: 2
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: 1008
Title: Introductory Chemistry
Credit: 3
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 111
Title: General Chemistry I
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.021
Title: Introduction to Korean Music
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MCC108
Title: Intorduction to Transaltion
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.321A
Title: Understanding Modern Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: COM 301
Title: Media and Gender
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 200
Title: Current Events in Media and Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: EECS5024
Title: International Finance
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: EECS5024
Title: International Finance
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MCC108
Title: Introduction to translation(MCC108)
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in English
Credit: 3
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: SO1/SOL1
Title: Software Construction 1
Credit: 7
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Programming Languages
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2500BOM_22
Title: Business Operation Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 1500MSME23
Title: Marketing & Sales Management
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Marketing
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE4580
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: IC
Title: Intercultural Competence
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: HST 454
Title: Seminar in Japanese History
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 8
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ALIT2310
Title: Intro to Japanese Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ART250
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 304
Title: Art of Japan
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ARC103
Title: Introduction to Cultural Heritage
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Art Elective
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS 2615
Title: Intermediate business finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate corporate finance
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: PSY273
Title: Mental Health
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topis
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9503
Title: Chinese as a foreign language III
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 103
Title: Chinese III
Credit: 5
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT307
Title: Contemporary Japanese Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Barcelona: The City and its History
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Strategic Management
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 370
Title: Global Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Communication Management Strategies
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Communication Theory
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: PHIL1034
Title: Ethics and politics, East and West: an introduction to philosophy
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 251
Title: Ethics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1179
Title: Intermediate Korean Language with K-Culture
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 102
Title: Korean II
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Labor Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Title: Principles of Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: ECN305
Title: Principles of Macro Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1102
Title: Enjoyment of Classical Music
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 231
Title: European Classical Music History
Credit: 3.0
Nanyang Technological University
Title: E-startups and Social Media Strategies
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4.5
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Code: BA.011
Title: Collaborative Project 3 (Multiplayer Games)
Credit: 10
Game Art and Production (GMAP)
Code: 377
Title: Game Development: Workshop I
Credit: 3
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Code: BA.009.3
Title: Mandatory Core Elective Module 1.3 Game Programming
Credit: 10
Game Art and Production (GMAP)
Code: 231
Title: Scripting for Game Design
Credit: 3
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Code: BA.012
Title: Reflection and Community 3
Credit: 5
Game Art and Production (GMAP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Game Art and Production
Credit: 3
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Code: BA.010
Title: Basic Media and Game Studies 3
Credit: 5
Game Art and Production (GMAP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Game Art and Production
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EF2501
Title: Scottish Folklore and Oral Traditions
Credit: 15
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: selected readings in fiction
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.021
Title: Introduction to Korean Music
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG1001
Title: Marketing Principles
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Marketing Principles
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: WORK6001
Title: Organisational Analysis and Behaviour
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: Physiology 1A
Title: PHPH10017
Credit: 20
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 201
Title: Human Physiology I
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: BIOC20001
Title: Molecular Cell Biology
Credit: 20
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 214
Title: Principles of Cell Biology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: ENGL10042
Title: Literature 1150-1550
English (ENGL)
Code: ENGL
Title: Period Studies: Medieval
Credit: 310
University of Sydney
Code: FINC2011
Title: Corporate Finance I
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
London College of Fashion
Title: Fashion Entrepreneurship and Marketing
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 105
Title: Entrepreneurial Thinking
Credit: 3
Universidad de Montevideo
Title: Spanish
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Independent Study
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 2365
Title: Vector Calculus
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 291
Title: Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers
Credit: 4
London College of Fashion
Title: Fashion Media
Credit: 1
Design and Merchandising (DSMR)
Code: 300
Title: Design and Merchandising Trends and Impact
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC303
Title: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Cycles
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 310
Title: Thermodynamic Analysis I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC202
Title: Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: COMP 1711
Title: Procedural Programming
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Code: 98889
Title: Comparative Literature 1
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: ASOC 25A00
Title: Major Fields of Investigation in Sociology
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC201
Title: Dynamics of Structures and Machines
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Vibrations
Credit: 4
University of Otago
Code: CHEM150
Title: CHEM 150: Concepts of Chemistry
Credit: 5
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Chemistry
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 2110G
Title: International Business Management
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M34-F01
Title: History, Politics, and Economics of the Host Country
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in ECON: History, Politics, and Economics of Germany
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M22-F01
Title: International Economics
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: BA-Eco-M13-F01
Title: European Economic Policy
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 331
Title: International Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU33134
Title: Classical Architecture: Reception and Reimaginings
Credit: 5
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU11106
Title: Roman Art and Architecture
Credit: 5
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 325
Title: Intro to Roman Art and Architecture
Credit: 3
Aston University
Title: Internaitonal Management
Code: 405
Title: Int'l mgmt
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 114.214
Title: Introduction to Islam
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Intro to Arabic Philosophy
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 62643
Title: Mechanical Vibrations
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 34721
Title: Linear Control Design 1
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 355
Title: Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CL22202
Title: Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HIU12024
Title: Europe, c. 1500-1800: Power and Culture
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: European History 1500-1800
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2661
Title: Contemporary Spain
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC333
Title: Integrated Design Skills
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 113
Title: First Year Engineering Design
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3161
Title: Art in Spain
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: STAT 3600
Title: Linear statistical analysis
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 313
Title: Probability and Statistics III
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: MATH20101
Title: Ordinary Differential Equations 2
Credit: 20
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CM2124
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4.5
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ESCE_Inter_Entre
Title: International Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3021
Title: European Studies: Culture, History, and Integration
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Code: DE1124
Title: International Business
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: MUS212
Title: Music of Modern Japan
Credit: 4
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Music
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: SOC103
Title: Approaches to Sociological Research
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: HIST104
Title: History of Japan (Ancient and Medieval)
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
International Christian University (ICU)
Code: ARC205
Title: Japanese Archeology
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Art Elective
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Code: 98958
Title: Global Connections: A Long-term History
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.422
Title: Investments
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.205
Title: Principles of Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 110
Title: Accounting for Professionals
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: HOM3039
Title: Interior Architecture Studio 2
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Architecture
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1886.001000
Title: Exercise Nutrition
Credit: 3
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 325
Title: Nutrition & Exercise Physiology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 12970
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 325G
Title: International Finance
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 10714
Title: Global Design Practice
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 2.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1338.004700
Title: Financial Engineering and Quantitative Analysis
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Fin'l Engineering & Quant Analysis
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT 3627
Title: Venture and Entrepreneurship Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Intro to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ARE4109
Title: Architecture and Interaction
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Architecture
Credit: 3
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 435
Title: Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.0
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: 18501
Title: Game Theory & Its Applications
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: EAI422
Title: Managing the Family Business
Credit: 4
General Business (BUSN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.003
Title: Korean Language and Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.321A
Title: Understanding Modern Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 251
Title: Introduction to Global Media, Arts, and Cultures
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.021
Title: Introduction to Korean Musical Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: CCGL9069
Title: Multinationals and the Global Economy
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT1600
Title: Introduction to Structural Materials Engineering
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: PHIL 2340
Title: Moral Problems
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 151
Title: Ethical Reasoning
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN 9504
Title: Chinese as a Foreign Language IV
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 201
Title: Chinese IV
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: CCST9080
Title: Financial Inclusion, Emerging Markets, and Social Value
Credit: 16
Finance (FIN)
Code: 339
Title: Fintech
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: PHIL 2340
Title: Moral Problems
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 151
Title: Ethical Reasoning
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: POLI 3067
Title: Sex, Drugs and the Limits of Liberism
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 241
Title: Social and Political Philosopphy
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 435
Title: Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiations
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 2110G
Title: International Business Management
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL 2149
Title: American Dreaming
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 206
Title: American Literature II
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: SPAN 1002
Title: Spanish 1.2
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 102
Title: Spanish II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT 3636
Title: Decision and Risk Analysis I
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG 3528
Title: Marketing Analytics
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM3522
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 431
Title: Machine Design 1
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: AHRA310
Title: History of Italian renaissance art
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: AHRA310
Title: History of Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Art History
Credit: 1
University of Otago
Code: 321
Title: POLS321 - Public Policy in New Zealand
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics: Institutional Dynamics of the Policy Process
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2794.009900
Title: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 4
Credit: 3
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 611
Title: Biological Control Systems
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDAD490
Title: Accessories Design
Credit: 3
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: T380
Title: Italian Accessory Design
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: FD 361
Title: Tailoring techniques 1
Credit: 4
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: 343
Title: Tailoring
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDHC 190
Title: History of Costume I
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 335
Title: History of Costume I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2794.013400
Title: Mechatronics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Mechantronics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1308.000900
Title: Human Factors and Engineering Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: CE2034
Credit: 15
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: CE1033
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M34-F01
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Title: Product and Distribution Management 1
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Product and Distribution Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: CAF-MM-F04
Title: Selected Issues in Marketing 1
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Issues in Marketing
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0656.000200
Title: Hanbok and Korean Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Tokyo
Code: SOC226
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.007
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: IBE356
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.218
Title: Case Studies in Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 380
Title: Seminar in Marketing Strategy
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: POLI 3003 AMJO
Title: Seminar on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1307.000400
Title: Globalizing Korea
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 331
Title: Advanced Studies in Identities and Communities
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1461.000700
Title: History of Fashion and Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 251
Title: Intro to Global Media, Arts and Cultures
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0546.000700
Title: Understanding Popular Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: BUSI 3801
Title: Business Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Business Law I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON3232
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AINF1003
Credit: 2
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 103
Title: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 25A28 - 0
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: t180
Title: Special Topics Lecture
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 18587
Title: Politics of Urbanism
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics II
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: CCHU 9006
Title: Girl Power in a Man’s World
Credit: 6
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Code: ACCT 3113
Title: Accounting Theory
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in ACCT
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: URBS 1005
Title: Urban Problems, Interventions and Design Thinking
Credit: 6
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: 441
Title: Urban Design Seminar
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: STAT 3621
Title: Statistical data analysis
Credit: 6
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25501
Title: European Judicial Law
Credit: 5
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Legal Studie
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: CLAW3209
Title: The Environment, Law, and Business
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: t380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23300
Title: Greek Art
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 325
Title: Ancient Greek and Roman Art
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EG2011
Title: Process Engineering
Credit: 15
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 4250
Title: Masterpieces of Modern Literature
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Masterpieces of Modern Literature
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EE3093
Title: C/C++ Programming
Electrical Engr Technology (EET)
Code: 208
Title: Intro to Programming for Embedded Systems
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM3015
Title: Stress Analysis A
Electrical Engr Technology (EET)
Code: 333
Title: Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 2211
Title: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20008
Title: English for Humanities
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 195
Title: English Freshman Seminar
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23535
Title: Gender Studies: Women's Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 355
Title: Women and Literature
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: 101G
Title: Elementary Dutch
Credit: 6
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Dutch 101
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LANG 1411
Title: Elementary Putonghua for Non-Chinese Background Students
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese I
Credit: 4
University of Otago
Code: 223
Title: ENGL 223: Fantasy and the Imagination
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Selected Fiction
Credit: 4.5
University of Bristol
Code: PHIL10005
Title: Introduction to Philosophy A
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T180
Title: PHIL 101 Introduction to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ECOP2011
Title: Economic Theories of Capitalism
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topicc: Economic Theories of Capitalism
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: VL Ausgewählte Themen der Internationalen Beziehungen: Political Violence
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Otago
Title: POLS 321
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 371
Title: Science, Tech, & Public Polcy
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 225G
Title: Global Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and (De-) Radicalization
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Global Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and (De-) Radicalization (Special Topics II)
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 263G
Title: Russian Foreign Policy
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Russian Foreign Policy (Special Topics I)
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 225G
Title: Global Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and (De-) Radicalization
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Global Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and (De-) Radicalization (Special Topics II)
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1175
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Film Studies
Credit: 4.5
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU33603
Title: Ecological Innovation
Credit: 4
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 260
Title: Curiosity, Ecology, Empathy & Ethic
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2061
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Spanish
Credit: 4.5
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 101G
Title: Introduction to Business Studies
Credit: 6
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 101
Title: Foundations of Business I
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51596
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: SPZ-Deu-Intensiv
Title: German Course A1.1 Intensive
Credit: 3
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: SPZ-Deu-Intensiv-20690
Title: German course A1.1 Intensive
Credit: 3
German (GER)
Code: GER
Title: German 101
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1155
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in GST
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: 18011
Title: Beginning Korean Language with K-culture
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3161
Title: Art in Spain
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Art in Spain
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CM2124
Title: International Trade Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T380
Title: International Trade Marketing
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: COM 312
Title: digital communication strategies
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 247
Title: Strategic Social Media Communication
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: 300
Title: Fiction Writing
Credit: 3
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2011
Title: Problemas Especificos de Gramatica
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Specific Grammar Problems
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2031
Title: Conversacion y Lectura
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Conversation and Lecture
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2041
Title: Descubrir Espana
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Discover Spain
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3671
Title: Espanol Para El Turismo
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Spanish for Tourism
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT3001
Title: Business and Corporate Strategy
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: 315
Title: Painting Workshop
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: European Sketchbooks
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: FLM210
Title: Film Theory
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 203
Title: Film History III: Trends
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: 314
Title: Documentary Production Workshop
Credit: 3
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 110
Title: Basic Cinematography
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: AHUM 22A10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Contemporary Politics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: Gender and the Law
Title: 23313
Credit: 4
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Legal Studies
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51905
Title: Laws of Creativity. The Impact of Legal Systems on Artistic Practices and Other Creative Endeavors
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Legal Studie
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Code: ANTHRO306
Title: Pacific Archaeology
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: AH 100
Title: Art of Rome
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Art of Rome
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 382
Title: The Business of Sport through a Roman Lens
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: The Business of Sport through a Roman Lens
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LK5004
Title: Korean Language Level 4
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103
Title: Korean III
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: Gen9001
Title: Introductory to Korean level 1
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 101
Title: Korean 101
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 032.004 001
Title: Advanced Korean
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF FDWD 190
Title: Window Display Design
Credit: 3
Design and Merchandising (DSMR)
Code: 311
Title: Visual Merchandising
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: BL3001
Title: Zoology and Ecology Literature Review
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Zoology and Ecology Literature Review
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GL6025
Title: Geoinformatics for Environmental Geology
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T580
Title: Geoinformatics for Environmental Geology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BE2602
Title: Management Skills, Principles, & Competencies
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MGMT
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI204
Title: Ethics
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Ethics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 203
Title: Formal Logic
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Formal Logic
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 201
Title: Reference and Truth
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Reference and Truth
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITL 100
Title: Introduction of Italian Language and Culture
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction of Italian Language and Culture
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Code: COMPSCI101
Title: Principles of Programming
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programing I
Credit: 3
University of Auckland
Code: COMPSCI110
Title: Introduction to Computer Systems
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
University of Auckland
Code: COMPSCI101
Title: Principles of Programming
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 381
Title: Introduction to Sports Facility and Event Management
Credit: 4
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Sports Facility and Event Management
Credit: 4.0
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU5641
Title: Cultural Intelligence: How To Be An Explorer of the World
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF SAPT 110
Title: Painting Techniques
Credit: 4
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: VSST
Title: Painting 1
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: HS3108
Title: Near East, Greece and Rome
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Near East, Greece and Rome
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: HS3206
Title: Life in Ancient Rome
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Life in Ancient Rome
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DSOC 22A10
Title: Gender, Labor, Migration, and Emotion in Contemporary Asia
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21960
Title: Programming I
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU33710
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20011
Title: Ancient and Medieval Thought
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 200
Title: Classical to Medieval Literature
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 18585
Title: Protection of human beings in international law
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: POLI 3121
Title: Environmental Policy
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics 2
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: POLI 3140
Title: International Development
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics 2
Credit: 4.00
Hong Kong University
Code: POLI3037
Title: Managing people in public organizations
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics 2
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44650
Title: Derivatives
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: FIN 330 Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Code: ECON151
Title: Understanding the Global Economy
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: Understanding the Global Economy
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Title: Business Across Borders
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Title: Data Analysis
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI1027
Title: Making History
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF FDMK 471
Title: Fundamentals of Cultural Marketing - Marketing and Trends
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T499
Title: Fundamentals of Cultural Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Auckland
Title: PHIL 105: Critical Reasoning
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 105
Title: Critical Reasoning
Credit: 3
ICLP Taiwan
Title: A Course In Contemporary Chinese II
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics In Chinese
Credit: 8
Hong Kong University
Code: 9503
Title: Chinese as a Foreign Language III
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Chinese
Credit: 4
ICLP Taiwan
Title: Practical Audio Visual Chinese II
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Chinese
Credit: 3
ICLP Taiwan
Title: Far East Everyday Chinese I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Chinese
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: PSYC10012
Title: Introduction to Social and Developmental Psychology
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL20060
Title: Introduction to Child and Adolescent Health
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Independent Study
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI158
Title: Philosophy of Sex
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 255
Title: Philosophy of Sex & Love
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI132
Title: Death
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Philosophy
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: HS3206
Title: Life in Ancient Rome
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2
Cardiff University
Code: HS3108
Title: Near East, Greece and Rome
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ALIT3520
Title: World Literature: A Literary Journey
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ALIT3080
Title: Remembering the War in Japanese Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS642U
Title: Embedded Systems
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 314
Title: Computing in the Small
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: SO2007
Credit: 15
Criminal Justice (CJS)
Code: 200
Title: Criminology
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51701
Title: International Management
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: International Management
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: 140
Title: Mind and World
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM10014
Title: Quantitative Analysis in Management
Credit: 20
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH2010
Credit: 15
English (ENGL)
Code: 335
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF ITLN 101
Title: Elementary Italian
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 102
Title: Italian II
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: IN1001
Credit: 15
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST2360
Title: Bass Culture in Modern Britain
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in HIST
Credit: 2
University of Aberdeen
Code: HS1001
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: 288
Title: History of Science: Medieval to Enlightenment
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51871
Title: Marketing Research
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: PS214
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: FATV10005
Title: Introduction to Film and TV Studies
Credit: 20
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: T280 + I299
Title: Visual Story Telling + Independent Study in Film & TV
Credit: 3 + 1 = 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Communication and Counseling
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 342
Title: Counseling Psychology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: PSYC 2022
Title: Biological psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 212
Title: Physiological Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1035
Title: Foundations of Finance
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG 3525
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51826
Title: Global Culture and Marketing of FC Barcelona
Credit: 6
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 201
Title: Sports Marketing, Promotion, and Public Relations
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51870
Title: Digital Business Modeling and Competitive Strategy
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Marketing: Digital Business Modeling and Competitive Strategy
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51701
Title: International Management
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG 2501
Title: Introduction to marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: ntroduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51746
Title: Cross Cultural Management and Intercultural Communication
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: Comparative studies of literary and visual narratives
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: TI 303
Title: Coastal Dynamics
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T380
Title: Coastal Dynamics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: Introduction to Social Policy and Social Developmen
Criminal Justice (CJS)
Code: CJS
Title: Any elective in the CJ minor
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51902
Title: International Product Management
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: International Product Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Making Race
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: IS1105
Title: Imagining Modern Ireland: An Introduction to Modern Irish Culture Studies
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA 1310
Title: Corporate finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: TI3128
Title: Palaeoceanography
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T380
Title: Palaeoceanography
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PX3014:
Credit: 15
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 217
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HIU12021
Title: Religion and Society c.1095-c.1517
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GGU33010
Title: Living on the Edge: Estuaries and Coasts
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Living on the Edge: Estuaries and Coasts
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9511
Title: Cantonese as a Foreign Language I
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Chinese
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: PHY100-1_F
Title: Introduction to Physics
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3.
Akita International University
Code: HIS101-1_F
Title: World History I
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 161
Title: Themes in world civilizations I
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: BUSI 3801
Title: Business Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST 2161
Title: Making Race
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: HKGS 2012
Title: HKGS 2012 - Shop till you drop: the symbol
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB Consumer Culture in Hong Kong
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: HKGS 2012
Title: Shop till you drop: the symbols of consumer culture in Hong Kong
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Shop till you drop: the symbols of consumer culture in Hong Kong
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS2602
Title: Managing Information Systems
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS671U
Title: Semi-structured Data Engineering
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS651U
Title: Computability, Complexity and Algorithms
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 277
Title: Algorithms and Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Title: BI25B2
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 201
Title: Human Physiology I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Title: GN3502
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 244
Title: Genetics I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: Ancient Egypt
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Foundations of American Studies
History (HIST)
Code: 201
Title: United States History to 1815
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Hong Kong's long twentieth century
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Title: CS3026
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 370
Title: Operating Systems
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DSOC 25A26
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: t280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1932.000600
Title: General Physiology and Molecular Human Biology
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 203
Title: Human Physiology II
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A15
Credit: 5
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: MTH6154
Title: Financial Mathematics I
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Finance - Financial Mathematics I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2385A
Title: ESG in Business and Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Finance - ESG in Business and Finance
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GGU33939
Title: Exploring the Sustainable City
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 338
Title: Cities and Climate Change
Credit: 4.0
Akita International University
Code: SOC150
Title: Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: SX1023
Title: The Global Colour Line I: Race and the Making of the Modern World
Credit: 15
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: 368
Title: Silences in African History
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.001400
Title: Understanding Buddhist Philosophy
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.001400
Title: Understanding Buddhist Philosophy
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 3341.446 001
Title: Topics in Mathematics 2
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MATH
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44670
Title: Audit and Assurance
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 341
Title: Principles of Auditing
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG3524AB
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Data-Driven Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A44
Title: DAFF 25A44 - Global climate politics : comparative EU-US perspectives
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Global Climate Politics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT 2641
Title: Introduction to Business Analytics
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 160
Title: Business Analytics & Data Visualization
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3602
Title: Information Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 342
Title: Database Design and Implementation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT 2602
Title: Business Programming
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Business Analytics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT2602
Title: Business Programming
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Data Analytics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: CUL6034
Title: Techno to English Presentation Skills
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 330 + T380
Title: Professional Presentations + Special Topics in Communications
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HIU12022
Title: Early Christian Ireland
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2343AB
Title: Lending and Credit in Private Banking and Corporate Banking (1)
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Finance - Lending and Credit in Private Banking and Corporate Banking
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3385
Title: Global Sustainable Investing and ESG Integration
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Global Sustainable Investing & ESG
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: STRA4701CD
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL2163
Title: Comics, graphic novel and theory (EH)
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL 2163
Title: Comics, Graphic Novels, and Theory
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and other Arts
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 6
Title: Making Race
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST2204
Title: Technology and society: A modern history
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST2091
Title: The British Empire
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: BL3004
Title: Key Research Skills in Biology
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Key Research Skills in Biology
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG3009
Title: Environmental Geographies
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Environmental Geographies
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: ZY4016
Title: Biology of Marine Mammals
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Biology of Marine Mammals
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: STRA3703
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: STRA3702
Title: International Business environment
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: STRA4701
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy & Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 22960
Title: Computational Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special topics: Computational Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 22960
Title: Computational Marketing (MQA)
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special topics computational marketing
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF FDTD 490
Title: Textile Design
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: Late Victorian Texts and Contexts
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: period studies
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: Modernity and Literary Modernism
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6545
Title: Geographic Data Science
Credit: 15
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Geographic Data Science
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6544
Title: Cloud-Based GIS
Credit: 15
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T580
Title: Cloud-Based GIS
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BOU44109
Title: Vegetation Description and Analysis
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 383
Title: Ecology of the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GGU44969
Title: Urban Geography: Cities, Space, and Culture
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 285
Title: Introduction to Urban Planning
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GGU33012
Title: Natural Hazards
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 111
Title: Natural Disasters
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21866
Title: Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21960
Title: Programming I
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21315
Title: International Business History
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS382
Title: Stem Cell Biology
Credit: 10
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 346
Title: Stem Cell Research
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS382
Title: Stem Cell Biology
Credit: 10
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 346
Title: Stem Cell Research
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DDRO 25A16
Title: DDRO 25A16 - Gender and Queer Law
Credit: 5
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Gender and Queer Law
Credit: 3
Universidad de Montevideo
Code: 00107030
Title: Latin america through its art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 318
Title: Latin American Art
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: SUS210
Title: Introduction to Sustainability Thinking
Credit: 3
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Sustainability Thinking
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20843
Title: Financial Economics
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21868
Title: Foreign Trade I
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International rade
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21931
Title: Topics in Mircoeconomics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Economics of Decision Making
Credit: 4
Universidad de Montevideo
Code: 00100050
Title: antropologia
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS2701
Title: Cyber Security Management and Governance
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 364
Title: Information Security Systems Management
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS2702
Title: Supply Chain and Logistics Design
Credit: 6
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Supply Chain and Logistics Design
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS3700
Title: User Experience and IT Service Design
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: User Experience and IT Service Design
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS3605
Title: Information Systems Innovation & Transformation
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Information Systems Innovation & Transformation
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS3701
Title: Enterprise Architecture for Scalable Cloud Solutions
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Enterprise Architecture for Scalable Cloud Solutions
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BIS223
Title: Evolutionary Biology
Credit: 20
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ENG3003
Title: Engineering Management
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 462
Title: Introduction to Engineering Management
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: AAE3004
Title: Dynamical Systems and Control
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 355
Title: Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Nineteenth Century Russia
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 4.5
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 47202
Title: Introduction to Future Energy
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T480
Title: Technical Elective
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 22600
Title: Fabrication of Micro- and Nanostructures
Credit: 5
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: N/A
Title: Technical Elective
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 47205
Title: Electrochemical Energy Technologies
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: N/A
Title: Technical Elective
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL1043
Title: Introduction to 20th-Century English Poetry
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: History Through Film
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH3404
Title: Physics of Classical and Quantum Information
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Quantum Information
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH3406
Title: Open Quantum Systems
Credit: 4
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: ACS 323
Title: Intelligent Systems
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: CE 469
Title: Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering
Credit: 5
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 430
Title: Hydrology
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JAS201
Title: Japanese History I: Premodern Japan
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC3141
Title: Power transmission and distribution
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 380
Title: Fundamentals of Power and Energy
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC3351
Title: Electronic Circuits and Devices II
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 303
Title: ECE Laboratory
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: APS126
Title: Animal Behaviour
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 364
Title: Animal Behavior
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21696
Title: International Public Law
Credit: 4
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: International Public Law
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1155
Title: Exploring Seoul: Geography of the City
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JAS135
Title: Traditional Japanese Arts II :Ikebana, Kabuki, Noh, Buyo
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 304
Title: Art of Japan
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9521
Title: The Fundamentals of Chinese Characters
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in CHIN
Credit: 5
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9511
Title: Cantonese as a Foreign Language I
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in CHIN
Credit: 5
Cardiff University
Code: HS1105
Title: The Making of The Modern World, 1750-1970
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 163
Title: Themes in World Civilization III
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: HS1112
Title: Medieval Worlds, AD 500 -1500
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: HS2123
Title: The Archaeology of Mediterranean Societies: Egypt, Greece and Rome
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: HS3108
Title: The Near East, Greece and Rome, 1000-323 BCE
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 22A10
Title: Comparitive Politics
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparitive Politics
Credit: 4.0
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20022
Title: People, Work and Organisations
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 400
Title: Team Development and Leadership
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON2280AB
Title: Introductory Econometrics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON2280C
Title: Introductory Econometrics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: PI1018
Title: Politics & International Relations 1: Democracy and Governance
Credit: 15
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 252
Title: Global Governance
Credit: 4.0
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2382AB
Title: Real Estate Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 375
Title: Real Estate Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2322ABC
Title: Derivatives
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivatives Securities
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2330AB
Title: Financial Markets & Institutions
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions & Markets
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LK5003
Title: Korean Language Level 3
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103
Title: Korean III
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: GEN9001
Title: Introductory Korean (Level 1)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 101
Title: Korean 1
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS2603
Title: Business Analysis and Agile Product Management
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Management Information Systems Strategy
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST112
Title: Paths from Aniquity to Modernity
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST115
Title: The 'Disenchantment' of Early Modern Europe, c. 1570-1770
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Code: C210
Title: Basic Comprehensive Japanese
Credit: 4
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Japanese
Credit: 5
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF TDTB 281
Title: Batik
Credit: 3
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Fashion Design
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS 205
Credit: 3
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in FASH
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM10029
Title: Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions & Markets
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: HS1273
Title: Making Modern Africa
Credit: 20
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Africana Studies
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: EA9300
Title: World of Dynamic Environments
Credit: 20
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: World Dynamic Environments
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: EA9301
Title: Exploring Planet Earth
Credit: 20
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 101
Title: Physical Geology
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MATH20014
Title: Mathematical Programming
Credit: 20
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topcis in CS
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: BS2004
Title: Logistics Networks
Credit: 10
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Logistics Networks
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: BS9744
Title: International Business
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MENG30008
Title: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Credit: 20
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 444
Title: Biofluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: HIST10046
Title: Slavery
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 215
Title: American Slavery
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: HIST10066
Title: The Medieval World: Europe and the Wider World
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special topics in history
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21315
Title: International Business History
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON -- Business History
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1185
Title: Understanding Statistics in the Social Sciences
Credit: 10
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Title: Strategic Leadership
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 2
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MKT 401
Title: Brand Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand management
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 455
Title: Seminar: Leadership Styles and their Representatives
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21315
Title: International Business History
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: E000010583
Title: International Commercial Law
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 341
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Credit: 6
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 379
Title: Sound Recording II
Credit: 3
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Credit: 3
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 388
Title: Music and Audio Freelancing
Credit: 2
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Credit: 3
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 331
Title: Music Venues and Concerts
Credit: 3
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Credit: 3
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 341
Title: Touring and Booking
Credit: 3
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Code: EMMGT6
Credit: 6
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 426
Title: Global Trends in the Music Industry
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: AAE3002
Title: Aircraft Structures and Materials
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 426
Title: Aerospace Structures
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME31003
Title: System Dynamics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 255
Title: Introduction to Controls
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME41001
Title: Automatic Control Systems
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 351
Title: Dynamic Systems Lab
Credit: 2
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME44007
Title: Fluids Engineering
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 311
Title: Thermal Fluid Science Laboratory
Credit: 2
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21948
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20856
Title: Labour Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E00001070
Title: Problem of God
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 391
Title: Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: LS2032
Title: Public International Law
Credit: 15
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21909
Title: Banking and Financial Institutions
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: AH 211
Title: The Art of Photography
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 225
Title: Looking at Photographs
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIMM0125
Title: Finance
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 202
Title: Philosophy of Mind
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: Com 218
Title: Principles and Practice of Journalism
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 160
Title: Introduction to Journalism
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: CLC1153P
Title: Elementary Cantonese (Taught in Putonghua)
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Elementary Cantonese
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: CLC1153
Title: Elementary Cantonese (Taught in English)
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Elementary Cantonese
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CP0149
Title: Key Issues in Urban Planning
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 285
Title: Introduction to Urban Planning
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Title: PHI 202 - Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: PHIL211
Title: Metaphysics
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25879
Title: Humanitarism and Human Rights
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 341
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24092
Title: Global Culture Heritage
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 331
Title: Advanced Studies in Identities and Communities
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: PX1127
Title: Planet Earth
Credit: 10
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T280
Title: History of the Earth
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28870
Title: Energy and Sustainability
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T580
Title: Energy and Sustainability
Credit: 6.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25049
Title: Environment, Development and Justice
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 346
Title: Environmental Justice
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ASOC2250
Title: Introduction to Japanese Society
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE2001
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE2011
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CE5146
Title: Java Programming
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE3150
Title: Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: MM3422
Title: Business Information Systems
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 38107
Title: Business Design for Sustainability
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: T680
Title: Special Topics: Sustainable Business Design
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42S01
Title: Philosophical Foundations of Sustainable Leadership
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: T680
Title: Special Topics: Sustainable Leadership
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: MU2161
Title: Orchestration
Credit: 20
Music (MUSC)
Code: 229
Title: Modern Arranging Techniques
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: MU3117
Title: Women in 19th Century Music
Credit: 20
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: MC3633
Title: Popular Music, Media, & Culture
Credit: 20
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Communication Theory
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SE2115
Title: Modern Drama: Page, Stage, Screen
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 216
Title: Readings in Drama
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: FR1028
Credit: 15
French (FREN)
Code: 101
Title: French I
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CE5458
Title: The Legal System of England and Wales
Credit: 10
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special topics
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12111
Title: Environmental Processes for MSc Students
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 401
Title: Chemistry of the Environment
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12145
Title: Terrestrial Ecology for Engineers
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 230
Title: General Ecology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Title: Game Theory for Economists
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Title: Econometrics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME44004
Title: Heat and Mass Transfer
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
Australian College of the Arts (Collarts)
Code: MMGT3
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON -- Entertainment Economics
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SE2450
Title: Intro to Romantic Poetry
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: GRK 101
Title: Elementary Ancient Greek I
Credit: 4
Greek (GREC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages: Greek
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: ML9821
Title: Beginners Italian Language Year 1
Code: T180
Title: Italian 101
Credit: 2
Hong Kong University
Code: ACCT2105ABC
Title: Introduction to Management Accounting
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC2147
Title: Electrical energy technology
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 301
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC2441
Title: Computer organization and microprocessors
Credit: 6
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 204
Title: Design with Microcontrollers
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON1220A
Title: Introductory Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3601
Title: Database Management
Credit: 4
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 343
Title: Database Design and Implementation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3627A
Title: Venture and Entrepreneurship Management
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Intro to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3681A
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 341
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN383
Title: Economics of Inequality
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Economics of Inequality
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT337
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT308
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT344
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 305
Title: The Mystery Story
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN361
Title: Advanced Microeconomics
Credit: 15
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN205
Title: Money and Banking
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP2121
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: ST2054
Title: Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 311
Title: Probability and Statistics 1
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: SG111
Title: Early & Medieval HIstory of the Celts
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: HI2114
Title: Making Ireland English: 1580-1655
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC3143
Title: Power electronics
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 380
Title: Fundamentals of Power and Energy
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: REL 200
Title: Religion in a Pluralistic World
Credit: 3
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Code: 221
Title: Anthropology of nterfaith Relations
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC2243
Title: Introduction to electricity and Magnetism
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 371
Title: Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC3241
Title: Signals and linear systems
Credit: 6
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC2844
Title: Probabilistic systems analysis
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 361
Title: Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM3015
Title: Stress Analysis
Credit: 15
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 213
Title: Applied Mechanics
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: IS2105
Title: Popular Music, Cultural Identities and Ireland
Credit: 5
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: IS2102
Title: Festival, Ritual and Commemoration
Credit: 5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 4.5
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Zoom Sur Paris
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: Com 323
Title: Sportswriting
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 305
Title: Sports Journalism
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25986
Title: Public Relations
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: C181
Title: Public Relations Principles and Theory
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Marketing for the 21st Century
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Strategic Brand Management in the age of sustainability
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BIS223
Title: Evolutionary Biology
Credit: 20
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: EOS323
Title: Sediments & the Sedimentary Record
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 312
Title: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Credit: 3.5
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: TI2102
Title: Introduction to GIS
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 308
Title: GIS and Environmental Modeling
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM10005
Title: Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance 1
Credit: 20
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 110
Title: Accounting for Professionals
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000ISO_20
Title: International Strategy & Organization
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000CTO_20
Title: Contemporary Topics in Organizational Behavior
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: BC3010
Title: Bioinformatics
Credit: 5
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 331
Title: Bionformatics I
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: BC3005
Title: Biochemical and Cellular Immunology
Credit: 5
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 426
Title: Immunology
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PT1445
Title: Foundation Pharmacology
Credit: 5
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314
Title: Pharmacology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: BI25B2
Title: Physiology of Human Organ Systems
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 201
Title: Human Physiology I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: BI20B2
Title: Physiology of Human Cells
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 380
Title: ST: Homeostasis and Neuro-Endocrine Control
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: BI25M7
Title: Energy for Life
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 311
Title: Biochemistry
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: BC3503
Title: The Molecular Control of Cell Function
Credit: 30
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 311
Title: Biochemistry
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: EN3015
Title: Of Monsters and Men: Old & Early English Literature
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000CLC_20
Title: Case Studies on Leadership & Change
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000BOS_20
Title: Business Organisation Simulation
Credit: 10
Management (MGMT)
Code: 451
Title: Business Simulation
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: PH2019
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 361
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: CC1100
Title: The Ancient Celts: Legacy
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2
University College Cork
Code: FL3015
Title: Indidenous Knowledge: Herbs and Healing in Irish Folklore
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 5
University of Sheffield
Code: Philosophy of the Arts
Title: PHI212
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 231
Title: Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: CM2016
Title: Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Credit: 15
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: CHEM
Title: Analytical Chemistry I
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Brand Image and Digital Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 247
Title: Strategic Social Media Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Title: POL205-2023
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: PSCI 150 International Politics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: lobeur_47
Title: European Lobbying
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: COMS30023
Title: Cryptology
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 303
Title: Algorithmic Number Theory and Cryptography
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: PHYS2204
Title: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 330
Title: Intro to Nuclear Physics
Credit: 2.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Neuroscience and Disease
Credit: 4
Health Sciences (HSCI)
Code: 435
Title: Neuroscience
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HST3307
Title: Decolonising History: Empires, Colonialism and Power
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HST2110
Title: The Ten Commandments
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HST2107
Title: The Myth of Venice
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 355
Title: Venice and the Mediterranean
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HST2041
Title: Murder in The Cathedral: The Becket Affair
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI212
Title: Philosophy of the Arts
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 231
Title: Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: MM3411
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: COMS30020
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 430
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 3.0
University of Bristol
Code: COMS30042
Title: Advanced Algorithms
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 277
Title: Algorithms and Analysis
Credit: 3.0
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI2027
Credit: 15
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Africana Studies
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1175
Title: Cultural Geography: Exploring Korea Through Film
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Film Studies
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: ARC 205
Title: Archaeology of the Holy Land
Credit: 3
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Code: 223
Title: Coexistence and Conflict: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Early Mediterranean
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: LMD07101
Title: Creative Practice 1 Photography
Credit: 20
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EG2501
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT08105
Title: Market Research in Practice
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC09110
Title: Advertising Theory and Practice
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT09103
Title: Marketing and Society
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corp Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT 231
Title: Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: COM 210
Title: Popular music and mass culture
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 400
Title: Seminar in Communication
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGMK 312
Title: Event planning, marketing and management
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 363
Title: Event planning
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS 306
Title: Identity in Fascist Italy
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 251
Title: Fascism
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: ENT09101
Title: Starting a New Business Entrepreneurship
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Title: Intermediate Korean Language with K-culture
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 201
Title: Korean IV
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Title: MA2009
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 121
Title: Calculus I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: MX3536
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: PS4532
Title: Memory and Language Processes
Credit: 15
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 336
Title: Psychology of Language
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ARE5001
Title: Digital Design Studio
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: T280
Title: Digital Design Studio
Credit: 4.5
University of Aberdeen
Code: EE4017
Title: Sensing and Instrumentation
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 226
Title: MHT 226, Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PS3012
Title: Perception
Credit: 15
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 213
Title: Sensation & Perception
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MA2185
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ARE5001
Title: Digital Design Studio
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Digital Design Studio
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 2
Dance (DANC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1
Dance (DANC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Dance
Credit: 1.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1
Dance (DANC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1.5
University College Cork
Code: BL6016
Title: Marine Ecology and Conservation
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Marine Ecology and Conservation
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6501
Title: Introduction to Geographical Informaton Systems
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Introduction to Geographical Informaton Systems
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6531
Title: Computer Programming for GIS Application
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Computer Programming for GIS Application
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6535
Title: Data Visualisation
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 708
Title: Data Visualisation
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG6536
Title: Geospatial Data Analysis
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Geospatial Data Analysis
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GL4004
Title: Advanced Igneous Processes
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T680
Title: Advanced Igneous Processes
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GL4024
Title: Advanced Palaeobiology
Credit: 5
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T680
Title: Advanced Palaeobiology
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GL6020
Title: Hydrogeology, Contaminated Land and Assessment
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Hydrogeology, Contaminated Land and Assessment
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GL6025
Title: Geoinformatics for Environmental Geology
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Geoinformatics for Environmental Geology
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: GG2038
Title: Geographical Research Methods
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T680
Title: Geographical Research Methods
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: FIN08108
Title: Data Analysis
Credit: 20
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: N/A.
Title: International Organizationbs
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC08118
Title: Persuasion and Negotiation
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1132
Title: Ceramic Practice
Credit: 1
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Visual Studies
Credit: 1.5
Tohoku University
Code: TMA-MEE324E
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 2
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 342
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Pre-Intermediate Comprehensive Japanese Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking
Credit: 4
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EX3030
Title: Heat Mass and Momentum Tranfer
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 314
Title: MHT 314, Thermo & Heat transfer Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EG2004
Title: Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 301
Title: MHT 301, Fluid Mechanics 1
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EL30UT
Credit: 30
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EL30VC
Credit: 30
English (ENGL)
Code: 355
Title: Women and Literature
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGT381
Title: Introduction to Sports Facility and Event Management
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: SMT Special Topics
Credit: 4.0
American University of Rome
Code: MGT382
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 285
Title: Sports, Industry, and Society
Credit: 4.0
Berlin School of Economics
Title: Management Issues: Strategy and Innovation
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 301
Title: Designing Innovative Organizations
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BIO 103
Title: Introduction to Nutrition Science
Credit: 3
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 101
Title: Intro to Nutrition and Food
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PS3012
Title: Perception
Credit: 15
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 213
Title: Sensation and Perception
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL22023
Title: Youth, Sexualities, and Gendered Violence
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 222
Title: Sex and Society
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL20061
Title: Health Policy in a Global Context
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 313
Title: Sociology of Global Health
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Code: C310-R/W, L300, S300
Title: Pre-Intermediate Japanese Reading Comprehension/Writing + Listening Comprehension/Speaking
Credit: 4
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T280
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL20019
Title: Poverty, Social Exclusion, and Social Policy
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 220
Title: Wealth and Power
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: FNC 211
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 350
Title: Personal Finance
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL30034
Title: Child Nutrition, Activity, and Health
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 355
Title: Health Psychology
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M34-F01
Title: History, Politics and Economics of the Host Country
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
University of Bristol
Code: UWLP10033
Title: Beginners Portuguese for Visiting Students
Credit: 10
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: Operations Management 7
Title: BUS-M10-F01
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2340
Title: Artificial Intelligence – Past, Present, and Future
Credit: 3
Computing and Informatics (CI)
Code: 489
Title: Seminar in Computing and Informatics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS3481
Title: Fundamentals of Data Science
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 103
Title: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2338
Title: Internet Applications and Security
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 151
Title: Web Systems and Services I
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS3342
Title: Software Design
Credit: 3
Software Engineering (SE)
Code: 210
Title: Software Specification and Design I
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS2468
Title: Data Structures and Data Management
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS3334
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3.0
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M09-F01
Title: Organisational Behaviour in International Companies 1
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Code: VJ219S01
Title: Basic of Natural Disaster Science and Its Application for BOSAI
Credit: 2
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ENVE
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Title: MA2010
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 311
Title: Probability and Statistics I
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Code: VJ254S3
Title: Japanese Culture D
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 2
American University of Rome
Code: MGMK 312
Title: Event Planning, Marketing & Management
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 363
Title: Event Planning
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: 540101
Title: European Welfare States and Health Systems
Credit: 5
Health Services Administration (HSAD)
Code: 325
Title: Issues in the Health Care System
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: CUL6034
Title: Techno English Presentation Skills
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 330
Title: Professional Presentations
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT3100
Title: Romantic and Victorian Poetry
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Selected Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT11101
Title: Marketing Communications
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT09109
Title: Brand Management
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT11102
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HST3306
Title: A Comparative History of Revolution
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: IIM-SAP-132
Title: Spanish for foreign students
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Spanish
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC333
Title: Integrated Design Skills
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 391
Title: Intro to Engineering Design
Credit: 1
University of Aberdeen
Code: EG1010
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Computer Aided Design
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: EX3030
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM40JP
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM40JJ
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 320
Title: Fluid Dynamics I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: SO2006
Credit: 30
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4.5
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.WV.INDE-EN.19HS
Title: Industrial Design: Basic Principles
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 391
Title: Introduction to Engineering Design Methods
Credit: 1
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Intercultural Communication and Management
Credit: 2
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 2
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: AAE 3001
Title: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 420
Title: Aerodynamics
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: SN1503
Title: Swedish 2
Credit: 15
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: SN1003
Title: Swedish 1
Credit: 15
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH1007
Title: Gaelic for Beginners 1A
Credit: 15
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH1507
Title: Gaelic for Beginners 1B
Credit: 15
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Languages
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS610U
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 430
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP2521
Title: Data Structures and Algorithms
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: Introduction to Marketing
Title: MM 2711
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: JPL/JPN210
Title: Upper Elementary Japanese
Credit: 6
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 201
Title: Japanese IV
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN302
Title: Corporate Strategy
Credit: 15
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN382
Title: Portfolio Management
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME 31001
Title: Dynamics and Vibrations
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: AF3313
Title: Business Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: PS4049
Credit: 15
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS3049
Title: Advertising & Promotion
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: APS2009
Title: Introduction to Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M28-F01
Title: Digital Business
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: IBMAN-M25-F01
Title: Work, Business and Society
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: German Taster Course for Beginners
Credit: 2
German (GER)
Code: 399
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
University of Aberdeen
Code: EL30YB
Credit: 30
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 225
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PH304U
Credit: 30
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics In Philosophy
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: FR A1.1 – 1,2,3 Partez !
French (FREN)
Code: 101
Title: French I
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 12007
Title: Comparative Political Economy
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Comparative Economic Systems
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 12033
Title: Deviance and Social Control
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 320
Title: Sociology of Deviance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: ACCT2105
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 331
Title: Managerial Accounting
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: ACC 351
Title: International Accounting
Credit: 6
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Accounting
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 3111
Title: Software Engineering
Software Engineering (SE)
Code: 210
Title: Software Specification and Design I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME 32003
Title: Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME 41001
Title: Heat and Mass Transfer
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
American University Cairo
Code: ENGR 212/2102
Title: Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 202
Title: Statics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Aesthetic Awareness in the Modern World
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 231
Title: Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MEP55B16
Title: Low Carbon Power Technology
Code: T380
Title: Industrial Engineering Special Topics
Credit: 3
American University Cairo
Code: ARIC 201/2101
Title: Introduction to Classical Arabic Literature
Credit: 3
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Arabic
Credit: 4
American University Cairo
Code: ARIC 316/3116
Title: The Arabic Short Story
Credit: 3
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Arabic
Credit: 4
American University Cairo
Code: 240/2132
Title: MACT
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear algebra
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: civfra_e1
Title: French Civilization
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 330
Title: Identities & Communities
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: FS201
Title: Screening Ireland
Credit: 5
Code: I299
Title: Independent Study
Credit: 2
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: FS201
Title: Screening Ireland: Ireland & the Irish in Film & Television
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST Screening Ireland: Ireland & the Irish in Film & Television
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP3161
Title: Concepts of Programming Languages
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 360
Title: Programming Language Concepts
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP3141
Title: Software System Design and Implementation
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: DT6123
Title: Playwrights Workshop I
Credit: 10
Screenwriting and Playwriting (SCRP)
Code: 225
Title: Playwriting II
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: 325
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 203
Title: Survey of World Literature
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: 201
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: 201
Credit: 4
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 110
Title: Introduction to Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: ZO3011
Title: Animal Evolution and Biodiversity
Credit: 15
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT30018
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 12
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: fraetr_e1
Title: French A1
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: 101
Title: French I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GN3502
Title: Genetics
Credit: 30
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 244 + T280
Title: Genetics I + Special Topics in Genetics
Credit: 6
American University of Rome
Code: IS 212
Title: Italian Food and Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Food and Multi Culture in Italy
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP3211
Title: Computer Architecture
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP6771
Title: Advanced C++ Programming
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP1531
Title: Software Engineering Fundamentals
Credit: 6
Software Engineering (SE)
Code: 210
Title: Software Specification and Design I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 1017
Title: Modern Hong Kong
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST 1016
Title: The Modern World
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: 163
Title: Themes in World Civilizations III
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 1024
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 80237
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T280
Title: Intro to Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 80237
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Intergrated Communication Planning
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T499
Title: Intergrated Communication Planning
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 1022
Title: Poetry Past and Present
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3037
Title: Gender, Sexuality, and law
Law (LAW)
Code: 217
Title: Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 31007
Title: Perspectives on the Legal Profession
Law (LAW)
Code: 315
Title: Power, Professionalism, and the Law
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3052
Title: Sexual Offending and Sex Offenders
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sexual Offending and Sex Offenders
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 380
Title: Gender, Crime, and Criminal Justice
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Gender, Crime, and Criminal Justice
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 317
Title: The Rehabilitation of Offenders
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: The Rehabilitation of Offenders
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3032
Title: Responding to Crime and Victimisation
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Responding to Crime and Victimisation
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3031
Title: Crime, Law, and History
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Crime, Law, and History
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3030
Title: Drugs, Crime, and Control
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Drugs, Crime, and Control
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 3027
Title: Law, Accountability, and Government
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Law, Accountability, and Government
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 230
Title: Legal and Political Culture of China
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Legal Institutions
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 228
Title: Criminal Process
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Criminal Process
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 225
Title: Analysing Crime Data
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Analysing Crime Data
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 218
Title: Responding to Crime
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Responding to Crime
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 215
Title: Foundations of International Law
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Legal Institutions
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 203
Title: Legal and Political Culture of Spain
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Legal Institutions
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 202
Title: Legal and Political Culture of Germany
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Legal Institutions
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 147
Title: Situating Crime
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Situating Crime
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 136
Title: Law of Obligations (Contract, Torts, & Restitution)
Law (LAW)
Code: 201
Title: The Role of the Common Law in the American Legal System
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 135
Title: Criminal Law and Justice
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Criminal Law and Justice
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 133
Title: Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Contemporary Issues in Law and Justice
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LAW 110
Title: Comprehending Criminology
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Comprehending Criminology
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: PA3004
Title: Biochemical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Credit: 30
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314 + T380
Title: Pharmacology + ST in Biology
Credit: 6
University of Aberdeen
Code: PA3802
Title: Mechanisms of Disease & Principles of Chemotherapy
Credit: 15
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Biology
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: LMD08103
Title: Photo Studio
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 234
Title: Studio Photography
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: DES0811
Title: Product Design Studiio 2
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 340
Title: Interdisciplinary PROD Studio
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Digital Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Consumer Behavior and Contents Creation
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Consumer behavior
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Corporate Communications
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and reputation management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Intergrated Planning Communications
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Communications
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25353
Title: Neuroscience and Disease
Credit: 4
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 465
Title: Neurobiology of Disease
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20440
Title: Genomics
Credit: 4
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 413
Title: Genomics
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: GN3502
Title: Genetics
Credit: 30
Biosceince and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 244
Title: Genetics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1080
Title: Gender and Korean Society
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU5201
Title: Business Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51793
Title: Anthropocene - How people are transforming the planet
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Anthropocene - How people are transforming the planet
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1159
Title: Brand Workshop
Credit: 3
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in PROJ
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51828
Title: LGTB+: Exploring Identities and Diversity
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: COM400
Title: Special Topics in Communication Theory
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51819
Title: Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Arts
Computer Technology (CT)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS 2618
Title: Capital Markets and Institution
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS 3630
Title: Bank Financial Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS 3623
Title: Venture Capital
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: TEU00192
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI2526
Title: Vikings: An Introduction
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1162
Title: Creative Programming
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ITE1010
Title: C++ Programming
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1
Dance (DANC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1
Dance (DANC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Dance
Credit: 1.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1058
Title: Korean Traditional Fan Dance
Credit: 3
Dance (DANC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Dance
Credit: 1.5
Tohoku University
Title: Exercises in General Organic Chemistry A/General Chemistry A
Credit: 4
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Title: Solid State Chemistry
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Title: Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: E000006067
Title: International Business Management
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51865
Title: From Ethnographic Cinema to the Avant-garde
Credit: 6
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: PER2037
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-SAP-336
Title: Engineering Thermodynamics
Credit: 6
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: History and Literature in Political Thought
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1003
Title: Cross Cultural Documentary Research & Production in Korea
Credit: 3
TV Studies (TVST)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in TV Studies
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1004
Title: Understanding a Visual Language in Media
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Film Studies
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JPL210
Title: Upper Elementary Japanese I
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 201
Title: Japanese IV
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: JPL110
Title: Elementary Japanese
Credit: 6
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 102
Title: Japanese II
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF GDIN 490
Title: Advertising Design
Product Design (PROD)
Code: T280
Title: Visual Communications for Product Designers
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Introduction to Nutrition
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 100
Title: Nutrition Foods and Health and Intro to Nutrition
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: HIS290
Title: History of Modern China
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3203
Title: Guided Research
Law (LAW)
Code: 135
Title: Foundations of Legal Research
Credit: 2
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DR2005
Title: Computer Aided Design I
Credit: 3
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 100
Title: Graphical Communication
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Title: Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture : Anime
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Title: Japanese Art History in Global Context
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 304
Title: Art of Japan
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DMA-SAP-230
Title: Intro Differential Equations
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 232
Title: Dynamic Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Intro to Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 232
Title: Dynamic Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Introduction to Nutrition
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 100
Title: Nutrition, Foods, and Health
Credit: 2
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU5241
Title: Financial Wellbeing
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 150
Title: Financial Literacy
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF IDHD 490
Title: History of Contemporary Design
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 300
Title: History of Modern Design
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23327
Title: Art Histography
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 101
Title: History of Art 1
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: BS8558
Title: Economics of the EU
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BUEN 307
Title: Writing for Business
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A83
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 337
Title: PSCI 337 International Environmental Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E000000993
Title: Estudios regionales: Estados Unidos
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 110
Title: PSCI 110 American Government
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: ECN205
Title: Mathematical Methods in Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 348
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DOI-SAP-354
Title: Engineering Economy
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: CCST 9080
Finance (FIN)
Code: 339
Title: Fintech
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: ACCT2102
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 321
Title: Financial Reporting 1
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIM‐SAP‐346
Title: Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ENVE
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JTBQ-BQ-004
Title: Global Health
Credit: 5
Health and Society (HLSO)
Code: 370
Title: Specs Topics in Health and Society
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JCBQ-BQ-003
Title: Ethics in Science and Technology
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 335
Title: Global Ethical Issues
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JTBQ-BQ-016
Title: Diseases of Civilzation
Credit: 2
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 303
Title: Overview of Issues in Global Health
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JTLA-1001
Title: German A1.1
Credit: 2
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CO-545-A
Title: Control Systems
Credit: 5
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 337
Title: Introduction to Physiological Control Systems
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JTLA-GER-10
Title: German B1 plus
Credit: 2
German (GER)
Code: I199
Title: Independent Study in GER
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: CH-320-A
Title: Comparing Political Systems
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparitive Politics
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: JTLA-GER-01
Title: German A1.1
Credit: 3
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CH-330-A
Title: International Relations Theory 1
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CO-646
Title: Comparing MAss Communication Systems
Credit: 5
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Communication Theory
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: MPSY-AOW-03
Title: Organizational Behavior Across Cultures
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ORGB
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CO-520
Title: Signals and systems
Credit: 7
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and systems 1
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: JTLA-GER-01
Title: German A1.1
Credit: 2
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: 701211
Title: Intercultural Competence and Cultural Sensitivity
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 321
Title: Crossing the Bridge
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: JTBQ-BQ-019
Title: The Impact of Technology and A.I. on our Self-Understanding
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 351
Title: Philosophy of technology
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: CO-524
Title: Electromagnetics
Credit: 5
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 371
Title: Foundations of Electromagnetics for Computing & Wireless Systems
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: 020095
Title: The Bauhaus: Modernist Ideas, Artistic Practice, and Cultural Heritage
Credit: 7
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 251
Title: Introduction to Global Media, Arts, and Cultures
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: 701211
Title: Intercultural Competence and Cultural Sensitivity
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 231
Title: Crossing the Bridge
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CH-310
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 7
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CH-700
Title: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 7
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 103
Title: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: JTLA-1009
Title: German B1.2
Credit: 2
German (GER)
Code: I199
Title: Independent Study in GER
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: CO-402-A
Title: Metabolic Pathways
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 311
Title: Biochemistry
Credit: 4
Constructor University
Code: CO-683-A
Title: Neurobiology of Behavior I
Credit: 2
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 349
Title: Behavioral Neuroscience
Credit: 3
Constructor University
Code: CO-400
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221/222
Title: 221 Microbiology & 222 Mocrobiology Lab
Credit: 5
Constructor University
Code: 020095
Title: The Bauhaus: Modernist Ideas, Artistic Practice, and Cultural Heritage
Credit: 7
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Code: TC-5-RES-CDN
Title: Content Delivery Network
Credit: 2
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Fairness, Accountability,Transparency and Ethics (FATE) in Computing
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 311
Title: Ethics and Information Technology
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Arts
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in CS
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Title: ECON 2216
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25191
Title: Face and Gesture Analysis
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Face and Gesture Analysis
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Anthropocene- How People are Transforming the Planet
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Anthropocene- How People are Transforming the Planet
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23357
Title: Contemporary History of Europe
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Contemporary History of Europe
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23360
Title: History of Medieval Catalonia
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History of Medieval Catalonia
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20840
Title: Economics Organisations and Markets
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Economics Organisations and Markets
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51813
Title: Circular Economy
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: Circular Economy
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 40206
Title: Management Control
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: T280
Title: Management Control
Credit: 3.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24094
Title: Principles, Values and Challenges of Sustainability
Credit: 4
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Principles, Values and Challenges of Sustainability
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51600
Title: Barcelona The City and its History
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Barcelona: The City and its History
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23348
Title: Ancient History of Asia
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Ancient History of Asia
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23393
Title: Peninsular Kingdom of A.M.
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Peninsular Kingdom of A.M.
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Contemporary Asian Issues
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 380
Title: Contemporary Asian Issues
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Global Cities
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DSPO27A47
Title: Health Policy in France & the USA
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: T280
Title: Health Policy in France & the USA
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DHIS 25A06
Title: DHIS 25A06 - Revolutions, socialism and Islamism in North Africa. Algeria beyond the War (1962-present)
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Arab World
Credit: 2.5
Sciences Po
Code: 18947
Title: CHIS 25F28 - La Représentation Visuelle de la Crise du SIDA
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: The Visual Representation of the AIDS Crisis
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 18947
Title: CHIS 25F28 - La Représentation Visuelle de la Crise du SIDA
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: The Visual Representation of the AIDS Crisis
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BMET 23F03
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 11219
Title: Francais B1
French (FREN)
Code: T280
Title: French Language Level B1
Credit: 4.5
Sciences Po
French (FREN)
Code: T280
Title: French as a Foreign Language- Level B2
Credit: 5
Sciences Po
Code: 13954
Title: CAFF 25F01 - La Guerre Froide d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui (XXe-XXies)
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: The Cold War Yesterday and Today (20th and 21st Centuries)
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CECO 25F01
Title: L'économie au défi du genre
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: The Gendered Economy
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: LFRA 52D0
Title: French B1
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Stylistics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: AECO 1345A
Title: Economics of the European Union
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Economics of the European Union
Credit: 5
Sciences Po
Code: DSOC 25A01
Title: Economic Sociology
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Economic Sociology
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CSPO 2820
Title: Communication et Politique
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: Methods in French Politics
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: BCUL 1515A
Title: The African-American Odyssey from Phyllis Weatley to Barack Obama
Credit: 5
Africana Studies (AFAS)
Code: T280
Title: The African-American Odyssey from Phyllis Weatley to Barack Obama
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: SPO27A00
Title: Thinking IR Globally
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Thinking IR Globally
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DDRO27A23
Title: European Court of Human Rights
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: European Court of Human Rights
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South
Title: Thinking Like a Lawyer
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: 301
Title: Legal Reasoning
Credit: 4.0
Sciences Po
Title: Francais Niv B1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Language B1
Credit: 4.5
Sciences Po
Code: DSPO 25A04
Title: Equality and Diversity in the United States
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Equality and Diversity in the United States
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 25A17
Title: Ethics of War and Peace
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Ethics of War and Peace
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BMET 23A07
Title: Social History of Political Ideal in the Arab Orient
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Social History of Political Ideal in the Arab Orient
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ADRO 25A17
Title: Governing Climate Change
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 336
Title: Political Economy of Climate Change
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A01
Title: Strategic Studies
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Strategic Studies
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A02
Title: The Politics and Strategy of UNPK
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: The Politics and Strategy of UNPK
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASOC 25A13
Title: Sociology of Risks
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Sociology of Risks
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 27A12
Title: The G3- Navigating EU, US, China Relations
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: The G3- Navigating EU, US, China Relations
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DSPO 25A10
Title: Citizen Politics and Democracy In Times of Crisis
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Citizen Politics and Democracy In Times of Crisis
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A66
Title: Critical International Relations Theories
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Critical International Relations Theories
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DSOC 25A00
Title: Comparative Social Policy: A Multidisciplinary Outlook
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Comparative Social Policy: A Multidisciplinary Outlook
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: AHUM 25A14
Title: The Politics of Values
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: The Politics of Values
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DHUM 25A21
Title: Happiness, Health and Wellbeing: Practical Philosophy Ancient and Modern
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Happiness, Health and Wellbeing: Practical Philosophy Ancient and Modern
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A08
Title: Gender and Migration, Conflict and Development
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Gender and Migration, Conflict and Development
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Económica y Del Pensamiento Económico
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Economics and Economic Thought
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Social Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Economics Applied to the Tourism Sector
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Economics Applied to the Tourism Sector
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: International Management Company
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: International Management Company
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Historia Pensamiento Politico
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 6
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Analysis of the Economic Situation
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Analysis of the Economic Situation
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: ENOP21
Title: Economia Mundial/World Economy
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: World Economy
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Natural Law and Human Rights
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Natural Law and Human Rights
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Learning
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology 1
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: G0240123
Title: History of Law
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History of Law
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Psicología del Deporte
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 245
Title: Sports Psychology
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: G0590156
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 6
Universidad Nebrija
Code: G0590109
Title: Structure and Dynamics of the International Society
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Structure and Dynamics of the International Society
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2011
Title: Problemas Especificos de Gramatica
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Specific Grammar Problems
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3181
Title: Art in The Prado Museum
Credit: 45
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Art in The Prado Museum
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH3181
Title: Arte en el Museo del Prado
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Art in the Prado Museum
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2041
Title: Discover Spain
Credit: 45
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Discover Spain
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2031
Title: Conversacion y Lectura
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Conversation and Lecture
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2041
Title: Decubrir Espana
Credit: 4
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Discover Spain
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2011
Title: Specific Grammar Problems
Credit: 45
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Specific Grammar Problems
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH2661
Title: Spanish Language
Credit: 45
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Spanish Language
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: GEC 101
Title: Mundo Contemporáneo
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Contemporary World
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: International Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Politics of International Law
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Introduction to Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Law
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Diplomatic and Consular Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Diplomatic and Consular Law
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: RRI108
Title: Política exterior de españa
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Exterior Politics of Spain
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Foreign Policy Spain
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Spanish Foreign Policy
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: DER111
Title: Los Delitos y las faltas en el ordenamiento jurídico español
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: Crimes and the Faults in the Spanish Legal System
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Business Techniques for Oral and Written Expression + Introduction to Business & Professional Spanish
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: Spanish Stylistics
Credit: 3+3=6
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Marca Espana (Spanish Branding)
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Analysis of National Branding
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Code: MODERN-07744
Title: Modern Happiness Studies
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Modern Happiness Studies
Credit: 3
Universidad de Navarra
Code: APPLIE-07681
Title: Tools Applied to Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Tools Applied to Finance
Credit: 2
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Barcelona: The City and Its History
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3226
Title: Legal Fictions
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Legal Fictions
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3124
Title: Competition law II
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Competition law II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3233
Title: Law, History, and Culture
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Law, History, and Culture
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3259
Title: Innovation, Creativity, and Ethics for Globalized Legal Practice
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Innovation, Creativity, and Ethics for Globalized Legal Practice
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3254
Title: Tech Startup Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Tech Startup Law
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3222
Title: Human Rights in Practice
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Human Rights in Practice
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3200
Title: Copyright and Creativity
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Copyright and Creativity
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3191
Title: Comparative Family Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: 216
Title: Regulating Families
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3178
Title: Online Dispute Resolution
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Online Dispute Resolution
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3172
Title: Law and Social Theory
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Law and Social Theory
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3140
Title: Animal Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Animal Law
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3044
Title: Public International Law
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Legal Institutions
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3071
Title: Equality and non-discrimination
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: 217
Title: Sex, Gender, Sexuality & the Law
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: LLAW3123
Title: Competition Law I
Credit: 6
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic: Competition Law I
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CSPO 2215
Title: Le Rôle Politique de l’Histoire
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Civilization
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 2330A
Title: Conflicts and Regional Security in Former Soviet Space
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Conflicts and Regional Security in Former Soviet Space
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: CGEO 1240
Title: Geopolitics
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Geopolitics
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: BCUL 1510A
Title: EU’s Policy of Democracy Promotion in the World
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: EU’s Policy of Democracy Promotion in the World
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: AAFF 1715A
Title: Politics in the European Union
Credit: 10
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Politics in the European Union
Credit: 6
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 2235A
Title: The EU, The US and World Security
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: The EU, The US, and World Security
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Title: The Long 19th Century (1780-1914) - Revolutions, Modernity and Rise to Power
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: The Long 19th Century (1780-1914) - Revolutions, Modernity and Rise to Power
Credit: 5
Sciences Po
Code: ADRO 1110A
Title: Introduction to Public International Law
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Public International Law
Credit: 8
Sciences Po
Code: BCUL 1520A
Title: History and Politics of European Integration
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History and Politics of European Integration
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CURB 1225A
Title: The Contemporary City: Urbanism and Architecture
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: The Contemporary City: Urbanism and Architecture
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: LFRA 5301
Title: Francais Intermediaire
Credit: 5
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: French
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: LFLE 5201
Title: French Level 2
Credit: 5
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: French
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: LFLE 5301
Title: French Level 3
Credit: 5
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: French
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: BCUL 1525A
Title: Comparative European Politics
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Comparative European Politics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ADRO 1110A
Title: Introduction to Public International Law
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Public International Law
Credit: 8
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 2235A
Title: The EU, The US & World Security
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: The European Union, the United States, and World Security
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BSPO 1480A
Title: Citizen Politics and Democracy in Times of Crisis
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Citizen Politics and Democracy in Times of Crisis
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CAFF 25F05
Title: African Conflicts
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: African Conflicts
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: SPO27A00
Title: Thinking IR Globally
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Thinking IR Globally
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: DDRO27A23
Title: European Court of Human Rights
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: European Court of Human Rights
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 18854
Title: DECO 25A35 - Economics by its Nobel Prizes
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: Economics by its Nobel Prizes
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Title: International Negotiations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T200
Title: International Negotiations
Credit: 2.5
Sciences Po
Code: 16244
Credit: 5
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: Distinguish True from Fake News in the Flux of Information
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 18778
Title: ASPO25A20 - Russia-Ukraine-Europe: Politics Inside, Policies Outside
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Russia-Ukraine-Europe: Politics Inside, Policies Outside
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Title: Social and Political Ideas in the Arab East
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Social and Political Ideas in the Arab East
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: AFF 25A88
Title: AFF 25A88 - Geopolitics of migrations: Flows, Politics and Organisations
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Geopolitics of migrations: Flows, Politics and Organisations
Credit: 2.5
Sciences Po
Code: DSPO 25A02
Title: DSPO 25A02 - The Euro, migration and climate change: European challenges and opportunities
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: The Euro, migration and climate change: European challenges and opportunities
Credit: 2.5
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A96
Title: DAFF 25A96 - A Global Approach to the Refugee Question
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: A Global Approach to the Refugee Question
Credit: 2.5
Swinburne University
Title: Professional Communication Practice
Communication (COM)
Code: 111
Title: Principles of Communication
Credit: 3
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: DNO 044-1
Title: Pensar la Artesanía
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: Psychology of Creativity
Credit: 4.5
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: PSO 152
Title: Psychology of Creativity
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: Psychology of Creativity
Credit: 4.5
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ICP0122
Title: Proyectos Publicos
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Public Projects
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ICP0305
Title: Politica Exterior de Chile
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Foreign Policy of Chile
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: IHI2370
Title: Seminario de Cultura Chilena—(Seminar on Chilean Culture)
Credit: 10
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Seminar on Chilean Culture
Credit: 3
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ARO105T
Title: Pre-Colombian Art
Credit: 10
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Pre-Colombian Art
Credit: 4.5
Code: HU-L-FLE Dpt INT 4
Title: Intensive Summer Course - French as a Foreign Language
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T180
Title: Intensive Summer Course - French as a Foreign Language
Credit: 5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: New Trends in International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: MKTG3501
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: consumer behavior
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DAFF 25A44
Title: DAFF 25A44 - Global climate politics : comparative EU-US perspectives
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Climate Films and Advocacy
Credit: 2.5
UP Comillas
Code: DOI‐SAP‐130
Title: Spanish Culture through Films
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 5
Sciences Po
Code: DDRO 25A70
Title: DDRO 25A70 - A Comparative Study of Criminal Policy on Illicit Drug
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 316
Title: Drugs, Society, and Public Health
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Current Economic Issues
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Current Economic Issues
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Français Spontané A2
French (FREN)
Code: T280
Title: Français Spontané A2
Credit: 5
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Luxury and Digital
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Luxury and Digital
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Creativity and Digital
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Creativity and Digital
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Inter-Cultural Persuasive Communication
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Project Management
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: T380
Title: International Project Management
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Universe of Luxury and Prestige Products
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Universe of Luxury and Prestige Products
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: relcom_e1
Title: International Business Practices
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: International Business Practices
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: lobeur_47
Title: European Lobbying
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: European Lobbying
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: market_47
Title: Strategic Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Strategic Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: market_36
Title: Marketing
Credit: 2
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: comint_47
Title: Communication
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Communication
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: market_24
Title: The Marketing Mix
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: The Marketing Mix
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: fraetr_e2
Title: French A1 A2 A2+ B1 B2 C1
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: French Language
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: fraetr_e1
Title: French A1 A2 A2+ B1 B2 C1
Credit: 4
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: French Language
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Int’l Project Set-Up Management
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: T480
Title: International Project Set-Up Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Business Practices
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: T280
Title: International Business Practices
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: risint_23
Title: International Risks
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: T480
Title: International Risk Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: S1 FR
Title: Jour Apres Jour
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T180
Title: Jour Apres Jour
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: civfra_e2
Title: French Civilization
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Civilization
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: civfra_e1
Title: French Civilization
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Civilization
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: finint_47
Title: Financial Markets
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: 1442
Title: Current Economic Issues
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Current Economic Issues
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: drocom_36
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: European Community Law
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Diversity Management
Credit: 4.5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Diversity Studies
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: anglia_47
Title: English
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 312
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: culcom_23
Title: Elective
Credit: 2
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: relcom_e1
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 111
Title: Principles of Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 315
Title: Investigative Journalism
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: relcom_e1
Title: International Business Practises & Techniques
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Trade
Credit: 5
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: comint_47
Title: International Communication
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: negint_47
Title: Negotiation
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 362
Title: International Negotiations
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: gestin_36
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: 2066
Title: Advanced Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: 2093
Title: Investments
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: 2081
Title: Financial Derivatives
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: gesfin_23
Title: Financial Analysis
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: crrent_47
Title: Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: finint_36
Title: Market Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: finint_36
Title: International Finance I
Credit: 2
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Internation Business Development
Credit: 4.5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ecoint_24
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: S1_GB
Title: Marketing 2: Global Marketing
Credit: 2
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: S1_GB
Title: Marketing Digital
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: New Media Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: S1_GB
Title: Managing People & Performance
Credit: 4
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: comain_36
Title: International Organizational Behavior
Credit: 2
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: ethaff_36
Title: Ethics*
Credit: 2
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: unleur_24
Title: Contemporary International Relations
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DECO 25A12
Title: DECO 25A12 - Emerging economies and societies
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DECO 25A36
Title: DECO 25A36 - International Economic Governance and Development
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 411
Title: Individual Decision Making and Motivation
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 2
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 434
Title: Structured Problem Solving
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 2
American University of Rome
Code: COM 212
Title: Storytelling
Credit: 3
Writing (WRIT)
Code: T380
Title: Storytelling
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ART 101
Title: Italian Sketchbook
Credit: 3
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T480
Title: Urban Drawing
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ART 121
Title: Sculpture in Clay
Credit: 1
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T480
Title: Sculpture in Clay
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: ART 101
Title: Italian Sketchbook: Images of Rome
Credit: 4
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T380
Title: Urban Drawing
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 316
Title: Sports Management
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: Sports Management
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: SOC 120
Title: Living Rome: Urban Space, Culture, and Identity
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Living Rome- Urban Space, Culture, and Identity
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: SOC 300
Title: Sociology of Contemporary Italy
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Sociology of Contemporary Italy
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: SOC 120
Title: Living Rome: Urban Space, Culture, and Identity
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Living Rome- Urban Space, Culture, and Identity
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IA 203
Title: United States and Europe Since 1945
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: United States and Europe Since 1945
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: COM 210
Title: Popular Music and Mass Culture
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Popular Music and Mass Culture
Credit: 3.0
American University of Rome
Code: MUS201
Title: Masterpieces of Italian Opera
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Masterpieces of Italian Opera
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MKT 311
Title: Marketing for Travel and Tourism
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Marketing for Travel and Tourism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 300
Title: European Mass Media
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: European Mass Media
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 320
Title: Italian Media and Pop Culture
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Italian Media and Pop Culture
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ITAL 307
Title: Italian for Business
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T380
Title: Italian for Business
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ITAL 306
Title: Italian Writing Styles
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T380
Title: Advanced Italian Stylistics
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ITAL 100
Title: Introduction to Italian language and Culture
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T180
Title: Introduction to Italian Language and Culture
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ITL 202
Title: Elementary Italian II
Credit: 4.5
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T280
Title: Elementary Italian II
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: TTM 312
Title: Food Tourism
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: T380
Title: Culinary Tourism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MKT 311
Title: Marketing for Travel and Tourism
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: T380
Title: Marketing for Travel and Tourism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: CLS 101
Title: Greek and Roman Mythology
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Greek and Roman Mythology
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ARCL100
Title: Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Title: Great Kingdoms of the Ancient Near East
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Great Kingdoms of the Ancient Near East
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IS 250
Title: Sicily Against the Mafia
Credit: 1
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Sicily Against the Mafia
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: IS 253
Credit: 1
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Dante's Florence
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: HIST 200
Title: History of Modern Italy
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: History of Modern Italy
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: CLHS 310
Title: Ancient Empires: Persia, Athens, Rome
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Ancient Empires: Persia, Athens, Rome
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ARC101
Title: Roman Archaeology On-Site
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Roman Archaeology On-Site
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: HIST 202
Title: Survey of Western Civilization II
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Survey of Western Civilization II
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Credit: 1
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Dante's Florence
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: IS 251
Credit: 1
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: POL 315
Title: European Identities
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: European Identities
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IA 201
Title: Global Politics
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Global Politics
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IS 220
Title: Travels to/through Italy
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Travels to/through Italy
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Title: Personal Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Applied Personal Finance
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: FNC 401
Title: Investment Banking
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Investment Banking
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ISSO 250
Title: Sicily Against the Mafia
Credit: 1
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T180
Title: Sicily Against the Mafia
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: IS 206
Title: Italian Culture at the Movies
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T380
Title: Italian Culture at the Movies
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: FLM 150
Title: Introduction to Filmmaking
Credit: 3
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T280
Title: Introduction to Filmmaking
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ENG 321
Title: Writing about Food
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T380
Title: Writing about Food
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: TTM 312
Title: Food Tourism
Credit: 3
Culinary Arts (CULA)
Code: T280
Title: Food Tourism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COIT 221
Title: The Italian-American Experience
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: The Italian-American Experience
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 301
Title: Media and Gender
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: Media and Gender
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ART 252
Title: European Sketchbooks
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: European Sketchbooks
Credit: 1
American University of Rome
Code: AH 204
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AHAR 300
Title: Roman Imperial Art and Architecture
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T380
Title: Roman Imperial Art and Architecture
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: AH321
Title: Venice in the Renaissance
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T380
Title: Venice in the Renaissance
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AHRE106
Title: Sacred Space: Religious Architecture of Rome
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T380
Title: Sacred Space: Religious Architecture of Rome
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AHRE106
Title: Sacred Space: Religious Architecture of Rome
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T180
Title: Sacred Space: Religious Architecture of Rome
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AHAR 300
Title: Roman Imperial Art and Architecture
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: I499
Title: Roman Imperial Art and Architecture
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ANT 300
Title: The Mediterraean World
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: The Mediterranean World
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Business Innovation
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Strategic Management
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 370
Title: Global Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Digital Business Modeling and Competitive Strategy
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T280
Title: ENTP Requirement Elective
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: CH4001
Title: Lengua Avanzada I
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 310 + ST: T380
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 4 + .5= 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Communication Theory
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study in Spanish: Communication Theory
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: G0240049
Title: Natural Rights and Human Rights
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Political Science: Power + Decision Making
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: GEC 102
Title: Historia del Pensamiento Político
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: ECO132
Title: Tendecias de la economía global
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Theory of International Relations: Paradigms and Methodology
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: DER 116
Title: Derecho Internacional en el mundo globalizado
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: International Law
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: RRI109
Title: Sistema comunitario europeo
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: International Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: RRI1
Title: European Union Systems
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: GEC101
Title: Mundo contemporáneo
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 4.5
Universidad Nebrija
Code: ARTS 310G
Title: Arts and Culture in its Historical Contact
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Code: ECO132
Title: Tendencies of Global Economies
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Economic Comparative Systems
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Mediation and Commercial Arbitration
Law (LAW)
Code: 305
Title: Mediation and Commercial Arbitration
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Legal Current Affairs
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Legal Current Affairs
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Protection of Human Rights
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: International Protection of Human Rights
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Philosophy of Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Philosophy of Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Intro to Civil Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Intro to Civil Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Criminal Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: International Criminal Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Public International Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Public International Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Private International Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Private International Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: EU External Relations Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: EU External Relations Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Immigration and Refugee Law
Law (LAW)
Code: 312
Title: Immigration and Refugee Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: European Union Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: European Union Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Competition and IP Law
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Competition and IP Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Comparative Constitutional Law
Law (LAW)
Code: 304
Title: Comparative Constitutional Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Environmental Law
Law (LAW)
Code: 310
Title: Environmental Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Comparative Contract Law and International Contracts
Law (LAW)
Code: T380
Title: Comparative Contract Law and International Contracts
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISSS1114
Title: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1
Dance (DANC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Korean Pop Dance
Credit: 1.5
Hong Kong University
Title: MKTG 3530
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Social Media Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: MKTG 3529
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Social Media Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: MKTG 3529
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Big Data Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51596/44303
Title: International Strategic Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: global marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51837/80238
Title: Sustainability management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Mgmt
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: IIMT3626
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIM‐SAP‐346
Title: Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: STRA3703A
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 2320
Title: FINA
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 3416
Title: MGMT
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH3406
Title: Open Quantum Systems
Credit: 4
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Credit: 3.0
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH3404
Title: Physics of Classical and Quantum Information
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Quantum Information
Credit: 3.0
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH4409
Title: Quantum Electronics
Credit: 4
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Quantum Optics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 2275
Title: ECON
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH3603
Title: Biopysics
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 262
Title: Intoduction to Biophysics
Credit: 3.0
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Hazardous substances: regulations and risk
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T680
Title: Special Topics in CHE
Credit: 4
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Medical devices – Regulatory tasks and quality management
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T780
Title: Special Topics in CHE
Credit: 3
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Medical Devices
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in CHE
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1115
Title: K-Pop Vocal
Credit: 1
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Music
Credit: 1.0
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MH1301
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MH4110
Title: Partial DIfferential Equations
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 323
Title: Partial Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MH3100
Title: Real Analysis I
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 401
Title: Elements of Modern Analysis I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Language Program L1
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 102 + T180
Title: Korean 2 + Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 4 + 2 = 6
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Life Drawing
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: 111
Title: Figure Drawing I
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AENV1310
Title: Envrionmental Issues 1
Credit: 4
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: 0000011618
Title: Política y sociedad en Oriente Medio
Credit: 6
Middle East & Northern African Studies (MENA)
Code: 101
Title: The Middle East and North Africa Today: Culture and Democracy
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: E000010711
Title: Intercultural communication
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: Strategic International Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ALIT3720
Title: Comparative Perspecitves in Japanese Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: ALIT3730
Title: Modern Chinese Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: EA1309
Title: Fundamentals of Geographical Science
Credit: 20
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: Fundamentals of Geographic Science
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AAL28E
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DMA-SAP-230
Title: Introduction to Differential Equations
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: 18521
Title: Engineer and Society
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: 0000006966
Title: Marketing, Reputation & Branding
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: ADP16A
Theater (THTR)
Code: 115
Title: Theatrical Experience
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: International Finance
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Globalization: Trade, Migrations, and Multinationals
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: LIT20004
Title: Exploring Iconic Texts
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Selected Readings
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: MA1801
Title: Finance I: Financial Markets and Corporate Financial Management
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SI0296
Title: Focus Groups and Interviews
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 241
Title: Research Design: Qualitative Methods
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: International Business Practices
Title: relcom_e1
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication Practices
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Developments: Economics and Financial Markets
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Econometrics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Economic History
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON Economic History
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Economic Anaylsis
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON Comparative Systems
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Industiral Organization
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: International Economics
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Corporate Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ACCT2542
Title: Corporate Financial Reporting
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 348
Title: Corporate Financial Reporting to Executives
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1115
Title: Korean Pop Vocal
Credit: 1
Music (MUSC)
Code: 241
Title: Private Lesson: Voice
Credit: 2.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.007 001
Title: Introduction to Korean Literature
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51793
Title: Anthropocene
Credit: 6
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 054212
Title: Introduction to Korean Musical Culture
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Music
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51872
Title: Art and Gender in Contemporary Spain
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Art History
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51872
Title: Art and Gender in Contemporary Spain
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Art History
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1170
Title: International Marketing and Content Creation
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357 + T380
Title: Global Marketing + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 0.5 = 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51867
Title: Psychopharmacology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Psychology
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51819
Title: Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Arts
Credit: 6
Computer Technology (CT)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Science, Technology & Society
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 518876
Title: Barcelona the City and its History
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51887
Title: Barcelona, the City and Its History
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Title: Korean Society and Culture
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Swinburne University
Code: MKT 20031
Title: Marketing and Innovation
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Marketing and Innovation
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT 20025
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT20019
Title: Marketing Research and Analytics
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: S1_GB
Title: Marketing Digital
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Marketing Digital
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MGT20007
Title: Organisational Behaviour
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Title: FLE 2
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Genomics
Health Sciences (HSCI)
Code: 440
Title: Emerging Technologies in Health Care
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DIM‐SAP‐337
Title: Introduction to Materials and their Applications
Credit: 6
Materials Science and Engineering (MATE)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4.0
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: EAI411
Title: Developing Novel Business Models
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 2
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT436
Title: Negotiation Strategies and Skills
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiations
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Doing Business in Europe
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Management
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Globalized World, Globalized Problems
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 305
Title: Ethics and the Media
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Business Game
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Economics I
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Team Management
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB -- International Team Management
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Expansion
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DMA-SAP-230
Title: Introduction to Differential Equations
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equation
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51817
Title: The Impact Journey: (Un)Sustainability, Climate Emergency, Authentic Leadership
Credit: 6
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Theories of Culture
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ITE 2026
Title: Data Structures & Algorithms
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 213 + T480
Title: Data Science Programming II + Data Structures & Algorithms
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE5081
Title: Innovation & Technology Management
Management (MGMT)
Code: 364
Title: Technology Management
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Literati Culture in East Asia
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 203
Title: survey of world lit
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Gender Studies
English (ENGL)
Code: 355
Title: Women and Literature
Credit: 3
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Meshing
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in CHE
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ECU44193
Title: History of Economic Thought and Policy
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Morality, Social Justice and Principles of human relationships in modern societies
Credit: 4
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 251
Title: Ethics
Credit: 3
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: EE2/EEL2
Title: Electrical engineering 2
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 301
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits II
Credit: 4
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: SS2/SSL2
Title: Signals and Systems 2
Credit: 6
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 303
Title: Signals and Systems II
Credit: 3
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Sustainable Energy Economics
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 380
Title: Intro to Renewable Energy
Credit: 3
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: SP
Title: Scientific and project work
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 303
Title: ECE Laboratory
Credit: 3
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: GE
Title: German
Credit: 4
German (GER)
Code: 102
Title: German
Credit: 4
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: SS1/SSL1
Title: Signals and Systems 1
Credit: 6
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: EM/EME
Title: Economics and Management
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics In Economics
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100CTCO_16
Title: Contemporary Topics in Organization Behaviour
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100SAN_16
Title: Sales Negotiation and CUlture
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: GEG5131
Title: Contemporary London: Life in the Global Metropolis
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T180
Title: Contemporary London: Life in the Global Metropolis
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST 5200
Title: Architecture in London 1 1600-1837
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Architecture in London 1 1600-1837
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: CHE206A
Title: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314
Title: Pharmacology
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN 224
Title: Econometrics 1
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS511U
Title: Creating Interactive Objects
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Creating Interactive Objects
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS517U
Title: Electronic Devices and Applications
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 302
Title: Electronic Devices
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: DEN438
Title: Renewable Energy Sources
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 380
Title: Introduction to Renewable Energy
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH 279
Title: Victorian Fictions
English (ENGL)
Code: 212
Title: British Literature II
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESh315
Title: Late Victorian Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH 387
Title: Time, Narrative and Culture
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST5302
Title: Architecture in London II 1837 - to the Present
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH 279
Title: Victorian Fictions
English (ENGL)
Code: 212 + T280
Title: British Literature II + ST: Victorian Fictions
Credit: 3+1 = 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH 295
Title: London: Walking the City
English (ENGL)
Code: 395 + T380
Title: Special Studies in Literature, London: Walking the City
Credit: 3+1 = 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH 295
Title: London: Walking the City
English (ENGL)
Code: 360 + T380
Title: Literature and Society + ST: London- Walking the City
Credit: 3+1 = 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BIO 113
Title: Evolution
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BIO 211
Title: Animal and Plant Diversity
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Biodiversity
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS306
Title: Financial Management
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECN 222
Title: Financial Markets and Institutions
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS 201
Title: Financial Institutions
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: LAN 1040
Title: French Language and Culture I
French (FREN)
Code: 101
Title: French I
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS001
Title: Fundamentals of Management
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 111
Title: Foundations for Business
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST 5317
Title: Race in the United States: Slavery to Civil Rights
History (HIST)
Code: 216
Title: Freedom in America
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST 6365
Title: Gotham: The Making Of New York City
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Gotham- The Making Of New York City -
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST 5120
Title: Medieval London: Pubs, Plague-Pits, and Cathedrals
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Medieval London- Pubs, Plague-Pits, and Cathedrals
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST5407
Title: The Making of the Modern Self
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Making of the Modern Self
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST5120
Title: Medieval London
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Medieval London- Pubs, Plague-Pits, and Cathedrals
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST8606
Title: London and its Museums
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: London and its Museums
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS638U
Title: Design for Human Interaction
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 110
Title: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS318
Title: Consumer Psychology
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS 316
Title: Social and Political Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Social and Political Marketing
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS 316
Title: Social & Political Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Social and Political Marketing
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: ECS511U
Title: Creating Interactive Objects
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Creating Interactive Objects
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: POL106B
Title: Intro to International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: POL 106
Title: Introduction to International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: PSY215
Title: Social Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: PSY227
Title: Evolutionary Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 210
Title: Evolutionary Psychology
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: DRA 261
Title: ST: London Let’s Go
Theater (THTR)
Code: T180
Title: London Performance Now
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: Lin602
Title: Sex gender and Language
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 301
Title: Sex, Gender, and Feminism: A Seminar in Feminist Theories
Credit: 3
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: 21029
Title: Advanced Organic Chemistry
Credit: 8
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 542
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 3
Muenster University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Code: 21019
Title: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Credit: 8
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 521
Title: Inorganic Chemistry I
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 62662
Title: Industrial Design
Credit: 5
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 230
Title: Product Design Process Studio
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2809
Title: UX Design Prototyping
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 345
Title: Applied Human Centered Design
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42259
Title: Facilities Management
Credit: 5
Real Estate Management and Development (REMD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Facilities and Property Management
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 10375
Title: Lasers
Credit: 5
Physics (PHYS)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Lasers
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31400
Title: Electromagnetics
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 511
Title: Electromagnetic Theory I
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 10041
Title: Physics 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 102
Title: Fundamentals of Physics II
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42457
Title: Supply Chain Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 625
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28244
Title: Combution and High Temperature Process
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 405 + 406
Title: Principles of Combustion I + II
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41072
Title: Design for Interaction
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Design for Interaction
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41215
Title: Plate & Shell Structures
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Plate and Shell Structures
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41524
Title: Tribology of Machine Elements
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Tibology of Machine Elements
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41613
Title: Design of Mechanims
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Design of Mechanisms
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41291
Title: Non Linear Modeling & Analysis of Structures and Solids
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Non Linear Modeling and Analysis of Structures and Solids
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41660
Title: Applied Mechtronics
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Applied Mechatronics
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42171
Title: System Safety and Reliability
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: System Safety and Reliability
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31383
Title: Robotics
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 455
Title: Introduction to Robotics
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 10400
Title: Plasma Physicas
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 446
Title: Fundamentals of Plasmas I
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41616
Title: CAD/CAM
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41617
Title: Advanced CAD
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 33255
Title: Fabrication of Micro- and Nano Structure
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 417
Title: Introduction to Microfabrication
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41814
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41312
Title: Basic Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 220
Title: Fluid Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 1410
Title: Cryptology I
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 475
Title: Cryptography
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2418
Title: Statistical Modeling
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 410
Title: Scientific Data Analysis I
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2402
Title: Introduction to Statistics
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 310
Title: Probability and Statistics
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 1019
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 26130
Title: Spectroscopic Methods
Credit: 5
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 280
Title: Advanced Materials Laboratory
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28213
Title: Polymer Technology
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214
Title: Introduction to Polymers
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41661
Title: Metals Technology
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28213
Title: Polymer Technology
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214 + MATE 315
Title: Introduction to Polymers + Processing Polymers
Credit: 4 + 4.5 = 9.5
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 62171
Title: Marketing Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42543
Title: Management of Change
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Management of Change
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42085
Title: Strategy, Design and Market
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42705
Title: Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 365
Title: Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42435
Title: Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 365
Title: Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42435
Title: Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 10605
Title: History of Technology
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 27416
Title: Fermentation Processes
Credit: 5
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: T680
Title: ST: Fermentation Processes
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12226
Title: Air Pollution and Environmental Effects
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 460
Title: Fundamental of Air Pollution Control
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12139
Title: Resource Engineering
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Resource Engineering
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12108
Title: Water Treatment: Biochemical Processes
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 421
Title: Water & Waste Treatment II
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12336
Title: Groundwater Resources - Quality
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 435
Title: Groundwater Remediation
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12103
Title: Review of Environmental and Chemical Processes
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2402
Title: Introduction to Statistics
Credit: 5
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2441
Title: Applied Statistics
Credit: 5
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31342
Title: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31342
Title: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31606
Title: Signal & Linear Systems in Discrete Time
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 352
Title: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31778
Title: Emerging Energy Technology
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Emerging Energy Technology
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42073
Title: Technological Systems
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Technological Systems
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 26130
Title: Hydrogen Energy
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Hydrogen Energy
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31356
Title: High Power Electronics
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 451
Title: Power Electronics Converter Fundamentals
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31352
Title: Power Electronics I
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 411
Title: Power Systems I
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31400
Title: Electromagnetics
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 304
Title: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 31631
Title: Integrated Analog Electronics
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 352
Title: Analog Electronics
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 13150
Title: Transportation Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Transportation Economics
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2819
Title: Data Mining Using Python
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 140
Title: Introduction to Multimedia Programming
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2158
Title: Concurrent Programming
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 361
Title: Concurrent Programming
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2155
Title: Computer Architecutre and Engineering
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 352
Title: Processor Design and Analysis
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2159
Title: Operating Systems
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 283
Title: Systems Programming
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2450
Title: Intro to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 383
Title: Machine Learning
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2562
Title: Rendering
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 431
Title: Advanced Rendering Technology
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2561
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 432
Title: Interactive Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2170
Title: Database Systems
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 461
Title: Database Systems
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2249
Title: Computer Hardware Problems
Credit: 7.5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 440
Title: Theory of Computation
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2157
Title: Functional Programming
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Functional Programming
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2141
Title: Computer Science Modeling
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Computer Science Modeling
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 1426
Title: Cryptology 2
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Cryptology 2
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2156
Title: Logical Systems & Logic Programming
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Logical Systems & Logic Programming
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2286
Title: Logic in Computer
Credit: 7.5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Logic in CS
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2264
Title: Software Development of Web Services
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Software Development of Web Services
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41515
Title: Applied Programming
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Applied Programming
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2450
Title: Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 62240
Title: Proficient Business Communication
Credit: 2.5
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communications
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41819
Title: Finite Element Modeling of Truss and Frame Structures E17
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 302
Title: Structural Analysis 1
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12131
Title: Waste Water Treatment
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 341
Title: Hydrology-Ground Water
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 11320
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 5
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 370
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12320
Title: Hydrology
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 430 + 431
Title: Hydrology + Hydrology - Ground Water
Credit: 3+3 = 6
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 26400
Title: Organic Chemistry
Credit: 5
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 241
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28530
Title: Transport Processes
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 341 +
342 +
Title: Fluid Mechanics +
Heat Transfer +
Mass Transfer -spread
Credit: 4 + 4 +4 = 12
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28150
Title: Introduction to Process Control
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 420
Title: Process Systems Engineering
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12102
Title: Environmental Processes
Credit: 10
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 201
Title: Process Material Balances + ENVE 302 Environmental Transport and Kinetics
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 2411
Title: Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 350
Title: Statistics and Design of Experiments
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28314
Title: Soft Nanotechnology - Colloid and Surface Chemistry
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 400
Title: Soft Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41312
Title: Basic Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 311
Title: Fluid Flow and Transport
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28420
Title: Seperation Processes
Credit: 7.5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Seperation
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28361
Title: Chemical Engineering Model Analysis
Credit: 7.5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 308
Title: Process Modelling II
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 28321
Title: Chemical Engineeering Thermodynamics
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 301
Title: Process Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 27430
Title: Eukaryotic Cell Biology and Disease
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 218
Title: Principles of Molecular Biology
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 41621
Title: Engineering & Physiology
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Engineering and Physiology
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 27040
Title: Introduction to Systems Biology
Credit: 5
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 484
Title: Genome Information Engineering
Credit: 4.5
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 34550
Title: Biomedical Optics
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 524
Title: Introduction to Biosensors
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 11201
Title: Man and the Physical Environment
Credit: 5
Architectural Engineering (AE)
Code: 220
Title: Introduction to HVAC
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200292
Title: Basics of Internal Accounting (equal. 400292)
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 331
Title: Cost Accounting
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400292
Title: Cost Accounting (equal. 200292)
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 331
Title: Cost Accounting
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200692
Title: Statistics (equal. 400692)
Credit: 5
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200391
Title: Microeconomics: Allocation and Distribution (equal. 400391)
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200392
Title: Macroeconomics I: The Economic Cycle and Employment (equal. 400392)
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 209192
Title: Internationalisation of Economic Processes
Credit: 15
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Internationalisation of Economic Processes
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 202011
Title: Finance and Investment Policies in Business
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 493856
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 602221
Title: International Financial Management for Corporate Entities
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 202091
Title: Human Resources Management (equal. 400191)
Credit: 5
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200393
Title: Macroeconomics II: Worldmarket and Currency (equal. 400393)
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 212091
Title: European Economic Policy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201205
Title: Operational Business Game and Team Development
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 451
Title: Management Simulation
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201591
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200791
Title: Fundamentals of Business Informatics (equal. 400791)
Credit: 5
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200193
Title: Marketing (equal. 400193)
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 202092
Title: Market Research
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 602322
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 202094
Title: Selected Issues in Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200691
Title: Business Mathematics (equal. 400691)
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Analysis I
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400691
Title: Mathematics for Business and Economics (equal. 200691)
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Analysis I
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400191
Title: Human Resources Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401092
Title: Operations Management (equal. 201693)
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200191
Title: Human Resources and Organizations
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200101
Title: Personal & Organisation (equal. 400191)
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100ECM_17
Title: Economics of Emerging Markets
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5000INT_03
Title: International Trade
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: ST: International Trade
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6500INA_16
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100EFL_16
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance and Law
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6500BHF_16
Title: Behavioural Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Behavioural Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6500FRM_17
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 4000EIT_17
Title: Economics of International Trade, Banking and Financial Markets
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5000NDP_07
Title: Economics and Politics of Netherlands
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100ESP_16
Title: Entrepreneurship
Credit: 10
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ACCT 2200
Title: Principles of Accounting II
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ACCT 2010
Title: Principles of Accounting 1
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HKG 2005
Title: An Anthropology of HK Belief Systems
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: An Anthropology of HK Belief Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1620
Title: Human Culture and Society
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Human Culture and Society
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HART 1001
Title: Arts and Creativity
Credit: 2
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Arts and Creativity
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 1050
Title: Biochemistry of Life
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Biochemistry of Life
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 1010
Title: Appreciation of Biological Science
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 107
Title: Cells, Genetics, and Physiology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 1020
Title: Biology of Human Health
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 116
Title: How Your Body Works
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 2500
Title: Business Statistics
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 3530
Title: A Second Course in Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CHEM 2118
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 241
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CHEM 3120
Title: Organic Chemistry II
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 242
Title: Organic Chemistry II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 2210
Title: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 301
Title: Process Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 2220
Title: Process Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 302
Title: Process Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 4010
Title: Engineering Ethics and Professional Development
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 307
Title: Process Modeling I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Lang1133
Title: Cantonese for Chinese Language background students I
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Cantonese for Chinese Language background students I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Language 1122
Title: Chinese for Non-Chinese III
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 201
Title: Chinese IV
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2060
Title: Intro to Mandarin Chinese Grammar
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese 101
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 3530
Title: Hydrology
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 430
Title: Hydrology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 3310
Title: Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 370
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 2510
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 3720
Title: Fundamentals of Geotechnics
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 310
Title: Soil Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 3310
Title: Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 300
Title: Theory of Structures I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2152
Title: Engineering Economics and Finance
Credit: 2
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 240
Title: Engineering Economic Analysis
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL4700
Title: Engineering Geology
Credit: 4
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 212
Title: Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 3311
Title: Database Management Systems
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 461
Title: Database Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 3711
Title: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 457
Title: Data Structures and Algorithms I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 3211
Title: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 2611
Title: Computer Organization
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ELEC 2300
Title: Computer Organization
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP2012
Title: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 1021
Title: Introduction to Computer Science
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP1029C
Title: C Programming Bridge Course
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2103
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2123
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2214
Title: Games and Decisions
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and App
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2113
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 3113
Title: Microeconomic Theory I
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2272
Title: History of Economic Thought
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 3014
Title: Managerial Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4234
Title: Labor Economics and Human Resources
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2233
Title: Public Finance
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 334
Title: Public Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2216
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4114
Title: Industrial Organization and Competitive Strategy
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2262
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2174
Title: Mathematics for Economists
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 348
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC2170
Title: Environment & Business
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: I499
Title: ST: Environment & Business
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 4260
Title: China's Economic Transformation
Credit: 4.5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: ST: China's Economic Transformation
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2255
Title: The Economic System of Hong Kong
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: The Economic System of Hong Kong
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2234
Title: Transportation Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Transportation Economics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4334
Title: Money and Banking
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Money and Banking
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4244
Title: Economics of Human Behavior
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Economics of Human Behavior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4474
Title: Hong Kong's Economy
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Hong Kong's Economy
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ELEC 3300
Title: Introduction to Embedded Systems
Credit: 4
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 204
Title: Design with Microcontrollers
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ELEC 2100
Title: Signals and Systems
Credit: 4
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 302
Title: Transform Methods and Filtering
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ELEC 2600
Title: Probability and Random Processes in Engineering
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 361
Title: Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3830
Title: Laboratory I
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: T280
Title: Evaluation and Presentation of Experimental Data I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 2310
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 2410
Title: Engineering Materials I
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: IELM 2510
Title: Engineering Probability and Statistics
Credit: 4
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2200
Title: Masterpieces of World Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 202
Title: Romanticism to Modernism
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1662
Title: Contemporary Hong Kong: Society
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics In World Literature
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: DE UHBR-B2 FrenchLIT
Title: French Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1000B
Title: Cultures and Values
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325 + T380
Title: Cultures and Values + ST: Cultures and Values
Credit: 3+1
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1300
Title: Introduction to Western Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Introduction to Western Literature
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 5730
Title: Social Entrepreneurship and Venture Philanthropy
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 270
Title: Social Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 2410
Title: Environmental Engineering and Management
Credit: 3
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Envinromental Engineering
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 4460
Title: Process Design of Environmental Engineering Facilities
Credit: 3
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 421
Title: Water and Waster Treatment II
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ENVR 2020
Title: Urban Air Pollution
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Urban Air Pollution
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ENVR 2010
Title: Environmental Science Fundamentals
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 2303
Title: Financial Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 2203
Title: Fundamentals of Business Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 4104
Title: Advanced Financial Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 1303
Title: Introduction to Financial Markets
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 1303
Title: Introduction to Financial Markets
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 3204
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: FinanceA 3404
Title: International Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG1800
Title: Introduction to Food Science & Technology
Credit: 3
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 350
Title: Experimental Foods: Product Development
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: DE UHBR-B2 Writex
Title: Writing Expression and Reading Comprehension B2
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced French Literature
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: DE UHBR-B2 Cinema
Title: Cinema B2
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 350
Title: Introduction to Language, Media, and Society
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Title: Oral Expression C1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: DE UHBR-C1 FrenchCH
Title: French Language C1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Title: Written Expression and Reading Comprehension C1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Title: Grammar Reinforcement C1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Title: Phonetics C1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: DE UHBR-B2 French
Title: French Language B2
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Title: Francophonies B2
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Civilizations
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 2120
Title: Party-State Systmen in China: Origins and Developments
Credit: 4.5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Party-State System in China- Origins and Developments
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1960
Title: Discovering Mind and Behavior
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Discovering Mind and Behavior
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1631
Title: Exploring Chinese Culture in Fieldwork
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Exploring Chinese Culture in Fieldwork
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2590
Title: The Making of the Modern World: Renaissance to Present
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 163
Title: Themes in World Civilization III
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 3420
Title: Chinese Social and Economic History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 263
Title: The World and China
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1110
Title: Science, Technology & Society
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC1150
Title: Science, Technology, & Work
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1410
Title: General Chinese History: Pre-modern
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: General Chinese History- Pre-modern
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: History 1017
Title: Modern Hong Kong
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Modern Hong Kong
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 4364
Title: International Trade & Investment
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON 2253
Title: International Finance
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Language 1120
Title: Putonghua for Non-Chinese Language Students
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Putonghua for Non-Chinese Language Students
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: French 3502
Title: Preliminary French Language and Culture Course II
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Preliminary Language and Culture Course II
Credit: 2
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 3020
Title: Chinese Language Logic, Science
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Chinese Language Logic, Science
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Language 1110
Title: Communication Skills in Chinese I
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Communication Skills in Chinese I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2030
Title: Structure of Chinese Language
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Structure of Chinese Language
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 1010
Title: Introduction to Language
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101
Title: ST: Introduction to Linguistics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 1110
Title: Introduction to Management
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Technology Innovation Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 4420
Title: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 4020
Title: Innovation Management and Technology Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 363
Title: Directed Study in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 1380
Title: Tech and Innovation: Social and Business Perspectives
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 364
Title: Technology Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 2010
Title: Introduction to Information Systems
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 4750
Title: Business Project Management
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MARK 1110 & 2120
Title: Marketing Info and Decision Making/Marketing Mgmt
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Mark 3220
Title: Marketing Research
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MARK 3430
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 4430
Title: Materials Characterization
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Advanced Material Lab
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 4057
Title: Structure and Defects of Materials
Credit: 4
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T380
Title: Structure and Defects of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 4510
Title: Intro to Polymer Engineering
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214
Title: Introduction to Polymers
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 4050
Title: Thermo And Statistical Physics
Credit: 4
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 240
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Mathematics 2343
Title: Discrete Structures
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: COMP 2711
Title: Discreet Mathematical Tools for Comp Sci
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 2520
Title: Design and Manufacturing I
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Computer Aided Design
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CIVL 2120
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3210
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 220
Title: Fluid Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 2020
Title: Statics and Dynamics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3310
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3510
Title: CAD / CAM
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3520
Title: Design and Manufacturing II
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Design and Manufacturing II
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HART 1041
Title: Singing on Stage
Credit: 2
Music (MUSC)
Code: 193
Title: Class Voice I
Credit: 2
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 2720
Title: Introduction to Operations Management
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 2700
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ISOM 2700
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 321
Title: Planning and Control of Operations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 1110
Title: Introduction to Management
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 1100
Title: Introduction to Management
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management 2110
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management3140
Title: Negotiation
Credit: 4
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 3900
Title: Philosophical Inquiry into the modern world
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 241
Title: Social and Political Philospohy
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Management2130
Title: Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 3820
Title: Engineering Ethics and Social Values
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 4010
Title: Engineering Ethics and Professional Development
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HART 1012
Title: Intro to Photography
Credit: 1
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 1006
Title: Astronomy for Beginners
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 1001
Title: Physics and the Modern Society
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 1006
Title: Astronomy for Beginners
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 181
Title: Astronomy
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: Physics 3036
Title: Quantum Mechanics I
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1300
Title: The World of Politics
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparative Politics II
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: IELM 2150
Title: Product Design
Credit: 3
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 101
Title: History and Analysis of Product Design
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: HUMA 2000/2001
Title: Special Topics in Humanities
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1980
Title: Psychology and Everyday Life
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 222
Title: Psychological Problems of Modern Youth
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 1850
Title: Understanding Society
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: SOSC 2740
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ESLT 2402 RENS
Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Credit: 3
Teacher Education (EDUC)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.467A 001
Title: Economics of Catch-up
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON--Economics of Catch-up
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 044.009 001
Title: Understanding the Modern Economy
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 203
Title: Survey of Economic Policy
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.003
Title: Korean Language and Korean Culture
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 202
Title: Korean V
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Global Business Strategy
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 8754.540A 001
Title: History and Society of Modern Korea
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 034.001
Title: Physics 1
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.307
Title: International Trade
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.205
Title: Principles of Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.205
Title: Principles of Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.000200
Title: The Origins of Human Culture
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 110
Title: Human Past: Anthropology and
Prehistoric Archaeology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 3346.205
Title: Cell Biology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 214
Title: Principles of Cell Biology
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 3346.204
Title: Biodiversity & Environment
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 101
Title: Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Essential Elements in Business Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 211.402A
Title: Global Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1522.000900
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 51.009
Title: Korean Dance
Credit: 2
Dance (DANC)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Korean Dance
Credit: 2
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 722.333
Title: Ballet
Credit: 2
Dance (DANC)
Code: 140
Title: Ballet I
Credit: 2
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.201
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.103
Title: Fundamentals of Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.202
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 200.106
Title: Principles of Econ II
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.201
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 4190.308
Title: Computer Architecture
Credit: 3
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 355
Title: Computer Organization and Architecture
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 430.314
Title: Introduction to Random Variables and Random Processes
Credit: 3
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 361
Title: Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.338
Title: 20th Century American Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 206
Title: American Literature II
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: World Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 204
Title: Post Colonial Literature
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.208A
Title: English Literature through Milton
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.306A
Title: American Literature to 1900
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 205
Title: American Literature I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.22
Title: 20th Centruy English Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 212
Title: British Literature II
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: 18th Century English Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 8.201
Title: Modern Korean Fiction
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 457.210A
Title: Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 42.031003
Title: Introduction to Cinema
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Cinema
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.301
Title: Financial Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.232
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 212.338A
Title: Stocks, Bonds & Financial Derivatives
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.317
Title: Management of Financial Institutions
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.335
Title: Financial Statement Analyses
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.101
Title: Principles of Management
Credit: 3
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 111
Title: Foundations for Business
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 42.014
Title: Understanding of Latin American Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.001700
Title: Major Personalities in Japanese History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Major Personalities in Japanese History
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.001700
Title: The Kyujanggak Archive and Korean Culture
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Kyujanggak Archive and Korean Culture
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0547.001700
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Korean History
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: System Programming
Credit: 4
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: System Programming
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 252.563
Title: Financial Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multicultural Corporations
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.424
Title: Corporate Strategies
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 250.632
Title: Innovations and Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 364
Title: Technology Management
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.326
Title: Management Information System
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.559A
Title: Information Systems Seminar
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.321
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.764
Title: Seminar in Consumer Behavior
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.218
Title: Case Studies in Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Case Studies in Marketing
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.321
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 881.007
Title: Introduction to Linear Algebra
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: OO8.229
Title: Music of the World
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331
Title: World Musics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 55.02
Title: Music of the World
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331
Title: World Musics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 55.021
Title: Introduction to Korean Music
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Introduction to Korean Music
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 651.4412
Title: English and American Art Songs
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: English and American Art Songs
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 352.326A
Title: Nutrition Throughout Lifecycle
Credit: 3
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 203
Title: Nutrition II- Nutrition in the Lifecycle
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.207A
Title: Management Science
Credit: 3
Operations Research (OPR)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Operations Research
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.209
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Culture and Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 4.122
Title: The Computer & the Mind
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 311
Title: Ethics and Information Technology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 4.105
Title: Bio-Med Ethics
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 321
Title: Biomedical Ethics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 4.117
Title: Philosophical Understanding of Science
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 361
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 113.463
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 361
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 600.222
Title: Photo Workshop
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 700.211
Title: Politics and Society
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparitive Politics I
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Cognitive Process and Lab
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M2808.000200
Title: Child Development
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 357.311
Title: Family Relations
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Family Relations
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Sociology of Law, Globalization & Human Rights
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51887
Title: Barcelona the City and its History
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Procurement & Purchasing Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Procurement and Warehousing
Credit: 2
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Warehouse Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Procurement and Warehousing
Credit: 2
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51279
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: FINA2383
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: MAN/FIN 363
Title: Introduction to Research Methods
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: 210
Title: Research Methods I
Credit: 2
Hong Kong University
Title: ECON3232
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: STRA3703
International Business (INTB)
Code: INTB
Title: 332
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51860
Title: The Space Race: A Cultural History in the Cold War
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1167
Title: Basic Korean (Level 1)
Credit: 1
Korean (KOR)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Basic Korean
Credit: 1.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 80236
Title: Cross Cultural Management and International Communication
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 80224
Title: International Management
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200791, 400791
Title: Principles of Business Information Systems
Credit: 5
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401092
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1169
Title: Behavioral Insights for International Business
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200191/400191
Title: Human Resources and Organisation
Credit: 5
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Management
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SE1344
Title: Communicating in Relationships
Credit: 20
Communication (COM)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Communication
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: GEN9002
Title: Introductory Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103
Title: Korean III
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51730/51731
Title: Strategic Brand Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand & reputation management
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EG1510
Title: Fundamental Engineering Mechanics
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51669/51706
Title: New Trends in International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51871
Title: Marketing research
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51887
Title: Barcelona the City and its History
History (HIST)
Code: 280
Title: History Elective
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.223 001
Title: English and Society
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 102
Title: Language and Society
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 16310
Title: CSPO25F34 - Centre des Médias - Lire et Analyser des Contenus d'Actualité Politique
Credit: 5
Communication (COM)
Code: 200
Title: Current Events in Media and Communication
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 14298
Title: French Level B2
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: French Level B2
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 80227
Title: Doing Business in Europe
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 44204
Title: International Team Management
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 22331
Title: Anthropology
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2091
Title: Marine and Aquatic Ecology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 388
Title: Marine Field Methods
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Engineering Economy
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 240
Title: Engineering Economics
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Engineering Economy
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 240
Title: Engineering Economics
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Engineering Economy
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 240
Title: CIVE 240 Engineering Economic Analysis
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: HST5616
Title: Empire Race and Resistance
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MENA
Credit: 5
Middle East & Northern African Studies (MENA)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Middle Eastern and North Africa Studies
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 40201
Title: Culture and Business in the Middle East and Africa
Credit: 6
Middle East & Northern African Studies (MENA)
Code: 341
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: DGT330
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Humanity
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T280
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Humanity
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Title: Security Analysis and Valuation
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EM3511
Title: Dynamics 1
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS2271
Title: Inventing Modern Australia
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH6043
Title: Creative Writing Prose Fiction
Credit: 4
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC08121
Title: Digital Media and Content Creation
Credit: 20
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 100
Title: Digital Design Tools
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JPL220
Title: Japanese 220
Credit: 6
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics 380
Credit: 6
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.008 001
Title: Buddhist Culture in East Asia
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
University of New South Wales
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 240
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: PHIL20046
Title: Realism and Normativity
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics: Philosophy of Reality
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: UWLP10009
Title: Beginners Spanish
Credit: 20
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 101
Title: Spanish 1
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Title: Engineer and Society
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Engineering and Society
Credit: 4.5
University of Mannheim
Code: FIN366
Title: Household Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 150
Title: Financial Literacy
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: FIN 366
Title: Household Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 150
Title: Financial Literacy
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT2601
Title: Management information systems
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: AH 103
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: AHMM 210
Title: History of Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: EN2167
Title: Seduction, Sexuality, and Race: Early Modern Identities
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Selected Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: EN3105
Title: 20th Century Children's Fiction
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 304
Title: Young Adult Literature
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Title: Fundamentals of physics
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 152
Title: Introductory Physics 1
Credit: 4.0
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AHST3540
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1338.002100 001
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51634
Title: International Management
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 221
Title: Intro to Global Capital and Development
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: IS2105
Title: Popular Music, Cultural Identities, and Ireland
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 2.5
Berlin School of Economics
Title: German Course A1.1
Credit: 3
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: GER 101
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 881.424 001
Title: Applications of Partial Differential Equations
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topic: Applications of Partial Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2Micro-en.XX.2022-HS
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland, Galway
Code: IS1105
Title: Imagining Modern Ireland: An Introduction to Irish Culture Studies
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 2.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51669
Title: New Trends in International Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Basic Comprehensive Japanese
Credit: 4
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 202
Title: Japanese V
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 203092
Title: Financial Analysis and Valuation
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 203093
Title: Capital Markets
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Culture C
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: ECN21003
Title: International Economics
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ECON4124
Title: Applied Game Theory
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: CLS 210
Title: Greek and Roman Drama
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 216
Title: Readings in Drama
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Fluid Mechanics I
Credit: 2
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 341
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITL 100
Title: Introduction to Italian Language
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: ITAL 101
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PECI2707
Title: Arts Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 351
Title: Non-profit marketing
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Title: History of Sexuality
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 203091
Title: Corporate Fnance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: MAN 301
Title: Strategic and International Management Strategic and International Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in MGMT
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200192
Title: Principles of Corporate Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: PSD2022
Title: International Relations in East Asia
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: ST: International Relations in East Asia
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: PAD3071
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: NUR4014
Title: Geriatric Nursing
Credit: 2
Nursing (NURS)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Geriatric Nursing
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MED 141
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MED 137
Title: Structure of the Human Body
Credit: 7
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 386
Title: Gross Anatomy
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MAT3008
Title: Numerical Analysis
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 300
Title: Numerical Analysis I
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: JOU2015
Title: Theories of Mass Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 210
Title: Theories and Models of Communication
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ITE2020
Title: Web Systems Programming 1
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 151
Title: Web Systems and Services I
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ENG4029
Title: British Affairs
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T280
Title: ST: British Affairs
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ENG 275
Title: The American Novel
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 206
Title: American Literature II
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS2015
Title: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS0011
Title: American History and Culture
Credit: 2
History (HIST)
Code: 203
Title: United States History since 1900
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS0008
Title: United States-Korea Relations From 1945
Credit: 2
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: United States-Korea Relations From 1945
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL6102
Title: Readings in Science Fiction
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Readings in Science Fiction
Credit: 1
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL3014
Title: General Biology & Experiment 2
Credit: 4
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 100
Title: Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL3014
Title: Romantic Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0131
Title: Contemporary Art and History
Credit: 2
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Contemporary Art and History
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CSE1002
Title: Introduction to Criminology
Credit: 3
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Introduction to Criminology
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CHM4013
Title: Polymer Properties
Credit: 4
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214
Title: Introduction to Polymers
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS4017
Title: Service Operations Management
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS 2003
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: American Drama
Credit: 2
English (ENGL)
Code: 216
Title: Readings in Drama
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Advertising & Promotion
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Title: Global Ethics
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 335
Title: Global Ethical Issues
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MED 139
Title: Immunology
Credit: 1
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 426
Title: Immunology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MED 208
Title: Parasitology and Practice
Credit: 1.5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 223
Title: Parasitology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MED 282
Title: Endocrinology and Metabolism
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 466
Title: Endocrinology
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ISS1120
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topic: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL 200
Title: Understanding Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS 303
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS 234
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS 205
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS 3014
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS3002
Title: Financial Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS4009
Title: capstone: business creativity
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic: STARTUP EXPERIENCE
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: SOC4027
Title: Sociology of work and occupation
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 215
Title: Sociology of Work
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: SYH0003
Title: Entrepreneurship and business leadership
Credit: 2
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T180
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: VEN2009
Title: Startup basic: business strategies of successful korean entrepreneurs
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T280
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: JMC2008
Title: Introduction to Broadcasting
Credit: 3
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic Film and Television
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: PER2035
Title: Korean cinema and modernization
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic in Film Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0135
Title: GLobal entrepreneurship- launch your startup
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 440
Title: Launch It! Early Stage
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: PPL2005
Title: Principles of economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microconomics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ECO2061
Title: Financial Time Series Modeling and Forecasting
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 360
Title: Time Series Econometrics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS4013
Title: Applications of Big Data in Social Science
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 270
Title: Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ECO1005
Title: Introduction to Economic Statistics
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ISS1138
Title: The Rise of the Korean Wave
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 15197
Title: Cultural and Ethnic Diversity In Korea
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 11798
Title: Introduction to English Language Teaching
Credit: 3
Teacher Education (EDUC)
Code: 326
Title: Foundations in Teaching English Language Learners
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MEE3012
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MAE2001
Title: Materials Science 1
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 12876
Title: Computer Architecture
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4.0
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: VEN2019
Title: Culture of Korea and Korean Wave
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS3009
Title: International Business
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0130
Title: Digital Journalism
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: 263
Title: Multiplatform Journalism
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL1117
Title: Introduction to Digital Photography
Credit: 2
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 140
Title: Digital Photography I
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0135
Title: Global Entrepreneurship - Launch your startup
Credit: 3
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 102
Title: Life Strategies II
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ITE1015
Title: Creative Software Design
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 13444
Title: Asian Business and Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Asian Business and Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 13343
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 13453
Title: Advertising & Promotion
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN4091
Title: Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 351
Title: Philosophy of Technology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL1302
Title: The Language of Cinema
Credit: 2
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Film Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: D-C2096
Title: History of Korean Cinema
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Film Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ITE4031
Title: Ecommerce Theory
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MKTG
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ENG2033
Title: Understanding American Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 205
Title: American Literature I
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CMU1041
Title: Sight Singing and Ear Training 1
Credit: 2
Music (MUSC)
Code: 125
Title: Ear Training I
Credit: 1.0
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN5072
Title: Introduction to Acting
Credit: 2
Theater (THTR)
Code: 210
Title: Acting Fundamentals
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: BUS3071
Title: Global Brand Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS2054
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ECO2063
Title: Macroeconomics 1
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 321
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN7024
Title: Critical Thinking and Creative Reasoning in English
Credit: 2
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: PHIL
Title: Critical Reasoning
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN3096
Title: Modern Stress and You
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic: Modern Stress and You
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: PER2033
Title: Global Business Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE3050
Title: Introduction to accounting
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: ACCT 110
Title: Accounting for Professionals
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1115
Title: Korean Pop Vocal
Credit: 1
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topic: Korean Pop Vocal
Credit: 2.0
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Title: VSE Orchestra
Music (MUSC)
Code: 109
Title: University Orchestra
Credit: 1.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 108.415 001
Title: Applied Phonetics
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Linguistics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 108.315 002
Title: Syntax
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Linguistics
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400592
Title: regional studies
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics III
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: G0260063
Title: International Economic Organizations
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations and World Politics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.328 002
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 440
Title: Seminar in International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: Youth and Society
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Youth and Society
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: TEU00741
Title: The Psychology of the Climate Crisis
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: The Psychology of the Climate Crisis
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: SP0077
Title: Creative Writing
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 220
Title: Creative Non-Fiction Writing
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN284
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 5
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 225
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 244
Title: Storying Sheffield
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Storying Sheffield
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: PWR10001
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 12.5
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ANTH 425
Title: Women Islam & The State
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 240
Title: Women and Society in a Global Context
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: GWST 501
Title: Approaches to the Middle East & N. African Gender
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 240
Title: Women and Society in a Global Context
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CTL 3135
Title: Women in Modern Chinese Literature and Film
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Women in Modern Chinese Literature and Film
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: GWST 500
Title: Theorizing Gender
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Theorizing Gender
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1114
Title: Women's Lives in Chinese History
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Women's Lives in Chinese History
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-328
Title: Education on the Margins: Education Between Gender and Ethnicity
Credit: 2
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Education on the Margins- Education Between Gender and Ethnicity
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: SOC 435
Title: Gender and Power in Development
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Gender and Power in Development
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BENV9106
Title: Special Program: Urban design studio 3
Credit: 6
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: I299
Title: Independent Study in Visual Studies: Urban Design Studio III
Credit: 6
Accademia Italiana
Code: SASF110
Title: Sketching Florence
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Drawing in Florence
Credit: 4.5
Accademia Italiana
Code: SALD 210
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: 111
Title: Figure Drawing I
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: SART 1502
Title: Drawing
Credit: 6
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: 110
Title: Introductory Drawing
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: HART1029
Title: Multicultural Dramatic Works
Credit: 1
Theater (THTR)
Code: 115
Title: Theatrical Experience
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PECI 1501
Title: Processes of Performance: Foundations
Credit: 20
Theater (THTR)
Code: 115
Title: Theatrical Expereince
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN 441
Title: Plays, Players, and Playhouses
Credit: 5
Theater (THTR)
Code: 115
Title: Theatrical Experience
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: EDUF3034
Title: Australian Theatre, Film and Learning
Credit: 6
Theater (THTR)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Australian Theatre Studies
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PECI 2608
Title: Exploring Musical Theatre
Credit: 20
Theater (THTR)
Code: 231
Title: Introduction to Musical Theatre
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MUSI1813
Title: The Best of Broadway
Credit: 10
Theater (THTR)
Code: T380
Title: ST: The Best of Broadway
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Code: ESLT 2402 RENS
Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Credit: 2
Teacher Education (EDUC)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3985
Title: Footbal Finance
Credit: 10
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 320
Title: Sport Economics
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: EDUH 4058
Title: Sport and Learning in Australian Culture
Credit: 6
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 347
Title: Sport Tourism
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 013.5.0520
Title: Life and Leisure in Israel Today
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 220
Title: Recreation, Wellness, and Society
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: GENL 0251
Title: Sport and the Law in the Western World
Credit: 6
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 230
Title: Sport and the Law
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: HSSO 208
Title: History of Sport and Society
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 340
Title: International Aspects of Sport
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: BUS 153
Title: Principles of Coaching
Credit: 3
Sport Coaching Leadership (SCL)
Code: 101
Title: Principles of Coaching
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish for foreign students (B2)
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T280
Title: Spanish for Foreign Students (B2)
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ICP0114
Title: Procesos Políticos en América Latina
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 440 + T480
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance + ST Spanish
Credit: 3 + 1.5
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: PSB408
Title: Cultura y Sociedad en Latinoamerica
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 330 + T380
Title: Introduction to Identities and Communities + ST Spanish
Credit: 3 + 1.5
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: IHI0214
Title: Historia de Chile Contemporáneo—(Contemporary History of Chile)
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 440 + T480
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance + ST Spanish
Credit: 3 + 1.5
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Literature
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Literature
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ICP0603
Title: Mujeres y Políticas en America Latina—(Women and Politics in Latin America)
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 330 + T380
Title: Introduction to Identities and Communities + ST Spanish
Credit: 3 + 1.5
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Culture & History through Cinema
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study in Spanish: Spanish Culture and History through Cinema
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Post Modern Spanish Culture
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study in Spanish: Post Modern Spanish Culture
Credit: 3
EPA Madrid
Title: Panorama of Spanish Literature
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Panorama of Spanish Literature
EPA Madrid
Code: CH3801
Title: Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Language and Culture
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Code: CH3421
Title: Spanish for Business
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish for Business
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: International Protocol
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: International Protocol
Credit: 3
EPA Madrid
Title: Conversation and Business
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Conversation and Business
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: SPAN 1622
Title: Level 2 Spanish
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 103
Title: Spanish III
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Spanush Culture Postmodernity
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Culture Postmodernity
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Basic Demography
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Basic Demography
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Sociology of Migration
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociology of Migration
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Sociology of the Electronic Age
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociology of the Electronic Age
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: SOC20004
Title: Sociological Perspectives
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociological Perspectives
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: SOC20012
Title: Sociology of Young People
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociology of Young People
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: SOC20008
Title: Sociology of the Body
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociology of the Body
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC341
Title: City and Culture in Modern China
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: City and Culture in Modern China
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI253
Title: Gender, Work & Family
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Gender, Work, and Family
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: SOC 203
Title: Social Problems of the Middle East
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Paranormal in Society
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: Comparative Analysis of Societies
Credit: 2
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Comparative Analysis of Societies
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00009H
Title: Paranormal in Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Economic Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS3028
Title: Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 235 +
Title: Sociology of Health and Illness + ST in Sociology
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction to Economic Sociology
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Economic Sociology
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SIO 914
Title: Social Theory
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 355
Title: Classical Social Theory
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SLSP 1010
Title: Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Society
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS3021
Title: Sociology of Whiteness, Power and Privilege
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 220 + T280
Title: Wealth and Power + ST in Sociology
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
American University of Cairo
Code: ANTH 370
Title: Environmental Issues of Egypt
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 244
Title: Sociology of the Environment
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS2023
Title: Environmental Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 244
Title: Sociology of the Environment
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: The United Nations & Global Governance
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: SOC 307
Title: Social Class and Inequality
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 444
Title: Social Movements
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SI0941
Title: Sociology of Education
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 335
Title: Sociology of Education
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SIO 928
Title: Globalisation and Social Change
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Immigration Sociological, Political, & Legal Aspects
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Immigration Sociological, Politcal, and Legal Aspects
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS2026
Title: Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 320
Title: Sociology of Deviance
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SLSP 1080
Title: Deviance, Crime and Social Control
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 320
Title: Sociology of Deviance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS2004
Title: Culture, Self and Identity
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Race and Ethnic Relations
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Christianismo & Etica Social
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Christianism and Social Ethics
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: SC2034
Title: Cultures of Cities
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Thinking in Context: Great Ideas about Culture and Society, 1780 to Present
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 355
Title: Classical Social Theory
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2205
Title: Lifestyle, Diversity, and Choices
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: PEH20004
Title: Built and Sustainable Communities
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS3014
Title: Sociology of Men, Masculinities, and Gender Relations
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC 00015I
Title: Gender, Sexuality and Inequalities
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: SPL316
Title: Irish Health Policy In Comparative Context
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 235
Title: Sociology of Health and Illness
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2211
Title: Sexuality, Culture and Diversity
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 222
Title: Sex and Society
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: SI0917
Title: Gender Relations and Society
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 1003
Title: Understanding Inequality
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 220
Title: Wealth and Power
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: SOC20003
Title: Families, Relationships & Sexuality
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 221
Title: Sociology of the Family
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: SOC20013
Title: Race, Ethnicity, and Migration
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 210
Title: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC 00020I
Title: Division & Inequalities: Race & Ethnicity, Class & Religion
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 210
Title: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS2003
Title: Economy and Society
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 1005
Title: Gender, Sexuality, and Society
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 222
Title: Sex and Society
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SLSP 2020
Title: Crime, Law and Regulation
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 205
Title: Criminology and Criminal Justice
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SI0235
Title: Migration, “Race”, and Ethnic Relations
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 210
Title: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SLSP 1091
Title: Sexuality, Subculture and Stigma
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 222
Title: Sex and Society
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 2211
Title: Sexuality, Culture and Diversity
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 222
Title: Sex and Society
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SOC 2007
Title: Social Policy in a Global Context
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 115
Title: Social Problems
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 219/
SCS 3010
Title: Aging & Society
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 271
Title: Sociology of Aging
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS1003
Title: Social Problems in a Global Context
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 115
Title: Social Problems
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 1009
Title: Social Policy and Social Problems
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 115
Title: Social Problems
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS1001
Title: Person and Society
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Sociology
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 1001
Title: The Sociology of Everyday
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: SOC10004
Title: Sociological Foundation
Credit: 12.5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08107
Title: Scottish Culture & Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380 + T380
Title: ANTH ST + SOC ST: Scottish Society and Culture
Credit: 3+3=6
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SS2029
Title: Basic Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: LNG08107
Title: Scottish Culture and Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380 + T380
Title: ANTH ST + SOC ST: Scottish Society and Culture
Credit: 3+3=6
Bristol University
Code: SOCI 10009
Title: Introduction to the Sociology of Culture
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to the Sociology of Culture
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SSC07101
Title: Introduction to Sociology 1
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101 + T180
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3+3=6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SSC09115
Title: Sociology of Medicine, Health and Illness
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 235 + T280
Title: Sociology of Health and Illness + ST: Sociology of Health and Illness
Credit: 4 + 2 = 6
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: SO01
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: SOC11004
Title: Thinking Sociologically
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: FDM 214
Title: Fundamentals of Screen Writing
Credit: 3
Screenwriting & Playwriting (SCRP)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study in Screenwriting and Playwriting: Fundamentals of Screenwriting
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Public Health Policy
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 303
Title: Overview of Issues in Global Health
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: EGH 310
Title: Psychology of Language
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Psychology of Language
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: G3: Special Issues in Psychology: Emotion and motivation
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Emotion and Motivation
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: PHI30004
Title: Philsophical Psych
Credit: 12.5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Philosophical Psychology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HP4101
Title: Clinical Psychology
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Clinical Psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: PSYC 0060
Title: Research and Quantitative Methods
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Psychological Research I
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 1111
Title: Measuring Mind and Behaviour
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Research Methods
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SS3720
Title: Neuropsychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 410
Title: Neuropsychology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS342
Title: Intro to Positive Psych
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Positive Psychology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: PSY07103
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101 + T180
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3+3=6
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 1027
Title: Forensic Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 370
Title: Forensic Psychology
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FOR10001
Title: Intro to Forensic Psych
Credit: 12.5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 370
Title: Forensic Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC1610
Title: forensic psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 370
Title: Forensic Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC 1609
Title: The Psychology of Counselling and Therapy
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 342
Title: Counseling Psychology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS322
Title: Health Psychology
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 355
Title: Health Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 3331
Title: Health Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 355
Title: Health Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PSY 241
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HP3003
Title: Engineering Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Human Factors and Cognitive Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC 1607
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 3211
Title: Cognitive Science
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS320
Title: Memory & cognition
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 1022
Title: Psychology of Addiction
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 310
Title: Drugs and Human Behavior
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS 220
Title: Psychology of Learning
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 325
Title: Psychology of Learning
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS409
Title: Psychology, Science & Psuedoscience
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Science/Psuedoscience in Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SLSP 2030
Title: Drugs: Society, Politics & Policy
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 310
Title: Drugs and Human Behavior
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS408
Title: Human Sexuality
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 254
Title: Psychology of Sexual Behavior
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS3100
Title: Historical and Conceptual
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 290
Title: History and Systems of Psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2109
Title: Love, Sex and Relationships: Psychological Perspective
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 254
Title: Psychology of Sexual Behavior
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 1023
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 240
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: SPO10002
Title: Intro to Sports Psych
Credit: 12.5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 245
Title: Sports Psychology
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: PSY30010
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 12.5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 240
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 12.5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 240
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 2071
Title: Perception & Cognition
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 213
Title: Sensation and Perception
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PSY 108
Title: Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 210
Title: Evolutionary Psychology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS403
Title: Biological Psychology
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 212
Title: Physiological Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PSY 110
Title: Social Understanding, Social Communication, Social Places
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC 1604
Title: Social Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 2061
Title: Social and Developmental Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: PSYC 0019
Title: Psychology of Personality
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 140
Title: Approaches to Psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: PSYC 0020
Title: Fundamentals of Social Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC 1603
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Current Approaches to Personalities
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 140
Title: Approaches to Personality
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HP2300
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PS 214
Title: Developmental Psychology I
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: SC04
Title: The Psychology of Comm
Credit: 4
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: PSYC 2009
Title: Life-span Developmental Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Developmental Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: PSYC 1001
Title: Psychology 1A
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PSY 101
Title: Discovering Psychology
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HP1000
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PSYC 313
Title: Learning and Behavioral Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 325
Title: Psychology of Learning
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PSYC 310
Title: History and Systems
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 290
Title: History and Systems of Psychology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PSYC 327
Title: Theories of Personality
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Theories of Personality
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PSYC 412
Title: Child Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 225
Title: Child Psychology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: PSYC31051
Title: Psychology of Language
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 336
Title: Psychology of Language
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: PS 3116
Title: Forensic Psychology: Violence and Crime
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 370
Title: Forensic Psychology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: PYSC10006
Title: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: PYSC10007
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: IDES2223
Title: Design studio 2c
Credit: 6
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 340
Title: Interdisciplinary Product Design Studio
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: GDPK 390
Title: Packaging Design
Credit: 3
Product Design (PROD)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Packaging Design
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: IDFD 490
Credit: 3
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 340
Title: Interdisciplinary Product Design Studio
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: POL10005
Title: Australia: A Global Context
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Australia- A Global Context
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: POL30004
Title: Making News & Making Policy: The Media and Politics
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Making News & Making Policy- The Media and Politics
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: POL10001
Title: Australian Politics
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Australian Politics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Title: Comparative Asian Politics
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Comparative Asian Politics
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: PL 9203
Title: Political Thought: Marx, Mill, Nietzsche
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Political Thought- Marx, Mill, Nietzsche
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: GV3103
Title: Introduction to Politics of Ireland
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Politics of Ireland
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: POL10002
Title: International Politics
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: PHI20007
Title: Philosophy, Politics & Society
Credit: 12.5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Transformations of European Security
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Transformations of European Security
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: PL 9194
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Diplomatic Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Diplomatic Law
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Political Geography of Europe
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Political Geography of Europe
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish History & Foreign Policy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Spanish History and Foreign Policy
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Political Systems & Politics in Spain
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Political Systems and Politics in Spain
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Religion and Power in International Affairs
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Religion and Power in International Affairs
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MT1002
Title: Intro to Maritime Industry
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction to Maritime Industry
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: SP216
Title: European Politics
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: European Politics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: POL 111
Title: The Politics of Globalization
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: The Politics of Globalization
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HS1002
Title: Singapore Society in Transition
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Singapore Society in Transition
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HA3014
Title: Singapore Foreign Policy
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Singapore Foreign Policy
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HA0201
Title: Government and Politics of Singapore
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Government and Politics of Singapore
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HA1003
Title: Introduction of Public Administration
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction of Public Administration
EPA Brussels
Code: POL 311E
Title: International Political Economy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: POL236E
Title: Understanding Contemporary Conflicts in Europe & Beyond
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Understanding Contemporary Conflicts in Europe and Beyond
Credit: 4
EPA Madrid
Code: CH4141
Title: Current Spanish Politics
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Current Spanish Politics
Credit: 4.5
EPA Brussels
Code: POL 132E
Title: European Peace and Security Studies–A Brussels Perspective
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: European Peace and Security Studies–A Brussels Perspective
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-318
Title: International Terrorism and Guerilla Warfare
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: International Terrorism and Guerilla Warfare
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-320
Title: Arms Control and the Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Arms Control and the Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 540
Title: Politics of Modern Egypt
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Politics of Modern Egypt
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 420
Title: Issues in Middle East Politics
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Issues in Middle East Politics
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: The European Parliament
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The European Parliament
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: POLI21203
Title: Rational Choice
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Rational Choice
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 80615112
Title: Theory and Practice of Chinese Foreign Policy
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Theory and Practice of Chinese Foreign Policy
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Lecture Selected Topics in Political Sociology I: Changing Democratic Citzenship
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Lecture Selected Topics in Political Sociology I- Changing Democratic Citzenship
Credit: 4.5
EPA Brussels
Code: POL 22G
Title: Understanding Contemporary Conflicts in Europe & Beyond
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Understanding Contemporary Conflicts in Europe and Beyond
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: POL 121G
Title: European Peace and Security Studies
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: European Peace and Security Studies
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2210
Title: China: A Socio-Political Transition
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: China- A Socio-Political Transition
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS3032
Title: State and Economy in Asia
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: State and Economy in Asia
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 3535
Title: Terrorism & Security
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Terrorism and Security
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Immigration in Electoral Democracies
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 375
Title: Politics of Immigration
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ICP0138
Title: Modernidad y Revoluciones en America Latina
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 377
Title: Politics of Latin America
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Public Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: International Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Law and Organization
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: International Law
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Criminal Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: International Law
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Economics of the European Union
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: LAW 509
Title: International Law
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: International Law
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BCUL 1520A
Title: History and Politics of European Integration
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: European Union Institutions & Policies
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BAFF 1220A
Title: EU as an International Actor
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Protection of Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-449
Title: The European Union and International Cooperation
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Ethic & Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: The Politics of Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Human Rights - Problems and Processes
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Human Rights- Problems and Processes
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Human Rights
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: IHRL 510
Title: Intro to International Human Rights and Law
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IA307
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Development of Cooperations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: United Nations, NGOs and Global Governance
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Organizations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Organizations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IA 202
Title: International Organizations
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 351
Title: The United Nations in World Politics
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 405
Title: International Politics in the Middle East
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 345
Title: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 535
Title: Middle East Politics
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 345
Title: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 354
Title: Political and Social Through the Modern Arab World
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Political and Social Through the Modern Arab World
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 308
Title: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 345
Title: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Democratic Transitions in Developing Countries
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Democratic Transitions in Developing Countries
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: SOC 450
Title: Third World Development
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Third World Development
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 3261
Title: Violence and Reconciliation in Africa
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Violence and Reconciliation in Africa
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: International Environmental and Energy Politics
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 284
Title: Environmental Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Political Economy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Economic Approaches to International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: ECN 321G
Title: International Political Economy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: POL 217
Title: The Global Politic Economy
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Comparative Law
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparative Politics II
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: POL 232
Title: Contemporary US foreign Policy
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 250
Title: American Foreign Policy
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BUIA 308
Title: International Economic Organizations
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BSPO 1730
Title: Les systèmes politiques européens comparés
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparative Politics II
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BSPO 1445A
Title: Contemporary Theories of Justice
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 229
Title: Theories of Justice
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 25A11
Title: Comparative Politics
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparative Politics II
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Introduction to International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BDRO 1610A
Title: Theories of Justice
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 229
Title: Theories of Justice
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 1511
Title: International Politics
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Peace & Conflict
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: POL 219
Title: Contemporary International Affairs
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 70612872
Title: Contemporary Theories of International Politics
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction to International Relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BAFF 1565A
Title: Theories of International Relations
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: SP234
Title: International Relations
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: German Political System
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparitive Politics I
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1341
Title: Life and Health
Credit: 3
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topic
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Empirical Political Research
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 131
Title: Research Design for Political Science
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Introduction to Comparative Government
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparitive Politics I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: POL 110
Title: An Introduction to the History of Western Political Thought
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: History of Political Ideas
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 1445A
Title: History of Modern and Contemporary Ideologies
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 1601
Title: Freedom, Power and Resistance An Introduction to Political Ideas
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: POLI10005
Title: Thinking Politically
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: POLS 101
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE1400
Title: Introduction to Meteorology and Weather Forecasting
Credit: 10
Physics-Environmental Science (PHEV)
Code: 146
Title: Weather II: Analysis and Forecasting
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1107
Title: The City in Chinese History and Culture
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topic
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Elementary Partical Physics
Credit: 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Elementary Partical Physics
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VE334
Title: Principles of Optics
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Principles of Optics
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Basic Nuclear Physics
Credit: 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 476
Title: Particle Physics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE1002 and E1002L
Title: Physics Foundation for Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Introductory Quantum Mecanics
Credit: 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 326
Title: Quantum Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE1002
Title: Physics Foundation for Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Credit: 4
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PHYS 1270
Title: Quantum Mechanics and Electricity
Credit: 15
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: PHYS 1006
Title: Astronomy for Beginners
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 181
Title: Astronomy
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PHYS 214
Title: Waves, Optics, and Atomic Physics
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: PHYS 1004
Title: Physics 1 (Environmental and Life Science)
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 154
Title: Introductory Physics III
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: PHYS1111
Title: Fundamentals of Physics
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY 102
Title: Electromagnetism, Thermal, and Quantum Physics
Credit: 20
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 153
Title: Introductory Physics II
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH114S
Title: Mechanics
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Basic Elementary Particle Physics
Credit: 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY 111
Title: Our Evolving Universe
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: PHYS 102
Title: Exploration of Physics
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Physics
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: PHYS1500
Title: Astronomy
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHYS 1142
Title: Stars, Planets & life
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHYS 1040
Title: Planets and the Search for Life
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Geographics
Credit: 2
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHYS 1020
Title: Stars and Galaxies
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE8086
Title: Astronomy - Stars, Galaxies & Cosmology
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: AST10001
Title: Discovering the Universe
Credit: 12.5
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE8086
Title: Astronomy
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VP 240 + VP 241
Title: Physics II + Physics II Lab
Credit: 5 (4 + 1)
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 102
Title: Fundamentals of Physics II
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY 102
Title: Fields, Waives and Quanta
Credit: 20
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 102
Title: Fundamentals of Physics II
Credit: 4
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: PS21
Title: Physical Mechanics
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: T180
Title: ST: General Physics I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY 101
Title: Mechanics, Heat & Matter
Credit: 20
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 101
Title: Fundamentals of Physics I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: PH1012
Title: Physics A
Credit: 4
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 101
Title: Physics I
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SM2253
Title: Digital Photography
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 140
Title: Digital Photography I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: DESN 1415
Title: Introduction to Photography
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: SOMA 2404
Title: Digital Fine Arts Photography
Credit: 6
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Introduction to Photography
Credit: 12.5
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SM1013
Title: Introduction to Photography
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SM211
Title: Black and White Photography
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ART 104
Title: Basic Photography - Roman Scenes
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: SAPF 310
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 110
Title: Photography
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL 2724
Title: Philosophy of Film
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Philosphy of Film
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1210
Title: Philosophy & Psychology
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Philosophy and Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL 1007
Title: Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PHIL 226
Title: Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 391
Title: Philosophy of Religion
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 125
Title: Matters of Life and Death
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 321
Title: Biomedical Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL 2725
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 341
Title: Environmental Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL2705
Title: Environmental Ethics
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 341
Title: Environmental Philosophy
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PHIL 382
Title: Philosophy of Science and Technology
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL 1002
Title: Introduction to Ethics
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 306
Title: The Professional Responsibility of Engineers
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2204
Title: Business Ethics and Society
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 358
Title: Philosophy of Sex
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 255
Title: Philosophy of Sex and Love
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU8341
Title: Practical Ethics: Thinking About Right and Wrong
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: PHIL 258
Title: Political Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 241
Title: Social and Political Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PHIL1102
Title: Introduction to Ethics
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 251
Title: Ethics
Credit: 3
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: FIL006
Title: Hegel
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 214
Title: Modern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SE4407
Title: What to believe in the age of the internet
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 221
Title: Epistemology: Philosophy of Knowledge
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 115
Title: Reason & Argument
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 105
Title: Critical Reasoning
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 124
Title: Philosophy of Space and Time
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics: Philosophy of Reality
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: PHI 120
Title: The Earliest Greek Philosopher
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 212
Title: Ancient Philosophy
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HY9203
Title: Chinese Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: PH 1027
Title: Controversial Questions
Credit: 15
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Applied Ethics
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: PHL20006
Title: Philosophy, Media, Culture
Credit: 12.5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Philosophy, Media, Culture
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: POL30007
Title: War & Peace in a Globalized World
Credit: 12.5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 335
Title: Global Ethical Issues
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels
Code: PHIL 201G
Title: History and Philosophy of Science
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 361
Title: Philosophy of Science
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Etica de la Engineria
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VG 496
Title: Professional Ethics
Credit: 2
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 315
Title: Engineering Ethics
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Business Ethics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: PHI 20006
Title: Philosophy, Media & Culture
Credit: 12.5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 305
Title: Ethics and the Media
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Business Ethics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Business Ethics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 25A12
Title: War Peace and the Sovereign State
Political Thought from Machiavelli to Kant
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 241
Title: Social and Political Philospohy
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PH2002
Title: Reasoning and Argument
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 105
Title: Critical Reasoning
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: PHI 10002
Title: Introduction to Philosophy
Credit: 12.5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: MGMT1110
Title: Introduction To Management
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS 2564
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 10
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS256
Title: Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MGT3206
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Cross-cultural Comparisons of Organisations
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1850
Title: Organisational Behaviour
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2150
Title: People in Organisations
Credit: 10
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1170
Title: Introduction to Management I
Credit: 10
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA8103
Title: Human Resource Management
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AE4008
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1601, BU8601
Title: Organisational Behaviour & Design
Credit: 4
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT 1002
Title: Managing Organizational Behavior
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MGT 120
Title: Introduction to Behaviour at Work
Credit: 10
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: MG1000
Title: Foundations of Management and Organisational Behavior
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: HRM20011
Title: Organisational Behaviour
Credit: 12.5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MGT10001
Title: Introduction to Management
Credit: 12.5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: MG308
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 031.5.0290
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CM3101
Title: Business Problem Solving and Decision Making
Credit: 20
Operations Research (OPR)
Code: 330
Title: Advanced Decision Making and Simulation
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU8401
Title: Management Decision Tools
Operations Research (OPR)
Code: 320
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Engineering Logistics
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Engineering Logistics
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 12.5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BE1401
Title: Business Operations and Process
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Supply Chain Mangaement
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 341
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB 2201
Title: Operations Managemnet
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 321
Title: Planning and Control of Operations
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Operations Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB2011
Title: Solving Business Problems with Spreadsheet Modeling
Credit: 4
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 320
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3980
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 20
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MGMT 308
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: MS2511
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 15
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Production and Operations Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MGT 6150
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 10
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MS 2301
Title: Introduction to Service Operations Management
Credit: 1
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 1150
Title: Principles of Human Physiology and Nutrition
Credit: 20
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 230
Title: Intermediate Nutrition
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MUSI 1824
Title: Film Music: From Text to Interpretation
Credit: 20
Music (MUSC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Film Music- From Text to Interpretation
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MUS10129
Title: Entrepreneurship in the Music Industries
Credit: 10
Music (MUSC)
Code: T380 + I499
Title: ST: Entrepreneurship in the Music Industry + Independent Study
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
University College Cork
Code: MU1008
Title: Exploring Traditional Irish Music
Credit: 5
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Exploring Traditional Irish Music
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 210
Title: Popular Music and Mass Culture
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 338
Title: American Popular Music
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MUS09116
Title: World Music
Credit: 10
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331 + 495
Title: World Musics + Independent Study
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
University of Leeds
Code: MUSI 1811
Title: Popular Music & the Press
Credit: 10
Music (MUSC)
Code: 236
Title: Rock Music through the Mid-60s
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: MUSC 225
Title: World Music
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331
Title: World Musics
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: MU2050F
Title: Jazz Ensemble 2
Credit: 5
Music (MUSC)
Code: 107
Title: Jazz Ensembles
Credit: 1
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: CS03
Title: Project Management
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 462
Title: Introduction to Engineering Management
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MEC08102
Title: Mechanics And Thermofluids
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230 + 310
Title: Mechanics of Materials I + Thermodynamic Analysis I
Credit: 4 + 4 = 8
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MEC09104
Title: Materials And Manufacture 2
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 333 + T380
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Materials + ST in Mechanical Engineering
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MEC08106
Title: Control Measurement and Instrumentation
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 255 + T380
Title: Introduction to Controls + ST in Mechanical Engineering
Credit: 4 + 3 = 7
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 316
Title: Renewable Energy
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Advanced Manufacturing and Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced Manufacturing and Nanotechnology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MP4900
Title: Mechanical Systems Design and Analysis
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Mechanical Systems Design and Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 302
Title: Integrity of Materials & Components
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VM 434
Title: Materials for Energy Conversion
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Materials for Energy Conversion
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VM 211
Title: Introduction to Solid Mechanics
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 202 + 230
Title: Statics + Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 7 (3 + 4)
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 305
Title: Engineering Management
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 462
Title: Engineering Management
Credit: 3
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: TNA4
Title: Introduction to CAD
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA3701
Title: Aerodynmics I
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 420
Title: Aerodynamics
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Mechanics of Vibrations
Credit: 2
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 313
Title: Finite Element Techniques
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 427
Title: Finite Element Methods
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Automotive Engines
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 400
Title: Internal Combustion Engines
Credit: 3
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: FQ04
Title: Reliability: Basic Methods and Tools
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 361
Title: Engineering Reliability
Credit: 3
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: TN15
Title: Manufacturing Techniques
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Manufacturing Techniques
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 203
Title: Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics of Mixtures
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Heat Transmission & Air Conditioning
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 310
Title: Energy: Properties and Optimisation
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 310
Title: Thermodynamic Analysis I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 311
Title: Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 320
Title: Fluid Dynamics I
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 202
Title: Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 330
Title: Mechanics of Materials II
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VM 382
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 333
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA2007
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 310
Title: Thermodynamic Analysis I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA1001
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 319
Title: Sensors, Actuators & Controllers
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 255
Title: Introduction to Controls + ST in Mechanical Engineering
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Control Engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 255
Title: Intro to Controls
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: PH 216
Title: Mechanics, Oscillations, and Waves
Credit: 5
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 2
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: AMME2301
Title: Mechanics of Solids
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE320
Title: Solids & Struc. I
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MEE20004
Title: Structural Mechanics
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CV1011
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA 2001
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1140
Title: Fundamentals of Mechanics
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 202
Title: Statics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3911
Title: Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology
Credit: 11
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 371
Title: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I
Credit: 2
University of York
Code: MAT00061M-A
Title: Statistics for Insurance
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Statistics for Insurance
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Fourier Series & Boundary Value Problems
Credit: 2
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Fourier Series & Boundary Value Problems
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 271 & MAS 272*
Title: Vectors and Fluids & Methods of Differential Equations
Credit: 10 & 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 281
Title: Probability and Statistics in Society
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Probability and Statistics in Society
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PMA 328
Title: Codes and Cryptography
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 475
Title: Cryptography
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 3225
Title: Introduction to Topolgy
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 422
Title: Introduction to Topology
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAT00044H-A
Title: Topology
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 422
Title: Introduction to Topology
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: MA2009
Title: Analysis I
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 401
Title: Elements of Modern Analysis I
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: BIOL20001
Title: Quantitative Methods in Biology
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 410
Title: Scientific Data Analysis I
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: CECO 1590
Title: Mathématiques avancées pour les sciences économiques
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 387
Title: Linear Algebra II
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 175
Title: Groups and Symmetries
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 331
Title: Abstract Algebra I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 276
Title: Rings and Groups
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 332
Title: Abstract Algebra II
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 270
Title: Vectors and Fluids
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 321
Title: Vector Calculus
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PMA 310
Title: Complex Analysis
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 322
Title: Complex Variables
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: MX3020
Title: Group Theory
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 331
Title: Abstract Algebra I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 104
Title: Foundations of Probablity & Statistics
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 318
Title: Mathematical Applications of Statistical Software
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 2365
Title: Vector Calculus
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 321
Title: Vector Calculus
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 100
Title: Mathematics with Maple
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 316
Title: Mathematical Applications of Symbolic Software
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 2640
Title: Introduction to Optimisation
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 305
Title: Introduction to Optimization Theory
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: AMA 302
Title: Optimisation
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 305
Title: Introduction to Optimization Theory
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 2600
Title: Numerical Analysis
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 300
Title: Numerical Analysis I
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MH1812
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MAS312
Title: Complex Aalysis
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 291
Title: Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 105
Title: Numbers and Proof
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 220
Title: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 1400
Title: Modeling with Differential Equations
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAS 201
Title: Linear Mathematics for Applications
Credit: 10
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VP 216
Title: Calculus IV
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 1331
Title: Linear Algebra with Applications
Credit: 15
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MA 2508
Title: Multi-variable Calculus
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 200
Title: Multivariate Calculus
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS3014
Title: Analysis of Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 280
Title: Advanced Materials Laboratory
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS2016
Title: Phase Transformation & Kinetics
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 245
Title: Kinetics of Materials
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS1016
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 240
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 1630
Title: Introduction to Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 240
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2320
Title: Microstructure and Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 20
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 240
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT1633
Title: Kinetic Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 240
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 355
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS2013
Title: Polymers and Composites
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214
Title: Introduction to Polymers
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AP 3171
Title: Materials Characterization Techniques
Credit: 4
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Advanced Materials Lab
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AP 3130
Title: Biomaterials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 455
Title: Biomedical Materials
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Introductory Quantum Mecanics
Credit: 2
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 351
Title: Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MBE 2104
Title: Tissue Engineering
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Tissue Engineering
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AP 4124
Title: Failure Analysis and Case Studies
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 410
Title: Case Studies in Materials
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Chemistry of Materials
Credit: 2
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 214
Title: Introduction to Polymers
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Basic Material Science
Credit: 2
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 280
Title: Advanced Material Laboratory
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2310
Title: Industrial Materials Processing
Credit: 20
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 315
Title: Processing Polymers
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS2014
Title: Materials Structure and Defects
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 341
Title: Defects in Solids
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 421
Title: Ceramics and Nanocomposites
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 345
Title: Processing of Ceramics
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS2018
Title: Electronics and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 351
Title: Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 337
Title: Advanced Glasses and Ceramics
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 345
Title: Processing of Ceramics
Credit: 4.5
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 426
Title: Metals, Alloys, and Composites
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2110
Title: Structure of Solid Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 355
Title: Structure and Characterization of Crystalline Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2210
Title: Deformation and Failure of Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS3011
Title: Metallic and Ceramic Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3333
Title: Engineering Alloys
Credit: 15
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 202
Title: Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 370
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Solids
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 1240
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 370
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Solids
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 512
Title: Advanced Topics in Bechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 370
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Solids
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 333
Title: Metals
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 366
Title: Processing of Metallic Materials
Credit: 4.5
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 339
Title: Failures and Case Study (Spring)
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 410
Title: Case Studies in Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2410
Title: Biomaterials II
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 455
Title: Biomedical Materials
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS4611
Title: Biomedical Devices
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 455
Title: Biomedical Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2340
Title: Advanced Mechanics and Selection of Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 410
Title: Case Studies in Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3820
Title: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 460
Title: Engineering Computational Laboratory
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3430
Title: Materials for Biological Applications
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 455
Title: Biomedical Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 460
Title: Introduction to Materials Modeling
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 460
Title: Engineering Computational Laboratory
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS4630
Title: Photovoltaic Devices and Energy Storage
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 482
Title: Materials for Energy Storage
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 4610
Title: Materials Modeling
Credit: 15
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 460
Title: Engineering Computational Laboratory
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS3013
Title: Environmental Effects on Materials
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 483
Title: Environmental Effects on Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 2920
Title: Materials and Energy
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 482
Title: Materials for Energy Storage
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 4820
Title: Introduction to Finite Element Modeling
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 460
Title: Engineering Computational Laboratory
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 524
Title: Electronic Phenomena of Solids
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 351
Title: Electronic and Photonic Properties of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 373
Title: Surface Degradation and Protection
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 483
Title: Environmental Effects on Materials
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 529
Title: Failure Analysis and Prevention
Credit: 3
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: 410
Title: Case Studies in Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3210
Title: Advanced Functional Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced Functional Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 306
Title: Polymer Fibre Composite Materials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Polymer Fibre Composite Materials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 1910
Title: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanomaterials
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanomaterials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3430
Title: Materials for Biological Applications
Credit: 10
Materials Engineering (MATE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Materials for Biological Applications
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ITE4031
Title: E-Communicationsmerce Theory
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: E-Communicationsmerce Theory
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: INT 304
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Language and Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Language and Marketing
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT09103
Title: Marketing & Society
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480 + T480
Title: ST: Marketing and Society I + Marketing and Society II
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
University of Mannheim
Title: Revenue & Yield Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Revenue and Yield Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Product & Pricing Management
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Product and Pricing Management
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: DES11133
Title: Planning in Advertising
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Planning in Advertising
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM3503
Title: Retail Management
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Retail Management
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS2573
Title: Marketing (One Semester)
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Application of Marketing Strategic Concepts
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study: Application of Marketing Strategic Concepts
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Value-Based Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study: Value-Based Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Brand and Brand Relationship Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study: Brand and Brand Relationship Marketing
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT07101
Title: Marketing 1
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201 + T280
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management + ST in marketing
Credit: 4 + 2 = 6
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM3502
Title: Global Business Strategy
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Brand and Product Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT 09101
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Consumer Behavior & Implications for Retailing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS8535
Title: Buyer Behavior
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM3505
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Recent Developments & Case Studies in Business to Business Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Recent Developments and Case Studies in Business to Business Marketing
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CS4037
Title: Research Methods
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MP4E03, MA4843
Title: Strategic Management of Product Development
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM 2502
Title: Market Intelligence
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM2505
Title: Marketing Channels
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 324
Title: Marketing Channels and Distribution Systems
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS 8539
Title: Marketing Research
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM2504
Title: Intergrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS9725
Title: Advertising and Marketing Communications Management
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT11101
Title: Marketing Communications
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BM2503
Title: Market Relationships
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 321
Title: Selling and Sales Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1501
Title: Marketing
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: MG1003
Title: Introduction to Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Marketing Management Decisions
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 3090
Title: Marketing Decisions Analysis
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Marketing Decisions Analysis
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 2209
Title: Market Developments in China
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK3054
Title: Marketing Analytics
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 3054
Title: Marketing Analytics
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 2051
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN0002
Title: Branding Strategies
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 3092
Title: Brand Management
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT 30017
Title: Branding, Innovation and Design
Credit: 12.5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG3116
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3190
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 2071
Title: International & Global Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: International Marketing Export Management
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK2051
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 400
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2010
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PECI 2302
Title: Arts Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 351
Title: Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 301
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG 322
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKT 302
Title: Marketing for Non-Profits
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 351
Title: Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00022I
Title: Marketing, Entrepreneurship, & Innovation
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 305
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG 3114
Title: New Products
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3530
Title: Advertising & Promotional Management
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG2113
Title: Marketing Research
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MGT 233
Title: Essentials of Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 300
Title: Advertising Strategy
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: EFIM 20013
Title: Marketing
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: MARK 2120
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK 1012
Title: Marketing Fundamentals
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: MKTG1001
Title: Marketing Principles
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2160
Title: Principles of Marketing
Credit: 10
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT10002
Title: Marketing Concepts
Credit: 12.5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MKT 10007
Title: Fundamentals of Marketing
Credit: 12.5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: MK 240
Title: Marketing Principles
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Marketing I
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: MARK 2120
Title: Marketing Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MKTG 200
Title: Principles of Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB2601
Title: Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: MKTG 302
Title: Principles of Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2EuL-BL
Title: European Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in BLAW
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: E-Commerce
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study: E-Commerce
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: INFS1000
Title: Business Information Systems
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Title: Information Systems Management
Credit: 12.5
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: E-Commerce and Website Design
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: E-Commerce and Website Design
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: ISOM1380
Title: Technology and Innovation: Social and Business Perspectives
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 364
Title: Information Security Systems Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Information Resource Management II
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: MS 1009
Title: Managing Organizations
Credit: 15
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 347
Title: Domestic and Global Outsourcing Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: IT Strategy and Mangement
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 342
Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ3003
Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 4
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 342
Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ3003
Title: Software Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 342
Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: INF 228
Title: Information Management of Governance
Credit: 20
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Information Systems and Organization
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Information Systems and Organizations
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Business Informatics
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Management Information Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Information Resource Management I
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Development and Management of Information Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: ISOM 3310
Title: E-business management and web analytics
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1401
Title: Information Technology
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AC2401
Title: Accounting Information Systems
Credit: 4
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: MGMT1110
Title: Introduction to Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Technology Innovation Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Mangement II
Management (MGMT)
Code: T480
Title: ST: International Mangement II
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Mangement I
Management (MGMT)
Code: T480
Title: ST: International Mangement I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2000
Title: Management, Work and Organizations
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Management, Work and Organizations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB3601
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN0001
Title: Information Criticality
Management (MGMT)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study: Information Criticality
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Innovation Tech Management
Credit: 4
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Technology Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Strategic Management I
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Title: Analysis for Competitive Advantage
Credit: 12.5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Management I
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Strategic Management
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SOE10107
Title: Economics of Business Strategy
Credit: 20
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: ENT 30011
Title: New Venture Development
Credit: 12.5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 365
Title: Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Business Informatics IIII: Development and Management of Information Systems
Management (MGMT)
Code: 365
Title: Business Plan for Entrepreneurs
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Entrepreneurship Research and Practice
Management (MGMT)
Code: 363
Title: Directed Study in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: ENT 20001
Title: Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Innovation
Credit: 12.5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 363
Title: Directed Study in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: ELE00008H
Title: Management & Marketing of Technology
Management (MGMT)
Code: 302
Title: Competing in the Technology Industries
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2065
Title: Managing Innovation in Business
Credit: 10
Management (MGMT)
Code: 301
Title: Designing Innovative Organizations
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT2001
Title: Managing Innovation And Org. Change
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 301
Title: Designing Innovative Organizations
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: ENT 10001/HBN 110N
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 12.5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT 2010
Title: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Entrepreneurship
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20439
Title: Virology
Credit: 4
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 420
Title: Virology
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Ecology and Evolution
Credit: 2
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 101
Title: Applied Biological Diversity, Ecology & Evolution
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HG2033
Title: Introduction To Conversation Analysis
Linguistics (LING)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Conversation Analysis
Credit: 4.5
Bristol University
Code: MODL20016
Title: General Linguistics
Credit: 20
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101 + T180
Title: Introduction to Linguistics
Credit: 3+1
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: LW 108
Title: Irish Legal System
Credit: 5
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Irish Legal System
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: Internationales Wirtschaft
Credit: 5
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE 2013
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LAW 2146
Title: International Law
Credit: 20
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.3AAL-BL
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in BLAW
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CHIN 9511
Title: Cantonese as a Foriegn Language 1
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Cantonese as a Foreign Language I
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC1050
Title: The Science of Chinese Characters
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: The Science of Chinese Characters
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC1010
Title: Literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC2010
Title: Classical Chinese Fiction
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Classical Chinese Fiction
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC1060
Title: History of Singapore and Malaysian Chinese
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: History of Singapore and Malaysian Chinese
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LV9001
Title: Vietnamese Language Level 1
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Vietnamese Language Level 1
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: GDT101
Title: Irish for Beginners
Credit: 5
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Irish for Beginners
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LT9001
Title: Thai Language Level 1
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Thai Language Level 1
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: EAST 2182
Title: Cantonese for Chinese Speakers
Credit: 10
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Cantonese for Chinese Speakers
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish & Culture
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Spanish and Culture
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: INMS 1102
Title: Indonesian 1B
Credit: 6
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Indonesian 1B
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Code: FREN 3503 RENS
Title: Prelim Language & Culture
Credit: 2
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Preliminary Language and Culture
Credit: 2
American University of Cairo
Code: ECLT 333
Title: African Literature
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: African Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: ELL 112
Title: The Sounds of English
Credit: 10
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: ST: The Sounds of English
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS 2973
Title: Korean I
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 101
Title: Korean I
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-268
Title: The Jewish Heritage
Credit: 3
Jewish Studies (JWST)
Code: 201
Title: Jewish Literature and Civilization
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: FLTU 1605
Title: Beginners Italian
Credit: 2
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Beginners Italian
Credit: 2
Accademia Italiana
Code: ITAL 301
Credit: 4
Italian (ITAL)
Code: T180-480
Title: ST: Italian Languade Advanced I
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITAL 201
Title: Intermediate Italian
Credit: 4
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 201
Title: Italian IV
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: *ITLN 301
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 202
Title: Italian V
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITAL 102
Title: Elementary Italian II
Credit: 4
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 102
Title: Italian II
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ITLN 201
Title: Italian Language, Intermediate Level 1
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 201
Title: Italian IV
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ITLN 102
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 102
Title: Italian II
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITLN 101
Title: Elementary Italian I
Credit: 4
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: Italian I
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC418
Title: European Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC427
Title: Ireland, Europe & the Global Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Business and Economy A
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC349
Title: Economic Theory
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC369
Title: Money and Banking
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE3003
Title: Chinese Economy
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE2006
Title: International Monetary Economics
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE2013
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC382
Title: International Economics
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BE2501, BE2511
Title: International Business Environment
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BE2501
Title: International Business Environment
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: International Stategic Management
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2280
Title: Macroeconomic Policy and Performance in Britain
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: ECN 202G
Title: The European Economy
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: BUS 217
Title: Business in China
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policy and International Business
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: ECOP 1003
Title: International Economy and Finance
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Fiannce
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BECO1480A
Title: International Macroeconomics: Money, Trade & Finance
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Financial Policy
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Trade and Investment
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: ECON30074
Title: International Economics
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Economics
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Economics
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2400
Title: The International Economic Environment
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: ECN 302G
Title: International Trade
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: International Trade
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ECON 301
Title: International Trade
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: IBUS 1101
Title: Global Business
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 70670182
Title: Corporate Strategies: Case Studies of Chinese and Global Companies.
Credit: 2
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3250
Title: Transnational Corporations in the World Economy
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT 3101
Title: International Business Strategy
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: INB10002
Title: Foundations of International Business
Credit: 12.5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3805
Title: International Business Management
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BUS 300
Title: Introduction to International Business
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: EFIM20034
Title: International Business Management
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: COMM 1640
Title: Internet Communications
Credit: 20
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Internet Communications
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Robotik
Credit: 4
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Robotics
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Datenbanksystem
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 365
Title: Database Administration I
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: IT-Sicherheit
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 375
Title: Introduction to Information Systems Assurance
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: COMP3442
Title: Usability Design
Credit: 10
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 310
Title: Human-Centered Design Process and Methods
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CE3005
Title: Computer Networks
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Computer Networks
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Integrated Systems Integ. Sys. Tech. Solutions in Ntwrkg
Credit: 4.5
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Integrated Systems Technology Solutions in Networking
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: INFO3406
Title: Introduction to Data Analytics
Credit: 6
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 103
Title: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ2004
Title: Human Computer Interaction
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 310
Title: Human-Centered Design Process and Methods
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE4791
Title: Database Systems
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 210
Title: Database Management Systems
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1401, CSC101
Title: Information Technology
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Computing and Security Technology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ2004
Title: Human Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 110
Title: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Bus. Aspects of Mobile and Internet Serv
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Business Aspects of Mobile and Internet Service
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: E-Business
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: E-Business
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Global Distributed Software Development
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Global Distributed Software Development
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Cart.Issues and Trends in Global IT
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Cart.Issues and Trends in Global IT
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Optical Network System
Credit: 2
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Optical Network System
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Data Mining
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Information Systems
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Computer Software Engineering
Credit: 2
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Computer Software Engineering
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Fundamentals of Computer Engineering
Credit: 2
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Fundamentals of Computer Engineering
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Erfindung, Patent, Lizenz
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Invention Patent
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Breitbandnetze I
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Broad Band Communication
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Technological Innovation and Law
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Technological Innovation and Law
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ELE00031H
Title: Project Management
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 420
Title: Software Project Management
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Human Machine Communication
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Advanced Network Archtitecture and Services
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study: Advanced Architecture and Services
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Infomation Systems and Organizations
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Information Systems and Organizations
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Advanced SE
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 420
Title: Software Project Management
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ZINT 2100
Title: Introduction to Cyber Security: Policy & Opperations
Credit: 6
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 375
Title: Introduction to Information Systems Assurance
Credit: 3
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: IF03
Title: Info. Systems Security
Credit: 6
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 375
Title: Introduction to Information System Assurance
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Datenschutz IT Sicherheit I
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 375
Title: Introduction to Information Systems Assurance
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Selected Topics in IT Security
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 375
Title: Introduction to Information Systems Assurance
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Advanced Computer Network
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced Computer Network
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS 2607
Title: Network and Infrastructure
Credit: 6
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Network and Infrastructure
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SM2264
Title: User Research
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 310
Title: Human-Centered Design Process and Methods
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: IT Network I
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: It Network
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: INFS 1603
Title: Business Databases
Credit: 6
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 210
Title: Database Management Systems
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: IS 2206
Title: Intro to Database Theory
Credit: 5
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 210
Title: Database Management Systems
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: IS 4445
Title: Principles of Interaction Design
Credit: 5
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 110
Title: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: HRM10003
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 12.5
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2890
Title: Organisation and the Human Resource
Credit: 20
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Human Ressource Management & Employment Relations in Europe
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE4041, MA8103, MP4008
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 3
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3060
Title: HRM and Industrial Relations
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: MG328
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 5
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MGT3217
Title: Human Resources Management
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: T323
Title: ST: Human Resource Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 1130/1131
Title: Traditional Alcoholic Beverages
Credit: 10
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 435
Title: Wine Regions of the World
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: BS9740
Title: International Human Resources Management
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: T323
Title: ST: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM07108
Title: Introduction to International Hospitality, Tourism, and Events
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 130
Title: Introduction to Tourism
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08113
Title: Customer Service and Care
Credit: 10
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 150
Title: Food and Beverage Customer Service
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: TTM 210
Title: Tourism and Hospitality Law
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: I199
Title: Hospitality Law
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MGMK 312
Title: Event Planning, Marketing & Management
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 340
Title: Catering Management
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: TTM 210
Title: Tourism and Hospitality Law
Credit: 3
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 160
Title: Laws of the Hospitality Industry
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI211
Title: Medieval Ireland: 5th - 9th Century
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280 or T380
Title: ST: Medieval Ireland- 5th - 9th Century
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Science, Technology & Industry of Japan
Credit: 2
History (HIST)
Code: T280/ENGR T180/SOC 312
Title: ST: Science, Technology, and Industry of Japan
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish History
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Spanish History
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Culture & Civilization
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Spanish Culture & Civilization
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Contemporary Spanish History
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Contemporary Spanish History
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Spainish History & Foreign Policy
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Spanish History & Foreign Policy
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: KOCR2600
Title: Indigenous Australia: An Introduction
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Indigenous Australia- An Introduction
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: History of International Relations
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History of International Relations
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: HSTY1089
Title: Australia: Conflict and Transformation
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Australia- Conflict and Transformation
Credit: 4.5
University of Sydney
Code: KOCR2600
Title: Indigenous Australia: An Introduction
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Indigenous Australia- An Introduction
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: SCS 1018
Title: Exploitation, Pimps, Slavers, and Pedophiles
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Exploitation, Pimps, Slavers, and Pedophiles
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 2004
Title: Salem Witchcraft Trials
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Salem Witchcraft Trials
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 2009
Title: The Scopes 'Monkey Trial'
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Scopes 'Monkey Trial'
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HST 114
Title: Pagans, Christians, and Heretics in Medieval Europe
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Pagans, Christians, and Heretics in Medieval Europe
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 115
Title: Disenchantment of the European World
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Disenchantment of the European World
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI1523
Title: Renaissances and Reformations
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Renaissances and Reformations
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: SP1035
Title: Spanish History
Credit: 15
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Spanish History
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: GG2044
Title: People. Place and Politics; Ireland 1660-1960
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: People, Place, and Politics; Ireland 1660-1960
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: HI1115
Title: Introduction to Irish Modern History for Visiting Students
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Irish Modern History for Visiting Students
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: HIS10004
Title: Australian History
Credit: 3.5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Australian History
Credit: 3.5
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI293
Title: The Scientific Revolution
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History of Science
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI493.E
Title: Economy And Society
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Economy and Society
Credit: 4.5
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI252
Title: Problems in the History of Ireland
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Problems in the History of Ireland
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: AR225
Title: Hunters & Farmers in Early Europe
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Hunters and Farmers in Early Europe
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI208
Title: The Two Irelands
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Two Irelands
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: International History of Cold War
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: International History of Cold War
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: AR113
Title: Prehistoric Ireland & Europe
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Prehistoric Ireland and Europe
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH3008
Title: Modern South Asia
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Modern South Asia
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH4006
Title: The Green Earth: Issues In Environmental History
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History Ancient Science
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH1004
Title: Science and Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2016
Title: History of Animals
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History of Science
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH3007
Title: Southeast Asian - China Interactions
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Southeast Asian - China Interactions
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2002
Title: Gender in History
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Gender in History
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE 4040
Title: Engineers and Society
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2017
Title: History of Information Technology
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: IHI2301
Title: Mexico: Historia y Cultura
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 271
Title: History of Mexico
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 117
Title: The Making of the Twentieth Century
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 267
Title: Twentieth Century World I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 117
Title: Making of the 20th Century
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 267
Title: Twentieth Century World I
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Asia: History, Culture, Politics
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: EAS 160
Title: Modern Chinese History
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: East Asia: Tradition and Modernity
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: East Asia Traditions
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: European History of 21st Century
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: European History of the 21st Century
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH1008
Title: The Emergence of Modern Southeastern Asia
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI337
Title: Nazi Germany
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: 256
Title: Germany and the World of Hitler
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: SG111
Title: Early & Medieval History
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Early and Medieval History
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH4007
Title: An International History of the Cold War
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: 237
Title: ST: An International History of the Cold War
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: HI295
Title: The American Civil War
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 234
Title: The United States Civil War
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 112
Title: Paths from Antiquity to Modernity
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 162
Title: Themes in World Civilizations II
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: HIST 118
Title: History of the United States of America 1776-2004
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 201
Title: United States History to 1815
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS9556
Title: International Economic History
History (HIST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: International Economic History
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1190
Title: Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Sydney- History, Landscapes, People
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 2307
Title: Science, Culture, and Society Industrial Age
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Science, Culture, and Society Industrial Age
Credit: 4.5
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 1211
Title: Making of the Global South
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Making of the Global South
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 3880
Title: Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2430
Title: The History of Africa Since 1900
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The History of Africa Since 1900
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 3732
Title: Men and Masculinity in Britain c. 1860-1960: War, Work and Home
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Men and Masculinity in Britain c. 1860-1960- War, Work, and Home
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2220
Title: The Body, Disease and Soecity in Europe
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Body, Disease and Soecity in Europe
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2195
Title: Britain and Decolonization from Western Front to Present Day
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Britain and Decolonization from Western Front to Present Day
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 1060
Title: Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2170
Title: Patient Voices
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Patient Voices
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 1060
Title: Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Title: History of 20th Century Conflicts
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History of 20th Century Conflicts
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: HIS 301G
Title: Evolution of the International System
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Evolution of the International System
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SSC07100
Title: Contemporary British History
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Contemporary British History
Credit: 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SSC09111
Title: Interpreting Scottish History
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Interpreting Scottish History
Credit: 6
Cardiff University
Code: HS 1001
Title: Medieval Europe
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Medieval Europe
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: HS 1006
Title: Early Modern England and Wales
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Early Modern English and Wales
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1101
Title: Chinese culture heritage
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Chinese Culural Heritage
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 013.5.0430
Title: Time and Space in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Credit: 2
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Time and Space in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: HIST 247
Title: Modern Arab World
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Modern Arab World
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1050
Title: Darwin, Germs and the Bomb
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Darwin, Germs, and the Bomb
Credit: 2
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF HSTS 330
Title: History of Tuscany
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: History of Tuscany
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1400
Title: Technology in the Modern World
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 290
Title: Technology and the World Community
Credit: 4
EPA Madrid
Code: CH4071
Title: Contemporary Spain
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Contemporary Spain
Credit: 4.5
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 246
Title: Survey of Arab History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Survey of Arab History
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC1040
Title: History of Scientific Thought
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 289
Title: History of Science: Enlightenment to Modernity
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC1070
Title: Living with Technology
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1060
Title: Interpreting Psychology
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 285
Title: Technology in Historical Perspective
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1045
Title: Introduction to History of Science
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 289
Title: History of Science: Enlightenment to Modernity
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HSPC 1010
Title: Scientific Revolution
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Scientific Revolution
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2845
Title: The Road to War: 1919-1939
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Road to War- 1919-1939
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1501
Title: Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 263
Title: The World and China
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: HART10215
Title: Introduction to Medieval Art
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Medieval Art
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-303
Title: Jewish Identity and Contemporary Jewish Issues
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: 249
Title: Modern Jewish History
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2065
Title: The Tudors: Princes, Politics, and Piety, 1485-1603
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Tudors- Princes, Politics, and Piety, 1485-1603
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: HIST 13014
Title: Introduction to the History of the British Empire: Rise, Fall and Legacy
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Modern England, 1815 – Present
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: HS 1248
Title: Soviet Century: Russia and the Soviet Union
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 255
Title: Twentieth Century Russia and the USSR
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2301
Title: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 255
Title: Twentieth Century Russia and the USSR
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST 2653
Title: American Business History
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 316
Title: History of American Business
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: HS1005
Title: Making of the Modern World
Credit: 10
History (HIST)
Code: 163
Title: Themes in World Civilization III
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.1IntSM-IM*
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: DCO20001
Title: Brand and Identity Design
Credit: 12.5
Graphic Design (VSCM)
Code: 231
Title: Visual Communication II
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: POL30010
Title: Public Policy in Australia
Credit: 12.5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Public Policy in Australia
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: POL20006
Title: Modern Australia
Credit: 12.5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Modern Australia
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 1111
Title: Diseases, Culture, and History
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Diseases, Culture, and History
Credit: 4.5
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Culture C
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380/SOC T380/ANTH T380
Title: ST: Japanese Culture III
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Culture D
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380/SOC T380/ANTH T380
Title: ST: Japanese Culture IV
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Culture A
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380/SOC T380/ANTH T380
Title: ST: Japanese Culture I
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Japanese Culture B
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380/SOC T380/ANTH T380
Title: ST: Japanese Culture II
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: EGPT 440
Title: Ancient Egyptian Religion
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Ancient Egyptian Religion
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Geopolitics of Natural Resources
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Geopolitics of Natural Resources
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Introduction to Religion
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Religion
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: The Media and International Relations
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: The Media and International Relations
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Terrorism
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: International Terrorism
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Art in Museums of Madrid
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Art in Museums of Madrid
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Current International Issues from Spanish Perspective
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Current International Issues from Spanish Perspective
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: ST: Modern Spanish Art
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Modern Spanish Art
Credit: 4.5
University of Leeds
Code: PIED 1805
Title: History, Society, and Inequality
Credit: 20
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: History, Society, and Inequality
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Antioch. Ancient Metropolis
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in World Civilization
Credit: 4.5
University of Leeds
Code: MUSI 1812
Title: Planet Pop: Around the World with Music
Credit: 10
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Planet Pop- Around the World with Music
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: SOSC 1960
Title: Discovering Mind and Behavior
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Discovering Mind and Behavior
Credit: 3
EPA Madrid
Title: Spanish Contemporary Society
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Contemporary Society
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Title: Current Spanish Issues
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Current Spanish Issues
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Title: Discovering Spain
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Discovering Spain
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Code: CH3041
Title: Diverse Spain
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Diverse Spain
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Code: CH1041
Title: Spanish and the Spaniards
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish and the Spaniards
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Code: CH4181
Title: Art at the Prado
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Art at the Prado
Credit: 4.5
EPA Brussels
Code: LAW221G
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: European Organizations
Credit: 4.5
EPA Madrid
Code: CH3041
Title: Diverse Spain
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Diverse Spain
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Rennes
Code: ESLT 3402 RENS
Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language Level II
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Teaching English as a Foreign Language Level II
Credit: 4.5
EPA Brussels
Code: POL371G
Title: International Affairs Research Methods
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Global Research Methods
Credit: 4.5
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-105
Title: Mystical Themes
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Mystical Themes
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-137
Title: Topics in Environmental and Natural Resources in Israel
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Topics in Environmental and Natural Resources in Israel
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Title: Holy War in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Past and Present
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Holy War in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam- Past and Present
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-313
Title: Critical Decisions in the History of the State of Israel
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Critical Decisions in the History of the State of Israel
Credit: 4
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-308
Title: Israeli Society: Visions and Divisions
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Israeli Society- Visions and Decisions
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 454
Title: Modern Moments in Islam
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Modern Moments in Islam
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: MRS 507
Title: Introduction to Forced Migrating and Refuge Studies
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Forced Migrating and Refuge Studies
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 354
Title: Islamic Philosophy
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Islamic Philosophy
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: EDU00033H
Title: English Language, British Life
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: English Language, British Life
Credit: 2
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 324
Title: Non-Muslim Communities of the Middle East
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Non-Muslim Communities of the Middle East
Credit: 3
Tsinghua University
Code: 80615162
Title: Area Studies: Israel and The Middle East
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Area Studies- Israel and The Middle East
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL2014
Title: Urban Culture Asia
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Urban Culture Asia
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL2011
Title: Representations of Asia
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Representations of Asia
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HA1001
Title: International Relations
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: International Relations
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH3024
Title: Decolonization and Democracy: Britain since 1945
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Decolonization and Democracy- Britain since 1945
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: IS 220
Title: Travels To/Through Italy: Representations of Contacts Between Cultures
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Travels To/Through Italy: Representations of Contacts Between Cultures
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels
Code: CMM235G
Title: Global Advocacy
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Global Advocacy
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Latin American History, Culture & Politics
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BSPO 1560A
Title: French Politics
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 4.5
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 319
Title: Islamic Spain & N. Africa
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Society II
Credit: 2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: Francophonies B2
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 360
Title: Civilizations
Credit: 4.5
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: Prozesssimulations ( Process Simulations)
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: I399
Title: Advanced Independent Study in German
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: German
German (GER)
Code: I399
Title: Advanced Independent Study in German
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Oral Communication B 1.2
German (GER)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced German Stylistics
Credit: 3
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: Analyse und Entwicklung verfahrebstechnischer Prozesse (Process Design and Analysis)
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: I399
Title: Advanced Independent Study in German
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: German
German (GER)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: German Grammar Intermediate
German (GER)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LG9001
Title: German Language Level I
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: GEOS3104
Title: Geophysical Methods
Credit: 6
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 418
Title: Geophysics
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: EA 2108
Title: Structural Geology
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 325
Title: Structural Geology
Credit: 5
University of Sydney
Code: GEOS 3103
Title: Environmental and Sedimentary Geology
Credit: 6
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Sedimentary Environments
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Dynamics of the Earth
Credit: 2
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 101
Title: Physical Geology
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Ecology & Evolution
Credit: 2
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 102
Title: History of the Earth
Credit: 4
Code: 3GCU-G1
Title: Geotechnique 1
Credit: 3
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 101
Title: Physical Geology
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 1785
Title: Introduction to Decision Making
Credit: 10
General Business (BUSN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Introduction to Decision Making
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: LFR211G
Title: Intermediate French - Grammar I
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Intermediate French - Grammar I
Credit: 2
EPA Brussels
Code: LFR223G
Title: Intermediate French - Conversation II
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Intermediate French - Conversation II
Credit: 2
EPA Brussels
Code: LFR212G
Title: Intermediate French - Reading and Writing I
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Intermediate French - Reading and Writing I
Credit: 2
EPA Brussels
Code: LFR224G
Title: Intermediate French - Culture & Civilization II
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Intermediate French - Culture & Civilization II
Credit: 2
Code: HU-L-FLE Dpt S1
Title: French as a foreign language for students in Départements Level A1 to C1
French (FREN)
Code: T180-T380
Title: French
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: French Language
Credit: 8
CIEE Rennes
Title: Written Expression and Reading Comp
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: I399
Title: Advanced Independent Study in French
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Language
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: I399
Title: Advanced Independent Study in French
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: CAFF 1380
Title: Urbanité et Géopolitique
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 440
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CHIS1925
Title: The History of France seen by the screen
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: 450
Title: Advanced Studies in Language, Media, and Society
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BDRO 1705
Title: Introduction aux grandes traditions juridiques mondiales
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 420
Title: Advanced Studies in Language for the Professions
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: LFRA 5402
Title: Français utilisateur avancé – Niveau C1
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: FREN 410
Title: Le Français niveau B2
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Grammar Reinforcement C1
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: French for Business
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Business and Professional French
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Cinema B2
French (FREN)
Code: 350
Title: Introduction to Language, Media, and Society
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: ASPO 1310
Title: Introduction à la Science Politique
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: 340
Title: Introduction to Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Written Expression and Reading Comprehension
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced French Literature
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Language
Credit: 6
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Introduction to Studies in French Literature
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Listening Comprehension
Credit: 1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Studies in French Literature
Credit: 4
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: LF00
Title: French as Foreign Language
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced French Stylistics
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Francophonies
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Advanced French Stylistics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FOOD1120
Title: Introduction to Food Science
Credit: 6
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 120
Title: Food and the Senses
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 3010
Title: Food Processing from Farm to Shop
Credit: 10
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 456
Title: Food Preservation Processes
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 2135
Title: Microbiological and Chemical Food Safety
Credit: 20
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 454
Title: Microbiology and Chemistry of Food Safety
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: CENG1800
Title: Introduction to Food Science & Technology
Credit: 3
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 350
Title: Experimental Foods: Product Development
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 1010
Title: Food: Origins and Form
Credit: 10
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Food- Origins and Form
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD 2140
Title: Food Analysis
Credit: 10
Food Science (FDSC)
Code: 461
Title: Food Analysis
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Financial Analytics & Reporting
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Financial Analytics and Reporting
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Behavioral Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Behavioral Finance
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4323
Title: Trading Room Workshop
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Trading Room Workshop
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4334
Title: Regulation and Management of Financial Institutions
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Regulation and Management of Financial Institutions
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00036H-A
Title: Financial Econometrics
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Financial Econometrics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00017C-A
Title: Finance & Financial Analysis
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Finance and Financial Analysis
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 80700612
Title: Financial Economics and Chinese Financial Markets
Credit: 2
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Financial Economics and Chinese
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF2047
Title: Personal Finance and Retail Banking
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 450
Title: Personal Wealth Management
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00017C
Title: Finance and Financial Analysis
Finance (FIN)
Code: I499
Title: Independent Study in Finance: Finance and Financial Analysis
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3620
Title: International Business Finance
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: International Financial Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF2207
Title: International Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Corporate Finance II
Finance (FIN)
Code: 340
Title: Seminar in Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Corporate Finance I
Finance (FIN)
Code: 340
Title: Seminar in Finance
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINA 1612
Title: Capital Markets and Institutions
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 4326
Title: Financial Analysis of Major Industries
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 340
Title: Seminar in Finance
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS8511
Title: Law of Commerce and investment Banking
Finance (FIN)
Code: 338
Title: Money and Capital Markets
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Title: New Venture Finance
Credit: 12.5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 2035
Title: Finance for Small Businesses
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF3203
Title: Equity Securities
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Case Studies Finance III
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU9226
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4420
Title: Derivatives Analysis and Advanced Investment Strategies
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: FI2501
Title: Financial Markets and Regulation
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Risk Management and Financial Institutions
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF333
Title: Financial Systems, Markets, Intruments
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Investment
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Exercises in Finance I/II
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3110
Title: Capital Market Theory
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Portfolio Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Security Valuation & Financial Statement Analysis
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF 3320A
Title: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU9226
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Investments in Financial Markets B
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF2201
Title: Investments
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF3320
Title: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: FINC 2012
Title: Corporate Finance II
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: ECONM30019
Title: Financial Markets
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 2200
Title: Business Finance 2
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Corporate Finance and Risk Management
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF 3201
Title: Corporate Finance and Strategy
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Corporate Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS 1613
Title: Business Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: FI 1004
Title: Finance 1
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FIN10001
Title: Managing Financial Resources & Decisions
Credit: 12.5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1201
Title: Financial Management
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: FNC 300
Title: Managerial Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: FINC2011
Title: Corporate Finance I
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 30511053-1
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU8201
Title: Business Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Title: Obscure Objects: Spanish Cinema
Credit: 2.5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Obscure Objects- Spanish Cinema
Credit: 1.5
National University of Ireland at Galway
Title: Berlin-Hollywood: 1920s Film & Society
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Berlin-Hollywood- 1920s Film and Society
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS306
Title: Introducation to Visual Culture
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Visual Culture
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS317
Title: Academic Research in Film Studies
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Academic Research in Film Studies
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS303
Title: Introduction to World Cinema
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to World Cinema
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS305
Title: Early & Silent Film
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Early and Silent Film
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS200
Title: Realism & Cinema
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Realism & Cinema
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: FS201
Title: Screening Ireland: the Irish in Film & TV
Credit: 5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Screening Ireland- The Irish in Film and TV
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: FL8001
Title: Introduction to Film Studies
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Film Studies
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Asian Horror Film
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Asian Horror Film
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CS8090
Title: Film and Television in Singapore
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Film and Television in Singapore
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV 20003
Title: Classic Film Screening
Credit: 12.5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Classic Film Screening
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1102
Title: Cinema: East and West
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Cinema- East and West
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV20005
Title: The Australian Screen
Credit: 12.5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: ST: The Australian Screen
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: DESI 10009
Title: Contemporary Cinema
Credit: 12.5
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 355
Title: Contemporary Cinema
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Title Design
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Title Design
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV20007
Title: Digital Post Production Techniques
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Post Production Workflow
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Film & TV Language and Communication 2
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Film and TV Language and Communication II
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Screen Techniques 2
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Screen Techniques II
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: DES20054
Title: Screen Editing Techniques and DVD Authoring
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Screen Editing Techniques and DVD Authoring
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV20001
Title: Cinematography and Lighting: Broadcast Tape
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Cinematography and Lighting- Broadcast Tape
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV20003
Title: Film Screening Series - Productions & Directions
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Film Screening Series - Productions & Directions
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: MDA10004
Title: The Media in Australia
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Experimental Screen Production
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV10001
Title: Documentary Production
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Documentary Production
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: FTV20001
Title: Cinematography and Lighting
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Cinematography and Lighting
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: DDD 20017
Title: Experimental Screen Production
Credit: 12.5
Film and Video (FMVD)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Experimental Video
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: FLM 150
Title: Introduction to Filmmaking
Credit: 3
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 110
Title: Basic Cinematography
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: FD 361
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: 343
Title: Tailoring
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDFP 390
Title: Fashion Photography
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Fashion Photography
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDAD 490
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: 451
Title: Accessory Design
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: TD 361
Fashion Design (FASH)
Code: 450
Title: Machine Knitting
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: SOCI20049
Title: Environment and Society
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: ENSS minor elective
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 3270
Title: Business and Sustainable Development
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Business and Sustainable Development
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 013.5.4035
Title: Environmental Policies: local and regional trends
Credit: 3
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Environmental Policy in Israel
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 3270
Title: Business and Sustainable Development
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Business and Sustainable Development
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: CPO 143
Title: Intro to Urban Planning
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 285
Title: Introduction to Urban Planning
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 2680
Title: Environmental Policy and Governance
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 283
Title: Introduction to Environmental Policy Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 1015
Title: Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: CPO 251
Title: Environmental Sustainability
and Climate Change
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Title: Perspectives on Sustainability/ Sustainability Project
Credit: 5
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Perspectives on Sustainability/Sustainability
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EOS213
Title: Introduction to Ocean Science
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: BIOL20212
Title: Evolutionary Biology
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
Bristol University
Code: BIOL20012
Title: General Ecology
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 230
Title: General Ecology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 1110
Title: Sustainable Development
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Sociology of the Environement
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 306
Title: Environmental Biology of the Red Sea
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Environmental Biology of the Red Sea
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 313
Title: Invertebrate Ecology
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Invertebrate Ecology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 445
Title: Desert Ecology
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Desert Ecology
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ENSY3003
Title: Forest Ecosystem Science
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Forest Ecosystem Science
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 304
Title: Taxonomy
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Taxonomy
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: AGCH 3033
Title: Environmental Chemistry
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Environmental Chemistry
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ANSC2005
Title: Australia’s Biodiversity in a Changing Environment
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Australia’s Biodiversity
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE1034
Title: Natural Hazards
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Natural Hazards
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: BIOL 2032
Title: Australian Wildlife Biology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Australian Wildlife Biology
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: BEES6601
Title: An Introduction to the Sydney Environment
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: An Introduction to the Sydney Environment
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: ENVR 2020
Title: Urban Air Pollution
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Urban Air Pollution
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 320
Title: Animal Behavior
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 364 & 365
Title: Animal Behavior and Animal Behavior Lab
Credit: 3 + 2 = 5
University of Sydney
Code: EDUH4052
Title: Australia’s Biodiversity in a Changing Environment
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Learning in Outdoor Education
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: BIO 3013
Title: Forest Ecosystem Science
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Environmental Chem + English
Credit: 2
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 401
Title: Chemistry of the Environment
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: BI 3114
Title: Conservation Biology
Credit: 20
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 328
Title: Conservation Biology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 440
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: MSCI 0501
Title: The Marine Environment
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: CLIM 1001
Title: Introduction to Climate Change
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: EA 2130
Title: Applied GIS
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 308
Title: GIS and Environmental Modeling
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 1180
Title: Environment & Biology
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: ES8007
Title: Climate and Climate Change
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ENV 101
Title: Environmental Science
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: LIFS 1030
Title: Environmental Science
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: APS 121
Title: Evolution
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BCH3068(A)
Title: General Ecology
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 230
Title: General Ecology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BCH 2067
Title: Diversity of Life and Evolution
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 212
Title: Evolution
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: POL2225
Title: Introduction to environmental studies
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Environmental Science
Credit: 5
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE307
Title: Env. Engineering
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Environmenal Chem + Engineering
Credit: 2
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM09127
Title: Music Event Management
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 321 + 399
Title: Box Office and Venue Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08121
Title: Event Management
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 321 + 399
Title: Box Office and Venue Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08116
Title: Music Event Management
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 321 + 399
Title: Box Office and Venue Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM09102
Title: Planning and Public Policy for Festivals Events
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 350+ 399
Title: Arts, Culture, and Society
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08104
Title: Facilities Planning for Hospitality, Tourism, & Events
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: 322 + 399
Title: Performing Arts Touring
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: ENT09103
Title: Entrepreneurial Consultancy Project
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Entrepreneurial Consultancy Project
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: ENT08101
Title: Creativity, Innovation and Enterprise
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Creativity, Innovation, and Enterprise
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08103
Title: Impacts of Festivals and Events
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Impacts of Festivals and Events
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08116
Title: Music Event Management
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Music Event Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08108
Title: Conference Management
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Conference Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08106
Title: Visitor Attraction Management
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Visitor Attraction Management
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM09122
Title: Supervised Work Experience
Credit: 30
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Supervised Work Experience
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM08120
Title: Sports Event Tourism
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Sports Event Tourism
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM10107
Title: Leadership and Innovation for Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Credit: 10
Entertainment & Arts Management (EAM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Leadership and Innovation for Tourism, Hospitality, and Events
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
University of Aberdeen
Code: EL 1009
Title: Acts of Reading
Credit: 15
English (ENGL)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Acts of Reading
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 3023
Title: Crime & Transgression in Romantic Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN383
Title: Romanticism
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: EGH 307
Title: English Renaissance
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 213
Title: Magic Realist Fiction
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN388
Title: Studies in Modern Irish Literature
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN267
Title: Studies in Genres
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN383
Title: Literature & Culture
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BIB 101
Title: Biblical Studies
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 330
Title: The Bible as Literature
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: FL 2111
Title: Aspects of Irish Folklore for Visiting Students
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL 3205
Title: Disposable Lives
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL 32980
Title: African Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN447
Title: Post-War British Fiction
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: LIT20002
Title: Australian Writing & Cultural Change
Credit: 12.5
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH2006
Title: Gaelic Folklore
Credit: 15
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Gaelic Folklore
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL 32111
Title: Gender/Culture and Politics: Readings of Jane Austen
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 320
Title: Major Authors
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN441
Title: Plays, Players and Playhouses
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ENGL 2657
Title: Myths, Legends and Heroes
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN2116
Title: Shakespearean Comedies
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 315
Title: Shakespeare
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 3059
Title: Irish Fiction
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 207
Title: Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL 3012
Title: Modern Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 234
Title: Renaissance Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ENGL 2029
Title: Renaissance Literature
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Title: Poetry of Medieval Wales
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Reading in Poetry
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EN2111
Title: 19th Century Gothic Lit
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings In Fiction
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Spanish Literature
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: LIT 107
Title: Studying Prose
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 103
Title: Composition and Rhetoric III: Theme and Genres
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SE2597
Title: Military Masculinities in the Long Nineteenth Century
English (ENGL)
Code: 395 + T380
Title: Military Masculinities
Credit: 3 + .5 = 3.5
Cardiff University
Code: CE5279
Title: On a Dark and windy Night: The Ghost Tale in Tradition and Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: 395 + T380
Title: On a Dark and Windy Night: The Ghost Tale in Tradition and Literature
Credit: 3 + .5 = 3.5
Cardiff University
Code: SE2476
Title: Seventeenth and Eighteen Century Women Writers
English (ENGL)
Code: 355 + T380
Title: Women and Literature + ST: Seventeenth and Eighteen Century Women Writers
Credit: 3 + .5= 3.5
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 203
Title: Classic Arab Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325 & 395
Title: Classic Arab Literature
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Race, Gender and Empire in 20th Century British Lit
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 204
Title: Modern Arabic Literature in Translation
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325 & 360
Title: Modern Arabic Literature in Translation
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL3012
Title: The Discourse of Love
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: 20th Century British Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: CLS101
Title: Greek & Roman Mythology
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 335
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Literature 1
Credit: 2
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Literature and Society
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL2010
Title: East Asian Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics In World Literature
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: CLS 201
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 335
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL303
Title: Film and Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Sub British Identities
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: English History & Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: 320
Title: Major Authors
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS301
Title: The Mafia in Italian Society, Literature and Film
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ECLT 315
Title: The Romantic Movement
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: SE2445
Title: Modernist Fictions
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 310
Title: Period Studies
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL310
Title: European Literature
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 202
Title: Romanticism to Modernism
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HL 206
Title: Modernism
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 212
Title: British Literature II
Credit: 3
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: LET1354
Title: Classical and Medieval Literature
Credit: 10
English (ENGL)
Code: 200
Title: Classical to Medieval Literature
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ECLT 301
Title: Medieval Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 200
Title: Classical to Medieval Literature
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VV 256
Title: Applied Calculus IV
Credit: 4
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 231 + 232
Title: Linear Engineering Systems + Dynamic Engineering Systems
Credit: 6 (3 + 3)
University of Leeds
Code: SOEE 2250
Title: Numerical Methods and Statistics
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Statistical Methods of Engineering
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Code: 4GCU-AD
Title: Aide a la decisions et Analyse de Donnees
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MATH 1710
Title: Probability & Statistics I
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Code: GMC-4-MATHS1
Title: Probability & Statistics
Credit: 2
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 361
Title: Statistical Analysis of Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS1015
Title: Material Science
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: Math 2352
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 232
Title: Dynamic Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Differential Equations
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 232
Title: Dynamic Engineering Systems
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Thermodynamics
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MS1016
Title: Thermodynamics of Materials
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: MEE20001
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 12.5
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA2003
Title: Introduction to Thermo-fluids
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AP 3290
Title: Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: EN 1084
Title: Electromagnetics and Electronic Materials
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: 3521
Credit: 10
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Into to Thermo
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE2001 and E2001L
Title: Circuit Analysis
Electrical Engr Technology (EET)
Code: 202
Title: Circuit Analysis II
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: EEE 101
Title: Circiuts and Signals
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: EEE 140
Title: Introduction to Circuits
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VE 215
Title: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CM 1101 +
CM 1103
Title: Computational Thinking +
Problem Solving with Python
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 203
Title: Programming for Engineers
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: MA2009
Title: Introduction to Electrical Circuits & Devices
Credit: 3
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Electric Circuits
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: EN 1082
Title: Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 200
Title: Digital Logic Design
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CE1005
Title: Digital Logic
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 200
Title: Digital Logic Design
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE3014
Title: Digital Signal Processing
Credit: 3
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 352
Title: Introduction to Digital Signal Process
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE2010
Title: Signals and Systems
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 302
Title: Transform Methods and Filtering
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: EE3016
Title: Control Engineering I
Credit: 5
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 356
Title: Theory of Control
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401491
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultutal Communication
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Business in the Climate Crisis
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 2.5
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400992 201591
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Business Analysis
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 101
Title: Foundations of Business
Credit: 4.0
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25352
Title: Neuroscience and Humanities
Credit: 4
Health Sciences (HSCI)
Code: 435
Title: Neuroscience
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.3AAL-BL
Title: Anglo American Law
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in BLAW
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 4DM251
Title: Demography I
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Economics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: BA-ISUM-M07- F01
Title: Fundamentals of Ecosystems
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2STM-Inc.XX
Title: Strategic Management for Incomings
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 3910
Title: Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 404
Title: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
Credit: 2
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT 4920
Title: Nuclear Science & Engineering Laboratory
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 372
Title: Radiation Detection and Measurement
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE2003
Title: Semiconductor Fundamentals
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 302
Title: Electronic Devices
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE2002
Title: Analog Electronics
Credit: 3
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 352
Title: Analog Electronics
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Electricity & Magnetism A
Credit: 2
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 304
Title: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Basics of Optical
Credit: 2
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 441
Title: Lightwave Engineering I
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE3019
Title: Integrated Electronics
Credit: 3
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: 352
Title: Analog Electronics
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Electricity & Magnetism B
Credit: 2
Elec & Computer Engr-Electroph (ECEE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Electricity and Magnetism B
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VE 370
Title: Intro to Computer Organization
Credit: 4
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 355
Title: Computer Organization and Architecture
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VE 334
Title: Principles of Optics
Credit: 4
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Principles of Optics
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: UE4001
Title: Digital IC Design
Credit: 5
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 471
Title: Intro to VLSI Design
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: CS3514
Title: C-Programming for Microcontrollers
Credit: 5
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: C-Programming for Microcontrollers
Credit: 3 or 4
University College Cork
Code: EE3023
Title: Electronic Embedded Systems
Credit: 5
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Electronic Embedded Systems
Credit: 3 or 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: IM2002
Title: Microprocessors
Credit: 3
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 355
Title: Computer Organization and Architecture
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CE3005
Title: Computer Networks
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 357
Title: Introduction to Computer Networks
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC345
Title: Health Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Health Economics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC363
Title: Econometrics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Economics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC388
Title: Environmental and Natural Resource Economy
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Econmics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC273
Title: Mathematics for Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 348
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC207
Title: Irish Economic History
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC325
Title: History of Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC209
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC381
Title: Game Theory and Industrial Organization
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applications
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC215
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC269
Title: Intermediate Microeconomics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EC135
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Experimental Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Experimental Economics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Internet Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Internet Economics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1585
Title: Economic Institutions: Industry
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Economic Institutions: Industry
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 1585
Title: Economic Institutions
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Economic Institutions
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 2280
Title: Macroeconomic Policy and Performance in Britian
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Macroeconomic Policy and Performance in Britian
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE312
Title: Political Economy of East Asia
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Political Economy of East Asia
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Financial Modeling
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Financial Modeling
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE309
Title: Population Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Population Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE303
Title: The Chinese Economy
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: The Chinese Economy
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE306
Title: Urban and Transport Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Urban and Transport Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE2015
Title: Macroeconomic Issues and Policies in Contemporary China
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Revitalizing Cities- State and Local
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE3007
Title: Financial Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Revitalizing Cities- State and Local
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels
Code: ECN 271E
Title: The European Economy: Structure and Performance
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: The European Economy: Structure and Performance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Experimental Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Econ
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Applied Econometrics
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Economics Development
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ECON 2111
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3365
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environment Economics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN0036
Title: Financial Econometrics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 360
Title: Time series econometrics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2570
Title: Introduction to Econometrics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE305
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environment Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE310
Title: Energy Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environment Economics
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: BMET 23A03
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Applied Econometrics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: BS 9551
Title: Econometrics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE3001
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 348
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 3330
Title: Economic Developement
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Economics of Underdevelop.
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EC1506
Title: The Global Economy
Credit: 15
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE210
Title: Development Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Development Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: CECO 25F02
Title: Inclusion Financiére et Développement
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: ECON 312
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ECON 317
Title: The Developing World
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2050
Title: Industrial Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Industrial Organization
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE209
Title: Industrial Organisation
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2590
Title: Labour Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE2011/HE211
Title: Labour Economics & Labour Relations
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00010C
Title: Management and the Business Environment: Economic Theory and Practice
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Business Economics I
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: ECON 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2420
Title: Business Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 330
Title: Managerial Economics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2140
Title: Intermediate Microeconomics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: ECN 218
Title: Applied Macroeconomics
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 321
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE2001
Title: Intermediate Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2610
Title: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 321
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Information and Incentives
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Microeconomics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: ECO10003
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 12.5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE304
Title: Health Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 240
Title: Economics of Health Care Systems
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ECO 211
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE9091
Title: Principles of Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ECON 1101
Title: Microeconomics I
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
American University of Cairo
Code: ECON 201
Title: Introduction to Macroeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: VWL 1Volkswirtschaftslehre 1
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Volkswirtschaftslehre 1
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HE9091
Title: Principles Of Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB0901
Title: Principles of Economics: A Singapore Perspective
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB2400
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: SOC 2012
Title: Internet and Society
Credit: 20
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 274
Title: Sex, Violence, and Crime on the Internet
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SM3611
Title: New Media for Installation
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 451
Title: Explorations on New Media
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DM 2011
Title: Issues for Interactive Media
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 451
Title: Explorations of New Media
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DR 2008
Title: User Experience in Design
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: User Experience in Design
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: ADM450
Title: Professional Practices
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 250
Title: Professional Practices
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DM 2006
Title: Narratives for Interaction
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 350
Title: Digital Storytelling
Credit: 3
Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Code: ARO109M
Title: Vectorial Drawing
Credit: 10
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: 100
Title: Digital Design Tools
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1076
Title: Digital Studio
Credit: 3
Digital Media (DIGM)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Digital Media
Credit: 4.5
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF IDWD 290
Title: Design of Window Displays
Credit: 3
Design and Merchandising (DSMR)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Design of Window Displays
Credit: 4.5
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF FDWD 190
Title: Window Displays Design
Design and Merchandising (DSMR)
Code: T380
Title: Design of Window Displays
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: SS9303
Title: Intro to Hip Hop
Credit: 3
Dance (DANC)
Code: 170
Title: Hip-Hop Dance Techniques 1
Credit: 2
Swinburne University
Title: Performance & Dance: The Performer & Audience
Credit: 12.5
Dance (DANC)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Performance & Dance: The Performer & Audience
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: SS9304
Title: Introduction To Modern Jazz Dance
Credit: 3
Dance (DANC)
Code: 160
Title: Jazz Dance Technique I
Credit: 2
Swinburne University
Title: Performance & Dance - Performance Technique
Credit: 12.5
Dance (DANC)
Code: 210
Title: Introduction to Dance
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ENG 321
Title: Writing about Food
Credit: 3
Culinary Arts (CULA)
Code: 412
Title: Food Writing
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS 212 I
Title: Italian Food and Culture
Credit: 3
Culinary Arts (CULA)
Code: 303
Title: Global Cuisine Studio
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Law
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 320
Title: Comparative Justice Systems
Credit: 3.0
CIEE Toulouse
Title: Introduction to Human Rights
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Justice and Human Rihts
Credit: 3
CIEE Toulouse
Title: History of Law
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: T380
Title: Western Legal Tradition
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Rights of the Child
Credit: 5
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 380
Title: Crime and Public Policy
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: 17534
Title: Crimes et Châtiments
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 320
Title: Comparative Justice Systems
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LAW 3185
Title: Forensic Process and the law
Credit: 10
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 378
Title: Science of Forensic Science
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: CRIM 1011
Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice
Credit: 6
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 2221
Title: Violence and crime
Criminology and Justice Studies (CJS)
Code: 275
Title: Issues in Domestic Violence
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2901
Title: Principles of Construction Management 2.2
Credit: 10
Construction Management (CMGT)
Code: 361
Title: Contracts and Specifications I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: TRAN 2040
Title: Transport and the Environment
Credit: 10
Construction Management (CMGT)
Code: 380
Title: Transport and the Environment
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1165
Title: Computer Networks
Credit: 3
Computing Technology (CT)
Code: 140
Title: Network Administration I
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: COMP1010
Title: The Art of Computing
Credit: 6
Computing Technology (CT)
Code: 335
Title: Mobile Applications
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: COMS10005
Title: Security 101
Credit: 10
Computing Technology (CT)
Code: 395
Title: Information Technology Security 1
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: COMP 1016
Title: Computer Systems and Networks
Credit: 10
Computing Technology (CT)
Code: 120
Title: Microcomputer Operating Systems
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: ITE4023
Title: Information Security
Credit: 3
Computing Technology (CT)
Code: 201
Title: Information Technology Security I
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: COM 161
Title: Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 140
Title: Introduction to Multimedia Programming
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: CSC 150
Title: Professional Word Processing and Presentation
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 161
Title: Introduction to Computing
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: CM 1103
Title: Computational Thinking
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 150
Title: Computer Science Principles
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: COMP 1029P
Title: Python Programming Course
Credit: 1
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Introduction To Programming
Credit: 4
Cardiff University
Code: CM 1101
Title: Problem Solving with Python
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming 1
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CPE105
Title: Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: EE2008
Title: Data Structures & Algorithms
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 3
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VE 281
Title: Data Structures and Algorithms
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 260
Title: Data Structures
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: CS3500
Title: Software Engineering
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 350
Title: Software Design
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ1006
Title: Computer Organization & Architecture
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CSC205
Title: Operating Systems
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 370
Title: Operating Systems
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: COMP3811
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 430
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CS430
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 430
Title: Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Computer Networks I
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 472
Title: Computer Networks
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Distributed Algorithms for Image and Video Processing
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Distributed Algorithms for Image and Video Processing
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: COMP3900
Title: Distributed Systems
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Distributed Systems
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CZ4003
Title: Computer Vision
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Computer Vision
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Multimedia Technology
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Multimedia Technology
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS 2025
Title: Business Communications
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 270 + T180
Title: Business Communications + ST in Communications
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: DIS2015
Title: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 362 + T180
Title: International Negotiations + ST in Communications
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Methodology in Int'l Relations Studies
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Methodology in Int'l Relations Studies
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: MDA10004
Title: The Media in Australia
Credit: 12.5
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: The Media in Australia
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CS2026
Title: Media Presentation & Performance
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Media Presentation & Performance
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HC2040
Title: Understanding China
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Understanding China
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: COM 2402
Title: Principles of Public Relations
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Principles of Public Relations
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 2811
Title: Introduction to Public Relations
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Introduction to Public Relations
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 3525
Title: English in Corporate and Professional Communities
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 370
Title: Advanced Business Writing
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: COM20001
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 12.5
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Introduction to Intercultural Mediation
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: PR Writing
Communication (COM)
Code: 282
Title: PR writing
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HW0310
Title: Professional Communications
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 2162
Title: English Communication Skills for Business II
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: 282
Title: Public Relations in Writing
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 2402
Title: English Communication Skills for Business I
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB0602
Title: Communication Management Strategies
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 2161
Title: English Communication Skills for Business I
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CS2031
Title: Creative Strategies
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Personal Skills I
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: COM208
Title: Fundamentals of Research
Communication (COM)
Code: 220
Title: Intro to Research
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN 3321
Title: Public Speaking and Presentations in English
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: COM2118
Title: Media and Society
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 150
Title: Mass Media and Society
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Writing for the Media
Credit: 12.5
Communication (COM)
Code: 150
Title: Mass Media & Society
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-345
Title: Internet Society
Credit: 2
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Internet Society
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: MDIA 1003
Title: Public Relations and Advertising Principles
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Public Relations and Advertising Principles
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: JRMC 460
Title: Radio Productions
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: ST; Radio Production
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: MDIA 3004
Title: Festivals and Exhibitions
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 363
Title: Event Planning
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC 10109
Title: International & Intercultural Communication
Credit: 20
Communication (COM)
Code: 345 + 360
Title: Intercultural Communication + International Communication
Credit: 3 + 3 = 6
University of Mannheim
Title: Art & Science of Diplomacy
Communication (COM)
Code: 362
Title: International Negotiations
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS 1091
Title: Media, Society, and Politics
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-445
Title: Mediating and Negotiating Peace Agreements
Credit: 4
Communication (COM)
Code: 362
Title: International Negotiations
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Intercultural Communication
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: International Cultural Studies
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: International Communication
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1753
Title: Culture, Experience, and Change
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: SOM 7818
Title: Media Apps Digital
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 335
Title: Event Planning
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: EDU00043H
Title: Transcultural Communication
Communication (COM)
Code: 342
Title: English Worldwide
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: JRMC 415
Title: Public Relations Theory
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 281
Title: Advanced Public Relations
Credit: 3
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: COM 103
Title: Introduction to Journalism
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 260
Title: Fundamentals of Journalism
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: COMM 1305
Title: Intro to Journalism
Credit: 20
Communication (COM)
Code: 260
Title: Fundamentals of Journalism
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: JNL 107
Title: Tabloid Journalism
Credit: 10
Communication (COM)
Code: 260
Title: Fundamentals of Journalism
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 301
Title: Media & Gender
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 246
Title: Media & Identity
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: COM 203
Title: Public Speaking and Presentation
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: HUMS1006
Title: Presentation and Communication Skills
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 230
Title: Techniques of Speaking
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: The Mass Media
Communication (COM)
Code: 150
Title: Mass Media and Society
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: HCS 114
Title: Introduction to Communication
Credit: 10
Communication (COM)
Code: 101
Title: Human Communication
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1691
Title: The Use of Language
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 101
Title: Human Communication
Credit: 3
Code: 31-GCU-PIA
Title: Structural Materials
Credit: 2
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 250
Title: Construction Materials
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: CIVL2812
Title: Project Appraisal
Credit: 6
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 240
Title: Engineering Economic Analysis
Credit: 3
Code: GMC-3-MFLUI1
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 3
Code: 3GCU-MA
Title: Materiaux
Credit: 2
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 250
Title: Construction Materials
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Theory of Structures & Industrial Construction
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 370
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
Code: 41-GCU-HG
Title: Hydraulics
Credit: 3.5
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 330
Title: Hydraulics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: MEE20003
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: CIVL2410
Title: Soil Mechanics
Credit: 6
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 212
Title: Geologic Principles for Infrastructure & Environmental Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1301
Title: Civil Engineering Materials 1.1
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 250
Title: Construction Materials
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE207
Title: Engineering Materials
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 250
Title: Construction Materials
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2301
Title: Civil Engineering Materials 2.2
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 250
Title: Construction Materials
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1121
Title: Fundamentals of Mechanics and Stress Analysis
Credit: 20
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 300
Title: Theory of Structures I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2123
Title: Structural Stress Analysis 2 (PS)*
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 300
Title: Theory of Structures I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2121
Title: Structural Stress Analysis 2.2
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 300
Title: Theory of Structures I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2150
Title: Structural Design I
Credit: 20
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 301
Title: Structural Design I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2360
Title: Structural Analysis I
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 300
Title: Structural Analysis I
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE312
Title: Elem. Soil Mech.
Credit: 3
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 310
Title: Soil Mechanics I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2500
Title: Geotechnics 2.2
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 310
Title: Soil Mechanics I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1500
Title: Geotechnics 1.1
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 310
Title: Soil Mechanics I
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: EH201
Title: Elem. Hydraulics
Credit: 6
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2400
Title: Fluid Mechanics 2.2
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 330
Title: Hydraulics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1400
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 330
Title: Hydraulics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1400
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE217
Title: Engineering Hydraulics
Credit: 6
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 320
Title: Introduction to Fluid Flow
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2106
Title: Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 401
Title: Structural Design II
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2123
Title: Structural Stress Analysis 2 (PS)*
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 370
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2121
Title: Structural Stress Analysis 2.2
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: 370
Title: Introduction to Structural Analysis
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CE327
Title: Civil Engr. Inf. Des I
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Civil Engr. Inf. Des I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2450
Title: Civil Engineering in Developing Countries
Credit: 10
Civil Engineering (CIVE)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Civil Engineering in Developing Countries
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631714
Title: Chinese Speaking II
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Chinese Speaking II
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631214
Title: Chinese Listening 1
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Chinese Listening 1
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CAH 2120
Title: Chinese Language I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese 101
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CAH2956
Title: Mandarin for non-Chinese speakers I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese 101
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: LC9001
Title: Chinese Language Level 1
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese 101
Credit: 4
UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Code: VZ 104
Title: Introduction to Chinese Language
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese 101
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631194
Title: Chinese Reading 1
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 60619162
Title: Elementary Chinese
Credit: 2
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 202
Title: Chinese V
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631184
Title: Speaking Chinese
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Speaking Chinese III
Credit: 3+3 = 6
Tsinghua University
Code: 30630652
Title: Selected Reading in Ancient Chinese Poetry
Credit: 2
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 431
Title: Introduction to Chinese Literature
Credit: 3
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631206
Title: Chinese Speaking 1
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 350
Title: Introduction to Language, Media, and Society
Credit: 3+3+3=9
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631724
Title: Intensive Reading
Credit: 4
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Intensive Reading III
Credit: 3+3 = 6
Tsinghua University
Code: 30631062
Title: Selected Reading of Current Affairs
Credit: 2
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Selected Reading of Current Affairs III
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CAH2998
Title: Cantonese Communication Skills for Putonghua Speakers
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: ST: Cantonese Communicaiton Skills for Putonghua Speakers
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: CHEM 2403
Title: Chemistry structure and Stability
Credit: 6
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 253
Title: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: CHEM 1102
Title: Chemistry 1B
Credit: 6
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 103
Title: General Chemistry III
Credit: 5
University of Sydney
Code: CHEM2403
Title: Chemistry of Biological Molecules
Credit: 6
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 371
Title: Chemistry of Biomolecules
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Separation Science & Engineerint
Credit: 2
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Chemistry
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: CH203
Title: Physical Chemistry
Credit: 5
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 102
Title: Chemistry II
Credit: 4.5
Tohoku University
Title: Organic Chemistry
Credit: 2
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 241
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Physical Chemistry
Credit: 2
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 252
Title: Physical Chemistry I
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2002, CH2102
Title: Organic Chemistry and Spectrophotometry
Credit: 4
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 242
Title: Organic Chemistry II
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BG1008
Title: Organic Chemistry and Spectrophotometry
Credit: 4
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 241
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Physical Chemistry
Credit: 2
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 353
Title: Physical Chemistry + Apps 3
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: NE3003
Title: Sustainable Energy
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Sustainable Energy
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PE2004
Title: Communication and Creative Problem Solving in Engineering
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Communication and Creative Problem Solving in Engineering
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PE3008
Title: Safety and Environmental Protection I
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Safety and Environmental Protection I
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PE2011
Title: Plant Design and Commissioning
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Plant Design and Commissioning
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PE4010
Title: Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: PE4014
Title: Complex Reaction Systems
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 424
Title: Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: PE4015
Title: Advanced Separation Processes
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Separations
Credit: 4
University College Cork
Code: PE3002
Title: Unit Operations and Particle Technology
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 334
Title: Chemical Engineering Lab III
Credit: 2
University College Cork
Code: PE2003
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 342
Title: Process Heat Transfer
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: CHNG2805
Title: Industrial Systems and Sustainability
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Industrial Systems and Sustainability
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: AMME2200
Title: Thermodynamics and Fluids
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Thermodynamics and Fluids
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: CHNG 2809
Title: Lab and Industrial Practice
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Lab and Industrial Practice
Credit: 3
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B364
Title: Verfahensinformatick
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B342
Title: Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B343
Title: Feststoffverfahrenstechnik
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B345
Title: Polymerverfahrenstechnik (Polymer Engineering)
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B3W7
Title: Cost Engineering
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B4W12
Title: Anlagenhydraulik
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B432
Title: Stromungsmachinen
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: Analyse und Entwicklung verfahrebstechnischer Prozesse (Process Desing and Analysis)
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: Prozesssimulations ( Process Simulations)
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: MENG 518
Title: Engineering Statistics
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 350
Title: Statistics and Design of Experiments
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2801, CH2701
Title: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Lab 2A
Credit: 2
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
Credit: 2
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B346
Title: Regulungs und Prozessbitechnic
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 420
Title: Proces System Engineering
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH3102
Title: Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 362
Title: Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design -pre
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH3802
Title: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Lab 5
Credit: 3
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 334
Title: Chemical Engineering Lab
Credit: 2
University of Sydney
Code: CHNG2806
Title: Materials Purification and Recovery
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Separations
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B344
Title: Thermischeverfahrenstechnik
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Seperations
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Code: 9B434
Title: Warmeubertragung (Heat Transfer)
Credit: 5
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 303
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2103, CH2003
Title: Fluid Systems
Credit: 4
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: CHNG2804
Title: Chemical and Biological Systems Behaviour
Credit: 6
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 301
Title: Process Thermodynamics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: CPE 213
Title: Transport Processes I
Credit: 10
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 302
Title: Process Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2140, CH2040
Title: Chemical Engineering Unit Operations I
Credit: 4
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 305
Title: Process Separations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH3001,CH3101
Title: Chemical & Biomedical Process Control & Dynamics
Credit: 4
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 308
Title: Process Modeling II
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2004, CH2104
Title: Heat and Mass Transfer in Chemical and Biological Systems
Credit: 4
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 304
Title: Process Mass Transfer
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CH2104
Title: Heat and Mass Transfer in Chemical and Biological Systems
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
Code: 304
Title: Process Mass Transfer
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS2065
Title: Basic Business Statistics
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MGT 223
Title: Business Statistics
Credit: 20
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2670
Title: Statistics for Business and Economics 2
Credit: 10
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00011C
Title: Quantitative Methods
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Universite Technologique De Troyes
Code: SY01
Title: Basic Principles of Prob
Credit: 6
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1675
Title: Introduction to Statistics in Management I
Credit: 10
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: WisoStat EW Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik
Credit: 5.5
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FIN10002
Title: Financial Statistics
Credit: 12.5
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: MA 216
Title: Statistical Methods for Business
Credit: 5
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: MA237
Title: Probability & Statistics
Credit: 5
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Statistik
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MS 2200
Title: Business Statistics
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 158
Title: Introduction to Cell Biology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 100
Title: Applied Cells, Genetics and Physiology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BCH 2013
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 157
Title: Principles of Molecular Biology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 218
Title: Principles of Molecular Biology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BCH2013
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: BCH 3012
Title: Genetics
Credit: 4
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 244
Title: Genetics 1
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 271
Title: Mechanisms of Drug Action
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314
Title: Pharmacology
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS107
Title: Developmental Biology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 270
Title: Developmental Biology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: NEUR 2201
Title: Neuroscience Fundamentals
Credit: 6
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Neuroscience
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: NEUR 3221
Title: Neurophysiology
Credit: 6
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 462
Title: Biology of Neuron Function
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE 1310
Title: The Biochemistry of Attraction
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Biochemistry of Attraction
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 106
Title: Pathobiology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Pathobiology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CM1051
Title: Basic Biological Chemistry
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 404
Title: Biomolecules
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 351
Title: Gametes, Embryos and Stem Cells
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Gametes, Embryos and Stem Cells
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: LIFS 1020
Title: Biology of Human Health
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 116
Title: How Your Body Works-Or Not
Credit: 3
Tohoku University
Title: Biotechnology
Credit: 2
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 212
Title: Biotechnology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: AN220
Title: Human Anatomy
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 153
Title: Anatomy & Physiology
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 1115
Title: Introduction to Cell Biology: from Molecules to Cells and Tissues
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 214
Title: Principles of Cell Biology
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Molecular Genetic Cell Bio
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 218
Title: Principles of Molecular Biology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 210
Title: Evolution
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 217
Title: Evolution
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MICR 1120
Title: Introduction to Microbiology
Credit: 20
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Introduction to Microbiology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 1234
Title: Practical Genetics
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 219
Title: Techniquies in Molecular Biology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 2137
Title: Parasitology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 223
Title: Parasitology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MICR 1201
Title: Intro to Microbiology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 303
Title: Developmental Biology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 270
Title: Developmental Biology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 2163
Title: How Plants Work
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 260
Title: Plant Biology
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Medical Microbiology
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 226
Title: Microbiology for Health Professionals
Credit: 5
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 315
Title: Biochemistry
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 311
Title: Metabolism
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: BIOC 3900
Title: Cancer Biology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 420
Title: Virology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 3291
Title: Comparative Genomics
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 413
Title: Genomics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BMSC 1212
Title: Intro to Pharmacology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 314
Title: Pharmacology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: MICR 2121
Title: Molecular Virology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 420
Title: Virology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BIOL 2210
Title: Biological Membranes
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 421
Title: Biomembranes
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 2182
Title: Human Genetics
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 444
Title: Human Genetics
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 301
Title: Animal Physiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 480
Title: Animal Physiology
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: SI311
Title: Nuerophsiology
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 462
Title: Biology of Neuron Function
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Immunology I
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 426
Title: Immunology
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: BIOL 307
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221 + 222
Title: Microbiology and Microbiology Laboratory
Credit: 3 & 2
Tohoku University
Title: Ecology & Evolution
Credit: 2
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 109 +110
Title: Organismal Biology III
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: BLGY 2262
Title: Animal Developmental Biology
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 270 + 271
Title: Developmental Biology & Lab
Credit: 5
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: AN230
Title: Human Body Structure
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T480
Title: Human Body Structure
Credit: 3
Tsinghua University
Code: 30450263
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 221
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: BIOL1110
Title: From Molecules to Cells
Credit: 6
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 100
Title: Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 034.027 002
Title: Biology 1
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 100
Title: Applied Cells, Genetics & Physiology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 3060
Title: Microbiology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 220
Title: Essential Microbiology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: BIEN 2410
Title: Cellular and Systems Physiology for Engineers
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 201
Title: Human Physiology I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GN3502
Title: Genetics
Credit: 30
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 244
Title: Genetics I
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: IM3501
Title: Fundamentals of Immunology
Credit: 30
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 426
Title: Immunology
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GEU33045
Title: Genomics & Systems Biology
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 413
Title: Genomics
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BIU33350
Title: Molecular Basis for Disease
Credit: 5
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 430
Title: Cell Biology of Disease
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: CENG 1600
Title: Biotechnology and Its Business Opportunities
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 212
Title: Biotechnology
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: BIO 101
Title: Principles of Biology
Credit: 3
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 151
Title: Applied Biology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: PHPH20009
Title: Neurophysiology
Credit: 20
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Neurophysiology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: BIOL20005
Title: Molecular Methodology for Biologists
Credit: 10
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 212
Title: Biotechnology
Credit: 3
Bristol University
Code: BIOC10003
Title: Biochemistry: Cellular Composition
Credit: 20
Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIO)
Code: 209
Title: Cell, Molecular and Developmental Bio I
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: BMS 6054
Title: Ethics and Public Awareness of Science
Credit: 15
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 338
Title: Biomed Ethics and Law
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: CPE 6005
Title: Biosystems Engineering and Computational Biology
Credit: 15
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 375
Title: Computational Engineering
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: BME 400
Title: Biomechanics
Credit: 5
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 345
Title: Mechanics of Biosystems
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Behavioral Theories
Behavioral & Addictions Couns (BACS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Behavioral Theories
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: PSY09014
Title: Counselling Psychology
Credit: 20
Behavioral & Addictions Couns (BACS)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Counselling Psychology
Credit: 4.5
Accademia Italiana
Code: FD 171
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 335
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDTC 390
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 336
Credit: 3
Cardiff University
Code: ML8029
Title: History of Art from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Credit: 20
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: FDTC 390
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 337
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Title: Contemporary Art History I
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Italian Modernism
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: AH 100
Title: Art of Rome
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Art of Rome
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: AHMM 210
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: DDES1201
Title: Design history and theory 2
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Design history and theory 2
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AH 201
Title: Picasso and His Contemporaries in South France
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Picasso and His Contemporaries in South France
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: AH 102
Title: Art of the Renaissance & Baroque Periods
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Art of the Renaissance and Baroque Periods
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DD3106, DD3006
Title: Art in the Age of Colonialism
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 103
Title: History of Art - Early to Late Modern
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DD1004
Title: Introduction to the Histories of Art II
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ARTF2205
Title: Renaissance / Anti-Renaissance: Critical Approaches to Early Modern Art in Europe
Credit: 20
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 102
Title: History of Art II: High Renaissance to Modern
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DD2003
Title: Issues in Art History and Theory
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 317
Title: Art Theory and Criticism
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Title: Intro to Asian Art
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: HA2003
Title: Modernism in Europe
Credit: 5
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 103
Title: History of Art: Early to Late Modern
Credit: 3
University College Cork
Code: HA1001
Title: Introduction to Art History
Credit: 15
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 101 + 102 + 103
Title: History of Art I: Ancient to Medieval +
History of Art II: High Renaissance to Modern +
History of Art: Early to Late Modern
Credit: 9
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DD1003
Title: Introduction to the Histories of Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 320
Title: Art in the Age of Technology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1110
Title: Exploring Contemporary Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Exploring Contemporary Art
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Classical Spanish Art
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: Classical Spanish Art
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: ARHT 2640
Title: Contemporary Asian Art
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Contemporary Asian Art
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DA9004
Title: Technology, Art, and Fashion
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Technology, Art, and Fashion
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ARHT 2674
Title: Fashion and Dress: Past and Present
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T480
Title: Fashion and Dress: Past and Present
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 1800
Title: Architectural Studies 1.1
Credit: 10
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: 161
Title: Architectural Construction
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ARIC 206
Title: Art + Architecture of Cairo
Credit: 3
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: I499
Title: Art + Architechture of Cairo
Credit: 3
Code: 3GCU-EU
Title: Etudes Urbaines
Credit: 4
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: 441
Title: Urban Design Seminar 1,
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2810
Title: Building Services Engineering 2.1
Credit: 10
Architectural Engineering (AE)
Code: T380
Title: Building Services Engineering 2.1
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: CIVE 2250
Title: Sustainable Engineering Solutions
Credit: 10
Architectural Engineering (AE)
Code: T380
Title: Sustainable Engineering Solutions
Credit: 3
University of Sydney
Code: ANTH 1002
Title: Anthropology and the Global
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Cult Divers: Intro Cult Anthro
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ATSI1012
Title: Aboriginal Sydney
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 4
Munich University of Applied Sciences (UAS7)
Title: Deutsch: Urkunde
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
Accademia Italiana
Code: SOIT360
Title: Italian Style
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Italian Style
Credit: 3
EPA Madrid
Title: Discovering Spain
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Discovering Spain
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2111
Title: Image of the city, language, culture
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Anthropology
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Comparative Cultural Studies
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Comparative Cultural Studies
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Spanish Culture & History through Cinema
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Spanish Culture & History through Cinema
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AY1003
Title: Archaeology in Action: An Introduction
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 110
Title: Human Past
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: ARTF 1003/CULT1000
Title: Intro to Cultural Analysis
Credit: 20
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Intro to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-42
Title: Politics and Ideologies
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 210
Title: Worldview: Science, Religion and Magic
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Summer Program
Code: HUMA 1910
Title: World Religions
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 117
Title: Introduction to World Religions
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-4020
Title: Cultural Survival of Indigenous People
Credit: 2
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: HPSC 1015
Title: Magic, Science and Religion
Credit: 10
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 210
Title: Worldview: Science, Religion and Magic
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-4007
Title: Sites and Rites of Israel
Credit: 2
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 310
Title: Societies In Transition: The Impact of Modernization and the Third World
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Title: Aboriginal Australia: Victorian People, Place & Experiences
Credit: 12.5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ANTH 312
Title: Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East & N. Africa
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 312
Title: Approaches to Intercultural Behavior
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU8641
Title: Cultural Intelligence: How to be an Explorer of the World
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 312
Title: Approaches to Intercultural Behavior
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU8641
Title: How to be an Explorer of the World
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 312
Title: Approaches to Intercultural Behavior
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: ANTH 210
Title: Arab Society
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Arab Society
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-4017
Title: Violence in Our Lives
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Violence in Our Lives
Credit: 3
American University of Cairo
Code: EGPT 253
Title: Hieroglyphics I
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Hieroglyphics I
Credit: 3
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Code: 13-5-4018
Title: Israeli Society Through Israel Film
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Israeli Society through Israeli Film
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: TI1XX
Title: Principles of Human Geography
Credit: 5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Principles of Human Geography
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: THEO 1030
Title: Introduction to Judaism
Credit: 10
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Judaism
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: POL30008
Title: Work in Australia
Credit: 12.5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Work in Australia
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DD0002
Title: Contemporary Creative and Culture Industry of Singapore
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Contemporary Creative and Culture Industry of Singapore
Credit: 3
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: IR101
Title: Irish Life & Culture
Credit: 5
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Irish Life & Culture
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Cultural Theory and Its Relevance In a Globalized World
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Cultural Theory and Its Relevance In a Globalized World
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ANT 100
Title: Introduction to Anthropology
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ARC 101
Title: Roman Archeology On-Site
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T180
Title: Roman Archeology On-Site
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ARC 101
Title: Archeology of Rome: On-Site
Credit: 4
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 110
Title: Human Past: Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ARC 100
Title: Archeology of Rome
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 110
Title: Human Past: Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IH 210
Title: Introduction to Italian Culture
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Italian Culture
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DT 3005
Title: 3D Character Animation II
Credit: 4
Animation (ANIM)
Code: 315
Title: Character Animation II
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DT3001
Title: 3D Character Animation
Credit: 3
Animation (ANIM)
Code: 314
Title: Character Animation
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: DT 3008
Title: Animation Development and Preproduction
Credit: 3
Animation (ANIM)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Animation Development and Preproduction
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ACC 201
Title: Financial Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Accounting
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
National University of Ireland at Galway
Code: AY207
Title: Management Accounting
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 1245
Title: Introductory Management
Credit: 10
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ACCT 1501
Title: Accounting and Financial Management
Credit: 6
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS 1235
Title: Introductory Financial Accounting
Credit: 10
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accouting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Intermediate Cost Accounting
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2220
Title: Management Accounting 2
Credit: 20
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 331
Title: Cost Accounting
Credit: 4
University of Applied Sciences Cologne (UAS7)
Title: International Management & Accounting
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 336
Title: International Accounting
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Accounting
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 336
Title: Introduction to Accounting
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Basics of International Accounting:US.GAAP vs IAS/IFRS Theory & Practice
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: I499
Title: ST: Basics of International Accounting:US.GAAP vs IAS/IFRS Theory & Practice
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Company Taxation and Tax Planning in the Europen Union
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: I499
Title: ST: Company Taxation and Tax Planning in the Europen Union
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AC2101
Title: Accounting Recognition & Measurement
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AB1101
Title: Accounting I
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AC 3100
Title: Financial Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AC2102
Title: Accounting for Decision Making & Control
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB 2101
Title: Intro to Managerial Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: AC3101
Title: Assurance and Auditing
Credit: 4
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 341
Title: Principles of Auditing
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: German For Beginners
Credit: 6
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 211094
Title: Empirical economic research and introductory econometrics
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: FRU22001
Title: Oral & Written French MT
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: 202
Title: French V
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: ACC 300
Title: Introduction to Financial Accounting
Credit: 6
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 115
Title: Financial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ARTH2062
Title: Land and garden in Chinese art
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topic: Land and Garden in Chinese Art
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.1IntSM-IM*
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1091
Title: Media,Society, and Politics
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Communication
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: LING1000
Title: Introduction to Language
Credit: 6
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101
Title: Intro to Linguistics
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.1IntSM-IM.XX
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: JPN370
Title: Intensive Japanese 4
Credit: 8
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 440 + 450 + T480
Title: Advanced Studies in Power and Resistance + Advanced Studies in Language, Media, and Society + Special Topic
Credit: 4 + 4 + 19 = 27
CIEE Tokyo
Code: JPN270
Title: Intensive Japanese 2
Credit: 8
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 320 + 340 + 350 + T380
Title: Introduction to Language for the Professions + Introduction to Power and Resistance + Introduction to Language, Media, and Society + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 4 + 4 + 15 = 27
CIEE Tokyo
Code: JPN280
Title: Intensive Japanese 3
Credit: 8
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 410 + 420 + T380
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation + Advanced Studies in Language for the Professions + Special Topic
Credit: 4 + 4 + 19 = 27
CIEE Tokyo
Code: JPN180
Title: Intensive Japanese 1
Credit: 8
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 202 + 310 + T380
Title: Japanese V + Advanced Writing and Speaking + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 4 + 19 = 27
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Investor Relations and Equity Analysis
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Investor Relations and Equity Analysis
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC 4148
Title: Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
Credit: 6
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECEP
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: NA
Title: Marketing Research
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU33590
Title: Business in Society
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44510
Title: International Business & The Global Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Tohoku University
Title: Organic Chemistry
Credit: 2
Chemistry (CHEM)
Code: 241
Title: Organic Chemistry I
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Estudios regional - Europa
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: DHUM27A21
Title: Debating Contemporary Issues
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 352
Title: Ethics and International Relations
Credit: 4
Sciences Po
Code: 14464
Title: Comparative Politics
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparative Politics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Political Science Power and Decision Making Structures
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Migration
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 375
Title: Politics of Immigration
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Migration
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 375
Title: Politics of Immigration
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Migration
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 375
Title: Politics of Immigration
Credit: 5
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.WPM-SDA*
Title: Smart Data Analytics for Financial Assets (Elective)
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Data analytics for Financial Assets
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT370
Credit: 4
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: IP_310
Title: Product Brand Marketing
Credit: 7
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Business, Purpose, and Society
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Economics of European Union
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Macroeconomics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 331
Title: International Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Operations Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Business and Sustainability
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Negotiation Techniques
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 420
Title: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ENU22002
Title: British Romantic Literature
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ENU22004
Title: Fundamentals of Literary Theory
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 380
Title: Literary Theory
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 4190.101 001
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 221
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Basics of Statistics
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 310
Title: Intro Probability and Stats
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MEU44EM3
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 341
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08120
Title: Creative Writing: Finding Your Voice
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Writing Fiction
Credit: 6
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC208
Title: Fluids Engineering
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 220
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC321
Title: Control Engineering for Mechanical Engineers
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 255
Title: Introduction to Controls
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC302
Title: Integrity of Materials and Components
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 333
Title: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS4019
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: INT3004
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 13434
Title: Quantitative Business Analysis
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: 13455
Title: Innovation Strategy
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Innovation Strategy
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: JOU2001
Title: Introduction to Advertising
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 355
Title: MKTG 322
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS0016
Title: Banking & Investment Practice
Credit: 2
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MAT2017
Title: Probability & Statistics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 311
Title: Probability and Statistics 1
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GER3035
Title: Germany and Europe's New Place in the World
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MAT2020
Title: Discrete Mathematics
Credit: 3
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 180
Title: Discrete Computational Structures
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: MME2007
Title: Mineralogy and Petrology
Credit: 3
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 215
Title: Mineralogy
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ECO2063
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ECE3008
Title: Signals and Systems
Credit: 3
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ECO1020
Title: Econometrics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 350
Title: Applied Econometrics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: BUS3003
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: APS3019
Title: High Tech Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: CUL6034
Title: English Presentation Skills
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ENG3007
Title: Introduction to English Linguistics
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Linguistics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1060
Title: Photo & Video Journalism
Credit: 3
Photography (PHTO)
Code: 236
Title: Photo Journalism
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1092
Title: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Credit: 3
Graphic Design (VSCM)
Code: 100 + T180
Title: Computer Imaging I + Special Topics: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Credit: 3 + 1.5 =4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1155
Title: Exploring Seoul: Geography of the City
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Exploring Seoul: Geography of the City
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: DSI2025
Title: Introduction to e-Sports
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 120
Title: The Business of E-sport
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: APS4008
Title: Project Management
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 420 + T480
Title: Software Project Management + Special Topics
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3MA643
Title: Globalization and its Economic and Social Aspects
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3SG205
Title: Foundations of Business Strategy
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Analysis
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3PO633
Title: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: intro to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 260
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE214
Title: Personnel Management 1
Credit: 6
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of HR Admin
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2MO362
Title: International Business Operations
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Comparative Cultural Studies
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MEP55B16
Title: Low Carbon Power Technology
Credit: 10
Industrial Engineering (INDE)
Code: 420
Title: Industrial Energy Systems
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Title: Género y lenguaje sexista en publicidad y medios de comunicación
Credit: 5
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 300+
Title: SPAN 350: Introduction to Language, Media & Society
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CEU22E07
Title: Engineering and the Environment
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44560
Title: Managing People & Leading Change
Credit: 10
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN381
Title: Chapters in Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 366
Title: Topics in Behavioral Economics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIE-OPT-437
Title: The challenge of future electricity systems
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Future Electricity Systems
Credit: 2
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1056
Title: Ceramic Art
Credit: 3
Visual Studies (VSST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Ceramics
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1017
Title: Art of Self Defense (Taekwondo)
Credit: 1
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: PER2021
Title: Korean Society and Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0116
Title: Understanding the New Business Environment
Credit: 2
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL0116
Title: Understanding the New Business Environment
Credit: 2
General Business (BUSN)
Code: T180
Title: Special topics in BUSN
Credit: 2
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9002
Title: Introductory Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103
Title: Korean III
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9002
Title: Introductory Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 102
Title: Korean II
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9005
Title: Intensive Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 8
Korean (KOR)
Code: 201+ 202
Title: Korean IV + Korean V
Credit: 4 + 4 = 8
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9005
Title: Intensive Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 13
Korean (KOR)
Code: 201 + T180
Title: Korean IV + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 8 = 12
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9001
Title: Introductory Korean (Level 1)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9006
Title: Intensive Korean (Level 3)
Credit: 13
Korean (KOR)
Code: 201 + 202 + T280
Title: Korean IV + Korean V + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 4 + 5 = 13
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL6102
Title: Reading in Science Fiction
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 303
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL1189
Title: Contemporary Korean Studies
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: CUL3101
Title: Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in South Korea
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS1015
Title: Business and Environmental Ethics
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS4014
Title: Foreign Aid and Development
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 221
Title: Introduction to Global Capital and Development
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: DIS2017
Title: International Relations in East Asia
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (fall/spring)
Code: GEN9005
Title: Intensive Korean (Level 2)
Credit: 13
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103 + 201 + T180
Title: Korean III + Korean IV + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Language Program L2
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 102 + T180
Title: Korean 2 + Special Topics in Korean
Credit: 4 + 2 = 6
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1081
Title: Korean Language 1 (Beginning)
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 101 + T180
Title: Korean I + Special Topics
Credit: 4 + 0.5 = 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: DIS2046
Title: Korean History and Culture
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1006
Title: Seminar: Media Industry in Korea
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ITC4013
Title: Digital Production and Content Services
Credit: 3
Interactive Digital Media (IDM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Interactive Digital Media
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: JMC1011
Title: Media Communication and Society
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1155
Title: Exploring Seoul: Geography of the City
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: PER2035
Title: Korean Cinema and Modernity
Credit: 3
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 273 + T280
Title: Social Advocacy in Cinema + Special Topics
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: PER2021
Title: Korean Society and Culture
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Korean Society and Culture
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC07116
Title: Global Current Affairs
Credit: 20
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: AIX0008
Title: AI+X:Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 103 + T480
Title: Introduction to Data Science + Special Topics
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: SOI1001
Title: AI Basics
Credit: 3
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1165
Title: Computer Networks
Credit: 3
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 357 + T380
Title: Introduction to Computer Networks + Special Topics
Credit: 3 + 1.5 = 4.5
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1118
Title: Consumer Psychology
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1118
Title: Consumer Psychology
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1155
Title: Exploring Seoul: Geography of the City
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ISS1120
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: PER2033
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 270
Title: Business Communication
Credit: 3
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: JOU2001
Title: Introduction to Advertising
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Hanyang University (summer/winter)
Code: ITC4013
Title: Digital Production and Content Services
Credit: 3
Animation (ANIM)
Code: T280
Title: Digital Production & Content Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: LMD08115
Title: Film Genres
Credit: 20
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 6
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP3330
Title: nteractive Mobile Application Design and Programming
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Code: FITE3010
Title: Big Data and Data Mining
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Code: FITE3012
Title: E-payment and Crypto-currency
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3.0
UP Comillas
Code: dim-opt-623
Title: energy transitions
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 380
Title: intro to renewable
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: dim-opt-436
Title: engineering design w dynamic simulation
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Kinematics and Dynamics using CAD
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: mem 423
Title: dynamic anaylsis and vibrations
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibrations
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: dim-giti-223
Title: fluid mechanics
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 220
Title: Fluid Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08120
Title: Creative Writing: Finding Your Voice
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 302
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: MGMT3001
Title: Business and Corporate Strategy
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Title: Intermediate Business Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS3625
Title: Applied Corporate Finance
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Applied Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS- 2624
Title: Portfolio Management
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: LMD08115
Title: Film Genres
Credit: 20
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: T280
Title: Independent Study
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: JAC07116
Title: Global Current Affairs
Credit: 20
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CAH4813
Title: History of the Ancient World
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 161
Title: Themes in World Civilizations I
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401191
Title: History, Politics and Economics of the Host Country
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in HIST
Credit: 6
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9501
Title: Chinese as a Foreign Language I
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: CHIN 101
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 204092
Title: International Business Accounting
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics: International Accounting
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EN2717
Title: Literature Across Time
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-IND-523
Title: Energy Engineering
Credit: 8
Elec & Computer Engr-Power Eng (ECEP)
Code: 354
Title: Energy Management Principles
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201591
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400993
Title: Organisational Behaviour in International Companies
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 701001
Title: business German
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 101
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: dim-giti-121
Title: engineering drawing and cad
Credit: 7
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 201
Title: Foundations of Computer Aided Design
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: dim-sap-346
Title: engineering thermodynamics
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 310
Title: Thermodynamics Analysis 1
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON2273
Title: Economic History of China
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA3319
Title: Green Finance and Impact Investing
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Green Finance and Impact Investing
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: ECN301
Title: Applied Microeconomics
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2091
Title: Marine and Aquatic Ecology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-GITI-322
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 7
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 230
Title: Mechanics of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: MKT354
Title: Intensive seminar Marketing Strategy
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 380
Title: Seminar in Marketing Strategy
Credit: 4
Foundation for Int'l Education (STAFF ONLY)
Title: Creative Thinking for Advertising
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK2052
Title: Marketing Research
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK3085
Title: Digital Marketing and Web Analytics
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Historical and Cultural Persoectives on Russian Corruption
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: PHYS4653
Title: Selected topics in astrophysics and cosmology
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 432
Title: Cosmology
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: ENG180
Title: Introduction to Linguistics
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Linguistics
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: ENG181
Title: Sociolinguistics
Credit: 3
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 201
Title: Language and Society
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: Irish Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Irish Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Credit: 4.5
Trinity College Dublin
Code: Computer Engineering I
Title: CSU11E03
Credit: 5
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 201
Title: Advanced Programming for Engineers
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Strategic Enterprise Management
Management (MGMT)
Code: 301
Title: Designing Innovative Organizations
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 031
Title: CEU44A031
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: MUSI2010
Title: Music of China
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3.0
Akita International University
Code: PLS245
Title: International Law and Institutions
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 360
Title: PSCI 360 International Law 4.0 Credits
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: PLS378
Title: International Security
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: PLS381
Title: Forced Migration
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 375
Title: Politics of Immigration
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Human Rights, NGO, and Interaction Community
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: PSCI 353 International Human Rights
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Regional Studies: Europe
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: PSCI T280 Special Topics II
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Techonology Applied to Business
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Information Technology
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: IIM-SAP-122
Title: Espanol para alumnos de Intercambio
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Spanish
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: GEN439
Title: European Integration: Economics, History, and Policy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT421
Title: Business Information Systems I
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 200
Title: Management Information Systems
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-SAP-346
Title: Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU22203
Title: Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: The Politics of Peace & Conflict in a Globalised World
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: The Politics of Peace & Conflict in a Globalised World
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Literature in a Global Context
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Asian Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: ENV320
Title: Environmental Science in Global Perspective
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 341
Title: Environmental Philosophy
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JPL310
Title: Intermediate Japanese I
Credit: 6
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BOU33108
Title: Plants and the Irish Environment
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 382
Title: Field Botany of the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BYU22205
Title: Influences on Animal Behaviour
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 364
Title: Animal Behavior
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: ENV320
Title: Environmental Science in Global Perspective
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: SOC325
Title: Rural Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Foundation for Int'l Education (STAFF ONLY)
Title: British Life and Visual Media
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Literature in a Global Context
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 4ES611
Title: Economic Statistics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON Economic Statistics
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: AVBS1003
Title: Animals and Us
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 226
Title: Discoveries in Animal Behavior
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 4ST605
Title: Statistics With R
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: T280
Title: Statistics with R
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: MUS255
Title: Music Beyond Borders
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331
Title: World Musics
Credit: 3.0
Akita International University
Code: ECN230
Title: International Financial Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: ECN341
Title: Human Resources Management: Comparative Studies in HRM and Employment Systems
Credit: 3
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Foundation for Int'l Education (STAFF ONLY)
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF2224
Title: International Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
University of Sydney
Code: Span2611
Title: Spanish Level 3
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 103
Title: Spanish III
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: ANT150
Title: Cultural Anthropology
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AT2515
Title: Reimagining Colonialism
Credit: 30
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
University of Aberdeen
Code: SL3504
Title: Global Challenges in an Ethnographic Perspective
Credit: 30
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20015
Title: Project Management
Credit: 20
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: 401
Title: Intro to Project Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401394
Title: International Project Management
Credit: 5
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: 480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: BABS1111
Title: Big Fat Myths
Credit: 6
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 202
Title: Nutrition: Wellness and Weight Managemen
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD1010 Food
Title: Origins and Form
Credit: 10
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 101
Title: Nutrition, Foods, and Health
Credit: 1
Akita International University
Code: JAS367
Title: A Modern History of Culture, Media and Language in Japan
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 251
Title: Introduction to Global Media, Arts, and Cultures
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: MECH 1902
Title: Energy Systems in a Sustainable World
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Energy Systems in a Sustainable World
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU33680
Title: Investments
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: ELEC 1100
Title: Introduction to Electro-Robot Design
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: T280
Title: ST: Intro Robotics Design
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: HIS296
Title: History of Modern Korea
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-SAP-233
Title: Introduction to Dynamics
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51872
Title: Art & Gender in Contemporary Spain
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Art and Gender in Contemporary Spain
Credit: 3
CIEE Amman
Code: ARAB 2011
Title: Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic
Credit: 6
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: 103
Title: Arabic III
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: JAS115
Title: Japanese Traditional Arts I: Tea Ceremony
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Japanese Traditional Arts
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401491
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 211091
Title: National and International Financial Relations
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Title: Tourism and Hospitality Law
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: T480
Title: Law of Hospitality and Tourism
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21871-1
Title: Current Issues in Business Policy
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in INTB
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12134
Title: Environmental Microbiology
Credit: 5
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 316
Title: Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: ASOC 25A15
Title: Gender and Sociology
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E000006090
Title: Economía española en la globalización
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 380
Title: Special topics
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: HST471
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51887
Title: Barcelona: The City and its History
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4.5
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Quality Management, Lean & Six Sigma
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 324
Title: Operations Planning
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Inventory Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 324
Title: Operations Planning
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51840
Title: Textos literarios: interpretar, dialogar, crear
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51812
Title: Mind, Brain, and Machines
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Mind, Brain, Machine
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51867
Title: Psychpharmacology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 310
Title: Drugs & Human Behavior
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21871-1
Title: Current Issues in Business Policy
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 440
Title: Seminar in International Business
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD1010 Food
Title: Origins and Form
Credit: 10
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 100
Title: Nutrition, Foods, and Health
Credit: 2
University of Leeds
Code: FOOD1050
Title: Elements of Human Nutrition
Credit: 10
Nutrition and Foods (NFS)
Code: 101
Title: Nutrition, Foods, and Health
Credit: 1
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Banking Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400491
Title: Fundamentals of Business Law
Credit: 5
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: GENL2021
Title: Introduction to the Australian Legal System
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in BLAW
Credit: 2
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Public International Law and Legal Systems
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special topics in BLAW
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS 213
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: Italian 101
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU33700
Title: Contemporary Marketing Management
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 480
Title: Contemporary Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC3350
Title: Electroic Circuits and Devices
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 370
Title: Electronic Devices
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU22510
Title: Organisational Behaviour
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44510
Title: International Business & The Global Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44510
Title: International Business & The Global Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44510
Title: International Business & The Global Economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44640
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21871-1
Title: Current Issues in Business Policy
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 440
Title: Seminar in International Business
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21144-1
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 4
International Business (INTB)
Code: 440
Title: Seminar in International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44640
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance and Corporate Evaluation
Finance (FIN)
Code: 335
Title: Entrepreneurial Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: PHYS2265
Title: Introductory Quantum Physics
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 201
Title: Fundamentals of Physics III
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE322
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 1FP276
Title: Corporate Finance- Basics
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC4144
Title: Electric Vehicle Technology
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: T380
Title: Electric Vehicle Technology
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Marketing in a digital world
Credit: 2
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Innovation and Intelligence Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 480
Title: Innovation and Intelligence Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Marketing Capstone for Sustainable Business
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 380
Title: Seminar in Marketing Strategy
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: EA3538
Title: Structural Dynamics
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: INRE3002
Title: Conflict and Diplomacy
Credit: 3
Middle East & Northern African Studies (MENA)
Code: 101
Title: The Middle East and North Africa Today: Culture and Democracy
Credit: 3
CIEE Amman
Code: ENVI 3004
Title: Environment, Sustainability, Activism
Credit: 3
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Environmental Science
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Biological Basis of Behavior
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: General Psychology 1
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: PSU1214V
Title: Foundations of Psychology
Credit: 5
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT461
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BOU33105
Title: Global Environmental Change
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: SSU33011
Title: Youth and Society
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 305
Title: Women and Children: Health & Society
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DOI-SAP-130
Title: Spanish Culture through Films
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E000007020
Title: Estudios regionales I (América Latina: pasado y futuro político)
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 340
Title: Introduction to Power and resistance
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E000003284
Title: Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 340
Title: Intriduction to Power and Resistance
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: E000010668
Title: Terrorismo Internacional
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 380
Title: special topics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU22560
Title: Introduction to Operations Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201693
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 701001
Title: Business German
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400993
Title: Organisational Behaviour in International Companies
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 203091
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU22520
Title: Principles of Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44552
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Data Driven Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU22570
Title: Creative Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Action
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Enrepreneurship
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Title: Music Management and Communication
Credit: 3
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 375
Title: Marketing and Promo in Music Industry
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Professional Profiles in Communication
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 480
Title: Professional Profiles in Communication
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Strategic Brand Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Code: EE_CSR
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Universe of Luxury and Prestige Products
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 480
Title: Universe of Luxury and Prestige Products
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS220
Title: Persuasive Strategies in Marketing
Credit: 15
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 344
Title: Professional Personal Selling
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE312
Title: Consumer behaviour
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Instituciones y Mercados Financieros Internacionales
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: LIU11001
Title: Language, the Individual, and Society
Credit: 5
Linguistics (LING)
Code: 101
Title: Language and Society
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: ESH249
Title: Art Histories: An Introduction to the Visual Arts in London
Credit: 15
Art History (ARTH)
Code: ARTH T180
Title: Special Topics: Skills in Object Analysis
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3PS124
Title: Organisational Behavior
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: HART10007
Title: Approaching the Object
Credit: 20
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Ways of Looking in Art History
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE322
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HHU22002
Title: Humans and the environment in modern history
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 1.5
University of Bristol
Code: POLI10005
Title: Thinking Politically
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ENU11001
Title: Shakespeare
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 315
Title: Shakespeare
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Professional Profiles in Communication
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: 181
Title: PR Principles
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: HI2524
Title: Kingship, Clearences, and Conflict: Debates in Scottish History
Credit: 30
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 8
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Aesthetics and Art Theory
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics: Aesthetics and Art Theory
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Popular Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Art History
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH1015
Credit: 15
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
CIEE Amman
Code: ARBC 2003
Title: Colloquial Jordanian Arabic, Intermediate
Credit: 3
Arabic (ARBC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Arabic
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Strategic Brand Management in the age of sustainability
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Managment
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1314.002200 001
Title: The Digital Economy
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: The Digital Economy
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: FCEE-BA-512
Title: International Financial Markets
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: FCEE-BA-212
Title: Economic Analysis for Business Decisions
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: TEO-SAP-123
Title: Christianity and World Religions
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 117
Title: Introduction to World Religions
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: GENL0252
Title: International Relations and Sport
Credit: 6
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: 340
Title: International Aspects of Sport
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: GENL0252
Title: International Relations and Sport
International Business (INTB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in International Business
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MATH20800
Title: Statistics 2
Credit: 20
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 312
Title: Probability and Statistics II
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MATH21100
Title: Linear Algebra 2
Credit: 20
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 387
Title: Linear Algebra II
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Advanced Business English
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 308
Title: The Literature of Business
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DOI-SAP-303
Title: Engineering Statistics
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 361
Title: Probability and Data Analytics for Engineers
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: MENG20005
Title: Materials Engineering
Credit: 20
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in ENGR
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: IIM-SAP-140
Title: Spanish Culture
Credit: 3
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Spanish&Culture
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 44191
Title: History of Economic Thought and Policy
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 326
Title: Economic Ideas
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 33061
Title: Economics of Policy Issues A
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 334
Title: Public Finance
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DMA-SAP-337
Title: Numerical Analysis
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: T380
Title: Numerical Analysis
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Introduction to Film Art
Credit: 3
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: FMTV
Title: Visual Storytelling
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Buddhist Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Swinburne University
Code: ftv 20007
Title: Digital post production techniques
Credit: 12
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: ftv 10005
Title: Sound Design and Aquisition
Credit: 12
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics - Location Sound
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FTV 10009
Title: Experimental Screen production
Credit: 12
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 260
Title: Experimental film + 1 credit FMTV T280
Credit: 3
Sciences Po
Code: AECO 25A00
Title: Trade and International Finance
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1951
Title: Economic Theory and Applications
Credit: 30
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Title: Intro to the Austrilian legal system
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: speical topics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2EuL-BL.XX
Title: European Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in BLAW
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2GerB.XX
Title: German Beginners
Credit: 3
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German 1
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2STM-Inc.XX
Title: Strategic Management for Incomings
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3MG329
Title: Marketing Communications
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3PA667
Title: Strategic Leadership and Management of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Metaphysics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 211
Title: Metaphysics
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE322
Title: Corporate Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BF2219
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities and Markets
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: HKGS2016
Title: Ghostly Hong Kong: Otherworldly configurations
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T108
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401397
Title: Multinational Enterprises in Emerging Markets
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Title: Organizasation Behavior in International Companies
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401191
Title: History, Politics and Economics of the Host Country
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200394 400394
Title: International Economics
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Economics
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: BU5504
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Reputation Management
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH1008
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in HIST
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: ECON10005
Title: Mathematics for Economics
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 348
Title: Mathematical Economics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MENG30006
Title: Behaviour of Dynamic Systems
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Gender Studies and Queer Rights
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Field Research on Emigration in Developing Countries
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Social Networks and Politics
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 444
Title: Social Movements
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 210
Title: Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: IBE357
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5IE380
Title: Behavioral Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Finance - Behavioral Finance
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 33061
Title: Comparative Sociology of Europe
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 22041
Title: Power State and Social Movements
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 444
Title: Social Movements
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24304
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 380
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24286
Title: Computer Organization
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 281
Title: Systems Architecture
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Political Science
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: POU33071
Title: European Union Politics A
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2DigLaw
Title: Digitalization and Law
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23637
Title: Modern Statistical Computing in R
Credit: 5
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Data Analytics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ELEC4141
Title: Electric Railway Systems
Credit: 6
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECE
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20045
Title: Issues in Consumer Marketing and Innovation
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Disruptive Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20003
Title: Internationa Business Management
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20019
Title: Public Management
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: FATV10005
Title: Introduction to Film and TV Studies
Credit: 20
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 100
Title: Visual Storytelling
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: FATV20005
Title: Film and TV Comedy
Credit: 20
TV Studies (TVST)
Code: 361
Title: Art of TV Comedy
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: PSYC30001
Title: Evolutionary Psychology
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 210
Title: Evolutionary Psychology
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Psychology of Groups
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 150
Title: Introduction to Social Psychology
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 22021
Title: The Economy of Ireland A
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 33041
Title: The Economics of Less Developed Countries
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF IDCC 290
Title: Introduction to AutoCad
Credit: 3
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET)
Code: 100
Title: Graphical Communication
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: MENGM0039
Title: Engineering Design and Technology
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 391
Title: Intro to Eng Design Methods
Credit: 1
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP3314
Title: Machine learning
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 383
Title: Machine Learning
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: FATV30021
Title: Character Animation
Credit: 20
Animation (ANIM)
Code: T280
Title: Stop Motion Character Animation
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20037
Title: Macroeconomic Analysis
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 321
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20038
Title: Microeconomic Analysis
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: World Economy
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FTV 10005
Title: Sound design & Acquisition
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: 220
Title: Intermediate SOund
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Economic Diagnosis and Finance of Business
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: People and Team Management
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2TM.XX
Title: Turnaround Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Turnaround Management
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2ClimEE.XX
Title: Climate and Energy Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Español Lengua Extranjera (C1)
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 202
Title: Spanish V
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Spanish A2
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 102
Title: Spanish 2
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: SPAN1001
Title: SPANISH I.1
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 101
Title: Spanish I
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EENG26000
Title: Electronics 2
Credit: 10
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 370
Title: Electronic Devices
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EENG21000
Title: Signals and Systems
Credit: 10
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Code: NA
Title: Political Science: Power and Decision-Making Structures
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 100
Title: Introduction to Political Science
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Title: Chinese as a Foreign Language I
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: CHIN101and T180
Credit: 6
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Introduction to Swiss Society and Politics
Credit: 2
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Political Science
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: POLI31378
Title: Popular Culture and World Politics
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Political Science
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SSC09113
Title: Violence and Society - Criminology/Social Science
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 205
Title: Criminology & Criminal Justice
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: 07102
Title: Understanding Social Change - Social Science
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 320
Title: Sociology of Deviance
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.XX.ISSP-EN.18HS
Title: Introduction to Swiss Society and Politics
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2DBusAP.XX
Title: Doing Business in Asia Pacific
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2EuA
Title: European Affairs
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2CLAPD
Title: Crisis Leadership: Action Planning and Directing
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Organizational Behavior
Credit: 2
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.1MGP-IM
Title: Managing People in an International Context
Credit: 6
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: Musi10061
Title: Music and Society
Credit: 20
Music (MUSC)
Code: 130
Title: Introduction to music
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21866
Title: Entrepreneurship
Credit: 5
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 101
Title: Life Strategies
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: FATV20011
Title: Film History to 1960
Credit: 20
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 101
Title: Film History I: Emergence
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN9501
Title: Chinese as a Foreign Language I
Credit: 6
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 101
Title: Chinese I
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: HIST2653
Title: American Business History
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 316
Title: History of American Business
Credit: 2
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL2120
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 303
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2BM-IM.XX
Title: Brand Management
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand Reputation And Managment
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF3320
Title: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 450
Title: Personal Wealth Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4312
Title: Mergers & Acquisitions
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 345
Title: Mergers & Acquisitions
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: EF4321
Title: Derivatives & Risk Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2BVB
Title: Business Value of Blockchain (Elective)
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics In Finance - Business Value of Blockchain
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.1MGP-IM
Title: Managing People in an International Context
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics In Managment
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2GDM
Title: Introduction to Digital Marketing Communication (Elective)
Credit: 3
Communication (COM)
Code: T280
Title: Special topics in strategic digital communication
Credit: 3
Queen Mary University London
Code: DRA261
Title: London Performance Now
Credit: 15
Theater (THTR)
Code: 116
Title: Philadelphia Theatre Let's Go!
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Climate Emergency, Environmentalism, and Energy Transition
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: Climate Emergency, Environmentalism, and Energy Transition
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: The Impact Journey: (Un)Sustainability, Climate Emergency, Authentic Leadership
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T280
Title: The Impact Journey: (Un)Sustainability, Climate Emergency, Authentic Leadership
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5000IBE_22
Title: nternational Business and ethics
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 6100HRME13
Credit: 5
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2CFN
Title: Consolidated Fin Statements
Credit: 6
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 329
Title: Advanced Accounting
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: PHIL10005
Title: Introduction to Philosophy A
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: SOU331011
Title: Poverty and Policy in a Global Context
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 303
Title: Global Health
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: NUU33009
Title: Measuring and Reporting Population Health
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 301
Title: Epidemiology in Public Health
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: SSU22042
Title: European Refugee Policy
Credit: 5
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 399
Title: European Refugee Policy
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: MUSI 2059
Title: Music and the Mind
Credit: 6
Music (MUSC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 5000NO122
Title: Dutch for International Students
Language (LANG)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000SUF_21
Title: Sustainable Finance (Previously Behavior Finance)
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Sustainable Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000SCF_20
Title: Supply Chain Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Supply Chain Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000INA_20
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Project Management Basics
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: T280
Title: Project Management Basics
Credit: 2
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Project Scheduling and Budgeting
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: T280
Title: Project Scheduling and Budgeting
Credit: 2
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Supportive Functions to Project Management
Project Management (PROJ)
Code: T280
Title: Supportive Functions to Project Management
Credit: 2
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000SUF_21
Title: Sustainable/Behavioral Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics - Sustainable Finance
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20669-2
Title: Direct and Digital Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS2840
Title: Marketing Research
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
Queen Mary University London
Code: BUS240
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 15
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MENG30011
Title: Applied Solid Mechanics
Credit: 20
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 427
Title: Finite Element Methods
Credit: 3
CIEE Toulouse
Title: French Literature and Humanities : Current World’s Challenges
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: ST: French Literature and Humanities: Current World’s Challenges
Credit: 1.5
University of Bristol
Code: EFIMM0062
Title: Effective Marketing Communications
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: HIS21_L 1_S1_BL 4_ED_ MG
Title: Initiation to Art History and General Methodology in History
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: ST: Initiation to Art History and General Methodology in History
Credit: 2
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 4DM465
Title: Economic Demography I
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Economics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.WV.AFV-EN.19HS
Title: Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 380
Title: Additive Manufacturing
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU22203
Title: Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Credit: 3
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.MT.MDYN-EN.19HS
Title: Mechanical Vibrations
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibrations
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.WV.NEA-EN.19HS
Title: Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 420
Title: Aerodynamics
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC 1601
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Title: Aircraft Systems: Structure and Mechanical Systems
Credit: 4
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 426
Title: Aircraft Design and Performance
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5HD280
Title: From Kafka to Havel: Introduction into the History and Culture of Czech Lands
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN253
Title: Macroeconomics I
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3AM605
Title: Managment of Cultural Events
Credit: 3
Music Industry (MIP)
Code: 365
Title: Cities of Music and Culture
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: SSU33011
Title: Youth and Society
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 115
Title: Social Problems
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EDUC10005
Title: Introduction to Psychology in Education
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIMM0129
Title: Contemporary Issues in Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Contemporary Issues in Marketing
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF AHMI 310
Title: Life and Works of Michelangelo
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: Life and Works of Michelangelo
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1241
Title: Environmental activism and advocacy
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 341
Title: Enviromnmental movements in America
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400491
Title: Fundamentals of Business Law
Credit: 5
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: LAWS3354
Title: International trade remidies: law and practices
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: BLAW
Title: speical topics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 701001
Title: Business German A 1.1
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT2641
Title: Introduction to Business Analytics
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 331
Title: Introduction to Data Mining for Business
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: ARTS1190
Title: Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2091
Title: Marine and aquatic ecology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Title: International Relations Theory
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FTV30016
Title: Sound Design for screen
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: FMTV
Title: Audio Post Production
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Title: Human Resource Management
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: HRM
Title: Hospitality Human Resource Management
Credit: 3
Universidad de Navarra
Code: ESPANO-06556
Title: Español B1.1: Comunicación y cultura
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 103
Title: Spanish III
Credit: 4
Swinburne University
Code: FTV30016
Title: Sound Design for Screen
Film & TV Production (FMTV)
Code: FMTV
Title: Intermediate Sound
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Language Program Level 3
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 103
Title: Korean 3
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Language and Culture
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: T180
Title: Korean(T180)
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.WV.SCD-EN.19HS
Title: System on Chip Design
Credit: 4
Elec & Comp Engr-Computers (ECEC)
Code: 302
Title: Digital Systems Projects
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Title: History of Popular Literature in Japan
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200292
Title: Principal Of Managerial Accounting
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 116
Title: Managerial Accounting Foundations
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Title: Nature and Culture
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: IBE330
Title: Men and Women in the Labor Market
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 336
Title: Labor Economics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.WPM-SDA*
Title: Smart Data Analytics for Financial Assets (Elective)
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Finance - Financial Data Analytics
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Title: Economic Survey of Contemporary Japan
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Contemporary Economics of Japan
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Title: Japan Research
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Anthropology
Credit: 3
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 401191
Title: History, Politics and Economics of the Host Country
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 6
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Fundementals of Economics
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Microeconomics 1
Economics (ECON)
Code: 301
Title: Microeconomics
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200192 400192
Title: Principles of Corporate Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201693 401092
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400993
Title: Organisation Behavior in International Companies
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 400992 201591
Title: Strategic Marketing
Credit: 5
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: w.BA.XX.2SFIN.XX
Title: Sustainable Finance (Elective)
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Finance - Sustainable Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200193 400193
Title: Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200192
Title: Principles of Corporate Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 200394
Title: International Economics
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Berlin School of Economics
Code: 201693
Title: Oprations Management
Credit: 5
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: ME332M
Title: Sustainable Medicine
Credit: 30
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Sustainable Medicine
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Title: Biology of Invertebrates
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Biology of Invertebrates
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS1501
Title: Australia's Unique and Deadly Animals and Plants
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Australia's Unique and Deadly Animals and Plants
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2051
Title: Plant Biology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 201
Title: Practical Identification of Plants and Animals
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: ZO3309
Title: Animal Management and Welfare
Credit: 15
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T380
Title: Animal Management and Welfare
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: 2051
Title: Plant Biology
Credit: 4
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: T280
Title: Native plant and sustainability
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: 2921
Title: Coastal Resource Managment
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 376
Title: Environmental and Ecological remediation
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2031
Title: Biology of Invertebrates
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 254
Title: Invertebrate Morphology and Physiology
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2800CRM_19
Title: Customer Relationship Management
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics: Customer Relationship Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2800CTH_21
Title: Critical Thinking
Credit: 4
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 105
Title: Critical Reasoning
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: GENS0401
Title: Introduction to Climate Change
Credit: 6
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: GEOS1111
Title: Investigating Earth and its Evolution
Credit: 6
Geoscience (GEO)
Code: 102
Title: History of the Earth
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2800PRF_21
Title: Personal Finance
Credit: 4
Finance (FIN)
Code: 450
Title: Personal Wealth Management
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Code: CORETI-05238
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: BIOS2091
Title: Marine and Aquatic Ecology
Credit: 6
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 390
Title: Marine Ecology
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS3623
Title: Venture Capital
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 360
Title: Private Equity
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS3623
Title: Options, Futures and Risk Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000MAC_20
Title: Management Control
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 348
Title: Corporate Financial Reporting to Executives
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS2624
Title: Portfolio Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: FINS3648
Title: Banking, Finance and Technology
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 339
Title: Fintech
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000SCF_20
Title: Supply Chain Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Supply Chain Finance
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000GMC_20
Title: Global Marketing Communications
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000CSB_21
Title: Consumer Branding
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000SAS_20
Title: Sales and Services
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 321
Title: Sales Managment
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF IDID 490
Title: Industrial Design III
Credit: 3
Product Design (PROD)
Code: 340
Title: Interdisciplinary Product Design Studio
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Code: 3000FRM_20
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS1036
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 301
Title: Introduction to Finance
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP3259
Title: Principles of Programming Languagess
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 360
Title: Programming Language Concepts
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP3250
Title: Design and analysis of algorithms
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: COM3278
Title: Introduction to Database Management Systems
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 461
Title: Database Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: COMP3322
Title: Modern Technologies on World Wide Web
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Computer Science
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: LAWS3361
Title: Environmental Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: special topics
Credit: 4
University of New South Wales
Code: LAWS3524
Title: Indigenous Women and the Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: special topics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.XX.CT1-EN.13HS
Title: Computer Engineering 1
Credit: 4
Electrical & Computer Engr (ECE)
Code: 350
Title: Introduction to Computer Organization
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: BI3010
Credit: 15
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 312
Title: Public Health Data Analysis
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: BM4009
Credit: 15
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 311
Title: Public Health Biology
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE216
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 6
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2PL392
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Practice
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 368
Title: Corporate Responsibility Management
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: t.BA.XX.SISY1-EN.13HS
Title: Signals and Systems 1
Credit: 4
Elec & Computer Engr-Systems (ECES)
Code: 301
Title: Signals and Systems I
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN253
Title: Macroeconomics I
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 321
Title: Macroeconmics
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2MO337
Title: International Trade for Exchange Students
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3MG622
Title: Consumer Behavior (English)
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3MG622
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumber Behavior
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN254
Title: Introduction to Game Theory
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 250
Title: Game Theory and Applicaitons
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN210
Title: Behavioral Economics of Nudging
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5EN856
Title: Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 365
Title: Behavioral Economics
Credit: 4
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Code: 2 STM-inc
Title: Strategic Management for Incomings
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT203-65e00
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Tsinghua University
Title: Logic, Language, and Philosophy
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 111
Title: Symbolic Logic I
Credit: 3
University of New South Wales
Code: MARK2012
Title: Marketing Fundamentals
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Intro Marketing Managment
Credit: 4
Tsinghua University
Title: Enterprise Resource Planning
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MIS
Credit: 3
Tsinghua University
Title: Exploring Psychology
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Behind the Scenes of Advertising
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Brand Strategy and Digital
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: EE_ Global Brand Strategy
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21320
Title: Present and Future of European Integration
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1307.001100 001
Title: Anthropology of Korean Popular Culture
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: MTH 102
Title: Statistics I: Descriptive
Credit: 3
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 201
Title: Intro to Business Statistics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 100.150 001
Title: Introduction to Buddhism
Credit: 3
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Two Koreas: Modern Korean History and Society
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Language and Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 231
Title: Introduction to Identities and Communities
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Asian Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Negocios Internacionales
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BUEN307
Title: Writing for Business
English (ENGL)
Code: 308
Title: The Literature of Business [WI]
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LIFS 3150
Title: Biostatistics
Credit: 3
Biomedical Engineering (BMES)
Code: 310
Title: Biomedical Statistics
Credit: 3.0
University of Mannheim
Title: The Politics of Integration and Disintegration
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: PSCI T480 Special Topics IV
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LANG 1124
Title: Chinese for Non-Chinese Language Background Students V
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Writing and Speaking
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21868
Title: Foreign Trade 1
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Univ of Science & Tech (HKUST)
Code: LANG 1130
Title: Cantonese for Non-Chinese Language Background Students I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Chinese
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Title: Reading George Orwell
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: I399
Title: PSCI I399 Independent Study in PSCI
Credit: 2
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51646
Title: Español Avanzado
Credit: 12
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 410
Title: Advanced Grammar and Translation (for 9 credits)
Credit: 9
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-SAP-233
Title: Introduction to Dynamics
Credit: 6
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 238
Title: Dynamics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: People Management and Globalization
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Principles of Human Resource Administration
Credit: 4
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Business Communication
Communication (COM)
Code: 360
Title: Strategic International Communication
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Current Economic Issues
Economics (ECON)
Code: 203
Title: Survey of Economic Policy
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-CIVI
Title: B2 Civilisation
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Civilization and Culture
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-Labo
Title: B2 Laboratoire/Phonétique
Credit: 1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Phonetics
Credit: 1
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-ETL
Title: B2 Étude de la Langue
Credit: 6
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in French: Advanced Language Studies
Credit: 6
CIEE Rennes
Code: FREN 3502
Title: Preliminary Language and Culture Course
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Introduction to Language and Culture
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-CEEE
Title: B2 Expression et Compréhension Écrites
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Written Expression and Comprehension
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-CO
Title: B2 Compréhension Orale
Credit: 1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Oral Comprehension
Credit: 1
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-ECOO
Title: Entrainement à la Compréhension Orale
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Advanced Oral Comprehension
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Code: B2-Oral
Title: Expression Orale
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in French: Oral Expression
Credit: 2
University of Bristol
Title: Enquiry, Analysis and Communication
Communication (COM)
Code: 310
Title: Technical Communication
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Media, Culture, and City
Communication (COM)
Code: 200
Title: Current events in media
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: CS4131
Title: Risk Communication
Credit: 4
Public Health (PBHL)
Code: 458
Title: Crisis and Risk Communication in Public Health
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.218
Title: Case Studies in Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU33B07 Manufacturing Technology
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 437
Title: Manufacturing Process I
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.339
Title: Insurance and Risk Management
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN (Insurance)
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.420
Title: Financial Derivatives
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 330
Title: Derivative Securities
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.448
Title: Fixed Income Securities
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1321.001600
Title: Politics of International Trade and Investment
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 440
Title: Seminar in International Business
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Geography, Environment, and Sustainability
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: Universe of Luxury & Prestige Products
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 480
Title: Universe of Luxury & Prestige Products
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: ES5006
Title: Environmental Sustainability
Credit: 3
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 260
Title: Environmental Science and Society
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HG2017
Title: Father & Mother Tongues: Languages of SE Asia
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.003 001
Title: Korean Language and Culture
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 002-106
Title: Advanced English: Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: SOC150
Title: Psychology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Aston University
Title: Intro to Marketing
Code: T380
Title: Intro to marketing
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 205.403 001
Title: Topics in Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 220203
Title: Introduction to Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Economics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 3023091
Title: Human-Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 110
Title: Intro Human Computer Interaction
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 005-107-1
Title: Advanced English: Drama Workshop
Credit: 3
Theater (THTR)
Code: 222
Title: Theatre History II
Credit: 3
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH1002
Title: Asia-Pacific in Global History: Pre-1800
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2024
Title: History of the Malay World
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2024
Title: History of the Malay World
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Nanyang Technological University
Code: HH2031
Title: History of Food in China
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: SCM413
Title: Applied Supply Chain Management
Credit: 6
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Applied Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Title: Pricing Analytics
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: T380
Title: Data & Pricing Analytics
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Title: Data Science for Business
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 366
Title: Customer Analytics
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Title: Services Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: 461
Title: Strategic MGMT
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy & Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Title: Intercultural Competence
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 312
Title: Approaches to Intercultural Behavior
Credit: 3
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: EAI412
Title: Creating Social Value
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
International Center for Dev. Studies (ICDS) STAFF ONLY
Title: Human Rightss, Migration, and Social Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Toulouse
Code: PSY21_L1_S1_BL1_ID_SO
Title: Psychologie sociale : L'Individu et le Groupe
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 2
University of York
Code: pol00059H
Title: Global Sustainability and Energy Policy
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Global Sustainability and Energy Policy
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51646
Title: Español Avanzado
Credit: 12
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 202
Title: Intermediate Spanish
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: PSY21_L1_S1_BL1_ID_SO
Title: Psychologie sociale : L'Individu et le Groupe
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 2.25
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51643
Title: Español (Winter term) Inicial
Credit: 12
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 102
Title: Spanish
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: LMO21_L1_S1_BL1_ID_LF
Title: Littérature française
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 2
Universidad de Navarra
Code: INVEST-00450
Title: Investments in Financial Markets
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 321
Title: Investment Securities & Markets
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: International Finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC00035H
Title: Cinema, Cities & Historical Sociology
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
International Center for Dev. Studies (ICDS) STAFF ONLY
Title: Health Care Innovation in Latin America
Health Services Administration (HSCI)
Code: 351
Title: Health Care Innovation in Latin America
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00040H
Title: Morbidity, Culture & Corpses
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Morbidity, Culture & Corpses
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: BSTC2006
Title: Buddhist psychology and cultivation
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: T280
Title: Psychology Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00040H
Title: Morbidity, Culture & Corpses
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Morbidity, Culture & Corpses
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23288
Title: Asian Art
Credit: 4
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3
University of New Orleans (STAFF ONLY)
Code: FA1010
Title: Italy: The Epicenter of Western Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: pol00059H
Title: Global Sustainability and Energy Policy
Credit: 20
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Global Sustainability and Energy Policy
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00041H
Title: The Global Transformation of Health
Credit: 20
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 261
Title: Introduction to Global Helath and Sustainability
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: LM021_L1_S1_BL2_AQ_HU
Title: Humanités: les Défis du Monde Actuel
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
University of York
Code: SOC00051H
Title: Crime, Media & Culture
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Crime, Media & Culture
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: HIS21_L1_S1_BL2_ME_HA
Title: Initiation à l'Histoire de l'Art
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 2.5
CIEE Toulouse
Code: HIS21_L1_S1_BL4_ED_MG
Title: Méthodologie Générale en Histoire
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
UP Comillas
Code: DIM-SAP-346
Title: Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: What shapes political attitudes and behaviour, ideology or identity?
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T480
Title: PSCI T480 Special Topics IV
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: POU33091-202122
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 310
Title: Civilians in Armed Conflict
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Code: FRENCH 3002 TOFR
Title: French Advanced
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Advanced Grammar
Credit: 6
CIEE Toulouse
Code: FSCI 3001 TOFR (FREN)
Title: France: Gastronomy, Nutrition, and Public Health Section 1
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Toulouse
Code: LM021_L1_S1_BL2_AQ_HU
Title: Humanités: les Défis du Monde Actuel
Credit: 1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51814
Title: Climate Emergency, Environmentalism and Energy Transition
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: 323
Title: The History of Climate Change
Credit: 4.5
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51819
Title: Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Arts
Credit: 6
Computer Science (CS)
Code: T480
Title: Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and the Arts
Credit: 4.5
University of Mannheim
Title: Gender studies and Queer Rights in international relations
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI t380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51646
Title: Español Avanzado
Credit: 12
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 310
Title: Advanced Studies in Language for the Professions
Credit: 4.5
University of Leeds
Code: PIED3158
Title: British Foreign Policy
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 22805
Title: European Geography
Credit: 4
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 25049
Title: Environment, Development, and Justice
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 346
Title: Environmental Justice
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21928
Title: Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 51643
Title: Español (Winter term) Inicial
Credit: 12
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: T180
Title: Spanish
Credit: 4
Code: HU-L-TAN-S1
Credit: 2
Language (LANG)
Code: 180
Title: French Speaking
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24308
Title: Cryptography and Security
Credit: 5
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 303
Title: Algorithmic Number Theory and Cryptography
Credit: 3.0
University of New Orleans (STAFF ONLY)
Title: Italy: Hotbed of Human Expression
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: CCCH9039
Title: Curing Chinese Medicine and Society in Modern China
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 207
Title: Medicine and Society
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: TFT00004I
Title: Political Theatres
Credit: 20
Theater (THTR)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics: Political Theatre
Credit: 3
Univ of Minnesota: Senegal (STAFF ONLY)
Code: SNGL 4101
Title: Historical & Politcal Context of Senegal
Credit: 4
History (HIST)
Code: T480
Title: Historical & Politcal Context of Senegal
Credit: 6
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.006
Title: Life in Contemporary Korea
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies: Life in Contemporary Korea
Credit: 4.5
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU22510
Title: Organisational Behavior
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behaior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: CCHU9012
Title: Body, Beauty, and Fashion
Sociology (SOC)
Code: SOC
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21001
Title: Collective Labor Law
Credit: 4
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T380
Title: Collective Labor Law
Credit: 4.0
Ecole Superieure de Commerce Exterieur (ESCE)
Title: International Trade and Globalization
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Global Cities
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: Contemporary Asian Issues
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: International Political Economy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 255
Title: International Political Economy
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 24081
Title: Global Cities
Credit: 4
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 326
Title: Cities and Sustainability
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PIED3310
Title: Britain and the EU
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
International Center for Dev. Studies (ICDS) STAFF ONLY
Title: Democracy in Central America: An Ongoing Question
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 377
Title: Politics of Latin America
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Title: International Marketing
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: POLI20018
Title: The Politics of the Environment
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 337
Title: International Environmental Politics
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Political Geography of Europe
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics III
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Political Geography of Europe
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics III
Credit: 4
EPA Madrid (Nebrija)
Code: EN0P14
Title: Statistics II
Credit: 6
Business Statistics (STAT)
Code: 202
Title: Business Statistics II
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 23630
Title: Modern Statistical Computing in R
Credit: 4
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Data Analytics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: JMSC3011
Title: International News
Credit: 6
TV Studies (TVST)
Code: 220
Title: TV News Writing
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 20852
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 338
Title: Industrial Organization
Credit: 4
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21962
Title: European Economcis
Credit: 4
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Comparative Economic Systems
Credit: 4
CIEE Toulouse
Title: Political and Social History
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 2
CIEE Rennes
Code: FREN 3501 RENS
Title: Preliminary French Language and Culture Course, I
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Introduction to Language and Culture
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: Oral Expression
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Code: COMM 3301 RENS
Title: Intercultural Communication and Leadership
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Communication and Leadership
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Rennes
Title: French Civilization and Culture (B2)
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French: Civilization and Culture
Credit: 3
CIEE Rennes
Title: Oral Comprehension
Credit: 1
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1.5
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG 3526
Title: Innovation and New Product Development
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: Interactive Marketing
Credit: 4
CIEE Rennes
Title: Cinéma Français
Credit: 2
French (FREN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in French: French Film
Credit: 3
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Code: 21916
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1202
Title: Managing Your Personal Finance
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 150
Title: Financial Literacy
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean History
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History
Credit: 4.5
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Introduction to Korean Literature
English (ENGL)
Code: 204
Title: Postcolonial
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AH321
Title: Venice in the Renaissance
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5IE563
Title: Economics and Gender
Credit: 4
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: SOU331011
Title: Poverty and Policy in a Global Context
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 330
Title: Development and Underdevelopment
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: SOC 100
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Sociology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: SOCI 2087
Title: Urban Society and Culture
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban sociology
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: GEOG 3423
Title: Social and cultural perspectives in understanding cities
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 359.779 001
Title: Family, Gender, and Work
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 215
Title: Soc of Work
Credit: 4
University of York
Title: Contemporary Political Sociology
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: SOCI2087
Title: Urban Society and Culture
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
University of York
Title: Social Interactions and Conversational Analysis
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: INRE3002
Title: Conflict and Diplomacy
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS3033
Title: Culture and Change in Asia
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 231
Title: Intro to Identities and Communities
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: SS2712
Title: Personality and Individual Difference
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 140
Title: Approaches to Personality
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: ARC101
Title: Roman Archaeology
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T180
Title: Roman Archaeology
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: AH103
Title: Arts of Renaissance and Baroque
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: AH102
Title: Ways of Seeing
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 00431
Title: Thinking Digitally and Culturally
Credit: 5
Communication (COM)
Code: 240
Title: New Technologies In Communication
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 22570
Title: Creative Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Action
Credit: 5
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG 3524
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 365
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: PSY1001
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: Intro to Psychology
Credit: 3
CIEE Toulouse
Title: Exploration of English world from French point of view
French (FREN)
Code: 380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 1
University of Bristol
Code: ENGL 10062
Title: Reading Identities
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in English
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: GH2006
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ECON2226
Title: Chinese Economy
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: GG3069
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: FI3006
Title: Financial Analysis
Credit: 30
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Comparative Financial Analysis
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Korean Literature in Global Context
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MAT3910
Title: Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 371
Title: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
Credit: 2
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Introduction to Korean Literature
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 33590
Title: Business in Society
Credit: 5
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: 22510
Title: Organisational Behaviour
Credit: 5
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: FI3004
Credit: 30
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M3311.000100-001
Title: Introduction to Smart City Global Convergence
Information Science and Systems (INFO)
Code: 215
Title: Social Aspects of Information Systems
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: CS3033
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 15
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 380
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3.0
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08120
Title: Creative Writing: Finding Your Voice
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 225
Title: Creative Writing
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Introduction to Film Art
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 101
Title: Film History I: Emergence
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: ME4MM3
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 341
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: GCIN2007
Title: Film and media: Cultural and organizational dynamics
Credit: 6
Film Studies (FMST)
Code: 245
Title: Non-Western Cinema
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE322
Title: Corporate finance
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS3984
Title: Korean Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS4921
Title: Japanese Culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4.5
Trinity College Dublin
Title: BUU44640 International Finance
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
CIEE Amman
Code: INSH 3801
Title: Organizational Internship
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: I299
Title: Independent Study
Credit: 2
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2AJ419
Title: Introduction to China's history and culture
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 263
Title: The World and China
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 3BE223
Title: Marketing 1
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 201
Title: Introduction to Marketing Management
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU11201
Title: Greek and Roman Mythology
English (ENGL)
Code: 335
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44551
Title: Advances in Marketing Theory & Practice
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Data-Driven Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44551
Title: Advances in Marketing Theory & Practice
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Data-Driven Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44640
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Mgmt
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU22EM3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 435
Title: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Management (MGMT)
Code: 364
Title: Technology Management
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 11F252
Title: Financial theory, policy and institutions
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GRU11081
Title: German Language (Beginners)
Credit: 5
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: German I
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU33B04
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in ENGR
Credit: 3.0
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2SE307
Title: Bitcoin and blockchain - practical seminar
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 339
Title: Fintech
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED3158
Title: British Foreign Policy
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: MGMT 3405
Title: Organizational behaviour
Credit: 6
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU22E05
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 210
Title: Intro to Thermodynamics
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0655.002200
Title: Rights and Responsibilities: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ARTH1008
Title: Introduction to the Arts of Asia: Past and Present
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 303
Title: Art of China
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: POLI3052
Title: International Relations of East Asia
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ENU11002
Title: Writing Childhoods: Power, Voice, and Agency
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ECU11032
Title: Introduction to Economic Policy B
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP10124
Title: Modern Scottish Fiction
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08122
Title: Fantasy Fiction and Film
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08122
Title: Fantasy Fiction and Film
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 323
Title: Literature and Other Arts
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEM22EM3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Product Design and Development
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MNE3122
Title: Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 220
Title: Fluid Mechanics I
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU33B05
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: T380
Title: Machine Dynamics
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: MEU11EM1
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 437
Title: Manufacturing Process
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: DOI‐GITT‐412
Title: Operations Research
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 305
Title: Introduction to Optimization Theory
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DAM-SAP-241
Title: Multivariable Calculus
Credit: 6
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 200
Title: Multivariate Calculus
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MA2503
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 201
Title: Linear Algebra
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Understanding Popular Art
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T180
Title: special topics
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MAU23205
Title: Ordinary Differential Equations
Credit: 5
Mathematics (MATH)
Code: 210
Title: Differential Equations
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: N/A
Title: International Economics
Credit: 6
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money & Finance
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: HRM09103
Title: Organisational Change Management
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics Course
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT09101
Title: International Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 357
Title: Global Marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ECU44111/ECU44113
Title: Topics in Political Economy
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in ECON Political Economy
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ECU44131/ECU44133
Title: The World Economy
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Comparative Economic Systems
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1249.000500 001
Title: Survey of Vietnamese History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: TSM09102
Title: Planning & Public Policy for Festival and Events
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Marketing
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP11136
Title: Writing Young Adult Fiction
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Writing
Credit: 6
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: 09101
Title: ENT
Credit: 20
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 210
Title: Leading Start Ups
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44551
Title: Advances in Marketing Theory and Practice
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Marketing Special Topics
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT09109
Title: Brand Management
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 362
Title: Brand and Rep Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Cuestiones de actualidad desde una perspectiva española
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 440
Title: Current Events from a Spanish Perspective
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ISE369
Title: Quality Engineering
Credit: 3
Industrial Engineering (INDE)
Code: 300
Title: Quality Management
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Code: MKTG3524
Title: Digital marketing
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: MKTG
Title: Digital marketing
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: STU11004
Title: Introduction to Management Science
Credit: 10
Operations Research (OPR)
Code: 320
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: SCM443
Title: Introduction to Blockchain
Credit: 3
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MIS
Credit: 2
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT 401
Title: Strategic Management (Business Game)
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 451
Title: Management Simulation
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: SCM461
Title: Data Science for Business
Credit: 3
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Business Analytics
Credit: 2
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT402, MGMT403
Title: Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Credit: 3
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Team Development & Leadership
Credit: 4
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Code: MGMT461
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strat & Comp Adv
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST 2190
Title: Animals in History
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20003
Title: International Business Management
Credit: 20
International Business (INTB)
Code: 332
Title: Multinational Corporations
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1307.000500 001
Title: Anthropology of Media
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 330
Title: Media Anthropology
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: Buu4451B
Title: international business & global economy
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: international Business
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 25332
Title: Business Developement and Innovation
Credit: 5
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Speical topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Title: IIMT3621
Credit: 6
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 1001
Title: Spanish I.1
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 101
Title: Spanish I
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: 18th-Century British Fiction
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 3613
Title: Marketing Analytics
Credit: 6
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Advanced Marketing Research
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 103.404 001
Title: American Poetry
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topic
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: MA3484
Title: Methods of Mathematical Economics
Credit: 5
Operations Research (OPR)
Code: 320
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: STU11004
Title: Introduction to Management Science
Credit: 10
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 320
Title: Linear Models for Decision Making
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: 371
Title: Introduction to Epistemology
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 221
Title: Epistemology: Philosophy of Knowledge
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LUBS3013
Title: Enterprise Consultancy
Credit: 20
Management (MGMT)
Code: 370
Title: For-Profit Business Consulting
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1232.000200
Title: Korean Literature in a Global Context
Credit: 4
English (ENGL)
Code: 325
Title: Topics in World Literature
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 2074
Title: Postcolonial readings
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 204
Title: Post-Colonial Literature
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: PHYS10600
Title: Stars and Planet
Credit: 20
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: HIST 2184
Title: China and Japan since the 19th century
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ARTH 2055
Title: Crossing cultures: China and theoutside world
Credit: 6
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 303
Title: Art of China
Credit: 3.0
University of Bristol
Code: EFIMM0062
Title: Effective Marketing Communications
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT 3603
Title: Project Management
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information Systems Project Management
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: The Problem of God
Credit: 6
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 6
UP Comillas
Code: TEO-GITT-111
Title: Christianism and Social Ethics
Credit: 6
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T180
Title: Religious Studies
Credit: 6
Hong Kong University
Code: BSTC2006
Title: Buddhist psychology and mental cultivation
Credit: 6
Religious Studies (RELS)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Religious Studies
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 055.020 001
Title: Music in the World
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: 331
Title: World Musics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 1049
Title: Early English sonnets
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 215
Title: Readings in Poetry
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 3603
Title: Project Management
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 2184
Title: China and Japan since the 19th
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: 264
Title: East Asia in Modern Times
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 380
Title: Artificial Intelligence
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Intro to Data Communication Networks
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 472
Title: Computer Networks: Theory, Applications and Programming
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.424 002
Title: Strategic Management
Credit: 3
Management (MGMT)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M1236.001900 001
Title: 18th-Century British Fiction
Credit: 3
English (ENGL)
Code: 211
Title: British Literature I
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: PSY08101
Title: Cognitive Psychology 1
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 330
Title: 3
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.007 004
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: HRM09105
Title: Leadership in Organisations
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Cultural Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Economics
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5IE300
Title: Political Ideologies
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: POU11021
Title: Politics and Irish Society
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics II
Credit: 4
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42436
Title: Technology Entrepreneurship
Credit: 5
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: 329
Title: Entrepreneurship & New Technologies
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB3602
Title: Global Business Culture and Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 200
Title: International Business
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 251.335 001
Title: Financial Statement Analyses and Firm Valuation
Credit: 3
Finance (FIN)
Code: 332
Title: Investment Analysis
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: SOIT360
Title: Italian Style
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: T380
Title: ST: Italian Style
Credit: 3.0
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 42387
Title: Digital Trends for Entrepreneurs
Credit: 5
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 22441
Title: Immersion project in Medicine and Technology
Credit: 5
Health Sciences (HSCI)
Code: 470
Title: Readings in Health Sciences
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: IRU11141
Title: Irish Language and Literature
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in Literture
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 5HD450
Title: Chapters in History of the Cold War
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: 268
Title: Twentieth Century World II
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 22200
Title: Mucosal immunology
Credit: 5
Health Sciences (HSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Health Sciences
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU11104
Title: Greek Art and Architecture
Credit: 5
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: 141
Title: Architecture & Society Î
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BU44552
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 032.002
Title: Intermediate Korean
Credit: 3
Korean (KOR)
Code: 202
Title: Korean V
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ENG 203
Credit: 3
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 226
Title: Writing in Public Spaces
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: LLLC2262
Title: Travel and Journalistic Writing
Credit: 20
Writing (WRIT)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Writing
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3604
Title: Telecommunications Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in MIS
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: HRM07101
Title: Behavioural Studies
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HAU11005
Title: History of Art and Architecture I
Credit: 10
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 102
Title: Art History: Ren-Romanticism
Credit: 3.0
Trinity College Dublin
Code: IRU11041
Title: Early Irish Saga
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Reaidngs in Fiction
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Code: CLU11100
Title: Introduction to Greek History
Credit: 5
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 2
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44640
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Financial Management
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HAU22005
Title: Themes in Irish Art 1
Credit: 5
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 285
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3.0
Trinity College Dublin
Code: GRU1104Y
Title: German Language
Credit: 10
German (GER)
Code: 101
Title: introductory German
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2RU131
Title: Elementary Czech for Foreigners
Credit: 6
Language (LANG)
Code: 101
Title: Elementary Czech
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 1FU311
Title: Accounting and Taxes of an Entrepreneur
Credit: 5
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 120
Title: Accounting Essentials for New Ventures
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: BUS 302
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 3
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4.0
Trinity College Dublin
Code: HAU11005
Title: Introduction to the History of Art & Architecture I
Credit: 10
Architecture (ARCH)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics-Arch. of Venice
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: CB3602
Title: Global Business Culture and Management
Credit: 3
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Title: Hitoria, teoria, y practica de diplomacia
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I499
Title: History, theory, and practice of diplomacy
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: La historia y cultura espanola a traves del cinema y la literatura
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I499
Title: Spanish culture through cinema and literature
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Arte Moderno Espanol
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: I399
Title: Modern Spanish Art
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Terrorismo Internacional
Credit: 3
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 440
Title: International Terrorism
Credit: 4.5
American University of Rome
Code: ASTR 100
Credit: 3
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 131
Title: Survey of the Universe
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 205.301 001
Title: Comtemporary Sociological Theory
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 356
Title: Contemporary Sociological Theory
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: VL Introduction to International Relations (Lecture)
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: International Human Rights Law (Lecture)
Credit: 8
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 353
Title: International Human Rights
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Energy, Environment and Development (Lecture w/ Exercise)
Credit: 7
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 334
Title: Politics of Environment and Health
Credit: 4
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2OP337
Title: Psychology in Organizations
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 250
Title: Industrial Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: HS Selected Topics in International Relations: Women in European Parliaments (Seminar (Advanced Level))
Credit: 6
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: ENGL10062
Title: Reading Identities
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 395
Title: Special Studies in Literature
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: HS Selected Topics in International Relations: Women in European Parliaments (Seminar (Advanced Level))
Credit: 6
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 240
Title: Women and Society in a Global Context
Credit: 3
Prague Univ. of Economics & Business (VSE)
Code: 2OP842
Title: Corporate Finance 2
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: LLLC2263
Title: Global Perspectives
Credit: 20
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DOI-SAP-130
Title: Spanish Culture through Film
Credit: 6
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 6
Trinity College Dublin
Title: Fundamentals of Literary Theory
Credit: 5
English (ENGL)
Code: 380
Title: Literary Theory
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: PHI00001C
Title: Beginning Philosophy
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
Trinity College Dublin
Title: Italian I
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: Italian 1
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: HS Selected Topics in General and Specific Sociology: Family and Changing Gender Roles (Seminar (Advanced Level))
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY381
Title: Advanced Electrodynamics
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 321
Title: Electromagnetic Fields I
Credit: 4.0
University of Mannheim
Code: none given
Title: forensic psychology in legal contexts
Credit: 8
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 370
Title: forensic psychology
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: POL308-65e00
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 321
Title: Advanced Studies in Global Capital and Development
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: LIT372-65e00
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 351
Title: Advanced Studies in Global Media, Arts, and Culture
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Title: Computer Programming
Credit: 4
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 190
Title: Selected Computer Language
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Code: ANG 310
Title: introduction to literature studies course A
Credit: 8
English (ENGL)
Code: 214
Title: Readings in Fiction
Credit: 3
CIEE Toulouse
Title: European Economic Integration to French economy
International Business (INTB)
Code: 338
Title: Regional Studies in Economic Policies and International Business
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: FRU22001
Title: Oral & Written French MT
Credit: 5
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French
Credit: 4.5
UP Comillas
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 6
Communication (COM)
Code: 345
Title: Intercultural Communication
Credit: 3
CIEE Toulouse
Title: Internship
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong University
Code: 1001
Title: French I.1
Credit: 6
French (FREN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in French
Credit: 6
CIEE Toulouse
Code: FSCI 3000
Title: France:Gastronomy, Nutrition, and Public Health
Credit: 3
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French
Credit: 4.5
CIEE Toulouse
Code: FREN 3002
Title: French-Advanced I
Credit: 4
French (FREN)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in French
Credit: 6
Hong Kong University
Title: Introduction to the arts of Asia: past and present
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 301
Title: Asian Art and Culture
Credit: 3.0
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT2641A
Title: Introduction to Business Analytics
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Business Analytics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3603A
Title: Project Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: 422
Title: Telling Stories: Myths, Folktales and Urban Legends (Seminar)
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 335
Title: Mythology
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Code: ANG414
Title: American Fictions of Conspiracy & Treason
Credit: 8
English (ENGL)
Code: 360
Title: Special Topics in English
Credit: 3
UP Comillas
Code: FCEE‐BA‐312
Title: Macroeconomics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 202
Title: Principles of Macroeconomics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: none
Title: Economics of Social Insurance & Social Policies
Credit: 5
Economics (ECON)
Code: 334
Title: Public Finance
Credit: 4
Accademia Italiana
Code: ACCF FDMK 471
Title: Marketing and Trends
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topic: Fashion Marketing and Trends
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: POL414-65e00
Credit: 4
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MKT4637
Title: Event Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics: Event Marketing
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIE-SAP-212
Title: Electricity and Magnetism
Credit: 6
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 102
Title: Fundamentals of Physics II
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00021C
Title: Foundations of Business Ethics
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Code: IDV 404
Title: Elements of Philosophy: From Socrates to Artificial Intelligence (Seminar (Intermediate Level))
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 101
Title: Intro to Western Philosophy
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2129
Title: Psychology for Young Professionals
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: GEND1001
Title: Introduction to Gender Studies
Credit: 6
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 101
Title: Intro Women's & Gender Studies
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2129
Title: Psychology for Young Professionals
Credit: 3
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: Generaa; Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EDUC10005
Title: Introduction to Psychology in Education
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General psychology
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MKT4622
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 3
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 348
Title: Services Marketing
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC463
Title: Advanced Aerospace Propulsion Technology
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 403
Title: Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: AER293
Title: Applied Aerospace Thermodynamics
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 345
Title: Heat Transfer
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC449
Title: Advanced Engineering Fluid Dynamics
Credit: 15
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 621
Title: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC304
Title: Manufacturing Systems
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 437
Title: Manufacturing Process I
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 3622
Title: Data Visualization
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: Data Visualization
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: Cultural Heritage I
Credit: 6
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 420
Title: Adv. Lang. for the Professions
Credit: 4.5
University of Mannheim
Code: OPM 301
Title: operations management
Credit: 6
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30062
Title: Behavioural Finance
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Behavioral Finance
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30018
Title: Financial Crises
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Financial Crises
Credit: 4
UP Comillas
Code: DIM‐SAP‐346
Title: Environmental Engineering & Sustainability
Credit: 6
Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
Code: 300
Title: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: POLI10001
Title: Issues in World Politics
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics T380
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T389
Title: PSCI T389 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics III
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: AIS4123
Title: International Security
Credit: 3
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T380
Title: PSCI T380 Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: N/A
Title: PS Introduction to Political Sociology: Talking Politics
Credit: 5
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 335
Title: Political Communicatons
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LC2996
Title: Basic Cantonese for Non-Chinese Speakers I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Chinese
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 330
Title: Hotel Marketing and Branding
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: LC2996
Title: Basic Cantonese for Non-Chinese Speakers I
Credit: 3
Chinese (CHIN)
Code: T180
Title: Chinese
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: N/A
Title: ntroduction to International Relations: Gender studies and Queer Rights in international relations
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: What shapes political attitudes and behaviour, ideology or identity?
Credit: 5
Global Studies (GST)
Code: 231
Title: Introduction to Identities and Communities
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE2132
Title: Discovering the Dynamics of Contemporary Cities and Architecture in China
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
University of Sheffield
Code: PHY 213
Title: Stellar Structure and Evolution
Credit: 10
Physics (PHYS)
Code: 231
Title: Introductory Astrophysics
Credit: 3
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1105
Title: Chinese Music Appreciation
Credit: 3
Music (MUSC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 2120
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 303
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL2120
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 303
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: HS Selected Topics in General and Specific Sociology: Family and Changing Gender Roles
Credit: 6
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: The Political Economy of International Trade: Interests, Institutions, and Domestic Politics
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 340
Title: Globalization
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL10020
Title: Understanding Crime, Harm and Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 205
Title: Criminology and Criminal Justice
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: 2604
Title: Introduction to R programming and elementary data analysis
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: 360
Title: Programming for Data Analytics
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: 3622
Title: Data visualization
Credit: 6
Business Analytics (BSAN)
Code: T380
Title: Data Visualization
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: FINA2383
Title: International Financial Management
Credit: 6
Finance (FIN)
Code: 346
Title: Global Finance Management
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EMAT10007
Title: Introduction to Computer Programming
Credit: 10
Computer Science (CS)
Code: 171
Title: Computer Programming I
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: CS3028
Credit: 15
Software Engineering (SE)
Code: 181
Title: Introduction to Software Engineering and Development
Credit: 3
Hong Kong University
Code: BSTC1004
Title: Introduction to Buddhism
Credit: 6
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Intro to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of Sheffield
Code: MEC 326
Title: Structural Vibration
Credit: 10
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 423
Title: Mechanics of Vibration
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL10023
Title: Constructing Childhoods
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SOCI10007
Title: Social Identities and Divisions
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 115
Title: Social Problems
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL10034
Title: Social Policy Past and Present
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL10037
Title: Representations of Crime and Harm
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 320
Title: Sociology of Deviance
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Code: 1430
Title: PS Proseminar Soziologie: Sociology of Culture
Credit: 5
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Title: Education, Climate Change and Social Justice
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 276
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Title: Education and Social Change
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 335
Title: Sociology of Education
Credit: 3
Universidad Nebrija
Credit: 6
Management (MGMT)
Code: 260
Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Credit: 4
Universidad Nebrija
Title: International Law
Credit: 6
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: T480
Title: International Law in a Globalized World
Credit: 4.0
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: International Business Law
Legal Studies (BLAW)
Code: 340
Title: International Business Law
Credit: 4.0
CIEE Tokyo
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Strategic Enterprise Management
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 101
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Global Studies (GST)
Code: GST
Title: Identities and Communities
Credit: 331
American University of Rome
Code: AH321
Title: Venice in the Renaissance
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 327
Title: Italian Renaissance Art
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT10104
Title: Digital Marketing Analytics
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 367
Title: Data Driven Digital Marketing
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 250
Title: Anthropology of Immigration
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00003H
Title: Body and Society
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: ECO00032H
Title: International Economics
Credit: 10
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Money and Finance
Credit: 4
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: SOE09103
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 20
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Mangament
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC00047H
Title: Sociology of the Future
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: MAN00019I
Title: Consumer Behaviour
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 356
Title: Consumer Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MODL30032
Title: Environmental Entanglements: Issues in Ecocriticism
Credit: 20
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 341
Title: Environmental Philosophy
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: PSY10107
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 240
Title: Abnormal Psychology
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ECO00034H
Title: Alternative Perspectives in Economics
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Comparative Economic Systems
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: POL00007C
Title: Aspects of political theory
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 120
Title: PSCI 120 History of Political Thought
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: POL 101G
Title: Global Politics
Credit: 6
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED1110
Title: Comparative Politics
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 140
Title: Comparative Politics I
Credit: 4
University of Mannheim
Title: Political Polarization
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 240
Title: Comparative Politics II
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: POLI10001
Title: Issues in World Politics
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED2301
Title: Politics and Policy in EU
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED1511
Title: International Politics
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL20026
Title: Understanding Public Policy
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: T280
Title: PSCI T280 Special Topics II Public Policy
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: POLI21214
Title: Co-operation and Integration In Europe
Credit: 20
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 357
Title: The European Union in World Politics
Credit: 4
University of York
Title: International politics
Credit: 10
Political Science (PSCI)
Code: 150
Title: International Politics
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: M0000.007300 001
Title: Course Title : Social and Psychological Processes in Strategic Management
Credit: 3
General Business (BUSN)
Code: 450
Title: Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 382
Title: Introduction to Sports Facility and Event Management
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: Introduction to Sports Facility and Event Management
Credit: 4.0
American University of Rome
Code: MGT 381
Title: The Business of Sport through a Roman Lens
Credit: 3
Sports Management (SMT)
Code: T380
Title: The Business of Sport through a Roman Lens
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: POL 320
Title: The Three C's of War: Causes, Cures, Consequences
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T380
Title: The Three C's of War: Causes, Cures, Consequences
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE3200
Credit: 4
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 455
Title: Hospitality Human Resources Management
Credit: 3
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AIBE3200
Credit: 4
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 455
Title: Hospitality Human Resources Management
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: SOCI10010
Title: Introducing Culture
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Project Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
CIEE Tokyo
Code: AGEO2010
Title: Human Geography
Credit: 4
Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM)
Code: 131
Title: Tourism Geography
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: UWLP 10034
Title: Beginners Spanish for Visiting Students
Credit: 10
Spanish (SPAN)
Code: 101
Title: Spanish I
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: PHIL 10014
Title: Introduction to Formal Logic
Credit: 10
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 111
Title: Symbolic Logic I
Credit: 3
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRMT)
Code: 323
Title: Human Resource Management
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: GE1205
Title: Green Economics
Credit: 3
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM 200415
Title: Issues in Consumer Marketing
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: ENGL10062
Title: Reading Identities
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: T280
Title: LGBT Literature and Culture
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Treasury Management Project
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Treasury Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Business Process Simulation
Management (MGMT)
Code: 451
Title: Management Simulation
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30018
Title: Financial Crises
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Financial Crises
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MSE2102
Title: Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Credit: 3
Engineering, General (ENGR)
Code: 220
Title: Fundamentals of Materials
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30062
Title: Behavioural Finance
Credit: 10
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics - Behavioral Finance
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: ARCH20065
Title: Anthropology and Contemporary Capitalism
Credit: 20
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM10029
Title: Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM20022
Title: People, Work and Organisations
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30040
Title: The Digital Economy
Credit: 20
Economics (ECON)
Code: 344
Title: Comparative Economic Systems
Credit: 4
University of York
Title: Politics of gender
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: HIST20112
Title: Global History
Credit: 20
History (HIST)
Code: 162
Title: Themes in World Civilizations II
Credit: 4.5
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: AF2108
Title: Financial Accounting
Credit: 3
Accounting (ACCT)
Code: 110
Title: Accounting for Professionals
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: International Business and Ethics
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 301
Title: Business Ethics
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT11101
Title: Marketing Communications
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 322
Title: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Supply Chain Management
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 341
Title: Supply Chain Management
Credit: 4
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Title: Contemporary Topics in Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 300
Title: Organizational Behavior
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3667
Title: Information systems strategy
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 346
Title: Management Information System Strategy
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: IIMT3603
Title: Project Management
Credit: 6
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Code: 361
Title: Information System Project Management
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: CHIN1203
Title: Chinese history and culture in the twenieth century
Credit: 6
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Twentieth-Century China
Credit: 4
Hong Kong University
Code: ENGL2120
Title: Science Fiction and Utopia
Credit: 6
English (ENGL)
Code: 303
Title: Science Fiction
Credit: 3
American University of Rome
Code: IS 206
Title: Italian Culture at the Movies
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Italian Culture at the Movies
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME41001
Title: Automatic Control Systems
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 355
Title: Performance Enhancement of Dynamic Systems
Credit: 3
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: ME32001
Title: Manufacturing Fundamentals
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 437
Title: Manufacturing Process I
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Title: Environment and Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 244
Title: Sociology of the Environment
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: LANGM0003
Title: Advanced English for Translation Skills
Credit: 10
Writing (WRIT)
Code: 211
Title: General education elective under ENGL
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 006-105
Title: Feminist Aesthetics and Art
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 340
Title: Women in Art
Credit: 3.0
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.083
Title: Aesthetics and Art Theory
Credit: 3
Art History (ARTH)
Code: 317
Title: Modern Art Theory and Criticism
Credit: 3.0
University of Aberdeen
Code: AY4014
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: MKT08105
Title: Market Research in Practice
Credit: 20
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 326
Title: Marketing Insights
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: AY4511
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AY2006
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 110
Title: Human Past: Anthropology and Pre-historic Archaeology
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: SL3504
Credit: 30
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP08103
Title: Modern Drama
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 216
Title: Readings in Drama
Credit: 3
University of Aberdeen
Code: AT4525
Credit: 30
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: HRM09104
Title: Managing the Employment Relationship
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
City University of Hong Kong
Code: MNE2109
Title: Engineering Mechanics
Credit: 3
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM)
Code: 202
Title: Statics
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: PSY101G
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit: 6
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: SOCI10010
Title: Introducing Culture
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SOCI20077
Title: Digital Society
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: SPOL20032
Title: Child and Adolescent Psychology
Credit: 20
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 120
Title: Develpmental Psychology
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: PSYC1601
Title: Introduction to Psychology
Credit: 10
Psychology (PSY)
Code: 101
Title: General Psychology I
Credit: 3
University of Leeds
Code: 2220
Title: North-South Linkages
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 330
Title: Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South
Credit: 4
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Code: CC315
Title: Cultural Contact between China and the West
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: ENV00030I
Title: Economics of Sustainable Development
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ENV00030I
Title: Economics of Sustainable Development
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 351
Title: Resource and Environmental Economics
Credit: 4
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Global Environmental Challenges
Credit: 8
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
University of Bologna (Unibo)
Title: Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy, and Education
Credit: 4
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: T380
Title: Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy, and Education
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIMM0029
Title: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: 302
Title: Intermediate Corporate Finance
Credit: 4
University of Aberdeen
Code: AY3009
Title: Scottish Archaeology
Credit: 15
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: T380
Title: Special Topics in Anthropology
Credit: 3
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM30014
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 20
Operations Management (OPM)
Code: 200
Title: Operations Management
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: ECONM2035
Title: Asset Pricing
Credit: 15
Finance (FIN)
Code: T480
Title: Special Topics in FIN - Asset Pricing
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: MATH30014
Title: Financial Risk Management
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 323
Title: Risk Management
Credit: 4
University of Leeds
Code: PIED3207
Title: International Development and Social Policy
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 330
Title: Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South
Credit: 4
University of Bristol
Code: EFIM10029
Title: Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Credit: 20
Finance (FIN)
Code: 325
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: ECU44031
Title: Development Economics A
Credit: 10
Economics (ECON)
Code: 342
Title: Economic Development
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44640
Title: International Finance
Credit: 5
International Business (INTB)
Code: 336
Title: International Finance
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: ITL 100
Title: Introduction to Italian Language and Culture
Credit: 3
Italian (ITAL)
Code: 101
Title: Italian I
Credit: 4
Trinity College Dublin
Code: BUU44580
Title: Managing New Product Development
Credit: 5
Marketing (MKTG)
Code: 347
Title: New Product Development
Credit: 4
Universidad de Navarra
Title: Anthropology
Credit: 6
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 101
Title: Introduction to Cultural Diversity
Credit: 3
Aston University
Code: 123
Title: Intro to Environmental Engin
Credit: 6
Code: 301
Title: Intro to environmental
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: IS 320
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Credit: 4.5
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: HRM11109
Title: Leadership, Learning and Development
Credit: 20
Organizational Behavior (ORGB)
Code: 320
Title: Leadership: Theory and Practice
Credit: 4
American University of Rome
Code: POL 203
Title: An Introduction to Ethics
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 251
Title: Ethics
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ENV00031C
Title: Frontiers in Sustainability Research
Credit: 10
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 285
Title: Intro to Urban Planning
Credit: 3
Edinburgh Napier University
Code: CLP10102
Title: Postcolonial Fiction and Film
Credit: 20
English (ENGL)
Code: 204
Title: Post-Colonial Literature
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ENV00025C
Title: Environmental Geography Research
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: ENV00036I
Title: Ecological Methodology
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 201
Title: Plant and Animal Identification
Credit: 2
University of York
Code: ENV00012I
Title: Geographical Information Systems
Credit: 10
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 308
Title: GIS & Envr Modeling
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12240
Title: Environmental Management and Ethics
Credit: 5
Environmental Studies (ENSS)
Code: 340
Title: Environmental Ethics
Credit: 3
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Code: 12205
Title: Climate change – impacts, mitigation and adaptation
Credit: 5
Environmental Science (ENVS)
Code: 275
Title: Global Climate Change
Credit: 3
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: BUS 315G
Title: Women and Leadership: A Global Context
Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
Code: 240
Title: Women and Society in a Global Context
Credit: 3
University of Mannheim
Title: Gender Economic and Politics
Economics (ECON)
Code: T380
Title: Spicial Topics in ECON
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SPY00056H
Title: Health Policy & Delivery
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 405
Title: Medicine, Technology and Science
Credit: 4
EPA Brussels (Vesalius University)
Code: ECN 101G
Title: Introduction to Economics
Credit: 6
Economics (ECON)
Code: 201
Title: Principles of Microeconomics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC00040H
Title: Morbidity, Culture & Corpses
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 271
Title: Sociology of Aging
Credit: 4
International Center for Dev. Studies (ICDS) STAFF ONLY
Title: International Trade and Sustainable Development: The Experience of Latin America
International Business (INTB)
Code: 334
Title: International Trade
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: POL00044I
Title: Introduction to The Rising Powers
Credit: 10
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 330
Title: Development and Underdevelopment in the Global South
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: LAW00053H
Title: Environmental Law
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: t380
Title: Special Topics
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC 00015I
Title: Crime, Gender, & Sexuality
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 230
Title: Gender and Society
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SPY00019H
Title: Love, Intimacy and Family Policy
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 221
Title: Sociology of the Family
Credit: 4
University of York
Code: SOC00038H
Title: Sociology of the North
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 240
Title: Urban Sociology
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.007_004
Title: Korean History
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.048 003
Title: Understanding Asian Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
University of York
Code: SOC00041H
Title: The Global Transformation of Health
Credit: 20
Sociology (SOC)
Code: 313
Title: Sociology of Global Health
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: JPN320
Title: Intermediate Japanese II
Credit: 3
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: 310
Title: Introduction to Japanese Stylistics
Credit: 4
Aston University
Title: testing 345
Code: 345
Title: testing345
Credit: 3
Akita International University
Code: JAS115
Title: Traditional Japanese Arts I
Credit: 3
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Japanese
Credit: 3
Aston University
Title: testing789
Code: 789
Title: testing789
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 109.408 001
Title: topics in korean history 2
Credit: 3
History (HIST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in History II
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: L0441.001200 001
Title: Advanced English: Drama Workshop
Credit: 3
Theater (THTR)
Code: 222
Title: Theatre history II
Credit: 3
Aston University
Title: testing123
Code: 123
Title: testing345
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 206.628
Title: studies in korean culture
Credit: 3
Global Studies (GST)
Code: T280
Title: Special Topics in Global Studies
Credit: 4
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 205.403 001
Title: Topics in Sociology
Credit: 3
Sociology (SOC)
Code: T180
Title: Special Topics in Sociology
Credit: 3.0
Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Title: test
Code: 380
Title: testing
Credit: 4
Akita International University
Code: JAS380
Title: Akita Studies II
Credit: 3
Japanese (JAPN)
Code: I399
Title: Independent Study in JAPN
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.048 003
Title: Understanding Asian Philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 043.048.003
Title: understanding asian philosophy
Credit: 3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Code: 102
Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
Credit: 3
Seoul National University (SNU)
Code: 016-448-2
Title: Studies in Korean Culture
Credit: 3
Anthropology (ANTH)
Code: 212
Title: Topics in World Ethnography
Credit: 3