Get Involved
We offer many different opportunities for undergraduate students and graduate students, as well as campus organizations.
Peer Mentors
Each first-year CAN student is offered the support of a trained peer mentor. Peer mentors are volunteer students who are familiar with the ins and outs of Drexel's campus and student life. Peer Mentors meet with CAN students for 1–2 hours per week and may work on social skills, study skills, time management, job hunting, etc.; it all depends on what the CAN student prefers and determines as a goal. It is through this relationship that students model appropriate social behaviors and find ways to become more active and involved on campus. Peer mentors become an outstanding support system for our students, and we have seen many friendships and meaningful relationships flourish through this program.
If you'd like to become a peer mentor or would like more information about peer mentoring, please complete the Peer Mentor Application:
Campus Collaborations
CAN enjoys collaborating with on-campus organizations as well as academic and professional departments in creative ways for trainings, workshops, events, tables, etc. If you have an idea for a possible collaboration, feel free to email
Front Desk
The CAN front desk is staffed by student employees. If you have work-study funding and are interested in working at our office, please complete an application.
Contact Us
3210 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.