Insect olfaction; Sensory Neurobiology; Mosquito oviposition; Malaria
My research program is focused on understanding epigenetic mechanisms that govern higher order brain function via chromatin packaging in neurons.
My lab aims to understand the mechanisms that maintain healthy protein folding environment in the cell, and how they fail in neurodegenerative diseases and aging. We use genetic and live imaging approaches in a genetically tractable organism, C. elegans, as discovery tools, and apply the findings to mammalian systems.
Stream Ecology, Food Webs
Rho GTPases, regulation of actin cytoskeleton, regulation of G protein-coupled receptors by receptor kinases and arrestins
Molecular paleontology; anatomy; microbiology; SEA-PHAGES; bacteriophages; STEM education
Physiological ecology; Physiology; Modelling; Allometry.
Animal behavior, neuroecology, social insects, tropical ecology, thermal physiology
My lab, The Petrie Dish focuses its research efforts in areas including: extracellular matrix, cell motility, cytoskeleton, mechanotransduction, cell-matrix interactions, cell biology, and intracellular signaling.
Ephrins; Spinal cord injury; Neuroinflammation; Cell death; Dependence receptors; Pain
STEM Education; Effective and Inclusive Teaching; Evidence-Based Teaching; Faculty and Future Faculty Pedagogical Development; Experiential Learning; Epigenetics; Learning and Memory