Informational Sidebar

An Informational Sidebar functions similarly to a Learn More sidebar, but a link is not required. They are useful for including additional information like contacts or helpful hints.


  1. Go to your site's Extras folder. Right click the Sidebars folder and select Insert > Informational Sidebar.
  2. Give the sidebar a name; no one will see this name - it's for organizing sidebars within the Extras folder. Click OK.
  3. Enter the title, body content (text), and select an image from the Media Library.

    Informational Sidebar
  4. Save the sidebar item and Approve for Publication.
  5. Follow the directions for adding a component. The Call to Action component is located in the Select a Rendering dialog box in Sublayouts > V2 > Sidebar > Informational Sidebar.
  6. Click OK until all dialog boxes are closed.
  7. Save and approve the page for publication.