Undergraduate Admissions Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Students

How do I visit the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design?

Can I have my portfolio reviewed before I apply?

Is it possible for me to meet a current student or faculty member before applying?

Do I have to audition for any programs?

Does Westphal offer an opportunity to double major?

Where can I find a list of minors at Westphal?

What is cooperative education (co-op) at Westphal?

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

What type of pre-college courses does Westphal offer?

How can we meet with faculty and discuss my student’s program of interest?

What courses will my student be required to take in order to graduate?

Does Drexel offer help for students with disabilities?

Where can I find tuition cost?

How is the University calendar structured?

What type of housing is offered for my incoming freshman student?

What career support does Drexel provide?

Will my student need a computer to attend Westphal?

Is there a parent association at Drexel?

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