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Each of our eight graduate programs requires transcript submission, essay, resume, and letters of recommendation. Portfolio submission is only required for the MS in Design Research and the MS in Digital Media. However, prospective graduate students may elect to submit an optional portfolio if they wish to be evaluated for exemption from undergraduate prerequisites. To learn more about each program’s application requirements and view application deadlines, click on your program of interest below:

Program Degree Offered Location
Arts Administration
MS Philadelphia, Online
MS Philadelphia
Digital Media MS, PhD Philadelphia
Fashion Design MS Philadelphia
Interior Architecture & Design MS Philadelphia
Retail & Merchandising MS Online
Television & Media Management MS, MS/MBA Philadelphia
Urban Strategy MS Philadelphia

We appreciate your interest in applying to a graduate program in Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. We highly recommend that you schedule a meeting with our Westphal admissions team or a Program Director if you have any remaining questions regarding the application process. If you would like to schedule a one-on-one, please click here to fill out the online request form.


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