Grant, K., Lee, V., & Lyttle, C. (2019). White preservice and inservice teachers’ engagement with multicultural content in online courses. Multicultural Education, 26(1), 17 – 23.
Budhai, S.S., & Grant, K.S.L. (2018). First encounters, service experiences, and parting impressions: Examining the dynamics of service-learning experiences. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 22(3), 69 – 92. Retrieved from
Hill, D., Grant, K., & Stumbo, C. (2018). The recruitment and retention of teachers of color in rural and suburban contexts. In R.M. Reardon and J. Leonard (Eds.), Making a Positive Impact in Rural Places: Change Agency in the Context of School-University-Community Collaboration in Education. (pp. 59 – 78). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
Campbell, D. B., & Grant, K. (2016). Getting the house in order: Lessons from multicultural education for principals leading today’s diverse schools. Pennsylvania Educational Leadership Journal, 35(2), 55 – 68.
Lee, V., Lyttle, C., & Grant, K. (2014). Unpacking issues of diversity in online courses: Leading learners through a journey of change. Proceedings from Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning (pp. 33 – 38), Bethesda, MD.
Grant, K., & Lee, V. (2014). Wrestling with issues of diversity in online courses: Reflections by preservice and inservice teachers and teacher educators. The Qualitative Report, 19(12), 1 – 25. Retrieved from
Bornstein, J., & Grant, K. S. L. (2013). James A. Banks: A pioneer in multicultural education. In S. Totten and J. Pedersen (Eds.), Education and social issues in the 20th and 21st centuries (Volume 2). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Lee, V., Grdina, M., Lyttle, C., & Lewis, K. (2013). Effective and critical use of discussion boards: Creating an online community of learning. Proceedings from Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Bethesda, MD.
Grant, K., & Budhai, S. Transforming active parents into parent activists: A community-based organization engages African-American parents for educational reform. Paper to be submitted at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association Education, San Francisco, CA, April 2020.
Lee, V., Hoekje, B., & Grant, K. Transforming engagement practices with families of English language learners: A social justice leadership case study. Paper to be submitted at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association Education, San Francisco, CA, April 2020.
Grant, K., & Stumbo, C. Place and race: Examining the retention of teachers of color in a predominantly rural state. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Toronto, Canada, April 2019.
Grant, K., Hill, D., & Stumbo, C. Why I stay: Reflections of teachers of color in predominantly white districts. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association of Multicultural Education Conference, Kutztown, PA, March 2019.
Grant, K., & Budhai, S. Counterstories of parent involvement in urban public schools. Paper presented at the National Association of Multicultural Education, Tucson, AZ, November 2019.
Lee, V., Grant, K., & Hoekje, B. Social justice leadership and family engagement in culturally and linguistically diverse urban schools. Paper presented at the National Association of Multicultural Education, Tucson, AZ, November 2019.
Grant, K., Lee, V., Williams, V., & Hoekje, B. Making meaningful connections with linguistically and culturally diverse families. Paper presented at the Family Involvement Conference, Harrisburg, PA, October 2019.
Grant, K., Divine, Q., Budhai, S., & Rhone, K. Counterstories of Black parent activists in urban public schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York, NY, April 2018.
Grant, K., Hill, D., & Stumbo, C. Creative Corridor Center for Equity’s Focus Project: Recruitment and retention of teachers of color in Iowa. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York, NY, April 2018.
Grant, K., Budhai, S., Divine, Q., & Rhone, K. Active parent to parent activist: A critical review of research on parent involvement in urban schools. Paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Education, November 2016.
Hill, D., & Grant, K. (Re)conceptualizing "urban" in the context of changing demographics in districts and schools. Paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Education, November 2016.
Hill, D., Stumbo, C., & Grant, K. Teachers of color in rural school districts: A critical review of the literature. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL April 2016.
Wiggins, T., Grant, K., & Bornstein, J. Multicultural education and urban school partnerships: Establishing equitable relationships. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Keystone College, La Plume, PA, April 2015.
Kristine S. Lewis Grant, PhD. is a Clinical Professor of Multicultural and Urban Education. Her research interests include the recruitment and retention of teachers of color in public schools. In collaboration with Dr. Deanna Hill and Circe Stumbo (Creative Corridor Center for Equity), Dr. Grant was awarded an AERA Research Grant to convene leading scholars and policymakers in the area of the recruitment and retention of teachers of color. The primary focus of this convening is to identify future directions in research with specific attention to centering race and place. In a related partnership project, Drs. Grant and Hill received an AERA Education Service Research Practice Grant to partner with the Creative Corridor Center for Equity and examine the recruitment and retention of teachers of color in several school districts in Iowa. This research has been presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association and the International Conference for Urban Education, and published in the second volume of Making a Positive Impact in Rural Places: Change Agency in the Context of School-University-Community Collaboration in Education (2018; editors, Martin Reardon and Jack Leonard).
Dr. Grant also investigates family-school-community partnerships in urban schools. In an ongoing project, she partners with Dr. Stephanie Smith Budhai (Neumann University) to examine the transformation of African American parents from active parents to parent activists. In a separate collaboration with Drs. Vera Lee and Barbara Hoekje, she studies school's relationships with multilingual parents and families. Findings from both of these research projects have been presented at the annual meetings of the American Education Research Association and the National Association for Multicultural Education. Dr. Grant has also published articles in Multicultural Education, Sociology of Education, Journal of Research in Education, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, and The Qualitative Report.
Currently, Dr. Grant is the President of the Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association of Multicultural Education (PA-NAME). In pursuit of NAME's mission to advance and advocate for equity and social justice through multicultural education, PA-NAME hosts an annual spring conference. The theme of the 22nd Annual Conference is The Fierce Urgency of Now: Naming, Framing, and Enacting Social Change. The conference is hosted by Cabrini University's Center for Urban Education, Equity and Improvement on March 6 - 7, 2020. To learn more about PA-NAME, please visit:
Together with Sherri Manson, Dr. Grant co-chairs the School of Education's Critical Conversations in Urban Education (CCUE). CCUE's mission is to act as a vehicle to facilitate a critical ongoing dialogue between the Drexel University, its neighbors, and the broader research community. CCUE has explored a number of critical topics through a variety of engaging formats. The next major event titled #TeachersofColorMatter: Diversifying Our Classrooms for Equity and Achievement for All Students, will be held on February 6 at Drexel University. The event will feature a distinguished lecture by Dr. Donald Easton-Brooks, followed by a panel of regional scholars and policymakers. To learn more about CCUE, please visit:
Dr. Grant teaches in the Teacher Education and EdD Programs, specifically courses in diversity and equity, teacher preparation, program evaluation, and qualitative research methods.