Student Life

Undergraduate Degree Programs

At Drexel, we believe that success is the result of students collaborating, communicating, and sharing resources. We also believe that participation and engagement in the larger academic environment is important preparation for the leadership role you will assume as an educator within a school organization. Your involvement in student life on campus is an important element of your academic experience.

Throughout your studies there are many ways for you to participate and a wide variety of programs and services offered by Drexel and the School of Education.

Student life on the Drexel campus is an ongoing source of intellectual, personal, and professional support. There are more than 160 student clubs, societies, and organizations to keep you engaged and connected to like-minded students, as well as a fully equipped athletic center and a full roster of Varsity teams and intramural sports.

School of Education Student Organizations

The School of Education offers several student organizations forming a community of educators that seek to improve educational success of individuals, professional organizations and educational institutions.

  • The Future Educators of Drexel organizes social and community events. Members gain knowledge in the field of education through civic engagement.
  • The Drexel Student Council of Exceptional Children works to improve the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents in the local community.
  • Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education fosters excellence in education and promotes fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students who meet GPA and other requirements.

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