Advance Grant and Fund Numbers

Advance Grant/Fund Request

It is occasionally necessary to open and assign sponsored project grant and fund numbers in advance of receipt of the formal award notice. Use of Advance Grant and Fund Numbers may be appropriate for continuation funding or recurring annual awards, particularly those from state and local agencies, or when a sponsor allows for 90-day pre-award spending.

In order to receive an Advance Grant or Fund Number:

  1. Complete the Advance Grant and Fund Request Form [PDF] obtain all required signatures, and email it to your Pre-Award Administrator in the Office of Research. The completed form will be forwarded to the Research Accounting Services group through OR's "Pre-to-RAS handoff" process.
  2. Ensure that the Pre-Award Office has a full copy of the proposal that was submitted to the sponsor and a completed Coeus record with all required approvals in place, including the department heads and Deans for all participating investigators.
  3. Attach a copy of the sponsor's letter of intent to make the award or similar correspondence that states the approximate start and end date and estimated award amount. This correspondence can be an email between the Program Officer and the Principal Investigator stating that the award is coming.

Please note that for Clinical Trials and research involving animals or human subjects, only administrative expenditures are allowed on an Advance Grants/Funds. Expenditures related to animal or human subjects must have a fully executed agreement in place in order to incur these expenses.

Please contact your Pre Award Administrator or Research Accountant with any questions about the form or procedure.