Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions are either attached to the award document or incorporated by reference. Most sponsors incorporate terms and conditions by reference, which may be found on the web by searching for the awarding agency. The Office of Research & Innovation can help you find and recognize terms and conditions for a project award.

It is critical that you read and understand the terms. Terms and conditions also flow down to sub-recipients of contracts and grants (e.g., to subcontractors on Drexel awards), so be sure that they are also aware of their contractual obligations.

Terms and conditions often contain prior approval requirements, spending limitations and requirements for billing and reporting. They may also contain requirements for budget expenditures and unallowable costs. There may be requirements embedded for prior approvals by the sponsor before certain expenditures are allowed, for example, for foreign travel, food or equipment. Some expenditures may be specifically identified as unallowable. They also contain requirements for the submission of various reports including the technical reports that need to be submitted by the principal investigator.

Federal Research Terms and Conditions

As of March 14, 2017, new federal research terms and conditions (RTCs) have been approved. The new RTCs implement Uniform Guidance as it applies to research and research-related grants made by the federal awarding agencies specified below to institutions of higher education and non-profit organizations. While the Uniform Guidance outlines provisions that are specific to research, these terms and conditions:

  • Incorporate the entire Uniform Guidance by reference, clarifying or supplementing select provisions where appropriate and consistent with government-wide research policy.
  • Incorporate the set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in effect at the time the award is made for the Office of Management and Budget's Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR § 200 (located at cfo.gov/resources/). These FAQs are meant to provide additional context, background and clarification on the policies described in 2 CFR § 200.
  • Apply to an award when included as part of the award or when incorporated in the award by reference.

These RTCs will apply to an award when included as part of the award documentation or when incorporated by reference. Please note that additional agency-specific requirements may apply in addition to the RTCs. Your pre-award administrator can answer any questions you may have regarding the terms and conditions that apply to your award.