Review & Approve

For the purposes of the Proposal Submission Deadline Procedure, all routings are considered complete once the equivalent of the dean's level approval has been secured.

To ensure sufficient time for approval routing, we recommend that the "submit for approval" button be activated at least two (2) days prior to the internal deadline. When multiple departments or colleges are participating on a proposal, extra time should be built in to accommodate the additional approvals. Submitters should check with their individual units regarding any internal departmental policies that may be in effect for proposal review and submission at the unit level.

The principal investigator and submitting department are responsible for ensuring that the required COEUS approvals are obtained in a timely manner. Drexel VPN is required to access COEUS when off campus via a computer, laptop, smartphone or other handheld device. Approvers, including all participating faculty, are encouraged to confirm VPN access and build in time to submit/approve in advance of any planned absences. Contact Drexel University Information Technology to troubleshoot any VPN access issues.

Drexel VPN