Drexel Organization Information
Institutional information commonly required for proposals
- Legal Name: Drexel University
Office of Research & Innovation
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443 - Tax ID Number: 23-1352630
- DUNS Number: 002604817
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI in SAM.gov): XF3XM9642N96
- CAGE Number: 1JDU4
- Entity Number: 23-1352630
- Date of Tax Exemption: August 5, 1927
- Tax Exempt Number: 75-25633-4
- FICE: 003256
- SAM Registration Expiration Date: January 11, 2025
- Commonwealth of PA SAP Number: 117558-014
- City of Phila Tax ID: 1242643
- Phila Business Privilege License#: 419382
- Human Subjects Assurance Number (FWA): 00005917
- Animal Welfare Assurance Number: A3222-01
- AAALAC Continuing Accreditation: November 2012
- NAICS Codes:
- Research and Development in Nanotechology - 541713
- Research and Development in Biotechnology (Except Nanobiotechnology) - 541714
- Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (Except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) - 541715
- Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities - 541720
- Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools - 611310
- Type of Organization: Private, non-profit institution of higher education
- Organizational code: 01
- County: Philadelphia
- Congressional District: PA-003
- PA House District: PA-195
- PA Senate District: PA-007
Authorized Organizational Representatives
All Applications, Including Grants.gov
Aleister J. Saunders, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Provost for Research & Innovation
Office of Research & Innovation
Drexel University
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443
Telephone: 215-895-6091
Fax: 267-359-9026
E-mail: DUResearch@drexel.edu
Authorized Signer for Grants and Contracts
Sarah Saxton
Assistant Vice Provost, Sponsored Programs
Office of Research & Innovation
Drexel University
3250 Chestnut Street, Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3443
Telephone: 215-895-6408
Fax: 267-359-9026
E-mail: DUResearch@drexel.edu
Checks Payable to:
Drexel University
TD Bank
PO Box 95000-1090
Philadelphia, PA 19195-1090
In the Note section of the check, please be sure to specify the investigator's name.
Legal Notices
Timothy Raynor
Associate General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Drexel University
3020 Market Street, Suite 102
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 215.895.1433
Fax: 215.895.1411
F & A Rate Information
Cognizant F&A Agency: DHHS
Cohen Building - Room 1067
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20201
Contact: Ernest Kinneer, 214.767.3261
Rate Agreement Date: March 1, 2022
Cognizant Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
DCMA Philadelphia Branch Office
Attn: Commander’s Office
700 Robbins Ave, Bldg. 2D
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Cognizant Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
DCAA Pennsylvania Branch Office
Attn: Lori Aley
660 American Ave, Suite 302
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone No: 571.448.2105