
COEUS Dreams Do Come True
Effective May 1, 2018, the Office of Research will no longer require COEUS records for Non-Competing Continuations and Budget Revisions. Yes, you read that correctly. You no longer need to stay awake at night riddled with anxiety about all of those Coeus records that you have on your to-do list.
Online Training Now Availabe for eIRB COEUS
Training for eIRB COEUS is now available online.
New WIRB Submission Process
Drexel Human Research Protection (HRP) and the Western Institutional Review Board (WIRB) worked together to update the process for initial submissions to WIRB, which will incorporate Connexus, WIRB's submission portal.
DARE Seed Funding Competition
The Drexel Areas of Research Excellence (DARE) initiative will provide resources such that tow or three groups of faculty and students can each spend a year deeply engaged in an interdisciplinary research effort that spans at least three of our schools and colleges.